Langstaff Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Langstaff Origin:


Origins of Langstaff:

This unique surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin and is a name for a “tipstaff” (coprofessionalurt official charged with keeping order), or a “Beadle” (a minor parish official who keeps order), who usually carried a long staff as an identification of office. “Long” acquires from the Olde English pre 7th Century “lang,” and “staff” comes from “staef” which means staff, and also lightness, leanness (also an Olde English component). It would also have started as a nickname for an individually tall, thin man, following a long staff, or for a sergeant or some other officer of the law. The surname was first noted in the 13th Century, and today it is popular in North East England. The Early documentation contains as Hugo Longstaf, who noted in the Record of the Freemen of the City of Leicester in 1218, and William Longstaff, who listed in the History of Norfolk, dated 1347. In the new era, the name has three spelling varieties like Longstaff, Longstaffe, and Langstaff. Documentation from English Parish Records contains as the wedding of Agnes Langstaff and William Jeffrayson at Romaldkirke, York, in May 1580. The wedding of Edmund Langstaffe and Agnes Stevenson in November 1580, at Romaldkirk and the wedding of Ann Longstaff and James Walker in Bradford, York, in April 1625.


More common variations are: Langstaffe, Langstaf, Longstaff, Lingstaff, Langstafe, Langsteff, Langstoff, Longstaffe, Longstaf, Longstof


The surname Langstaff first appeared in Norfolk where they held a family seat from very old times. Some say well before the Norman Invasion and the coming of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 AD.

The very first recording spelling of the family was shown to be that of Richard Langstaf, dated about 1210, in the “Pipe Rolls of Westmoreland.” It was during the time of King John who was known to be the “Lackland,” dated 1199- 1216. The origin of surnames during this period became a necessity with the introduction of personal taxation. It came to be known as Poll Tax in England.


Many of the people with surname Langstaff had moved to Ireland during the 17th century.

United States of America:

Some of the individuals with the name Langstaff who arrived in the United States in the 17th century included Henry Langstaff settled in New Hampshire in the year 1630. Henry Langstaff, who arrived in New England in the year 1631.

Here is the population distribution of the last name Langstaff: United States 925; Canada 480; England 468; Australia 74; Scotland 59; New Zealand 5; Wales 3; Belgium 2; Isle of Man 2; Spain 1.

Notable People:

James Henry Langstaff was born in June in the year 1956. He is a British Anglican priest. Since December 2010, he has been Priest of Rochester. From 2004 to 2010, he was Priest of Lynn, a suffragan priest in the Diocese of Norwich.

James Langstaff Bowman, PC (October 1879–September 1951) was the first Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons from Manitoba. He had been a teacher and advocate in Dauphin, Manitoba. In the year 1917, he became the town’s administrator. He ran unsuccessfully in the 1925 and 1926 general elections for the Conservative Party. He finally won a seat in the year 1930 election that brought R.B. Bennett to power.

James Miles Langstaff (June 1825–1889) was the reeve of Richmond Hill, Ontario in 1880 and a hamlet councilor there in 1878. He was born in Richmond Hill, at the Langstaff apartment around today’s Highway 7 and Yonge Street, an area then known as Langstaff Corners. He was the son of Jon Langstaff and Lucy Miles and grandson of Abner Mills.

John Langstaff (December 1920 – December 2005), a show baritone, and early music missionary was the founder of the Northeast United States tradition of the Christmas Revels, as well as an important singer and professor. He attended the Curtis Institute of Music as well as the Juilliard.

Stuart Langstaff was a Green Party candidate in the year 2004 Canadian federal election.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

(granted to Joseph Langstaff, Esq., of Newcastle). Ar. on a bend az. betw. two pheons sa. a leopard’s face betw. two escallops or, a chief engr. gu. thereon an estoile betw. two fleurs-de-lis gold. Crest—On a serpent nowed or, in front of two palm branches in saltire vert, a stork rising ppr.
