MacDonald Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Clan MacDonald Badge
Clan MacDonald Badge

Meaning, Origin, Etymology

The MacDonald Surname means ‘descendant of Donald’ and it derives from the Scot Gaelic Mac Dhomhnuill. The origin of he first name Dhomhnuill was a nickname that means ‘world ruler’. It became one of the most popular first names being held by many Kings and one Saint. This family dominated the Hebridge between the 13th and 15th centuries from their island of Islay, they were also the Clan that held the title of Lord of the Isles. However, true MacDonalds are descendants of the Scottish clan of the name. They are one of the group of Scottish clans who claim descent from Conn of the Hundred Battles, the legendary Irish king, through Colla Uais, who colonised the Hebrides. Their name comes from Donald of Islay, one of the sons of Somhairle, Lord of Argyle. By the fifteenth century, they were the most powerful clan in Scotland, controlling the entire western coast of the country. Their involvement in Ireland was continuous from the thirteenth century, when they first arrived as gallowglasses, or mercenaries; such was their fame that they were employed in virtually every local war, spreading and settling throughout the country over the following centuries. Inevitably, their main connection remained with Ulster. They rapidly acquired territory and power on their own account, both in Ulster – branches of the family established themselves in Tyrone, Fermanagh, Monaghan and Antrim and elsewhere. Given the where and how the surname originated, the confusion with MacDonald is understandable; According to MacDonald DNA Group and Clan MacDonald the Irish MacDonalds in fact share their ancestry with most Irish McDonnells. In addition, the Antrim pronunciation of the original Irish has sometimes lead to the anglicisation MacConnell, or Connell. To complicate it even more, in Ulster the most prominent native family were the MacDonnells of Clankelly, rulers of Fermanagh. They were displaced by their loss of their power there and they settled just a bit north in the adjoining County Monaghan where many still live today. Other locations that the MacDonalds were known to live include Skye, Ardamurchan and in Glencoe where an infamous massacre occured that killed many MacDonalds that was led by the Campbells Clan.

Sir Donald Macdonald, 4th Baronet
Sir Donald Macdonald, 4th Baronet (d. 1718)
Sir Alexander Macdonald
Sir Alexander Macdonald, 9th Baronet of Sleat and 1st Baron Macdonald of Slate (1744-1795)
Armadale Castle
Armadale Castle
Alexander Wentworth MacDonald
Alexander Wentworth MacDonald, 2nd Baron Macdonald (1773-1824)
 Lady Macdonald
Louise, Lady Macdonald

Spelling Variations

MacDonald, McDonald, MacDonell, MacDonnel, MacDonel, McDonnell, McDonel,

Popularity & Geographic Distribution

The last name MacDonald ranks 2,420th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 227,400 people carry the MacDonald surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Massachusetts, California, Florida, New York, Michigan, and Washington. It ranks highest in the following countries: Canada (approx. 72,000), United States (approx. 58,000), England (approx. 25,000), Scotland (approx. 18,000), Australia (approx. 14,000), South Africa (approx. 8,000)

Sir John Alexander Macdonald
Sir John Alexander Macdonald, 1st Prime Minister of Canada (1815-1891)

Early Bearers of Surname

  • B. MacDonald (born c. 1861), American journalist
  • Alexander of Islay, Earl of Ross or “Alexander MacDonald (died. 1449)
  • Beatrice Mary MacDonald (1881–1969), American Army nurse during World War I
  • Bob MacDonald (1885–1960), Scottish-American professional golfer
  • Claude Maxwell MacDonald (1852–1915), British soldier and diplomat
  • Flora MacDonald (1722–1790), Jacobite patriot who protected Bonnie Prince Charlie after the 1746 Battle of Culloden
  • George MacDonald (1824–1905), Scottish-English author, poet, and Christian minister
  • Hector MacDonald (1853–1903), Scottish Major-General of the British Army under Lord Kitchener
  • Jacques MacDonald (1765–1840), French Duke of Tarento and Marshal of the Empire under Napoleon I (2nd generation French; father was Scottish)
  • John Alexander Macdonald (1815–1891), first Prime minister of Canada, usually referred to as John A. Macdonald.
  • John L. MacDonald (1838–1903), Scottish-American national politician
  • John MacDonald of Garth (1771–1866), early partner in the North West Company
  • John Small MacDonald (c. 1791–1849), Canadian businessman and provincial politician
  • John of Islay, Earl of Ross (1434–1503), or “John MacDonald”, Scottish ruler, Fourth Lord of the Isles and Chief of the Highland Clan Donald
  • Pirie MacDonald (1867–1942), American portrait photographer
  • Ramsay MacDonald (1866–1937), Scottish politician, twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (son of “Macdonald” father and “Ramsay” mother, registered at birth as “James McDonald Ramsay”)
  • Ranald MacDonald (1834–1894), Scottish-Chinook educator. First man to teach the English language in Japan
  • William Josiah MacDonald (1873–1946), American lawyer and national politician

History, Genealogy & Ancestry


MacDonald, Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald John James George, R.N., K.C.S.I., Chief of Clanranald, m. 12 June, 1855; the Hon. Adelaide Louisa, 2nd daughter of George 5th Lord Vernon and has issue, 1) Allan Douglas, born April 1856. 2) Angus Roderick born April 1858 3) Adelaide Effrida.

