Allen Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Saint Alanus Psalter 1492

Meaning, Origin, Etymology
The surname of Allen derives from the Old Gaelic and Old Breton personal given name of “Ailin,” which was given in the pre-Christian era, and can be translated to mean “little rock” or possibly means “harmony.” The name was introduced in England following the Norman Conquest of 1066 as the name “Alan,” named after St. Alan, who was a 5th Century Bishop who resided in Quimper, Brittany. It is believed that throughout the Middle Ages, parents named their children after those who had been blessed with the entrance to heaven and given sainthood in the hopes that because of this divine circumstance, their child would be blessed and protected by the saint that they were named after. Eventually, this surname came about because of the patronymic form of the name, which meant “son of Alan.” The first recorded spelling of the surname of Allen was found in the country of England. One person by the name of Geoffrey Alein was named in the Feet of Fines Rolls of Cambridgeshire in the year 1234. This document was ordered, decreed, and written under the reign of one King Henry III of England, who was known as, and commonly referred to throughout the ages as one “The Frenchman.” King Henry III of England ruled from the year 1216 to the year 1272. Other mentions of the surname within the country of England include Roger Alain of Yorkshire in the Rolls of Calvary Village in the year 1246, and Richard Aleyns, who was from Staffordshire, and recorded in the Assize Court Rolls of Staffordshire in the year of 1309. John Allen was recorded as a prebendary of St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is located in London, England, in the year of 1527. Those who carry the surname of Allen in the country of England are largely dispersed throughout the country. The areas with a higher concentration of people who bear the surname of Allen can be found within the county of Lancashire, the county of Northumberland, and the city of London. Throughout the 17th Century, Europeans began to flock to the United States of America in search of a better life for them and their families. In Europe, the living conditions and overreach of the government caused the citizens of these countries to become disgruntled with their state of affairs. Thus, many of these peoples migrated to the United States of America, which at that time was referred to as The New World or The Colonies. The first person who bore the surname of Allen during this movement, which was referred to as The European Migration, was one Mr. Allen, who arrived in the state of Virginia in the year of 1623. In the 19th Century, it became common to migrate to both Australia and New Zealand. The first person who carried the surname of Allen to Australia was one John Allen, who was being transported as a convict from England aboard the ship named the Ann in 1809. The first person to bring this surname of Allen to New Zealand was John Allen who arrived in Waipa, New Zealand in 1804. As Allan (the most frequent Scottish form) this name is often found in Northumbria. Here some of the derivations are doubtless from the Breton, though the large majority are of Scottish (Gaelic) origin.
Allens can take pride in two of Ireland’s most notable geographic features-the Bog of Allen, over 378 square miles of peat bogs in East Central Eire; and Lough Allen, on the Shannon, which is 8 miles long and up to 3 miles wide.
Allen’s rule is the zoological principle that cold-climate animals have shorter smaller appendages and thus keep body heat loss down. It is named after US zoologist, Joel Asaph Allen.
The surname boasts six Lord Mayors of London: Roger FitzAlan (1212—14), Peter FitzAlan (1246), Sir John Aleyn (1525 and 1535), William Allen (1571) Thomas Alleyn (1659) and William Allen (1867).
The Van Allen radiation belts, 600 miles from the earth, have a major effect on our planet’s atmosphere and rotation. They’re named after their American discoverer, physicist James Alfred Van Allen (b. 1914—).

Saint Alain de Solminihac (1593-1659)

Spelling Variations
Allenn, Alleyn, Alleen, Allein, Allien, Alleyne, Allan, Allene, Aellen, Alleni, Alleon, Aullen, Alland, Alan, Allin, Alan, Allan, Allen, Alleyn, Allayne, Allaine, Allain, Allanach, Allanshaw, MacAllan

Early Marriage Records for Allen
James Allen married Ann Guild January 16, 1638 in Dedham, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Allen married Rev. Samuel Stone Jul 1641 in Boston, Massachusetts
John Allen married Elizabeth Bacon October 14, 1650 in Newport, Rhode Island
Edward Allen married Martha Waye March 7, 1652 in Boston, Massachusetts
John Allen married Eleanor Beardsley September 11, 1653 in Weymouth, Massachusetts
Margaret Allen married Robert Hubberd April 2, 1654 in Boston, Massachusetts
Mathew Allen married Sarah Kirby June 5, 1657 in Sandwich, Rhode Island
Edward Allen married Sarah Kimball November 24, 1658 in Ipswich, Massachusetts
Hannah Allen married Peter Ayers November 15, 1659 in Haverhill, Massachusetts
Samuel Allen married Sarah Teck 1660 in Beverly, Massachusetts
Margaret Allen married Johem Hellier October 11, 1543 in Highworth, Wiltshire, England
Agnes Allen married Edward Russell May 22, 1547 in Dover, Kent, England
Johan Allen married John Fretherne September 30, 1547 in Adlestrop, Gloucester, England
Henrie Allen married Isabell Sandam 1551 in Saint Oswald, Ashbourne, Derby England

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Allen ranks 607th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 895,112 people carry the surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Texas, California, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and New York. It ranks highest in the following countries: United States (619,480), England (105,373), Australia (35,531), Canada (30,715), Nigeria (17,041) and Jamaica (15,798).

Early Bearers of Surname
William Allen (1532-1594), an English prelate
Francis Allen (ca.1583-1658), an English financier, politician and regicide who sided with parliament in the civil War against Charles I
Henry Aleyn, 1273. Hundred Rolls.
Hugh fil. Aleyn, ibid.
Allaine Bawdyson.
Aleyn Forman. Rolls of Parliament.
Thomas fil Alani. Writs of Parliament.
The founder of Dulwich Coll., 1619, was Edward Allen, or Alleyne.
Now, said Sir Dynadan unto Kyng Mark, yonder ar two bretheren, that one hyght Aleyn and the other hyghte Tryan.—Morte d’ Arthur, X. ix.
Henry Aleyn.—Hundred Rolls Thomas son Alani.—Writs of Parl.
Alainn, ‘Handsome.’ ‘Killing of Dor, son of Aedh Allan, ‘ a.d. 624.
The Stuarts were descended from the great Norman family of Fitz Alan.
Allan, according to Train, was Governor of the Isle of Man in a.d. 1274.
‘Alan of Wygeton has letters of presentation to the Church of St. Carber in Mann, vacant, and in the King’s gift, ‘ A.D, 1291.

