Torres Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Torres Origin:

Spain, Europe

Origins of Name:

The surname of Torres is said to be that of a “European” origin, because the exact origin cannot be placed. Possible derivatives of the surname of Torres include Roman (Latin) origin, and comes from the era known as the Pre-Christian period. This surname of Torres is said to describe both the status of a person, and the residential location of a person. The original derivative comes from the Old Latin word “turris” which can be translated to mean “castle,” or “fortress,” and it is said that the structure from which this surname hails would only have one tower, but still be a fortified structure. This residential meaning also lends to the status of the bearer of the surname, since the name itself was often used to describe someone who owned or lived in a castle or fortress, thus making them wealthy, or at least better off than those who did not reside in the castle walls. The other possible meaning of this surname is that it is a locational surname stemming from the city of Tours, in France. The name “Tours” derives itself from the Pre 7th Century Gaelic tribe who were known as the “Tourones” who were a group of people prominent after the fall of the Roman Empire.


More common variations are: Torries, Torresi, Torress, Tourres, Torrese, Torrees, Toorres, Ttorrres, Torressa, Toresa, Toressa, Toreso, Toresso, Torresso, De la Tour, Latour, De la Torre, Tour, Touret, Torricina



The first recorded spelling of the surname of Torres was found in the country of England. One person who was named as Elyas de Toure was mentioned in the Pipe Rolls of the County of Somerset in the year 1202. This document was ordered, decreed, and written under the reign of one King John of England, who was known as, and commonly mentioned throughout history as “The Lackland.” King John of England ruled from the year 1199 to the year 1216. Other mentions of the surname of Torres in England include Gilbery le Tower, who was named in the Rolls of the County of Wiltshire in 1255, and William de la Tur who was mentioned in the Assize Court Rolls of Cambridgeshire in the year of 1260. Those who bear the surname of Torres can be found in the county of Warwickshire in a large concentration, and in several locations throughout Wales.


The first mention of someone who bore the surname of Torres in the country of France was one Jeanne de la Tour. Jeanne de la Tour was born in Angers, St. Jacques on April 1st, in the year 1693.


The first mention of the surname of Torres in the country of Mexico was found in the year 1747. One person by the name of Manuel de la Torre, who was born in Asunción, Districto Federal on December 4th.

United States of America:

After the Spanish-American war, the island of Puerto Rico was named as a U.S. Territory. In 1917, Puerto Ricans were granted full U.S. citizenship, and in 1952, it was decided that Puerto Rico could elect their own governor, making them an autonomous U.S. territory. The first person who bore the surname of Torres who landed on the island of Puerto Rico was one Antonio Torres, who arrived in 1803. Marina Torres landed on the island in 1812. Hernando Torres, Martin de Torres landed on the mainland in 1810, and Pedro De Torres in the year of 1813. The states of California and New Mexico have high concentrations of those who are named Torres.

Here is the population distribution of the last name Torres: Mexico 841,966; Colombia 365,261; United States 305,499; Brazil 276,302; Peru 214,133; Spain 171,671; Venezuela 169,836; Argentina 109,656; Ecuador 103,182; Chile 91,080

Notable People:

Michelle Torres (born in 1967) who is a retired professional tennis player from America

David A. Torres, who was a Democratic politician from America, and served as the Presidential Elector for the state of California in the year 2000

Esteban Edward Torres (born in 1930) who is a Democratic politician from America, and who served as the U.S. Representative from the state of California in the 34th District from the year 1983 to the year 1999

Felipe N. Torres, who is a Democratic politician from America, who served as a Member of the New York State Assembly from the year 1953 to the year 1962

Frank Torres, who was a Republican politician from America, and served as the Candidate for the New York State Assembly from the New York County 17th District in the year 1934

Gerard Torres, who was a Democratic politician from America, and served as a Member of the Texas State House of Representatives in the 143rd District, and was elected unopposed for this position in 1994, and re-elected in the year 1996