Lineage ~ The first of the race, of whom any authentic account exists, is Somerled, designed by Scottish historians Thane of Argyll, but by foreign authors and charters extant, King of the Isles, and Lord of Argyll and Kintyre. Allan MacDonald, eldest son of John, by his 1st marriage with Amie, daughter and heiress of Roderick of the Isles, and grandson of John, last King and Lord of the Isles, commanded his father’s forces at the battle of Harlaw. He was direct ancestor of Ranald MacDonald, designated Randald Gald, who, with his grandfather, Lovat, was driven from his inheritance by a rising of the clan, which declared his cousin John, the son of Alexander, and grandson of Allan M’Rory, chieftain. This insurrection led to the celebrated battle of Blairleine, fought between the Frasers and Macdonalds, in July 1544, in which the former were defeated, and Lovat, together with his eldest son, Simon, and Ranald Macdonald himself were slain. Ranald Gald never married but left three natural sons, Allan, John, and Alexander, who received from the Crown a charter of legitimation, 18 June 1555. The victory of Blairleine secured the dignity of chief to John MacDonald, of Moydart, son, as above-mentioned, of Alexander, and grandson of Allan M’Rory. This distinguished chieftan, Captain of Clanranald during the unsettled government of Queen Mary, married 1st Mariatte M’Kane, and by her had Allan, his heir, and John, ancestor of the Glenaladale family. He married 2ndly, Penelope, 2nd daughter of Sir Charles Ershine, 3rd son of Alexander, Viscount Fenton, and by her had a daughter, married John Stewart of Appin. Clanranald died 1584 and was succeeded by his son, Allan MacDonald, Captain of Clanranald, married a daughter of Macleod, of Harries, and had issue, 1) Angus who died within the lifetime of his father without issue. 2) Donald, heir to his father 3) Ranald of Benbecula, married 1st Maria, sister of Sir Donal MacDonald, of Slate, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly Margaret, daughter of Angus MacDonald, of Dunveg, by whom he had two sons. The younger, Angus Oig, was ancestor of the families of Delelca and Milton. The elder, Ranald Oig married a daughter of M’Neill, of Barra, and had born, Donald, who succeeded to Clanrenald. He married 2ndly 1653, Ann, only daughter of John Macdonald, of Clanranaldo and had by her three sons, James, Donald Oig, and Moin. 4) John of Kinlochmoydart. 5) Margaret married Donald MacAngus Macalister, of Glengarry. Clanranald died 1593, and was succeeded by his eldest survining son, Sir Donald MacDonald, of Clanranald, who was knighted by James VI at Holyrood, 1617. Sir Donald died 1619, leaving a son and successor, John MacDonald, of Clanranald, who powerfully supported King Charles against the Convenanters, and gallantly fought under Montrose. He survived to witness the Restoration, and paid his respects to King Charles, on his landing in the ship of Moray, 1660. He then retired to the Island of Uist and at an advanced age, 1670, leaving, by Moir his wife, daughter MacLeod, of Mac Leod, three daughters, Moir, wife of Lauchla MacLean of Coll; Catherine married McNeill, of Barra; and Ang. married Ranald MacDonald, of Benbecula, a son and successor, Donald MacDonald, of Clanranald, who had served with his father in the memorable campaigns of Montrose. Kilysyth, a gallant charge made by young Clanranald decided the victory, and after the ill-fated issue of Philliphaug Donald, stanch to his royal master, marched to Islay against the Campbells. In 1648, at the head of a considerable force he joined the Earl of Antrim, in Ireland, and was engaged all the engagements in that kingdom, until the defeat of the King’s army in the Queen’s Company, where he and Glengarry was taken prisoners. Clanranald married Marion, daughter of John McLeod of Mac Leod, and had, with a daughter, Margaret married Donald Macdonald, of Benbecula, two sons, Allan, his heir; and Ranald, successor to his brother. He died 1686, and was succeeded by his son, Allan MacDonald, of Clanranald, who, firm to the cause of the Stuarts, summoned his clain in aid of Dundee, and with his tutor, Macdonald of Benbecula, mainly contributed to the victory at Killierankie. When al hope of success for King James expired, young Clanranald refused to take the oaths to the new Government, and retired with his brother, Ranald, to France, where he completed his education, and became one of the most accomplished gentlemen of his time. After residing some years at the Court of St. Germains, he obtained a commission under the Duke of Berwick, and in a foreign land, and in a foreign service, preserved his name unsullied. When peace was restored, he went again to St. Germains, and thence returned to Scotland, and fixed his residence at Ormiclate House, in South Uist. In this, one of the remotest of the Western Isles, he hoped to enjoy rest and tranquility, after the storms and vicissitudes of his earl life. But the calm was of brief continuance. No sooner had the Earl of Mar raised his standard in 1715 than Clanranald hastened from Uist with his followers, and summoning his vassals of Arisaig and Moydart, joined the Chevalier’s army with a considerable force. In all the subsequent operations he took part, and at length sealed his devotion to the Stuart cause by his heroic death at Sheriffmuir, leading the right wing of Mar’s army. On that fatal occasion it was, that Glengarry, stepping forward exclaimed “Revenge to-day, mourning to-morrow”. Clanranald was universally esteemed and respected by friend and foe, and his memory is still fondly cherished in the Highlands. He married while in France, Penelope, daughter of Colonel Mackenzie Governor of Tangier under Charles II, but had no issue. His brother and heir, Ranald MacDonald died unmarried at St. Germains, 1725, when the succession devolved on his cousin, Donald MacDonald of Benbecula, who took no part in the insurrection of ’15, but resided in retirement at Benbecula, until, at the decease of Ranald, he became chieftain, as nearest heir male. He married 1st Margaret, daughter of Donald MacDonald, of Clanranald, by whom he had a son, Ranald, his heir; and 2ndly, Margaret, daughter of George Mackenzie, Esq. of Kildun, by whom he had Alexander, who obtained the estate of Boisdale; and Anne, wife of Lochian M’Kinnon, of Strathuradale, Clanranald died 1730, and was succeeded by his son, Ranald MacDonald, of Clanranald, born 1692; married Margaret, daughter of William Macleod, of Bernera, and had two sons and one daughter Ranald, his heir; Donald, an officer of high reputation in the British service, killed with General Wolfe at Quebec; and Margaret, who died unmarried. The eldest son, Ranald MacDonald, became, during his father’s lifetime, an able actor in the rising of 1745. He fought at Gladsmuir, marched with Prince Charles into England, and was severely wounded at Culloden. He joined Prince Charles at Paris, and obtaining military employment from the French Government, became Aide-de-camp to Marshal Saxe. He married 1st Mary daughter of Lord Basil Hamilton (younger son of the Duke of Hamilton), eventually Earl of Selkirk, and by her, who died 11 May 1750, he had one son, Charles James Somerledd, of the ancient family of Mackinnon of that Ilk, and by her had issue, John, his heir; James, an officer of rank in the army; Margaret, who died unmarried; Mary, who died unmarried; Penelope married Lord Belhaven and Stenton. The eldest son, John MacDonald, of Clanranald, captain 22nd Dragoons, Macqueen, of Braxfield, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland; and the former of whom only he had issue, Reginald George, his heir; Robert Johnstone, and Donald. Clanranald died 1791. His eldest son, Reginald George MacDonald, 25th Captain and Chief of Clanranald, J.P. and D.L., at one time M.P. for Plympton born Aug. 1788; married 1st April 1812, Lady Caroline Anne Edgecumbe, 2nd daughter of Richard, 2nd Earl of Mount Edgeumbe, and by her (who died 10 April, 1824) had issue, 1) Reginald John George James, present representative 2) Caroline Sophia married 8 Sept. 1842, Hon. Charles Henry Cust, 2nd son of John, 1st Earl of Brownlow. 3) Emma Hamilin married 21 April, 1840, Hon. and Rev. Alfred Wodehouse, youngest son of John, 2nd Lord Wodehouse; and died 1851. 4) Louisa Emily, married 1st Charles william Marsham, Esq.. eldest surviving son of Robert Marsham, Esq. of Stratton Strawless, County Norfolk; and 2ndly 4 Dec. 1856, Col. Hugh Fitz Roy, Grenadier Guards, son of Lord henry Fitz Roy. 4) Flora (Hon.) Maid of Honour to H.M. the Queen. 5) Sarah Anne, married 1848 Baron Porcelli, a Sicilian Nobleman. Clanranald married 2ndly, Anne, daughter of William Cunningham, Esq., and widow of Richard Barry Dunning, Lord Ashburton (who died 8 July 1835); and 3rdly November 1845, Elizabeth Rebecca Newman. He died 1873.


MAcDonald, John Andrew, Esq. of Glenaladale, County Inverness, J.P. and D.L., County Inverness, J.P. County Argyll, Major in the Inverness Militia, born 29 July 1837; married 30 July 1862, Helen Mary, elder daughter of Edward Chaloner, Esq. of Liverpool, which lady died without issue 14 March, 1864.