Edward Alleyn Founder of Dulwich College

History, Genealogy & Ancestry

Allen, Benjamin-Haigh, Esq. of Clifford Priory, co. Hereford, and Longcroft, co. Stafford, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Hereford, 1875, b. 3 July, 1821 ; m. 7 Oct. 1845, Mary Sophia, youngest dau. of the Rev. Henry-William Champneys, of Ostenhanger, Kent, and cousin of the Earl of Derby, and has two daus., Mary-Lucy and Emily-Kate.
Lineage.—This family have possessed lands in the West Riding of the co. York since 1680. Benjamin-Haigh Allen, Esq., D.L., J.P., of Greenhead, co. York (son of Thomas Allen, Esq. of Thorp, by Martha his wife, dau. of Thomas Haigh, Esq. of Gledholt), b. 31 March, 1793; s. His uncle Benjamin, Haigh, Esq. of Gledholt; m. 31 Oct. 1814, Sarah, 4th dau. of John Whitacre, Esq. of Woodhouse, co. York, and had issue, Benjamin-Haigh, now of Clifford Priory. John-Whitacre, of Ecclesfield, co. York, B.A., Major 5th West York Militia, b. 22 April, 1823 ; m. 18 Sept. 1851, Eliza, eldest dau. of the late Rev. Dr. Whiteside, Vicar of Scarboro’, and niece of the late Right Hon. James Whiteside, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, and has a son, Alfred-James- Whitacre, b. 1857, and two daus., Harriette-Geraldine and Edith-Lily-Whiteside. Caroline, m. 1850, Rer. William-P.-H. Hutchinson, M.A. Sarah, to. 1861, Rev. Hamilton Kingsford, M.A. Seat—Clifford Priory, Hereford.

Allen, Henry-Seymour, Esq. of Cresselly, co. Pembroke, late 1st Life Guards, J.P., High Sheriff, 1873, b. 30. Aug. 1847; s. his father 13 March, 1861.
Lineage—John Allen, Esq., 2nd son of David Allen, Esq. of Fobstone, by Anne his wife, sister and heir of John Laugharne, Esq., M.P., and grandson of William Allen, Esq. of Gelliswick, co. Pembroke, m. Joan, dau. of John Bartlett, of Cresselly, and left issue, 1) John-Bartlett, his heir. Roger, m. Margaret, widow of John Davis, Esq. of the Hays, and had a son, James Allen, Esq. of Freestone Hall. Joshua, ancestor of Allen of Bicton. Margaret, wife of A. Leach, Esq. The eldest son, John- Bartlett Allen, Esq. of Cresselly, co. Pembroke, to. 1763, Elizabeth, only child of John Hensleigh, Esq. or Panteague, and had issue, 1). John-Hensleigh, his heir. 2). Lancelot-Baugh, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery, and at one time Master of Dulwich College, b. 1 Jan. 1774 ; m. 1st, 13 May, 1813, Caroline, dau. of Thomas-Peter Romilly, Esq. of Dulwich, brother of Sir Samuel Romilly, and by her, who d. 1830, had two sons, 1) George-Baugh, of Cilrhiw, co. Pembroke, J.P., b. 23 April, 1821 ; to. 19 March, 1846, Dorothea-Hannah, dau. of Roger Eaton, Esq., and has John-Romilly, b. 1847, and other issue, 2) Edmund-Edward (Rev.), Rector of Porthkerry, 6. 1824; I to. 1848, Bertha, dau. of Roger Eaton, Esq., and has Edward-Lancelot-Baugh, b. 1853, and other issue. Lancelot-Baugh Allen to. 2ndly, July, 1841, Georgiana- Sarah, dau. of Charles-Nathaniel Bayley, Esq., by the Lady Sarah his wife, dau. Of George, 4th Earl of Jersey, and had by her (who d. 1859), 3) Clement-Francis-Romilly, 6. ‘1844 ; m. 1877, Edith- I Louisa, dau. of Rev. Robert Wedgwood. 4) Elizabeth-Jessie. Mr. L.-B. Allen d. 1845. 5) Elizabeth, to. Josiah Wedgwood, Esq., deceased. 6). Catherine, second wife of Sir James Mackintosh, deceased, in. Mary, d. Young. 7). Caroline, to. Rev. Edward Drewe, Rector of Broadhembury, deceased. v. Jane-Louisa, to. John Wedgwood, Esq. 8). Harriet, to. Rev. Matthew Surtees, M.A., Prebendary of Canterbury and Gloucester, younger son of Aubone Surtees, Esq. of Newcastle and Headley, and brother-in-law of Lord Eldon. Mrs. Surtees d. 1847. 9). Jessie., m. Sismondi, the historian, d. 1845. 10). Emma, d. 1866. ix. Frances. Mr. Allen was s. at his decease by his elder son, John-Hensleigh Allen, Esq. of Cresselly, b. 29 Aug. 1769, J.P. and D.L., who filled the office of High Sheriff for co. Pembroke in 1809, and represented that shire in Parliament from 1819 to 1826. He m. 12 Nov. 1812, Gertrude, youngest dau. of Lord Robert Seymour, 3rd son of Francis, 1st Marquess of Hertford, and by that lady, who d. 13 Jan. 1825, had issue, Seymour Phillips, his heir. Henry-George, Barrister-at-Law, late Recorder of Andover, j 6. 29 July, 1810. John-Hensleigh, b. 3 Nov. 1818 ; to. Miss Snelgar, and d. s. p. 1868. Gertrude-Elizabeth, d. 1824. Isabella-Georgina, to. 1840, George-Lort Phillips, Esq., M.P., of Lawrenny Hall. Mr. Allen d. 9 April, 1843, and was s. by his son, Seymour-Phillips Allen, Esq. of Cresselly, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff, 1850, 6. 24 May, 1815; m. 29 July, 1843, Lady Catherine, dau. of Newton, Earl of Portsmouth, and had issue, 1) Henry-Hugh, b. 19 Nov. 1845 ; d. 8 May, 1847. 2) Henry-Seymour, now of Cresselly. 3). Frederick-Seymour, b. 23 Aug. 1849. 4) Francis-Seymour, b. 29 March, 1853. 5). John-Seymour, b. 17 March, 1855. 6) Newton-Seymour, b. 5 Aug. 1857. 7) Gertrude-Catherine, to. 1877, Sir Owen Scourfield, Bart. 8) Camilla-Frances-Henrietta, d. young, 1853. Mr. S.-P. Allen d. 13 March, 1861, and was s. by his son, till present Henry-Seymour Allen, Esq. of Cresselly. Arms—Per bend, rompu, arg. and sa., six martlets countci changed. Crest—A dove holding in the beak an olive branch, all ppr, Motto—Amicitia sine fraude. Seat—Cresselly, Pembroke.

