Piper Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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This is an occupational surname meaning “the piper”, someone who played the bagpipes. Although the music of bagpipes was more popular in Scotland and Ireland as opposed to England, one author notes it was popular in Northumberland. It derives from the Middle English word pypere, Old English pipere, and Old Norse pipari, which means pepper. It may also derived from the Anglo-Saxon personal name Pipere, as a charter of King Nunna of the South Saxons lists land being granted to Piperinges.  The name is also Scandinavia, as it is found in Sweden and was borne by the prime minister of Charles XII. The word pipe derives from the German word pfeife, meaning whistle or pipe.

Early notables include Henry le Pipere and Adam le Piper who were listed in the Hundred Rolls of 1273 AD, living in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire, respectively, Arnald le Pyper listed in the Issue Rolls, Robert le Pipere listed in the Writs of Parliament, Peter le Pipre listed in the Close Roll during the reign of Edward I, John le Pipere and Robert le Pipere of county Somerset listed in Kirby’s Quest duing the reign of Edward IIIm and Ema Piper listed in P.T. Yorks in 1379 AD. A one Jordan Piper was recorded in 1185 AD in the Records of the Templars of England. Early recorded marriages include Hugh Piper and Elizabeth Matthews of St. George’s Hanover Square in 1714 and Alexander M. Piper to Ann Espy Elder in 1816 in Pennsylvania who had ten children in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: John, Samuel, William, Margaret-Elder, William-Kirkpatrick, Alexander, James-Wilson, Annie, Mary Campbell, and Annie-Elder. One author claims the last name Piper was originally identified in Innerbundy, Aberdeenshire, where they held a seat in 1457 AD.

George Fraser Black, in his book The Surname of Scotland, notes: “Anciently the name of Pyper was very frequent in Perth, and very Considerable Persons are called by that name in the Charters of the Religious Houses. About the time of the Reformation, the principal Families of that name changed it for Balneaves”.

The famous nursery rhyme Peter Piper includes the lyrics “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?” and was first published in 1813, but its origin dates back earlier.

Early immigrants to America bearing this surname include Nathaniel Piper of Ipswitch who came from Dartmouth in 1665 who married Sarah and had nine children (Sarah, Nathaniel, Josiah, John, Thomas, Mary, Margaret, Samuel, and Jonathan) and Richard Piper from Haddam who came in 1669. Early records show two Pipers, Natt and Mary, arriving in Virginia in 1703 and 1713, respectively. Four Pipers arrived in Montreal, Canada in 1848 AD: Jennings, Maria, Harriet, and Helen.

William Piper (1784-1853) of Bedford County, PA, was son of Colonel John Piper of the American Revolution, married Rebecca Whitehill in 1834. He was a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, commanded a regiment of militia during the War of 1812, and was Adjutant General of the State during the administration of Governor Joseph Ritner. He had two children: Luther-Reild (who fought in the Battle of Fredericksburg during the American Civil War) and William, who died in his infancy.

Captain Nathaniel Piper was born in Devon, England in 1627. He was the grandson of Magnus Piper. He settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts. He married Sarah Edwards and had 12 issue with her: Sarah, Nathaniel II, Mary, Josiah, John, Mary, Thomas, Margaret, Samuel, Jonathan, and William.

General-Major Gustaf Abraham Piper
General-Major Gustaf Abraham Piper (1692-1761)

Beata Piper
Beata Piper (1699-1752)
Château de Marsvinsholm
Château de Marsvinsholm, one of the homes of the Swedish Pipers
wiki: jorchr, SA3.0

Stina Piper
Christina “Stina” Charlotta Piper, Swedish Countress (1734-1800)
Bagpipe Player
De doedelzakspeler (“Bagpipe Player”), 1624

john piper
Lieutenant John Piper (1773-1851), Governor of Norfolk Island, “Prince of Australia”

Henrietta Villa
Henrietta Villa, estate of John Piper

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Lieutenant Colonel John Piper
decorations of Lieutenant Colonel John Piper (1783-1821), 4th Foot

1) (Culliton, co. Devon; originally from Holstein, in Saxony; borne by Lieut.-Colonel John Piper, C.B., by Samuel Airault Piper, M.D., Surgeon of the 30th Regiment, and by Robert Sloper Piper, Esq., Major Royal Engineers, sons of Captain John Piper of Culliton House, descended from Magnus Piper, of Nieustadt, in Holstein). Quarterly, embattled or and erm. over all an eagle displ. sa. quartering Az. two chev. or, for Airault. Creat—A cubit arm encircled by a wreath of laurel ppr. grasping a boar’a head fessways sa. Motto—Feroci fortior.
2) (Tresmarrow, co. Cornwall; the heiress m. Vyvyan). Ar. a chev. betw. three magpies sa. Creat—A magpie sa.
3) (Tresmarrow, co. Cornwall; the heiress m. Vyvyan). Gyronny of four or and az. Creat—A magpie sa.
4) (Ridgewell, co. Essex). Paly of four or and gu. on a chief az. a garb erect of the first betw. two escallops ar. Crest—Out of an Eastern crown or, a demi dove ar. wings endorsed.
5) (Ashen, co. Essex; granted 23 July, 1723, to John Piper, Esq., of Ashen, son of John Piper, of Cornard Magna, and grandson of John Piper, also of Cornard Magna, co. Suffolk, and to the descendants of his said grandfather; Mary Piper, the heiress, in. Henry Sperling, Esq., of Dynes Hall, co. Essex). Gu. a chev. embattled ar. betw. two falcons belled in chief or, and a dexter gauntlet in base barwise, holding a sword erect all ppr. Crest—A demi griffin reguard. ppr. supporting an antique shield charged with a gauntlet and sword, as in the arms.
6) (or Pyper). Ar. a saltire az. betw. four oak leaves vert. Creat—A unicorn’s head ar.
7) Sa. three organ pipes ar.
8) Ar. two bars az. on a canton of the last a cinquefoil or.
9) Suède – (Comtes, 1698) – Écartelé au 1 d’argent à une aigle de Prusse la poitrine ch du chiffre F W R d’or surmontée d’une couronne royale du même au 2 de gueules à une fleur-de-lis d’argent au 3 d’azur à trois étoiles d’or au 4 d’or à un griffon de gueules les pattes et les jambes d’or Cimier une étoile d’or entre un vol de l’aigle de Prusse Lambrequin à dextre d’or d’azur et de gueules à senestre d’argent de gueules et de sable
10) Prusse – (An., 20 oct. 1736) – D’argent à une chouette au naturel perchée sur la branche effeuillée d’un tronc d’arbre posé à senestre le tout soutenu d’une terrasse de sinople
11) Gueldre, Bois-le-Duc – D’argent à trois têtes de grue de sable au chef d’azur ch de trois molettes du champ
12) Allemagne – D’azur à un pommier en fleurs au naturel terrassé de sinople au chef de sable ch de trois étoiles (5) d’or L’écu bordé d’or Cimier deux sceptres d’argent passés en sautoir brochant sur un rameau de laurier de sinople et une branche de chêne du même courbés en couronne.

Sophie Piper
La Comtesse Sophie Piper (1757-1816)

château d'Ängsö
château d’Ängsö
wiki: Tor Svensson, SA3.0

Carl Piper
Carl, Count Piper (1647-1716)

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