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Espagne, Flandre Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’or à trois bandes d’hermine bordées d’argent aux 2 et 3 de gueules à cinq pinelles d’argent les tiges en haut 2 1 et 2. English: Quarterly 1st & 4th three bendlets ermine fimbriated (bordered) argent 2nd & 3rd gules five pine cones argent the stems upwards 2, 1 and 2.
2) Rome De gueules à cinq tours d’or 2 1 et 2. English: Gules five towers or 2,1 and 2.
3) Catalogne – Armes des Micer Miquel-Joan et Joan-Pere , chevaliers, an 1532; Ossor, ancienne viguerie d’Agramunt (Lleida) au XVle siècle. Originaire de Mafet et d’Ossor D’azur à la maison forte adossée de deux tours crénelées d’argent surmontée d’une croix alésée d’or et acc en pointe d’une rose d’argent boutonnée de gueules. English: Azure a fortified house with two crenellated towers surmounted by a cross couped or and accompanied by in base a rose argent centre gules.
4) Comtes de Villardompardo – Portugal – (Imhoff. Stemma Regum Lusitanicum) Sgrs. et’Escamella Écartelé en sautoir aux 1 et 4 de gueules à cinq tours d’or ouvertes de sable 2 1 et 2 aux 2 et 3 d’argent à cinq écussons d’azur rangés en croix chargés chacun de cinq besants d’argent 2 1 et 2 A la bordure de l’écu de gueules chargée de sept tours d’or ouvertes et ajourées de sable posées 3 2 et 2. English: Per saltire 1st & 4th gules five towers or windows sable 2,1 and 2 2nd & 3rd argent five escutcheons azure arranged in a cross each charged with five bezants argent 2,1 and 2, over the whole shield a bordure gules charged with seven towers or windows and portcullis sable arranged 3, 2 and 2.
5) Los descendientes, en Valencia, del caballero Benito de Torres, citado por mosén Jaime Febrer, traían: En campo de azur, cinco torres de plata, puestas en sotuer. English: Az, five towers ar, saltirewise.
6) Los descendientes de Geraldo de Torres, que pasó a Valencia y luego radicó en la provincia de Alicante, traía: En campo de azur, cinco torres de oro, puestas en sotuer. English: Az, five towers or, saltirewise.
7) El caballero catalán Berenguer de Torres, mencionado por mosén Jaime Febrer y que de Barcelona pasó a la conquista de Valencia, usaba: En campo de plata, tres torres de gules puestas en triángulo. English: Ar, three towers gu, arranged in triangle.
8) Los de la casa de Barcelona, según Garma y Durán: En campo de azur, dos torres de plata, pareadas. English: Az, two towers ar. paired.
9) Otros, también con casa en la ciudad de Barcelona: Cuartelado, 1º y 4º, de azur, con un castillo o torre de plata; 2º, ajedrezado de oro y sable, y 3º, de oro, con cuatro palos de gules. Según un expediente de pruebas de nobleza de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén. English: Quaterly, 1st and 4th Az, a tower ar, 2nd checky sa.and or., 3rd Or, four palets gu.
10) J. R. Vila asigna a los Torres catalanes el siguiente escudo: En campo de gules, tres torres de plata, aclaradas de gules y puestas en triángulo. English: Gu, three towers ar, openings of the first, arranged in triangle.
11) J. R. Vila asigna a los Torres catalanes el siguiente escudo: En campo de gules, dos torres de plata, aclaradas de gules, pareadas y unidas por un puente de plata. English: Gu., two towers ar., openings of the first, paired and joined by a bridge of the second.
12) J. R. Vila asigna a los Torres catalanes este tercer escudo: En campo de plata, dos torres de azur, aclaradas de plata y unidas por una muralla de azur. Bordura componada de azur y plata. English: Ar., tow towers az, openings of the first, joined by wall of the second, within bordure compony az. and ar.
13) También usaron los Torres, en Cataluña, según Bernardo Mestre: En campo de azur, dos torres pareadas, de plata y aclaradas de azur. English: Az., two towers ar, paired, openings of the first.
14) J. R. Vila asigna a los Torres radicados en Valencia, este blasón: Escudo partido: 1º, de oro, con una banda de sable, y 2º, de azur, con un árbol de oro, arrancado, y un león de sable pasante al pie del tronco. Bordura de oro, con ocho sotueres de azur. English: Per pale, 1st Or, a bend sa., 2nd Az., a tree eredicted or, near the trunk a lion passant sa., all within bordure or charged with eight saltires az.
15) Otros valencianos: Partido: 1º, de oro, una banda de sable; 2º, de azur, una encina de oro al pie, un lobo de sable; bordura general de oro, con diez sotuers de azur. English: Per pale, 1st Or, a bend sa., 2nd Az., a oak tree eredicted or, near the trunk a wolf passant sa., all within bordure or charged with ten saltires az.
16) Otros: En campo de gules, dos torres de plata, aclaradas de azur, y unidas por un puente del mismo metal. En los sepulcros de los Torres catalanes, en las iglesias parroquiales de la ciudad de Cervera y de Puelles (Lleida), de donde eran señores. English: Gu., two towers ar., openings az, joined by a bridge of the second.
17) Otros de Cataluña: De azur, cinco torres de plata, colocadas 2, 2, 1.Se ven Sepultura de la iglesia parroquial de Cervera y en laa iglesia de las Puellas, antigua monasterio, que se halla en Barcelona en la plaza del mismo nombre. En la actualidad se denomina Sant Pere de les Puelles. English: Az, five towers ar, arranged 2,2,1.
18) Otros catalanes: De plata, una torre demolida de su color natural y terrasada de sinople. English: Ar, on a mount vert a tower ruined ppr.
19) Otros catalanes: De azur, cinco castillos de plata, puestos en sotuer, aclarados y mazonados de sable. English: Az, five towers ar, opening and masoned sa.
20) Otros catalanes: De oro, una torre de piedra blanca almenada de tres almenas y aclarada de azur, mazonada de sable. English: Or, a tower of stone ar, with three battlements and openings az., masoned sa.