The Church at Clifford Herefordshire

Allen, Joshua-Jullian, Esq. of Bicton, co. Pembroke, J.P. for that co. and co. Somerset, b. 1 March, 1799 ; m. 8 July, 1821, Martha, only surviving dau. of John Brooke, Esq. of London, and had issue, 1) Joshua-Bird, B.A., b. 15 May, 1823; to. 13 April, 184? Margaretta-Anne, only dau. Of Lieut.-Col. William Morison, E.I.C.S., of Portclew House, co. Pembroke, and has issue, 1. William-Bird, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, b. 1851. 2. Lucy-Martha. 2) Charles-John, b . 2 March, 1832; to. 1856, Augusta-Marie dau. of Eusebius-Arthur Lloyd Esq., formerly Surgeon of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and has issue. : 1. Mary-Anne, d. 19 July, 1833.
Lineage— Joshua Allen, 3rd son of John Allen, of Cresselly, by Joan Dartlett his wife, to. his first cousin, Margaret, dau. and co-heiress of William Allen of Fobstone, by Margaret Bird his wife, and had, with other issue, David- Bird, his heir; Frances, m. George Bowling, Esq.; Julia, to. Major William Slater, of the 82nd regt.; and Lucy, to. Lieut.-Col. William Morison, Bombay army. The son and heir, The Rev. David-Bird Allen, M.A., Bector of Burton, co. Pembroke, b. 16 Feb. 1769; to. 24 Oct. 1796, Mary-Anne- Harriet, dau. of Peter-Bartholomew Jullian, Esq. of London, fcy whom (who d. 28 Dec. 1841) he had issue, 1) Joshua-Jullian, now of Bicton. 2) William, M.A., Rector of Bosherston, co. Pembroke ; b. 27 Sept. 1803; to. 5 July, 1831, his second cousin, Frances- Margaret, eldest dau. of James Allen, Esq. of Freestone Hall, and has issue, 1. Robert-James, b. 20 May, 1832; to. Georgina, dau. Of Major Prole, and d. 26 Sept. 1869, leaving issue. 2. Alfred-Bird, b. 11 Nov. 1834; to. 1862, Isabella, dau. Of Robert Hopekirk, Esq., and has issue. 3. Charles-Stanley, b. 22 Aug. 1838; m. Mary, dau. Of James Peele, Esq., and has issue. 4. William-Frederick, b. 15 April, 1840. 5. Thomas-Cecil, 6. 11 April, 1845. 1 Elizabeth-Jane, to. Edward Goodeve, Esq. 2 Frances-Charlotte. Jessie-Emily. 3). James, M.A., Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of St. David’s, late Vicar of Castlemartin, co. Pembroke; b. 15 July, 1802; m. 28 April, 1852, Isabella-Dorothea, dau. Of P.-R. Hoare, Esq., of Kelsey, Kent. 4) Bird, Comm. R.N., d. unm. at Fernando Po, on his return with Capt. Trotter from the Niger Expedition, 25 Oct. 1841. 5) Charles, in the Bengal Civil Service, b. 29 July, 1808 ; to. 11 Aug. 1840, Mary, youngest dau. of James Allen, Esq. of Freestone Hall, and has Herbert-James, and other issue. 6) John, M.A., Archdeacon of Salop, late Chaplain of King’s College, London, and H.M.’s Inspector of Schools, b. 25 May, 1841; m. 31 July, 1834, Harriet, dau. of J.-W. Higgins, Esq., and has issue, John-Higgins, and several daus. [Mr. Allen d. 31 Dec. 1831, and was s. by his eldest son.
Arms, Crest and Motto same as Allen of Cresselly. Seat—Bicton, Milford, co. Pembroke; Tent Hill, Mells. Frome.

Henry Seymour Allen – Cressley House

Allen, Henry Howard, Esq. of Inchmartine, co. Perth, s. his nephew, James-Douglas-Vaughan ‘Allen, Esq., 1868. He is brother of the late Sir James-Vaughan Allen, Knt. of Inchmartine, who m. Barbara-Elrington, dau. of Gen. Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B., Governor of Edinburgh Castle. Seat—Inchmartine, near Inchture, co. Perth

Allen, Ralph-Shuttleworth, Esq. of Hampton Manor, Bath, Somerset, J.P. and D.L., M.P. for East Somerset, b. June, 1818 ; m. 1st, 1844, .Annie- Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Samuel Cunard, Bart., and by her (who d. 13 Oct. 1862) has, with other issue, Ralph-Edward, Capt. 15th regt., 6. 1846. Fanny.He m. 2ndly, 1864, Ethel, dau. of John-Roy Allen, Esq. of Lyngford House, Taunton.
Lineage.—Ralph Allen, Esq. of Bath (the “Squire Allworthy” of “Tom Jones”), the friend and patron of Pope, Feilding, and Warburton, having realized a large fortune as farmer of the Post-Office, purchased considerable property in and about Bath, and built a splendid mansion, Prior Park, near that city. He d. 29 June, 1764, aged 71, and was buried in the churchyard of Claverton, where there is a monument to his memory. By his testamentary dispositions Prior Park was devised for life to his niece, Gertrude Tucker, Wife of Dr. Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester, which lady, after The Bishop’s death, to. Rev. Martin Stafford Smith, and d. .1 without surviving issue in 1796, when Prior Park passed to Cornwallis, Viscount Hawarden, whose second wife had been Mary, Mr. Allen’s niece, dau. of Philip Alien, Esq., his brother. She d. 1775, leaving one son, Thomas Ralph, 2nd Viscount Hawarden. Eventually Prior Park, after passing through many hands, became and still is a great Catholic College. The Bathhampton property descended in the male line, having been devised by Mr. Allen to his brother, Philip Allen of Bath, who was succeeded in it by his son, father of Henry Allen, Esq. of Bathampton, Somerset, who m. Fanny, dau. of Henry Lloyd, Esq., and had issue, Ralph-Shuttleworth, now of Hampton Manor. Henry, d. unm. Philip, d. Unm. Gertrude-Mary-Ann, to. May 1839, Wilson Gun, Esq. of Rattoo, co. Kerry. Seat—Hampton Manor, Bath, Somerset.