Prince Edward Island
1775 map of Prince Edward Island

Lineage ~ The Glenaladale family is the oldest endet of the Clanranald family. John MacDonald, of Glenalsdale, the 2nd son of John Moidartach MacAlister, the chief of Clanranald, who died 1584, had one son, Alexander MacDonald, of Glenaladale, who married and left four sons, Rory; Alexander; Allan; and Ranald. The eldest, Rory of Roderick MacDonald, of Glenaladale, left two sons, Angus and John. Angus dying without issue his brother, John MacDonald, succeeded at Glenaladale; he married and had eight sons, John, Angus, of Borrodale, whose son Alexander succeeded to Glenaladale; Alexander; Allan; Ranald; James; Rory; and Donald; and several daughters. The eldest son, John MacDonald, of Glenaladale, had two sons, Alexander and John. The elder son, Alexander MacDonald of Glenaladale, had John, Augustin, Donald, and several sons who died in infancy, and three daughters. The eldest son, John MacDonald of Glenaladale, married and had four sons, William, Donald, John and Rory; and one daughter. He formed a project of leaving Scotland, and establishing his family in Prince Edward’s Island, North America, where he had purchased a tract of land; he accordingly resolved to leave the kingdom and sold and made over his estate to his cousin and nearest kin, Alexander MacDonald, eldest surviving son of Angus of Borrodale, 2nd son of John, the 4th laird of Glenaladale, by which this Alexander became proprietor of the estate of the the Glenaladale family in Scotland. He married and had three sons, John; Alexander; and Angus; the eldest and youngest havind died in their infancy, the 2nd, Alexander MacDonald of Borrodale, 2nd son of John, 4th laird of Glenaladale, succeeded him. He married 1792, Jane, daughter of Alexander McNab of Inishewen, County Perth, and by her (who died 1827) had issue, 1) Angus, late of Glenaladale. 2) Alexander married Margaret Watson, and has issue 3) John, Lieutenant-Colonel late H.E.I.C.S., severely wounded in the Indian mutiny, married 1848, Helen Morgan, and by her (who died 1855) had issue. 4) Donald (Rev.) 5) Clementine died 1874 6) Catherine 7) Margaret married Colin Chisholm, of Inverness, who died 1877. She died 1868, leaving issue. 8) Jane died 1874. John Macdonald who died 1830 was succeeded by his son, Angus MacDonald, of Glenaladale, born 1793; married 1836, Mary younger daughter of Hugh Watson, late of Torsonce, Midlothian and by her left issue, 1) John Andrew, now of Glenaladale. 2) Hugh Joseph (Rev) born 1841. 3) Angus (Rev.) B.A. London born 1844. 4) Mary Margaret a Nun 5) Jane Veronica. Mr. MacDonald died 1870.


MacDonald, William MacDonald Coloquhoun Farquharson, Esq., F.R.S.E. and F.R.G.S., of St. Martin’s Abbey, County, Perth, and Rossie Castle, Montrose, J.P. and D.L., Lieut-Colonel Command. Perthshire Highland Rifle Volunteers, and Archer of H.M. Scottish Body Guard, born 26 May 182; married 26 June 1849, Hon. Clara Anne Jane Brownlow, 2nd daughter of Roderick McNeill of Barra and has issue 1) Montagu Wiliam MacDonald, Lieut. Grenadier Guards, Lieut. Forfar Militia, and Capt. Perthshire Volunteers, born 15 Jan. 1851. 2) Charles Brownlow, Lieut. R.N. born 15 Nov. 1855. 3) Harry 72nd Highlanders, born 6 Feb. 1858. 4) Francis Roderick born 14 Nov. 1871. 5) Emily Jane born 15 May 1853. 6) Alice Clara Mary born 9 June 1862.

St. Martin Abbey
St. Martin Abbey

Lineage ~ This branch of the great clan Macdonald settled on the DeeSide, after the Lord of the Isles engaged the King’s forces at the battle of Harlaw, 1414. There seems to be no authentic account of the heads of this branch of the Macdonalds till 1630, when mention is made of Alexander MacDonald, known by the name of Marcus. His great-great-grandson, James MacDonald, of Ranathan, born 1702, married 1731, Helen, daughter and heiress of Ludovic Grant, of Tullach, and had, with other issue, William his heir, Christina, eldest daughter married John Farquharson, Esq., a military officer, a descendant of Findlamore, and had a son, James Alexander Farquharrson, General in the army, Governor of St. Lucia born 1775; married Rebecca, daughter and coheir of Sir George Coquhoun, Bart of Tully Colquhoun. She was born 1777 and died 1855. He died 1834, aged 28, leaving issue, William MacDonald Farquharson Colquhoun, now of St. Martin’s. Charlotte Grace daughter unmarried. Fanny Maria married 1851, Rev. Valentine Grantham Faithfull, M.A. Incumbent of Trinity Church, Edinburgh, and has Robert Colquhoun; Clare Rebecca; and Ida Valentine. James Macdonald died 1776, aged 74, and was succeeded by his son, William MacDonald of Ranathban and St. Martin’s born 1732; married daughter of Kinloch, of Kilrog and Logle, and left a son, William MacDonald, who succeeded his father 1814. He married 1803; Grizel, eldest daughter of Sir William Miller, Bart. of Gleeulee, Lord Glenlee, and dying 1841, was succeeded by his cousin, William MacDonald Farquharson Colquhoun MacDonald, now of St. Martin’s.


McDonald, Alastair Mac Lan, of Dalchosnie, and Dunalastair, County Perth, born March 22, 1830, Major-General in the Army A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge.

Keppoch House
Keppoch House

Lineage ~ This family, distinguished by the gallant military services of it’s members, descends, through the MacDonalds of Keppoch, from Alexander, son of John, Lord of the Isles, by the Lady Margaret his wife, daughter of King Robert II of Scotland. The great-great grandfather of the present representative, Alexander McDonald, Esq. of Dalchosnie, born 1696 an officer in the the Highland army, fell at Culloden 1746. He married 1718, Janet, daughter of James Stewart, Esq. progenitor of the Stewarts of Tempey, Lepintullich, and Crossmount, and by her had (with a daughter Barbara, who died unmarried 1819 aged 92) three sons, Allan, killed in action without issue; John of whom presently; and Donald, Writer to the Signet, who died without issue. The 2nd son, John MacDonald, Esq. of Dalchosnie, born 1721, served as an officer in the Highland Army 1745-6. He married 1761, Mary daughter of Robert Menzies, Esq. of Glassie, County Perth, and by her had (with numerous ofther children, all of whom died unmarried), 1) Alexander, his eldest son born August 12, 1762; a Major in the army; married November 11, 1787, Elizabeth daughter of Alexander Menzies, Baron of Balfracks, County Perth, and predeceased his father July 1803, having had issue i) John, late representative ii) Alexander, Lieut. 92nd Highlanders died unmarried October 5, 1813 of wounds received at the Pass of Maya July 25 preceding. iii) William, Lieut. 81st regt. died unmarried 1839. iv) Donald, late a Capt. in the 68th regt. died unmarried 1835. v) James, Capt. 92nd Highlanders duied unmarried 1840. vi) Mary Anne died 1807 aged 10. 2) Donald (the 5th son), a very distinguished officer, commanded the 92nd Highlanders at Waterloo. 3) Robert (Rev.) the 11th son. Mr. McDonald died 1809 was succeeded by his grandson, Sir John McDonald, K.C.B., of Dalehosnie and Dun Alastair. J.P., Gen. in the army, and Col. 92nd Highlanders, born September 10, 1788; married Septemeber 12, 1826, Adriana, eldest daughter of the late James McInroy, Esq. of Lude, Perthshire and had issue, 1) Alastair MacIan, now of Dalchosnie, 2) John Allan late Capt. 92nd Highlanders born March 22, 1834. 3) Charles William, Capt. 93rd Highlanders born October 15, 1835; killed inside the breach at the assault of the Begum’s Palace at Lucknow, March 11, 1837. 4) Elizabeth Moore Menzies 5) Adriana 6) Jemima. Sir John McDonald became representative of the Keppoch branch of the MacDonalds before his death, by the decease of some of it’s remaining descendants. He died June 27, 1866.


MacDonald, William Bell, Esq. of Rammerscales, County Dumfries, born January 9, 1845; succeeded his father 1862, Capt. 1st regt. (Royal Scots.)