21) Otros catalanes: De gules, dos torres pareadas cuadradas de plata, mazonadas de sable y unidas por un pasadizo de plata.Blasón del canónigo Torres, soportado por grifos, en un ventanal de la Casa dels Canonges, calle de la Pietat, Barcelona. S. XV. English: Gu., two squared towers, paired ar, masoned sa., joined by passage of the second.
22) Otros catalanes: De gules, tres torres redondas de plata, mazonadas y aclaradas de azur. English: Gu., three rounded towers, masoned and openings az.
23) Otros catalanes, de Prades: Cuartelado: 1º y 4º, de azur, dos torres de plata unidas por una muralla, aclaradas y mazonadas de sable; 2º, partido: 1º, cuatro palos de gules; 2º, jaquelado de oro y sable; 3º, 1º, jaquelado de oro y sable; 2º, cuatro palos de gules (invierte los campos) (sic.)Casa palacio, labra heráldica en su fachada, calle del Pi, Barcelona. English: Quaterly, 1st and 4th, Az, two towers ar, joined by wall, openings and masoned sa., 2nd per pale, Or, four palets gu, and checky or and sa. 3rd, as 2nd, inverted charges per pale.
24) Los del lugar de Bolea documentados desde el siglo XI, usaron: En campo de azur, tres torres de plata. English: Az, three towers ar.
25) En Mallorca trajeron los de este apellido: Cuartelado en sotuer, 1º y 4º, de azur, con un águila de oro, y 2º y 3º, de gules, con una torre de plata aclarada de gules. English: Per saltire az.and gu., in chief and base an eagle or, in each flanks a tower ar., openings of the second.
26) Otros: En plata, una torre, de gules, acompañada de dos calderas, de sable. English: Ar, a tower gu, accompanied by two cauldrons sa.
27) Otros: En gules, tres torres, de oro, puestas en banda, almenadas y mazonadas de sable. English: Gu., in bend three towers or, embatled and masoned sa.
28) Otros: Cuartelado: 1º y 4º, en azur, una torre, de plata, 2º, ajedrezado de oro y sable, y 3º, de gules. English: Quaterly, 1st and 4th Az, a tower ar, 2nd checky sa.and or., 3rd Gu.
29) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En oro, un castillo de púrpura, aclarado de azur. English: Or, a castle purp, openings az.
30) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En plata, una torre, de oro, acompañada de dos calderas, de sable. English: Ar, a tower or, accompanied by two cauldrons sa.
31) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En sinople, una torre, de oro, resaltada de una faja de gules. English: Vert, a tower or, surrmounted by fesse gu.
32) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En oro, una torre, de azur, sobre ondas, de azur y plata y acompañada de dos lises, de azur. English: Or, on waves az and ar, a twer of the second, accompanied by two fleur de lis of the same.
33) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En azur, tres torres, de gules, puestas una y dos. English: Az, three towers gu., arranged 1 and 2.
34) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En gules, tres torres de plata, bien ordenadas. English: Gu, three towers ar., well ordered
35) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En gules, una torre, de oro, adiestrada de un león, de gules fajado de plata, empinado a sus almenas (sic). English: Gu., a tower or and lion barry ar and gu. steep to its battlements.
36) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: Cuartelado. 1º y 4º, en azur, cinco torres de plata, puestas en aspa, y 2º y 3º, las armas de Portugal. English: Quaterly, 1st and 4th Az, five towers ar., 2nd and 3rd arms of Portugal.
37) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En oro, dos torres, de plata, acostadas a su flanco diestro de tres balas, de cañón, puestas en palo y en el siniestro de una rodela, de plata. English: Or, two towers ar, in dexter flank three cannon balls in pale, in sinister flank a roundel of the second.
38) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En gules, dos torres, de plata, unidas por un puente del mismo metal. English: Gu, two towers ar, joined by bridge of the same.
39) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En sinople, una torre, de oro, con dos guerreros en su puerta. English: Vert, a tower or with two guardiand on a gate.
40) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En plata, una torre, de gules con dos cañones saliendo de sus troneras. Bordura de oro, con cuatro espadas, de sable. English: Ar, a tower gu, within bordure or charged with four swords sa.
41) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En plata, un lienzo de muralla, rematado por dos cubos, de azur. English: Ar, a canvas of wall, on each side a squared tower az.
42) Otros, según Vicente de Cadenas: En plata, una torre, de gules, con una bandera, de plata colgada en sus almenas. English: Ar, a tower gu, a flag ar, hanging down from battlements.
43) Castellano, radicado en Guadalupe, pasado a San Sebastián de León: En sinople, una torre, de plata, almenada, mazonada de sable y aclarada de gules. English: Vert, a tower ar, masoned and battlements sa., openings gu.
44) Castellano, radicado en Ciudad Real, Toledo y Valdepeñas: En azur, cinco torres, de plata, aclaradas de gules y puestas en aspa. English: Az, five towers ar., openings gu., saltirewise.
45) Radicado en Madrid: En plata, cinco torres, de oro, puestas en aspa. Bordura escacada de gules y plata. English: Ar, five towers or, within bordure countercompony ar and gu.
46) Los de Palencia traen: En campo de sinople, dos torres de plata, superada cada una de una cruz, y éstas, rodeadas de llamas. English: Vert, two towers ar, each surrmounted by cross surrounded by flame.

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