The County Families of the United Kingdom Or, Royal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland
ALLEN, BENJAMIN HOUGH, Esq., of Longcroft, Staffordshire. Elder son of the late Benjamin Haigh Allen, Esq., of Greenhead, near Huddersfield, by Sarah, 4th dau. of the late John Whitacre, Esq., of Woodhouse, co. York; b. 1820; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Stafford.—Longcroft Hill, Burton-on-Trent; The Priory, Clifford, Hereford.
ALLEN, CHARLES HUGH, Esq., of Dunston Grove, Pembrokeshire. Third but 2nd surviving son of the late Charles Bowen Allen, Esq., of Dunston, by Elizabeth, dau. of John Bowen, Esq.; b. 1831; m. 1856 Mary, youngest dau. of Thomas Richard Saunders, Esq., and has issue, * Allen Charles, b. 1857. Mr. Allen is a Magistrate for co. Pembroke.—Dunston Grove, Haverfordwest. ALLEN, CHARLES WILLIAM, Esq., of The Moor, Herefordshire. Son of the late W. Allen, Esq., b. 18–; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Hereford.—The Moor, Kington.
ALLEN, GEORGE BAUGH, Esq., of Kilrhue, Pembrokeshire. Son of the late G. Allen, Esq.; b. 1819; educated at Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1842, M.A. 1845); is a Magistrate for co. Pembroke.—Ki/rhue, Narberth, S. Wales; 5, Albert Terrace, Regent’s Park, N.w.
ALLEN, HENRY, Esq., of Oakfield, Radnor shire. Son of the late Rev. William Allen, D.D., Prebendary of Hereford; b. 18–; m. 18 – Catherine, 2nd dau. of the late William Bird, Esq., of Drybridge House, co. Hereford (she d. 1842). Is a Magistrate for cos. Hereford, Radnor, and Pembroke.—Oakfield, Hay.
ALLEN, HENRY SEYMOUR, Esq., of Cresselly, Pembrokeshire. Eldest surviving son of the late Seymour Philipps Allen, Esq., of Cresselly (J.P. and D.L. for co. Pembroke, and High Sheriff in 1850), by Lady Catherine Fellowes, dau. of Newton, 4th Earl of Portsmouth; b. 1847; s. 1861. Educated at Harrow; is Lord of the Manor of Cresselly. This family is a younger branch of the Allens of Dale Castle, in the same county, now represented by Mr. Lloyd-Philipps-Cresselly House, Pembroke. Heir Pres., his brother Frederick Seymour, b. 1849.
ALLEN, THE LATE JAMES DOUGLAS VAUGHAN, Esq., of Inchmartine, Perthshire. – Only son of the late Sir James Vaughan Allen, of Inch martine, by Barbara Elrington, 3rd dau. of the late General Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B.; b. 1847; s. 1852; d. 1868. Was Lord of the Barony of Inchmartine, and Patron of 3 livings. This family is a branch of the house of Allen of Errol, co. Perth.-Inchmartine House, Inchture, N.B.
ALLEN, THE VEN. JOHN, of Hormead, Herts. Youngest son of the late Rev. David Bird Allen, Rector of Burton, co. Pembroke, by Mary Anne Harriet, dau. of Bartholomew Jullian, Esq., of Throgmorton Street, London, and brother of J. J. Allen, Esq., of Bicton (whom see); b. 1810; m. 1834 Harriet, dau. of James White Higgins, Esq., of Hormead Bury, Herts, and has, with other issue, – * John Higgins, educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge, a Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn; b. 1841. The Archdeacon, who was educated at Westminster and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1832, M.A. 1835), is Vicar of Prees, co. Salop, Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Lichfield, and (jure uroris) Lord of the Manor of Hormead; he was formerly Chaplain of King’s Coll., London, and the first of H. M.’s Inspectors of Schools. The family was in the 17th century settled at Gelliswick, co. Pembroke; and branches of it are settled at Cresselly, St. Bride’s Hill, and Dale Castle, all in Pembrokeshire.—Hormead Bury, Buntingford; Residence: Prees Vicarage, Shrewsbury.
ALLEN, JOHN, Esq., of Coleridge House, Devon. Eldest son of the late Michael Allen, Esq., by Agnes, dau. of John Cornish, Esq., of Coleridge House, Devon; b. 1791; s. 1828; m. 1836 Marianne Catherine, 2nd dau. of the late Edmund N. W. Fortescue, Esq., of Fallapit, Devon, and has surviving issue, * George Edmund, b. 1841. Mr. Allen is a J.P. and D.L. for Devon, and was formerly Capt. in the N. Devon Militia. This family was formerly of Seveock, near Truro, Cornwall.—Coleridge. House, Kingsbridge, Devon. –
ALLEN, CAPT. JOHN ALLEN, late of Errol Park, Perthshire. Son of the late J. Allen, Esq., of Errol Park; b. 18–. Is a Magistrate for co. Perth, and a Capt. in the Forfarshire Militia.
ALLEN, JOHN ROY, Esq., of Lyngford, Somerset. Elder son of the late John Allen, Esq., of Lyngford; b. 1799; is married and has issue; educated at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1821, M.A. 1825), called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1826; is a Magistrate for Somerset; late Recorder of Andover.—Lyngford House, Taunton.
ALLEN, JOSHUA JULLIAN, Esq., of Bicton, Pembrokeshire. Eldest son of the late Rev. Davin Bird Allen, of Burton, by Mary Anne Harriet, dau. of Peter Bartholomew Jullian, Esq., of London; b. 1799; s. 1840; m. 1821 Martha, dau. of John Brooke, Esq., and has issue, * Joshua Bird, educated at St. Paul’s and Trin. Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1845); b. 1823; m. 1848 Margaretta Anne, only dau. of Col. Morison, of Portclew House, co. Pembroke. Mr. Allen is a Magistrate for co. Pembroke. This family is a branch of the Allens of Cresselly (whom see). —Bicton, Milford, Pembroke; Tents Hill House, Mells, Frome; 20, Bedford Row, w.c.
ALLEN, MAJOR RALPH SHUTTLEWORTH, of Shockerwick, Somerset. Son of the late Henry Allen, Esq., of Bathampton, Somerset, by Fanny, dau. of Henry Lloyd, Esq.; b. 1818; m. 1st 1844 Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Samuel Cunard, Bart. (she d. 1862); 2nd 1864 Ethel, dau. of John Roy Allen, Esq., of Lyngford House, Somerset, and has, with other issue, * Ralph Edward, b. 1846. Major Allen, who was educated at Woolwich, is a Magistrate for Somerset, and Capt. N. Somerset Yeomanry; was formerly Capt. R.A. and Major R. Cornwall and Devon Miners Artillery; elected M.P. for E. Somerset 1868. This family was formerly of Prior Park, near Bath.-Shockerwick, Bath ; United Service Club, s.w.
ALLEN, THOMAS NEWLAND, Esq., of The Vache, Bucks. Son of the late Thomas Allen, Esq., of The Vache, by Sarah his wife; b. 1800; s. 1829 ; m. 1832 Caroline Josephine, dau. of — Robinson, Esq. (she d. 1866). Is a Magistrate for Bucks (High Sheriff 1847)—The Vache, Chalfont St. Peter’s, Slough, Reform Club, s.w.; 13, Holles Street, Cavendish Square, w nº.” his niece Miss Bunn, who has taken the name of Allen.
ALLEN, WILLIAM, Esq., of Lisconville, co. Cork. Eldest son of the late William Allen, Esq., of Liscon ville, by Mary, dau. of James Low, Esq., of Sally Park, co. Cork; b. 1807; s. 1854; m. 1841 Clara, dau. of Christopher Blunt, Esq., of Derriquin Castle, co. Kerry, and has issue, * William, b. 1842. Mr. Allen, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1833), is a Magistrate for co Cork. This family was formerly of Greenfield, co. Cork-Lisconville, near Kanturk, co. Cork.
ALLEN, WILLIAM, Esq., of Woodhead Hall, Staffordshire. Son of the late William Allen, Esq.; b. 1806; m. 1829, Maria, dau. of William Shepherd, Esq., and has issue, an only son, * William Shepherd, M.A. of Wadham Coll., Oxford, a Magistrate for co. Stafford, and M.P. for Newcastle-under Lyne; b. 1831. Mr. Allen is a Magistrate for co. Stafford.—Woodhead Hall, Cheadle.
ALLEN, THE REV. WILLIAM JEFFERYS, of Gal chell, Somerset. Younger son of the late John Allen, Esq., of Lyngford, Somerset, and brother of John Roy Allen, Esq. (whom see); b. 1802. Educated at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1825, M.A. 1830); is a Magistrate for Somerset; was Incumbent of Michaelchurch, Somerset, 1851–6. —Gatchell, Bridgewater.

