Wall Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) or Wale (Bristol, co. Gloucester, co. Essex, Alby, co. Norfolk, co. Rutland, and Resby, co. Suffolk). (Norman Court, co. Hants). Ar. on a cross sa. five lions ramp. or. Crest—A lion ramp. guard. or, supporting a long cross sa.
2) (Crich, co. Derby). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three eagles displ. ar. on a chief embattled or, as many pellets. Crest—A demi eagle az. wings endorsed ar.
3) (Eryche, co. Derby; Thomas Wall, Esq., of, Eryche, was appointed Norroy King of Arms 1516). Az. a chev. erm. on a chief embattled or, three pellets.
4) (Thomas Wall, Garter King of Arms temp. Henry VIII., d. 1537, son of Thomas Wall, Norroy King of Arms). Same Arms. Crest—An eagle’s head couped ar.
5) (co. Hereford, Lemster and Faintree Hall, co. Salop; granted 9 July, 1594). Per fess or and az. a fess battelle counter-battelee; betw. three fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged. Crest—Out of a mural coronet or, a wolf’s head ar. charged on the neck with a fess embattled and counterembattled gu.
6) (Stonepitt, co. Kent). Ar. on a cross sa. five lions ramp. or. Crest—A cubit arm erect, habited in mail, the hand presenting a pistol all ppr.
7) (Preston and Wallrush, co. Lancaster). Ar. a bend gu. betw. three boars’ heads couped sa. Crest—A boar’s head couped sa. in the mouth an acorn erect or, stalked and leaved vert.
8) (Alderman of Chester 1586). Ar. three bears’ heads erased gu. muzzled or, in chief as many pellets, a crescent of the last for diff.
9) (Hoxton, co. Middlesex ; granted 1613). Per fess erm. and az. in chief a lion pass, guard, of the second. Crest—A demi lion ramp. Guard. az. holding a battle axe headed ar. handle gu.
10) (co. Salop). Ar. on a fess crenellee az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
11) (Claverton, co. Somerset). Ar. on a cross sa. five lions ramp. or. Crest—An arm embowed ppr. tied below the elbow with a ribbon vert, holding in the hand a lion’s gamb erased or.
12) (Worthy Park, co. Hants). Per fess or and az. a fess battellee counter-battellee betw. three fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged. Crest—Out of a mural coronet or, a demi wolf ar. charged on the neck with a fess embattled counter embattled gu. Motto—Firm.
13) (co. Suffolk). Az. two chev. erm.
14) (Malvern and Worcester). Per fess or and gu. a fess embattled counter-embattled betw. three fleurs-de-lis all counterchanged. Crest—Out of a mural coronet or, a demi wolf salient ppr. gorged with a bar embattled and counterembattled gold.
15) Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three crosses pattee fitchee gu. Crest—A demi boar ramp. sa.
16) Ar. a lion ramp. gu.
17) Az. two chev. erm.
18) (Johnstown, co. Carlow; descended from William du Vall, or Wall, who accompanied Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke (Strongbow), to Ireland, 1172, and d. 27 March, 1210, leaving a son, John Wall, who had four sons, founders of familes, viz.: 1) William, ancestor of Wall, of Johnstown, co. Carlow, and of Kilcash, co. Tipperary; 2) Walter, ancestor of Wall, of Coolnamuck, co. Waterford; 3) Richard, ancestor of Wall, of Dunmoylan, co. Limerick; 4) John, ancestor of Wall, of Ballymalty. Pedigree registered by Hawkins, Ulster, 1716). (Kilcash and Rathkein, co. Tipperary; descended from Garrett Wall, of Kilcash, second son of Edmond Wall, of Johnstown, temp. Henry VI.; Richard Wall, Esq., of Rathkein, temp. Charles II., left an only dau. and heir, Eleanor Wall, in. Theophilus Oglethorpe, Esq., of Westbrooke, co. Surrey). (Ballynakill and Pollardstown, co. Carlow; branches of Walt, of Johnstown; arms allowed and pedigree registered by Hawkins, Ulster, 1744). (Coolnamuck, co. Waterford ; a branch of Wall, of Johnstown; Reg. Ulster’s Office). (Newtown Anner, co. Tipperary ; allowed by Hawkins, Ulster, and pedigree registered to Philip Wall, Esq., 1756, sixth in descent from James Wall, Esq., of Newtown Anner). Az. a lion ramp. betw. three crosses crosslet or. Crest—A naked arm holding a scymitar, the blade guttee de sang all ppr. Motto—Aut Caesar aut nihil.
19) (co. Carlow; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Ar. on a cross sa. five lioncels ramp. or, in the first quarter a cinquefoil pierced az. Crest and Motto, same as Wall, of Coolnamuck.
20) or Wale (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1629, Dorothy Wall, or Wale, m. first, Michael Quick, of Drogheda, afterwards of Bristol, merchant; and secondly, Thomas Cave, Comptroller of the Customs in Ireland). Or, on a cross sa. three lions ramp. in pale betw. two others pass. in fess of the field.
21) (Reg. Ulsters Office). Vert a lion ramp. betw. three crosses pattee fltchee ar.