Lineage ~ Donald MacDonald born 1665, a cadet of the family of Boisdale, was Lieut. of the MacDonald Highlanders at the battle of Killiecrankie under his cousin, Benbecula, and his elaymore and silver cruaich are still retained in good preservation; he married 1712 Miss MacLean of Torloisk, in Mull, a family now merged in the English marquessate of Northampton, and had issued, Donald born 1715; Allan born 1717 died unmarried 1797; Archibald, drowned when a boy, in endeavouring to save a companion, in the river Clyde. The eldest son, Donald MacDonald, Esq. an officer in Prince Charles’s army 1745, married Miss Payne, granddaughter of Carlyle of Brydekirk, and Brakenquhate, Dumfriesshire, representative of Carlyle, Lord Carlyle of Torthorwald, and had issue, 1) Allan born 1755 died unmarried; Lieut 76th regt. MacDonald Irelanders. 2) Donald born 1759 of whom presently. 3) Archibald born 1761 in the army, who was taken prisoner and put to death in India, by TippoSaib. He died unmarried. 4) Janet married W. Cutherbertson, Esq. of Glasgow, and had issue. The 2nd but elder surviving son, Donald MacDonald, Esq. born 1753 married Mary sister of William Bell, Esq. of Rammerscales and had issue 1) William Bell lat of Rammerscales 2) Margaret. William Bell MacDonald Esq. of Rammerscales, J.P. born December 26, 1807 succeeded his maternal uncle, William Bell, Esq. of Rammerscales 1837; married March 20, 1839, Helen daughter of Thomas Johnstone, Esq. of Underwood and had issue. 1) William Bell, now of Rammerscales. 2) Donald born August 30, 1846. 3) Thomas Johnstone born September 16, 1851 4) Harriet Allan 5) Mary Alicia Bell born 1869. He died 1862


MacDonald, Donald, Esq. of Sandside House, County Caithness, J.P. and D.L. late Capt. Royal Engineers born September 2, 1791; married October 26, 1826, Lady Ramsay Maule, 5th daughter of Lord Panmure, and sister of Fox, Earl of Dalhousie, and by her had issue, 1) William Donald, Lieut.-Col. in the army, and later Major 93rd Highlanders, born September 15, 1827; married 1860 Emma Anne Elizabeth, daughter of the late Colin Lindsay, Esq. 2) Henry born December 3, 1831 3) John Crauford born August 7, 1833 4) Arthur Ramsay born June 30, 1835 5) Dudley Ward born June 8, 1840 6) Mary 7) Patricia deceased.

Lineage ~ Donald MacDonald, Esq., Col. in the army, and Brig-Gen. in North America, whose family came origninally from the Isle of Skye, married Jane Aitken, and had (with three daughters 1) Jane married P.G. Craufurd, Esq. 2) Susan 3) Ann) and only one son, John MacDonald, Esq., Col. Royal Marines married 1789, Mary eldest daughter or Willian Innes, Esq. of Sandside, by Mary his wife, daughter of Sheldon Cradock, Esq. of Hartforth, County, York, and had one son, Capt. Donald MacDonald, R.E. of Sandside; and two daughters, Mary and Jane married James Bridges, Esq.

Angus MacDonald
Angus McDonald, Scottish-American Military Officer, Sheriff & Virginia landowner (1727-1778)

Early American Immigration and New World Settlers

  • Alastair Macdonald, who landed in Baltimore, Maryland in 1803
  • Archibald MacDonald, who arrived in America in 1760-1763
  • Daniel MacDonald, who landed in Virginia in 1731
  • Daniel Macdonald, who settled in New Jersey sometime between 1730 and 1749
  • James Macdonald, who landed in North Carolina in 1772
  • Moore MacDonald, who arrived in New York, NY in 1811
  • Norman and Elizabeth Macdonald, and their two children who settled in Georgia in 1741
  • Robert MacDonald, who arrived in New York, NY in 1811
  • Thomas MacDonald, who arrived in New York, NY in 1816
  • William MacDonald, who arrived in New York, NY in 1811


  • Arolla. Macdonald, of Dalchosnie, co. Perth. This word is inscribed on the banner which forms part of the crest grunted to (Job John Macdonald, C. B , in commemoration of the good service rendered by him at that place.
  • Coelestia sequor. I follow heavenly things.
  • Craggan phithich. The rock of the raven.
  • Cuidich an high. Assist the king.
  • Cuislcan mo cridhe. The pulsation of my heart.
  • Dhandeon co heiragh ali. In spite of who would gainsay.
  • My hope is constant in thee. Macdonald. These words were used by Robert Bruce to the Lord of the Isles at the battle of Bannockburn, and arc expressive of the confidence which he placed in that chief in spite of the insinuations of his nobles. Sir Walter Scott alludes to this in the “ Lord of the Isles” when Bruce says,— “ Lord of the Isles, my trust in thee Is firm as Ailsa rock.”
  • Nec tempore, nec fato. Neither by time nor fate.
  • Per mare, per terras. By sea and land.
  • Pro rege in tyrannos. For the king against tyrants.
  • Sure. Macdonald. Crest— A tower upon a rock.
  • Toujours pret, or prest. Always ready.
  • Victoria cel mors. Victory or Death.
James William Bosville-Macdonald
Lieutenant-General James William Bosville-Macdonald, son of 3rd Baron (1810-1882)


  • Macdonald to Bosvile, Godfrey, s. of Baron [Macdonald, of] Slate [co. Antrim], of CO. York, [11 April 1814] Vol. XXVIII, fol. 82. Quarterly Arms, fol. 85. Lieut.-Col. (in Portuguese infantry)
  • Macdonald after Bosvile, [1824] Vol. XXXV, fol Maj.-Gen. and Barou Macdonald, [1824] Vol. XXXV, fol. 11.
  • Macdonald to Bosvile, [1833] Vol. XXXIX, fol. 228. Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. (Sir) John, of Dalhousie, co. Perth, Scotland, [1829] Vol. XXXVII, fols. 297 and 299. „ Gen. Sir John, G.C.B. [17 Sept. 1847], Adjutant-General of the Forces. Supporters, [1849] Vol. XLIX, fol. 156.
  • MacDonnell (Countess of Antrim), late Phelps [Edmund Phelps, her 2nd husband, 1817], of Ireland. Quarterly Arms, [1817] Vol. XXX, fol. 215, GUANTEES OF AUMS, 1687 -J 89$. 239
  • MacDonnell, late Kerr, [1836, 4th] Earl of Antrim, of Ireland, [1836] Vol. XLI, fol. 3i5 ; [1855, 5th Earl] Vol. LI, fol. 3i7.