Prior Park, Bath 7 by James Ross

The Allen Memorial. First Series, Descendants of Edward Allen of Nantucket, Mass., 1690-1905
As a place-name. “1 believe now there is some sacred power and virtue in a name.” – Berloni. Having consulted nearly all the English, French, German and Latin authors who have commented on th. derivation of the name Allen, 1 have, out of their different opinions, come to the following conclusion: that the name is from the Aryan root wing, meaning mountainous, first found as a place-name in the uplands of ancient Sarmartra north of the Caspian sea, where Mt. Alan was located, whence that powerful people, the Alani, derived their name prior to the Christian era, who according to Claudius, were descended from the Massagetes, who defeated Cyrus the Great 350 It is also significant thatAl equally early we find the Celtic root, meaning high, or sometimes white or bright, among the place-names of Scotland, where dwelt that original tribe, the Damnii, who were found there on Caesar’s arrival in 55 BC 100; who must have settled there at a long anterior date. This tribe had a town called Alan or Alwan, at first on a river of the same name, which the Romans Latinized into Alauna. There are also many ancient place-names derived from Al in Northern Britain which might be added if space permitted. From these facts we must conclude that the name Alan – Allen – is of Aryan origin, fostered by the Cymrie race and planted by them first as a place- name wherever they located and appears in Britain and Scotland long anterior to all other claimants on the island. In conclusion we venture to suggest that the name in the Orient and Occident came from the same root and was borne by people once kindred, the one remaining long land near the cradle, the friend in Paris as to the historical value of Morice and learned that he was considered reliable by French critics. I Conan, son of Gerenton, Prince Alban, the ancient name of Scotland. She married Darerea daughter of Calphurnius and Conchise, a daughter of St. Martin, of Brittany. Caphurnius was of the most powerful Lord of Scotland, but removed to Brittany, where he settled in one of the town governed by his son-in-law. After the death of Maximus Conan governed Brittany 26 years under the dependence of the Romans. But in 409, upon the withdrawal of the Roman troops from Britain and the general weakness of the empire, Conan became independent and defended his people against the barbarians. He was a wise andable ruler and his country proved a safe refuge for thousands of those who fled from Britain, who sought protection and were offered homes in the waste lands of his province. Conan died in 421 after a reign of 37 years. 2. Solomon succeeded in 421, 434, died about 3. Grattius (Augustus), died about 445. 4. Upon the death of Grattius the rule reverted to Conan’s line in the person of Audren, son of Solomon, who died in 464, Erick V., son of Audren, began to reign in 464 and died in 476. 6. Eusebius, the next in succession, died about 490. 7. Budic, the younger brother Erick, was called to to the ducal throne. She married Auanmed daughter of Eusic, Prince of Wales. He died about 509. 8 warlike and he was successful. Hoel, the eldest son of Budic, was at the Court of King Arthur of Britain, his kinsman, when he was called home on his father’s death to succeed him. He drove out from his enemies, and Armoricaregnavit peace. He died about 545. 9. Hoel, 2, son of Hoel 1, came to the throne on the death of his father. She married Rimo, daughter of Malgo, king of Britain. He died in 547. 1 x Alan, son of Hoel 2 married the princess, Azenou. It is probable that he derived his name from the remembrance of his ancestor’s successful Audren conflict with the tribe of Alani, which had invaded France. Owing to the unsettled state of the province it was some years before he overcame his enemies and enjoyed peace. 11. Hoel, 3, 1 son of Alan, born in 560 married Pritelle. He was able to rule over a united province, and died about 612. 12. 2, Solomon, son of Hoel 2, reigned from 6 i ’till about 632. He left no children. 13. Judicael brother Solomon 2, married the Princess Marone. He abdicated the throne about 638 and retired to a monastery in Gaul died 658. 14. Alan 2;Long called the son of Judicael, probably on account of his extended reign. He died 690, after a reign of 50 years. 15. Gratton, son of Alan Long, had a troubled reign and lost a part of his territory. He died 753. 16. David, son of John, son of Geallon reigned but a few years. Time of death not given. 17. Budic, son of David, recovered his depleted territory. Time of death not known. 18. Milian, son of Budic Died about 792. 19. Rivod brother of Milian. 797, 20 died. Argant, a cousin of Rivod reigned a few years. 21. Jonathan began to reign in 814, the year of Charlamange’s death. His rule was short. 22. Judual, probably son of Argaei, who died in 824. These follow, Moricesays, descended from Judicael No. 13 are in the line of descent from Conan i 23. Nominoe married Aryontael and ruled from 830 to 851. 24. Euspis, son of Nominoe. He reigned from 85 1 to 857. 25. 3, Solomon, cousin of euspis and son Rivallon brother of Nominoe, reigned from 857 to 874. 26. Pasquiten, grandson of Nominoe and nephew of Solomon died about 887. 27. Alan 3, called the Great, brother of Pasquiten, reigned from 887 to 907. He commenced as Count of Vanni and succeeded as king of Brittany. He was recognized as ruler by the whole nation. Orgain married and left children, Ridault Count of Vannes, Derrien, Seignior of elven, Pasquiten, Guereea, Budic, Herne, and a daughter who married Malvedor Count of Poher, through whom the line was continued. “Alan died, covered with glory and merit. The services which he rendered his country acquired him the name of Great.” 28. Alan 4, grandson of Alan 3, came to the throne soon after the death of his grandfather. He was com compelled to gain allegiance with the Norman Duke and became one of the chief rulers of the state. He died in 952. 29. Hoel, son of Alan 4, died in 980. 30. GUrich, brother of the preceding Hoel succeeded him. He left a son, Alan. He died in 9S7. 31. Geoffrey was the next Duke of Brittany. He was the son of Conan, son of Solomon 3, son of Gurvant, who was cousin of Solomon 3, and who had married his niece, the daughter of euspis, so was in the line of descent from Conan 1, the first king of Brittany. Hadwisa he married in 1008, daughter of Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy. Date of his death not given. 32. Alan 6, called Rubeiz, son of GeofFry. He married Bertha, daughterOdan of Count of Charters. He died of poison while besieging the castle of Montgomery. 33. Conan, son of Alan 5, died in 1066 and left no issue. 34. Compared 5 Count of Carnonville married Havoise sister of the foregoing Conan O’Brien, by which alliance he became Duke of Brittany in 1066 and died in 1084. 35. Alan VTfcFergeant, son of Hoel, Y. and Havoise, he came Duke of Brittany in 1084. He equaled his far- famed second cousin and namesake who aided William in his conquest of England, for when he became Duke of Brittany he refused to do homage to William, and maintained his ground so stoutly as to cause William to withdraw from his invasion of Brittany and sign Articles of peace, among which was one granting the marriage of the King’s daughter, Constance, to Alan in 1086. She died 1090, leaving no issue. He m. (2) In 1093, ERMENGARDE, daughter of Faulk, Earl of Anjou. Allan died in 11 19. 36. Conan 3, 6 and Ermengarde son of Alan, became Duke of Brittany in 11 12. He married Matilda, daughter 1 of King Henry of England. Their daughter Bertha married Alan Lenoir, the fourth Earl of Richmond, in whose persons were again united the two branches of the ducal house of Geoffrey of Brittany.

