Harland Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Sproughton, co. Suffolk, bart.). Or, on a bend wavy betw. two sea-lions sa. three bucks’ heads cabossed ar. Crest—A sea-lion sa. supporting an anchor ppr. Motto—Per juga per fluvios.
2) Or, on a bend betw. two sea-lions erect on their tails az. three stags’ heads cabossed of the first. Crest—A sea-lion, as in the arms, ducally crowned or, holding betw. his paws an anchor gold, fluked sa.
3) Sa. a cross patonce or.
4) (Sutton Hall, near York). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a bend sa. cotised az. three bucks’ heads cabossed or, in the sinister chief point an escallop gu., for Harland; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, sa. and gu. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. a bordure invected counterchanged, for Hoare. Crests—1st, Harland: A demi seahorse ppr. charged on the shoulder with an escallop gu. and holding in the claws a buck’s head cabossed or; 2nd, Hoare: An eagle’s head erased sa. charged on the neck with an erm. spot or, pendent from the lower member of the beak an annulet gold. Motto—Constantia in ardua.

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