  • Albert McDonald (1930–2014), American politician
  • Allan Macdonald (1794–1862), New York politician
  • Ambrose Stephen McDonald (1845–1913), American businessman and politician
  • Amy MacDonald (writer) (born 1951), American writer and journalist
  • Amy Macdonald (born 1987), Scottish singer/songwriter
  • Amy McDonald (footballer) (born 1985), Scottish football player/coach
  • Andy McDonald (born 1977), Canadian professional ice hockey player
  • Archibald ‘Archie’ James Florence Macdonald (1904–1983), British Liberal MP
  • Audra McDonald (born 1970), American actress and singer
  • Barbara Macdonald, (1913–2000), social worker, lesbian feminist and ageism activist
  • Leslie Macdonald (1856–1929), Australian racehorse owner
  • Callum Macdonald (publisher) (1912–1999), Scottish publisher who specialised in poetry
  • Captain Murdo Stewart MacDonald (1852–1938) the last Sea Baron and Lloyds Surveyor of Shipping
  • Charles B. Macdonald (1855–1939), American golfer, introduced the first 18-hole course in the United States (2nd generation American, born to Scottish father and Canadian mother)
  • Chris McDonald (footballer) (born 1975), Scottish footballer
  • Christopher McDonald (actor) (born 1955), American actor
  • Clayton McDonald (born 1988), English footballer
  • Country Joe McDonald (born 1942), American musician and activist
  • Dame Mary Macdonald (born 1950), Head Teacher, honoured for Services to Education
  • Daniel McDonald (actor) (1960–2007), American actor
  • David Tennant (born David John McDonald, 1971), Scottish actor
  • Donald Alexander Macdonald (1817–1896), Canadian national politician
  • Dwight Macdonald (1906–1982), American writer, editor, social critic, philosopher, and political radical.
  • Eleanor Josephine Macdonald (1906–2007) pioneer American cancer epidemiologist and cancer researcher
  • Eugene F. McDonald (1886–1958), American entrepreneur, founder of Zenith Radio
  • Flora MacDonald (1722—90) helped Bonnie Prince Charlie escape from the Hebrides dressed in her maid’s clothes. The British briefly imprisoned, then pardoned, her.
  • Harl McDonald (1899–1955), American composer, pianist, conductor and teacher
  • Harry Macdonough (born John Macdonald, 1871–1931), Canadian singer and recording executive
  • Hugh McDonald (American musician) (born 1950), American musician, bassist
  • Ian G. Macdonald (born 1928), English mathematician, a prominent contributor to algebraic combinatorics
  • Ian Macdonald (Australian politician) (born 1945), Australian national politician
  • Ian Macdonald (New South Wales politician) (born 1949), Australian state politician
  • Ian McDonald (author) (born 1960), English science fiction novelist (residence in Northern Ireland)
  • Ian McDonald (musician) (born 1946), English rock musician
  • Jack Macdonald (sportsman) (1908–1982), New Zealand rower
  • Jack McDonald (ice hockey, born 1887) (died 1958), Canadian professional ice hockey player
  • Jacques-Alexandre MacDonald (1765—1840) had a brilliant career as one of Napoleon’s top generals (his winter crossing of the Alps was favorably compared to Napoleon’s own crossing of the St Bernard Pass). Arrested for anti- Bonapartist plots, he was regarded as so indispensable that he was pardoned and recalled to duty when France was threatened by Austria. He went on to be a Marshal of Empire and member of the Legion of Honour.
    Jacques MacDonald
    Jacques MacDonald (1765-1840)
  • James David Macdonald (ornithologist) (1908–2002), British and Australian ornithologist
  • James David Macdonald (politician) (born 1922), Canadian politician
  • James Grover McDonald (1886–1964), American diplomat, first Ambassador to Israel
  • John Alexander Macdonald (Prince Edward Island politician) (1874–1948), Canadian national politician
  • John Macdonald (Canadian politician) (1824–1890), Scottish-Canadian merchant, churchman, philanthropist and national politician
  • John McDonald (born 1974), American professional baseball player
  • John McDonald (of Dromod) (1846 – aft. 1911), Irish cultural nationalist poet from county Leitrim
  • John Michael Macdonald (1906–1997), Canadian national politician
  • John Sandfield Macdonald (1812–1872), Canadian national politician, First Premier of Ontario
  • John Smyth Macdonald (1867–1941), British physiologist
  • Kelly Macdonald (born 1976), Scottish actress
  • Kevin Macdonald (director) (born 1967), Film director (The Last King of Scotland, Touching the Void)
  • Kevin McDonald (born 1961), Canadian comedian and actor
  • Kevin McDonald (footballer, born 1985), English footballer
  • Kevin McDonald (footballer, born 1988), Scottish footballer
  • Lanny McDonald (born 1953), Canadian professional ice hockey player
  • Larry McDonald (1935–1983), a member of the United States House of Representatives
  • Laurier McDonald (born 1931), Texas Attorney, Historian, Author
  • Lawrence Macdonald (1799–c.1870), Scottish sculptor
  • Mac McDonald (born 1949), American actor
  • Mackenzie McDonald (born 1995), American tennis player
  • Margaret Mary Macdonald (1910–1968), Canadian national politician
  • Margaret McDonald (voice actress) (born 1988), American voice actress
  • Marie McDonald (1923–1965), American film actress
  • Mark McDonald (politician) (born 1980), Scottish politician
  • Martha McDonald (born 1964), American artist
  • Maurice McDonald (1902–1971), American fast food pioneer and co-founder of McDonald’s
  • Meg McDonald (footballer) (born 1991), Australian rules footballer
  • Michael McDonald (singer) (born 1952), American singer
  • Neil McDonald (footballer) (born 1965), former English professional footballer turned coach
  • Nene Macdonald (born 1994), Papua New Guinean Rugby League player
  • Norm Macdonald (born 1963), Canadian comedian/actor
  • Parker Lee McDonald (1924-2017), American judge
  • Richard McDonald (1909–1998), American fast food pioneer and co-founder of McDonald’s
  • Rod McDonald (footballer, born 1967), English footballer
  • Rod McDonald (footballer, born 1992), English footballer
  • Ross Macdonald (born 1989), bassist for the 1975
  • Roy McDonald (poet) (born 1937), Canadian poet and busker
  • Roy McDonald (politician) (born 1946), New York State Senator
  • Sandy McDonald (1937–2016), Scottish Minister of the Church of Scotland
  • Scott McDonald (born 1983), Australian footballer
  • Shauna Macdonald (born 1981), actress
  • Shawn McDonald (born 1978), American Christian singer, songwriter and guitarist
  • Simon McDonald (diplomat) (born 1961), Permanent Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • Sir Arthur McDonald (1903–1996), British West Indian-English Royal Air Force Air Marshal
    Sir Hector Archibald MacDonald
    Major General Sir Hector Archibald MacDonald (1853-1903)
  • Sir Hector MacDonald (1853—1903) distinguished himself in the Afghan War, the Boer War and the Sudan where, as a major-general in command of Egyptian troops, he became a national hero and was voted Parliament’s thanks.
  • Sir John A. Macdonald (1815–1891), Scottish-Canadian national politician, first Prime Minister of Canada
  • Sir Ken Macdonald QC (born 1953), British barrister, Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service (2003–2008)
  • Sir Trevor McDonald (born George McDonald, 1939), Trinidadian-born British news presenter
  • Susan Marshall McDonald (1918–1992), philatelist of Ohio
  • Ian McDonald (1933–2006), New Zealand neurologist, academic, ans specialist in multiple sclerosis
  • Walt McDonald (born 1934), American poet, academic, Poet Laureate of Texas
  • Wesley L. McDonald (1924–2009), United States Navy Four Star Admiral and Naval Aviator
  • Whitey McDonald (1902–1956), Canadian Soccer Player
  • William Alexander Macdonald (fl. 1890s), Canadian provincial politician
  • William Christoper Macdonald (1831–1917), Scottish-Canadian tobacco manufacturer, philanthropist
  • William Jesse McDonald (1852–1918), leader of the Texas Ranger Division and bodyguard to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
  • William Joseph McDonald (1904–1989), Irish-born American Catholic bishop
  • William Ross Macdonald (1891–1976), Canadian national politician (2nd generation Canadian born to Scottish immigrant father)