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The Alan of Richmond and Brittany. We have traced the succession of the ducal Alan of Brittany past the Norman conquest of England, and now we will glance briefly at the union of the two houses of Alan Richmond and Brittany, as has just been noted above. Alan 1, Fergeau, the first Earl of Richmond, England, was the son of Eud0 Count of Panthievre, and grandson of Geoffrey 1, Duke of Brittany. Some historians, including Hume, have confounded him with Alan 6, Fergeau, son of HoCl 5, Duke of Brittany, the very palpable error. These two Alans were second cousins. Alan 1, Fergeau, so-called because of his red hair, was born in Brittany before ioj. Styled Count of Brittany, but not Duke, 1066. The commander of the second division of the Norman army under William at the battle of Hastings, Dec. 1066; created Lord of Crofton and Fumtebri in Hants; created lord of Richmond and all Earl Edwin’s lands in Yorkshire 1069. Rich styled Earl of Richmond from his castle. He died 1089 without issue. “The noble castle of Richmond which he reared long remained as a link between the earldom and the Breton Dukedom.” “This castle built with additions by successive Earls still remains as one of the finest Norman buildings of the kingdom.” The success of William at the decisive Battle of Hastings was largely due to the bravery and strategy Alan, who was commander of the left wing of the army, and he was fully rewarded by the complaint by vast gifts of lands, so that he became , next to the King, the richest person in England. Alan 1, Fergeau, had -four brothers, Alan Black, Stephen Reboldi Lord of Widdlehams and BardolP. Alan 2, Black, brother of Alan 1, Earl of Richmond, he succeeded as Earl of Richmond 1089. Died 1104. Stephen, brother of Alan 2, styled as Count of Brittany 1101, was the third Earl of Richmond 1104, died in 1137. Alan 3, Niger, second son of Stephen, succeeded as fourth Earl of Richmond 11 37, married Bertha, daughter of Conan 3, Duke of Brittany, 1138. He died about 1146. By this marriage the two branches of the House of Duke Geoffrey were united, and the Earl of Richmond and the Duchy of Brittany became vested dOM in one person. Conan 4, 3 son of Alan, Earl of Richmond, was Duke and Count of Brittany, born before 113s, succeeded as fifth Earl of Richmond 1146, and Duke of Brittany 1156, married Margaret, sister of Mal- chom 4, King of Scotland 1160. He died 1171. Constance, daughter of Conan 4, born 1163, succeeded in 11 66 to her title as Countess of Richmond and Duchess and Countess of Brittany married Geoffrey fourth of Henry 2, England. She died 1201. Arthur of Brittany, son of Geoffrey and Constance, was made Earl of Richmond 1200, unmarried. Was killed April, 1203. With him Alan closed the line of the Earl of Richmond. It may be added in this connection that Alan la Zouchc, third son of Geoffrey count of Porhoet, consider able established one of the houses of England in the 12th century, whose descendants were living in the 17th century. Further descendants of the ducal house of Brittany: Alan, Count of Leon in 1279;Alan le Roux Count of Penthrevre, died 1095 J Alan, Count of Penthrevre, etc., died 121 2; Alan of Avangom, died 1265; Alan count of Gavre, died 1481. Alan 1, third son of Endo Count of Porhoet, was the first Count of rohen died 11 18. The following counts succeeded bore the name of Alan Alan 2, died in 1164; Alan 3, died 1195; Alan 4, died 1205; Alan 5, died 1232; Alan 6, died 1303; Alan 7, died 1352; Alan 8, died 1429; Alan 9, married Margaret, daughter of Jean 4, Duke of Brittany, and died 1462. Alan surnamed Cognard Count of Carnonville died about 1058. Alan Leshardrieux was bishop of Tregnier in 1267. Alan de Bruer was bishop of the Tregnier 1 284. Alan from about 1 Gal was bishop of Quimper340. Alan was bishop of Carnonville in 1344. Alan of litter was bishop of the Austin 11 52, Alan De L’Isle, was a learned divine of the University of Paris, died 1294. Alan (Charter) born 1386, was sec retary 3 Charles, King of France. It may be added that the Alan of Brittany who have Count GeofFry as an ancestor, trace their line also through the Norman Dukes, Rehard the Fearless, Willam Langswoard Rolfe, the founder of the Dukedom of Normandy, to his father, Roquwald earl of males in Norway, about 850 AD

Alans in England and Scotland. As has been noted, the Alan name was first found in Britain, then early transferred to Brittany, where it was nourished and honored for centuries, then brought back to the British Isles in the person of Alan Fergeau, the general and companion of the Conqueror and others of his kin and name. A careful research fails to find any Alan save in Britain at this time of Breton stock. Miss Clark says in her history of Christian names that one of these Alans located in Scotland, there married an heiress whose grandson, Alan, married Eva, the daughter of Lord of Tippermuir, and became High Steward of Scotland, and was both the progenitor of the race of Stewart and the original of the Hosts of Alans and Allen, who have ever since filled Scotland. A descendant of this Alan came to the throne of Scotland, in the person of Robert the steward in 1318. Another Alan was the second Baron of Allerdale in 1154. Alan of Tewkesbury was a noted writer of the 12th century, who died of 1201. Alan Beccles was the Bishop’s secret tary 1218 to 1236; died 1240. Alan Bishop of Cathness was Chancellor of Scotland in 1291. An Alan was made Abbott of the celebrated Battle Abbey Sep. 28, 1324. Alan of Lynn, educated at Cambridge, became a celebrated preacher and author, 1424.

