Child Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Earl of Tylney, extinct 1784). (Bigelly House, co. Pembroke; descended, it is presumed, from a younger son of the formerly ennobled House of Tylney, and now represented by James Mark Phillips Child, Esq., of Bigelly House). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eaglets close ar.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a bend az. three escallops of the field. Crest—An eagle wings expanded ar. entwined around the neck with a snake, whose tail is waved over his back all ppr. Supporters—Two eagles reguard. ar. each with a snake entwined round the neck as in the Crest. Motto—Imitari quam invidere.
2) (Yaxley, co. Hants and Middlesex). Same Arms. Crest—An eagle with wings expanded ar. enveloped round the neck with a snake, which he holds in the beak ppr. Motto—Imitari quam invidere.
3) (Newfield and Stallington Hall, co. Stafford, bart.). Gu. a chev. nebulee erminois betw. three eagles close ar. in the centre chief point a mullet of six points or. Crest—An eagle wings elevated ar. entwined round the neck a snake ppr. holding in the beak a cross crosslet fitchee, and each wing charged with a mullet of six points gu. Motto—Imitari quam invidere.
4) (Lambeth and Streatham, co. Surrey). Gu. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three eagles ppr. a serpent nowed betw. two ears of big wheat also ppr. Crest—An eagle’s wings expanded betw. two ears of big wheat, and holding in the beak a serpent entwined round the neck, all ppr.
5) (Surat, East Indies, and Dervill, co. Essex, bart., created 1684; extinct 1753). Vert, two bars engr. betw. three leopards’ faces or. Crest—A leopard’s face or, betw. two laurel branches ppr. Motto—Spes alit.
6) (Langley-Bury, co. Hertford). Az. a fesse embattled erm. betw. three eagles close or. Crest—An eagle with wings expanded erm. holding in the beak a trefoil slipped vert.
7) (London and Worcestershire; granted 28 Jan. 1700). Gu. a chev. engr. erm. betw. three eagles close ar. each gorged with a ducal coronet or. Crest—On a rock ppr. an eagle rising, with wings endorsed ar. gorged with a ducal coronet or, holding in the beak an adder ppr.
8) (Northwich). Gu. a fesse erm. betw. three doves ar. Crest—A dove wings open ar. with a snake twining about her neck and body or.
9) (London, and Newton, co. Northampton). Vert, two bars engr. ar. betw. three leopards’ heads or. Crest—A leopard’s head or, betw. two laurel branches ppr.
10) Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles perched or.
11) (quartered by Skefinoton, of Skefington, co. Leicester. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Erm. on a chief indented gu. three escallops or.
12) (Hooke-Child, exemplified to Albert Theodore Hooke, Esq., of Finchley New Road, co. Middlesex, upon his taking by royal licence, 1872, the name of Child, in addition to and after that of Hooke). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale gu. and sa. on a chev. invected ar. betw. two eagles close in chief, and a leopard’s face in base of the last three frets of the first, for Child; 2nd and 3rd, or, a cross parted and fretty in the first and fourth quarters an escallop, and in the second and third quarters a fleur-de-lis all az., for Hooke. Crests—Child: Upon a fret gu. an eagle, wings elevated ar. entwined round the neck by a serpent ppr. each wing charged with a trefoil slipped also gu.; Hooke: Upon a mount betw. two ears of wheat stalked and leaved or, an escallop az. Motto: Imitari quam invidere.
13) (Kinlet, co. Salop; descended from Sir William Childe, Knt., Master in Chancery, through his great-grand-daughter Katherine, dau. and co-heir of William Lacon Childe, Esq., of Kinlet, who m. Charles Baldwin, Esq., of Aqualate, M.P., whose son, William Baldwin, assumed the name and arms of his maternal ancestors). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles close ar., for Childe; 2nd, quarterly, per fesse indented erm and az., for Lacon; 3rd, ar. a saltire sa., for Baldwin. Crest—An eagle with wings expanded ar. enveloped round the neck with a snake ppr.
14) (Northwick, co. Worcester. Visit. Worcester, 1634. William Childe, of Northwick, d. 1633: he was son of William Childe, of Pensay, sheriff of the county, 1598, and grandson of William Childe, sheriff of the same county, 1585). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles close ar. Crest—An eagle, wings expanded ar. enveloped around the neck and body with a snake ppr.