American Revolution Veterans

  • Alex McDonald Rank of Private
  • Alex McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Sergeant Major
  • Alexander McDonald enlisted January 11, 1776 in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • Alexander McDonald enlisted June 28, 1775 in New York.
  • Alexander McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Corporal
  • Alexander McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Sergeant
  • Alexd McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Alexdr McDonald Rank of Corporal
  • Alexdr McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Pd
  • Alexdr McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Alexr McDonald enlisted February 23, 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Alexr McDonald enlisted in New York
  • Alexr McDonald enlisted in Virginia
  • Alexr McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Allexr McDonald enlisted in Virginia.
  • Andrew McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Angar McDonald enlisted January 1775 in Pennsylvania
  • Angas McDonald enlisted February 1776 in Pennsylvania
  • Angas McDonald enlisted March 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Corporal
  • Ange McDonald enlisted in Virginia
  • Angus McDonald enlisted January 13, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Anzan McDonald enlisted January 8, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Archibald McDonald enlisted December 1, 1776 in Maryland
  • Arthur McDonald enlisted in North Carolina. Rank of Private
  • Barnard McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Ensign
  • Barthw McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Private
  • Benjamin McDonald enlisted January 12, 1776 in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • Briant McDonald enlisted in Massachusetts.
  • Cath McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania.
  • Charles McDonald enlisted in Connecticut. Rank of Corporal
  • Charles McDonald enlisted in Connecticut. Rank of Corporal
  • Charles McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania.
  • Charles McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania.
  • Charls McDonald enlisted in Connecticut. Rank of Corporal
  • Collin McDonald enlisted in New York.
  • Corl McDonald enlisted in New Jersey.
  • Cornelius McDonald enlisted January 12, 1776 in New Jersey, Rank of Private
  • Corns McDonald enlisted in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • Corr McDonald enlisted in New Jersey.
  • Cors McDonald enlisted in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • Danen McDonald Rank of Corporal
  • Daniel McDonald Rank of Sergeant
  • Daniel McDonald enlisted October 3, 1776 in New York
  • Daniel McDonald enlisted in Maryland.
  • Daniel McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Darby McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania
  • David McDonald enlisted July 1776 in Pennsylvania
  • David McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania
  • Donald McDonald enlisted in New York
  • Donald McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Ensign
  • Donald McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Duncan McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Corporal
  • Edward McDonald enlisted in New York. Rank of Private
  • Edward McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Elishie McDonald enlisted December 1, 1776 in Maryland. Rank of Corporal
  • Gear McDonald enlisted August 5, 1775 in New Jersey. Rank of 2nd Master Sergeant
  • George MacDonald enlisted May 1779 in New Jersey. Rank of Quartermaster Sergeant
  • George McDonald enlisted February 1, 1775 in Maryland
  • George McDonald enlisted September 1776
  • Godfrey McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Hugh McDonald Rank of Gun
  • Hugh McDonald Rank of Mattr
  • Hugh McDonald enlisted December 17, 1776 in New York
  • James McDonald enlisted January 31, 1775 in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • James McDonald enlisted June 28, 1775 in New York
  • James McDonald enlisted September 30, 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • James McDonald enlisted in Maryland
  • James McDonald enlisted in New Jersey. Rank of Private
  • James McDonald enlisted in New York. Rank of 2nd Master Sergeant
  • James McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Jams McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Private
  • Jas McDonald enlisted December 1, 1775 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Jno McDonald Jr. enlisted in Virginia
  • Jno McDonald enlisted July 1, 1775 in Virginia.
  • Jno McDonald enlisted March 4, 1775 in Virginia
  • Jno McDonald enlisted November 4, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Jno McDonald enlisted in New York
  • Jno McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald Junior enlisted March 1, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald Senior enlisted March 1, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted April 11, 1776 in Delaware. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted August 3, 1775 in New York
  • John McDonald enlisted August 4, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted August 6, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted August 6, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Sergeant
  • John McDonald enlisted December 24, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted February 1, 1775 in Maryland
  • John McDonald enlisted February 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted February 4, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted January 1775 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted June 1776. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted March 1, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted March 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted May 2, 1775 in Virginia. Rnak of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted November 20, 1776 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald enlisted October 13, 1775 in Virginia.
  • John McDonald enlisted October 17, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Sergeant
  • John McDonald enlisted October 5, 1775 in Virginia
  • John McDonald enlisted in Maryland
  • John McDonald enlisted in New York
  • John McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Fife
  • John McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted in South Carolina. Rank of Sergeant
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Cadet
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Captain
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Captain
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Corporal
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of D.M.
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of D.W.
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Quartermaster
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Sergeant
  • John McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Sergeant
  • Martin McDonald enlisted September 1, 1776 in Maryland
  • Michael McDonald enlisted October 28, 1775 in New Jersey. Rank of Corporal
  • Michael McDonald enlisted in New York. Rank of Drum and Fife
  • Michl McDonald enlisted Pennsylvania. Rank of Fifer
  • Pal McDonal enlisted in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Pat McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania.
  • Patrick McDonald enlisted February 1776 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Patrick McDonald enlisted January 1775 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Patrick McDonald enlisted June 28, 1775 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania
  • Pet McDonald enlisted in virginia
  • Peter McDonald enlisted June 28, 1775 in New York
  • Peter McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Philip McDonald enlisted September 1776. Rank of Corporal
  • Randal McDonald enlisted December 1, 1776 in New Hampshire
  • Randle McDonald enlisted February 8, 1776 in New Jersey
  • Robert McDonald enlisted September 14, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Corporal
  • Robt McDonald enlised in Rhode Island
  • Robt McDonald enlisted October 1776 in Pennsylvania
  • Robt McDonald enlisted in Pennsylvania
  • Rod McDonald enlisted September 3, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • Roger McDonald enlisted November 10, 1775 in Virginia.
  • Ronald McDonald enlisted in New York
  • Thomas McDonald enlisted December 1, 1776 in Maryland
  • Thomas McDonald enlisted in North Carolina. Rank of Private
  • Urent McDonald enlisted August 4, 1775 in Virginia. Rank of Private
  • William McDonald enlisted 1776 in New Jersey
  • William McDonald enlisted November 23, 1776 in New Jersey. Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
  • William McDonald enlisted September 6, 1776 in New York
  • William McDonald enlisted September 9, 1775 in Pennsylvania. Rank of Private
  • Willm McDonald enlisted June 1776. Rank of Private
  • Wm McDonald enlisted January 11, 1776 in New Jersey
  • Wm McDonald enlisted in Virginia. Rank of Private
Captain Emmett MacDonald
Captain Emmett MacDonald, 3rd Battery, Missouri Light Artillery