Allen first used as a surname. Surnames were first used in France about the year 1000 AD, and in England about 1066. While there is little doubt that a majority of the Allen families of England and Scotland have descended from the Alan of Brittany who settled in the British Isles, there were probably some next of kin who at first took the personal name of Alan who later adopted it as a surname, so we do not wish to be understood as assuming that all who now bears the name of Allen are of ducal extraction, for that is now a difficult matter to determine. The original name Alan has passed through many changes in spelling, though the form is that of Allen mostly in use since the 13th century. one of the early members of the family who boasted a surname was Henry Allen, Lord of Buckenhall in Staffordshire in 1272. He was ancestor to branches spelling their name Allen Allyn, Alleyn, and Alleyne. Robert Henry Allen, High Sheriff of Co. Devon in 185 1, traced his descent in a direct line from him. John Allyn, a canon of Windsor, was born in 1373; William Allen, born 1532, was made a cardinal in 1587; Henry Allen, was Bailiff of Yarmouth 1271, William Allen, same in 1270-5; Johannes Allen, MP, from Yarmouth 1314. The earliest name only are given. 185 1 for an English writer Allen says there were then 30,000 surnames in the country, showing how the name had become numerous, and were quite evenly distributed through 32 counties.

Allens in London. As our Edward Allen came from London, whose genealogy is given at length in this volume, it may be of interest to learn something of the Allen of that city, although 1 have been unable to connect him with any family there. Allen numerous families have been there from early times, many of whom have held the highest positions. It is a little singular “that the very first Allen whom we find mentioned in London is Pyers Alleyn, who was Lord Mayor of that city in 1247; followed by Sir John Allen in 1521 to 1535, Sir William Allen in 1571, Sir Thomas Allen in 1660. The Duke Roger, son of Roger Alan, was sheriff of London in 1172, Thomas Allen in 1414, to 1 471, John Allen, John 18 to 15 Allen, William Allen in 1562, Thomas Allen in 1654. There are also many Allens found in the incorporated companies of London from the 12th century onwards whose names we have not the space to give. 1 will find the earliest which was made in London by Geoffrey Allen, dated June 24, 1342, who mentions wife Matilda, Alon sons, Robert and William, and daughters, Isabella, Margery, Leticia and Agnes. Many other early wills are omitted here. In making a careful search through the parish Registers of London 1807.1 found from 1538 to 1467 persons by the name of Allen, 26 of whom bore the name of Edward; the name of Joseph Robert Benjamin and Ebenezer are also very frequent, all of which have freely appeared in the American line of our family. From the list of Edward Allen of London 1 have selected the following, either of whom might have been the father of our Edward of Nantucket, who must have been born about 1670, either just before or soon after, viz: Edward Allen and Mary Smith m. Oct. 28, 1640. Edward Allen and Elizabeth, m. Aug. 22, 1642. Edward Allen and Elizabeth England, m. April 22, 1647. Edward Allen and Judith Bull m. April 8, 1670. They had a daughter, Grace, who d. Apr. 16, 1673. Edward and Sarah Allen had a son John, b. Aug. 5, 1667. An Edward Allen was buried July 17, 1724. Edward Allen of Nantucket had a cousin, Benjamin Allen, 17 to 17 living in London and 1 find in a London Parish Register Benjamin Allen, who died there Feb. 20, 1721. The foregoing are given as possible clues to some future search for traces of our ancestors.

Allen Coat of Arms. “It was early in the 13th century that Heraldry became possessed of a regular system and acquired a language of its own which still survives.” “Arms,” so called because they were originally borne upon the shield of the owner subsequently became known as’ coat of arms, which prevailed from the fashion of embroidering them upon the surcoat or long robe which was worn over the armor. “At first the right to bear arms was only given to knights who had served in the field, but later the honor was bestowed either for gallant conduct in war or for meritorious Service in civil affairs, but has always been considered as a mark of special distinction. from the earliest days of heraldry the Allen have been law ously honored by the bestowment of coats of arms. No less than sixty-two Allen families have been thus distinguished , being found in nearly every county of England and Scotland showing the Allen family has deserved well of its country for the last six centuries at least. Notwithstanding the foregoing, allow the writer to hope that no one having the name Allen will assume the right to use crests or armorial bearings without the most positive evidence to sustain him in so doing, simply because someone having his own name has been thus honored in the distant past. Here we bring to a close our rapid survey of the rise and development of the Allen family in Brittany and England during more than fifteen centuries. It is a history of which no family need be ashamed, deriving its line of lineage from British, Roman, Breton, Norman and French stock, and allied with the princely houses of Normandy, Pang, France, Scotland and England, while King, Duke , Lord, Earl, Counts and Knights are found within its ranks. Doughty warriors in the Crusades and armed knights for home defense, sustain the prestige of the name. Later on, when the arts of peace begin their benign ruler the family is not Backing in men who rise as leaders in learning the arts and sciences. Ever restive under restraint in early times, the rule still obtains when the days of Reformation come, for we find the family giving its educated children to swell the non-conformist ranks, or furnishing recruits to people New England with men who counted liberty of conscience above all things else. This inspiring background of ancestry is shared by the great host of Allen, both in England and America among all the many divergent lines, but it should not cause a single member to rest with tent with ancestral laurel, but rather prove an incentive for him to strive to keep alive the prestige of the name. Some of the sources of information for the foregoing, besides those noted: Myrvyrian Archeology, William’s Eminent Welshmen, Freeman’s Norman Conquest Greene’s Lives of the Princesses of England, Doyle’s Baronage of England, Creesey’s decisive battle, ‘Domesday Book, Dugdate’s Baronage of England, Harold’s Fairhair’s Saga Clark’s Christian name, Gibbs’ Royal House of Stuart, Burke’s landed gentry of England, Arthur’s Christian names, muttering’s Collectan Genealogica, London Callender of Wills, Norfolk official list, Goffey’s Homes of family names in Britain, Allen’s Hut. London Barry’s Diet of Heraldry.