Civil War Veterans

  • A.H. McDonald born 1821 in Dane, Wisconsin
  • A.O. McDonald born 1820 in Muskingum, Ohio
  • Adam McDonald born 1819 in Wayne, Illinois
  • Alex C. McDonald born 1822 in Franklin, Ohio
  • Alexander McDonald born 1819 in Howard, New York
  • Alexander McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Alexander McDonald born 1821 in Clinton, Michigan
  • Alexander McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • Alexander McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • Alexander McDonald born 1822 in Missouri
  • Alexander S. McDonald born 1820 in Michigan
  • Alexer McDonald born 1822 in Ashland, Ohio
  • Amasa McDonald born 1822 in Connecticut
  • Andrew J. McDonald born 1819 in Bartholomew, Indiana
  • Andrew McDonald born 1819 in Maine
  • Andrew McDonald born 1819 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Andrew McDonald born 1822 in Ohio
  • Archibald McDonald born 1821 in New York
  • Augus McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Austin McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Bartholemew McDonald born 1820 in Daviess, Illinois
  • Bartley McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Benj F. McDonald born 1820 in Oakland, Michigan
  • Benj. T. McDonald born 1822 in Maine
  • Berry McDonald born 1820 in Pike, Missouri
  • Bryan McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • C.F. McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Charles K. McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • Charles McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Charles McDonald born 1819 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Charles McDonald born 1820 in Champaign, Ohio
  • Charles McDonald born 1820 in Missouri
  • Charles McDonald born 1822 in Michigan
  • Charles McDonald born 1822 in Yates, New York
  • Chas H. Macdonald born 1820 in New York
  • Chas McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Ciolirol McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • Clark McDonald born 1819 ?in Wood, Ohio
  • Clark McDonald born 1819 in Putnam, Indiana
  • Clement McDoaneld born 1827 in Wood, Ohio
  • Daniel McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Daniel McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • Danies McDonald born 1819 in Wabash, Indiana
  • Danold McDonald born 1821 in Henry, Illinois
  • Dauglas J. McDonald born 1822 in Kentucky
  • David McDonald born 1819 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • David McDonald born 1820 in Massachusetts
  • David McDonald born 1820 in Michigan
  • David McDonald born 1821 in Vermont
  • David McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • Dennis McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • Dennis McDonald born 1821 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Donald McDonald born 1819 in Buffalo, New York
  • Donald McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Donald McDonald born 1822 in Huron, Michigan
  • Duncan McDonald born 1822 in Winnebago, Illinois
  • Edr McDonald born 1820 in Marion, Illinois
  • Edward McDonald born 1817 in New York
  • Edward McDonald born 1821 in New York
  • Edward McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • Edwin McDonald born 1821 in Michigan
  • Ezikel W. McDonald born 1822 in Indiana
  • Ferrence McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Francis McDonald born 1819 in Rensselaer, New York
  • Francis McDonald born 1819 in Sanilac, Michigan
  • Francis McDonald born 1819 in Wapello, Iowa
  • Franklin Macdonald born in New York
  • Frederick McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • George E. McDonald born 1820 in Washington, Pennsylvania
  • George McDonald born 1820 in Mercer, Ohio
  • George W. McDonald born 1820 in Michigan
  • Hansford McDonald born 1819 in Maine
  • Henderson McDonald born 1819 in Kentucky
  • Henry McDonald born 1818 in Missouri
  • Henry McDonald born 1819 in Dent, Missouri
  • Henry McDonald born 1820 in Fayette, Wisconsin
  • Henry McDonald born 1820 in Ohio
  • Henry McDonald born 1821 in Maine
  • Henry McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • Hiram McDonald born 1821 in Vermont
  • Hugh A.J. McDonald born 1819 in Rock Island, Illinois
  • Isaiah W. McDonald born 1822 in Jackson, Missouri
  • J.E. McDonald born 1820 in Henry, Iowa
  • J.R. McDonald born 1819 in Indiana
  • Jacob McDonald born 1819 in Appanoose, Iowa
  • James B. McDonald born 1821 in Livingston, Michigan
  • James G. McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • James M. McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • James M. McDonald born 1820 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • James Macdonald born 1827 in Warren, Kentucky
  • James Macdonald born 1842 in Miami, Ohio
  • James McDonald born 1809 in Indiana
  • James McDonald born 1818 in Missouri
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Adams, Illinois
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Dent, Missouri
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Indiana
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Massachusetts
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • James McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • James McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Orange, Indiana
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • James McDonald born 1819 in Washington, Pennsylvania
  • James McDonald born 1820 in Illinois
  • James McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • James McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • James McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • James McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • James McDonald born 1820 in Saint Louis, Missouri
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Fairfield, Ohio
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Logan, Ohio
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Ohio
  • James McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • James McDonald born 1822 in Lee, Iowa
  • James McDonald born 1822 in McDonough, Illinois
  • James McDonald born 1822 in Muskingum, Ohio
  • James McDonald born 1822 in New York, New York
  • James McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • James R. McDonald born 1821 in Howard, Missouri
  • Jammes McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Jas McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • Jas. McDonald born 1820 in California
  • Jeremiah McDonald born 1820 in Maine
  • Jesse McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Johm McDonald born 1819 in Massachusetts
  • John Macdonald born 1836 in Maryland
  • John McDonald born 1818 in Missouri
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Essex, New Jersey
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Juniatta, Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • John McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1819 in New York, New York
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Northumberland, Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1820 in Illinois
  • John McDonald born 1820 in Morgan, Ohio
  • John McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Boone, Illinois
  • John McDonald born 1821 in California
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Connecticut
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Greene, Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Maine
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Marshall, Illinois
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Philadelphia
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Vermont
  • John McDonald born 1821 in Wisconsin
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Campbell, Kentucky
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Clayton, Iowa
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Fayette, Wisconsin
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Illinois
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Jefferson, Illinois
  • John McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • John McDonald born 1822 in Wayne, Michigan
  • John N. McDonald born 1820 in Washington, Pennsylvania
  • John P. McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • John R. McDonald born 1821 in Wisconsin
  • Jos McDonald born 1819 in Morgan, Ohio
  • Joseph McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Joseph McDonald born 1819 in Shelby, Kentucky
  • Joseph McDonald born 1820 in DeKalb, Illinois
  • Joseph McDonald born 1820 in District of Columbia
  • Joseph McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • Laben McDonald born 1822 in Coshocton, Ohio
  • Lewis McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Lewis McDonald born 1819 in Perry, Ohio
  • Lewis McDonald born 1819 in Prentiss, Indiana
  • Manuel W. McDonald born 1822 in Washington, New York
  • Mark McDonald born 1820 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Marshall Macdonald born 1823 in Maine
  • Martin McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Michael McDonald born 1819 in Massachusetts
  • Michael McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Michael McDonald born 1819 in Northumberland, Pennsylvania
  • Michael McDonald born 1820 in Maine
  • Michael McDonald born 1820 in Missouri
  • Michael McDonald born 1821 in Maine
  • Morris McDonald born 1821 in Massachusetts
  • Nelson McDonald born 1819 in Michigan
  • Newton McDonald born 1820 in Wayne, Ohio
  • O.H.P. McDonald born 1819 in Hancock, Indiana
  • Oliver McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Owen McDonald born 1819 in New Jersey
  • Owen McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Pak McDonald born 1819 in New York, New York
  • Panus McDonald born 1818 in New York
  • Pat McDonald born 1819 in Illinois
  • Pat McDonald born 1820 in New Jersey
  • Pat McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • Pat McDonald born 1820 in Rock Island, Illinois
  • Pat McDonald born 1820 in Rock Island, Illinois
  • Patk McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Patk McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in Lee, Iowa
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in Maryland
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in Missouri
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1819 in New York, New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1820 in Massachusetts
  • Patrick McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • Patrick McDonald born 1820 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Patrick McDonald born 1820 in Racine, Wisconsin
  • Patrick McDonald born 1821 in New Jersey
  • Patrick McDonald born 1821 in Ohio
  • Patrick McDonald born 1822 in Indiana
  • Patrick McDonald born 1822 in New York
  • Patrick McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • Patrick McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • Peter McDonald born 1819 in New Jersey
  • Peter McDonald born 1819 in New Jersey
  • Phillip McDonald born 1819 in Illinois
  • Philson McDonald born 1819 in Logan, Ohio
  • R.A. McDonald born 1820 in Indiana
  • R.J. McDonald born 1822 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania
  • R.W. McDonald born 1821 in Indiana
  • Reynold McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • Reynolds McDonald born 1821 in Pennsylvania
  • Rob’t McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Robert McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Robert McDonald born 1820 in Allegan, Michigan
  • Robt McDonald born 1818 in New York
  • Roger McDonald born 1820 in Ohio
  • S.D. Macdonald born 1824 in Shawnee, Kansas
  • Samuel Macdonald born 1828 in Buffalo, New York
  • Samuel McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Simpson McDonald born 1822 in Dent, Missouri
  • Squire McDonald born 1821 in Indiana
  • Stewart McDonald born 1821 in Michigan
  • Terence McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Thomas McDonald born 1819 in Liv, New York
  • Thomas McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Thomas McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Thomas McDonald born 1819 in Pennsylvania
  • Thomas McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • Thomas McDonald born 1822 in Pennsylvania
  • Thos McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • Thos McDonald born 1819 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Thos McDonald born 1821 in Daviess, Indiana
  • Thos. A. McDonald born 1820 in Pennsylvania
  • W.E. McDonald born 1820 in Illinois
  • W.W. McDonald born 1820 in DeKalb, Illinois
  • W.W. McDonald born 1820 in Maries, Missouri
  • Ward McDonald born 1820 in Mecklenburg, Kentucky
  • William B. McDonald born 1822 in Maine
  • William H. McDonald born 1819 in Maryland
  • William J. McDonald born 1822 in District of Columbia
  • William Macdonald born 1826 in Pennsylvania
  • William Macdonald born 1833 in New York
  • William McDonald born 1819 in Cass, Michigan
  • William McDonald born 1819 in Clark, Indiana
  • William McDonald born 1819 in New York
  • William McDonald born 1819 in Shelby, Ohio
  • William McDonald born 1820 in New York
  • William McDonald born 1821 in Maine
  • William McDonald born 1821 in New Hampshire
  • William McDonald born 1822 in California
  • William McDonald born 1822 in Fayette, Wisconsin
  • William McDonald born 1822 in Kentucky
  • William McDonald born 1822 in Marion, Indiana
  • Wm G. McDonald born 1819 in Logan, Ohio
  • Wm McDonald born 1819 in Illinois
  • Wm McDonald born 1819 in Ohio
  • Wm McDonald born 1821 in California
  • Wm McDonald born 1821 in Muskingum, Ohio
  • Wm McDonald born 1821 in New York
  • Wm. McDonald born 1822 in Daviess, Kentucky
  • Wright A. McDonald born 1819 in Michigan
Colonel Donald MacDonald
Colonel Donald MacDonald

Sanside House
Sanside House

Charles B. Macdonald
Charles Blair Macdonald (1855-1939)
Flora MacDonald
Flora MacDonald, of Sleat (1722-1790)

Colonel Angus William McDonald
Colonel Angus William McDonald (1799-1864), grandson of Angus


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Sir Archibald Macdonald
Sir Archibald Macdonald, 1st Baronet of East Sheen (1747-1832)
1) (ancient Lords of the Isles). Or, an eagle displ. with two heads gu. (some have the eagle with only one head) surmounted by a lymphad sa. in the dexter chief point a dexter hand couped gu. Crest—A raven sa. standing on a rock az.
2) (Slate, Isle of Skye, bart., 1625). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter arm in armour couped in fess ppr. the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu.; 3rd, or, a lymphad, oars and sails sa. flags flying gu.; 4th, vert a salmon naiant ppr.
3) (Bosville-Macdonald, Baron Macdonald, of Slate, co. Antrim). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, counterquartered, as the last; 2nd and 3rd, ar. five fusils in fess gu. in chief three bears’ heads sa., for Bosville. Crest—A dexter arm in armour couped in fess ppr. the hand also ppr. holding across crosslet fitchée gu. Supporters—Two leopards ppr. collared or. Motto—Per mare, per terras.
4) (East Sheen, co. Surrey, bart.). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a hand in armour holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu.; 3rd, a row-galley, the sails furled sa.; 4th, ar. a salmon naiant in fesse ppr. Crest—A hand in armour holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu. Motto—Per mare, per terras.
5) (Moydart, Scotland, Captain of Clanranald). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a lion ramp. gu. armed or; 2nd, or, a dexter hand couped fessways, holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu.; 3rd, or, a lymphad, oars in saltire sa. and in base a ealmon naiant in a sea vert; 4th, ar. an oak tree vert surmounted by an eagle or. Crest—A castle triple-towered ar. masoned sa. and issuing from the centre tower a dexter arm in armour embowed, grasping a sword all ppr. Mottoes— Over the crest: My hope is constant in thee; below the shield: Dhandeon co Heiragha.
6) (Largie; heiress m. Lockhart, of Carnwath). Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter hand issuing from the left of the shield ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu.; 3rd, ar. a lymphad, sails furled and oars in saltire sa.; 4th, vert a salmon naiant in fess ppr. Crest—A dexter arm from the shoulder ppr. holding a dagger in pale ppr. Mottoes—Over the crest: Semper pugnare paratus; below the shield: Pro patria.
7) (Sir John MacDonald, K.C.B., 1818). As Slate, within a canton gu. charged with a mural crown or, in the first quarter. Crest—Out of an eastern crown or, a cubit arm erect ppr. encircled by a laurel wreath vert, in the hand a dagger erect also ppr. hilted and pommelled or.
Lieutenant-General Sir John Macdonald
Lieutenant-General Sir John Macdonald (c.1775-1850)

8) (General Sir John MacDonald, G.C.B., 1849). Quarterly, as Slate, within a bordure gu. Crest and Motto, as Lord Macdonald.
9) (St. Martin’s, co. Perth, 1849). Quarterly, as Slate, within a bordure az. charged with two mascles in chief ar. and a boar’s head erased in base or. Crest—A demi lion gu. holding in his dexter paw a hand ppr. Motto—Per mare, per terras.
10) (Foote-MacDonald, heir of line of Knoydart, 1850). Quarterly, as Slate, within a bordure gu. charged with three antique crowns or. Crest and Motto, as Lord Macdonald.
11) (Craig-na-Gower, co. Argyll, 1875). Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter hand fessways couped at the wrist, holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu.; 3rd, or, a lymphad, sails furled sa.; 4th, per fess ar. and vert a salmon naiant ppr. Crest—A dexter arm in armour fessways couped below the elbow ppr. the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu. Motto—Per mare, per terras.
12) (Holland, 1685). Quarterly, 1st, ar. a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, az. a dexter hand couped fessways, holding a cross crosslet fitchée ar.; 3rd, or, a galley, oars in galtire sa.; 4th, per fess wavy ar. and vert, in base a fish naiant of the first, all within a bordure quarterly gu. and ar. Crest—The Holy Bible expanded ppr. Motto—Coelestia sequor.
13) (Edinburgh, 1878). Quarterly, ar. and or, in the first quarter a lion ramp. gu.; in the second a dexter hand couped fesseways, holding a cross crosslet fitchee of the last; in the third a lymphad, sails furled and oars in saltire sa.; in the fourth a salmon naiant ppr. overall on a fesse of the third a cushion of the second. Crest—A dexter hand holding a dirk erect ppr. Motto—Nec tempore nec fato.