Descendants of Edward Allen. The emigrant from London, England, who settled on Nantucket Island, Mass., About l690. Our sires with Island acres was content. His sons are found all o’er the continent. Our ancestor, Edward Allen, left London, England, for America about 1690. On his way thither the vessel in which he embarked was captured by pirates, a common occurrence in those times; What he came of the others is not known, but he managed to escape while the vessel was off Portsmouth, NH, and soon made his way to Nantucket, Mass., which island had been settled some thirty years previously. Nantucket how he came to make his home is a matter of Conjet incense; but it may be presumed that as the island people were much given to a seafaring life, some of them may have been at Portsmouth at the time of the advent of our young emigrant, and probably from extended an invitation to him to locate with them. Having been captured by pirates, it is fair to presume, he had little left him with which to start life; but this did not deter him from taking a wife in due time after becoming a citizen of the island republic. He was probably married to Ann Coleman of Non Tucket sometime in 1692, and remained on the island until his death. Soon after marriage he built a house on the plains west of Clark’s Cove, some three miles out of the present town, where he lived many years. 1 shown in 1891 was the site of the old house by William Allen, which is indicated by a slight depression now and a few pieces of brick. Doorstone of this house was moved to the original Shubael 1826 by Allen to form the doorstone of his house on Milk Street, since known as the Isaiah Union place. The stone is a dressed, some three feet square, with a surface worn smooth by the feet of seven generations. From the town records of Nantucket 1 have gleaned these extracts concerning Edward Allen: The first mention of his name which 1 find it in the record of a town meeting held the 17th of the 1 2th month, 1706, when he was chosen one of the jurors to attend the court sessions of Common Pleas to be held the 25th of 1st month, 1707. At a town meeting held 29th month of 1 st, 1707, Edward Allen was chosen Constable. At a town meeting held 25th month of 5U1, 1709, was Edward Allenchosen one of a committee to inspect ever) ‘man’s meadows on the island and where they find any man short in their proportions they have hereby power to amend every such man’s share with the common meadow as far as it will go, to the best of their understanding. was chosen to attend a juror with six others to be held next court ensuing 2Sth of 2d month, 17 10. At town meeting held 20th of 1 month, 17 13, Edward Allen was chosen one of the trustees of the Island. At town meeting held 24th of 1 month, 17 14, John Allen was chosen one of the jurors. At the same meeting he was chosen one of the trustees of Nantucket. At town meeting held 23d of 1st month, 1715, Edward Allen was chosen one of the grand jurors for the ensuing year. At the same meeting he was chosen one of a committee to impound any hogs found on the Commons after the time appointed. At town meeting held 23d day of 1st month, 1 7 1 9, Edward Allen was chosen for one of the grand jurors the year ensuing. From Nantucket Co. Record of deeds is copied the following: “Be it known unto all men by these presents that 1 Daniel Sport, the Sachem on the Island of Nantucket, in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings current money in New England to me hand paid at or the ensealing of these presents by Edward Allen of the aforesaid Island of Nantucket .husbandman have granted, bargained, sold, alienated and confirmed and do by these presents fully, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, sell, alienate and confirm unto the said Edward Allen, his heirs and assigns forever, common age freeage and pasturage for one horse on the Island of Nantucket, together with all the rights and privileges belonging into the said commonage or liberty of feeding or pasturing one horse on said Island; being one of those my father, Sport, reserved by agreement with the English, as by said agreement may more fully appear. To have and to hold the same liberty for one or commangehorse unto him the said Edward Allen, his heirs assigns forever without in any manner of let, hinderance or molestation, by the said Daniel Sport, or my heirs, or by any other person or persons by our means, consent or procurement; and 1 Daniel Sport, do hereby covenant and promise to and with said Edward Allen, that the premises before the ensealing of these presents are absolutely free and clear from all forms or other grants, alienations or incur branches whatsoever, and that 1 have good right, lawful power, the same to dispose of. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto put my hand. and seal this twenty-eighth day of May in the year of our Lord, 1707. Sealed and delivered ” The 171 1 Edward Allen, with 21 others, gave a quit claim deed of the horse common which they had purchased of the Indians to the inhabitants of the island for their use. Feb. 19, 1723, Edward and Ann Allen had a deed of ro acres of land which had been confirmed to them by arbitration in dispute, which had belonged to Thomas Coleman and given by him to his son Tobias. there are many records of deeds of land to Edward and Ann Allen, and between 1735 and 1740 there are records of land deeded by them, apparently near main street in the town to each of their nine children. From these records it would appear that in their declining years they moved into town and probably lived with their son Ebenezer. My attention was called to this fact by the kindness of Prof. Henry Mitchell of Nantucket, who furnished me with numerous extracts from the Co. records. At 171 7 Benjamin Allen of London, cousin of our Edward, sent him a clock made in London by W. Tomlinson. This clock is a tall one, with brass works, and is still in good running order. It has remained in some branch of the family since the death of Edward. It is now in the possession of Mrs. Ibn Allen of Nantucket. It will go to Robert M. Stratton of San Francisco. He is descended from Rachel, d. of Edward Allen, who m. THOMAS Starbucks. Edward Allen, 1 learned from Mr. Win. C. Folger of Nantucket, was a man of intelligence and pleasant address, one popular with his fellow townsmen. He deserves well of his posterity, for he reared nine children, eight of whom married and in turn raised large families; one was lost at sea, whaling, at the age of twenty-five. As has been remarked, Edward Allen came to Nantucket after it had been settled by the Europeans some 30 years; At this time it contained about 700 Europeans. The Native Americans had been Christianized and were peaceful neighbors; All the land occupied by the Europeans had been paid for and there never seems to have arisen any cause for serious dispute. The climate was mild, the productive land and the inhabitants success ons, as prosperity was counted in those days of limited needs, and our ancestor, as well as his neighbors, passed his days in contentment, and when the pilgrimage was over, was laid to rest in the ancient burial ground near Maxcy’s Pond, with serious unmarked by slab, as were those who had preceded him. 1. Edward Allen, born in England about 1670; m. Ann, daughter of Joseph and Ann (Bunker) Coleman, of Nantucket, b. Oct. 10, 1675. He died in Nantucket Jan. 1, 1741; she died there July 1, 1739. Children born in Nantucket: – Mary I. 2. b. Aug. 25, 1693. 2. Joseph, b. Oct 10, 1695; d. May 4, 1706. 3. Benjamin b. Apr. 22, 1697; UNM., lost at sea in the South, whaling, 1722. “3. 4. Nathaniel b. Feb. 24, 1 700. 4. V., b. Apr. 23, 1704. 5. 6. Sylvanus b. May 6, 1706. 6. 7. Rachel, b. 31, 1709. 7- 8. Sarah, b. June 4, 1713. 8. 9. Elizabeth, b. May 2, 1716. 9. X. Ebenezer b. Apr. 26, 1718. 2. Mary Allen (Edward ‘), born 25, 1693; m. Paul Coffin, son of Stephen and Mary, b. Apr. 15, 1695. He died at sea May 1729; she is in. (2) Nov. 29, 1731, Clothier Pierce of Newport, RI, son of John and grandson of the celebrated Captain Michael King Philip’s War; was b. May 5, 169S. He m. (1) Nov. 19, 1718, in Sherman, Hannah, daughter of Ibn and honors, b. June 23, 1700. In the common burying ground at Newport, RI, is the grave of Mary Pierce, Pierce, wife of Clothier, who d. Oct. 27, 1763, e. 70 years 2 months and 22 days. Children by first marriage: I. Daniel Coffin, b. 1 7 1 3; m. Ann Waldo of Newport; m. (2) Elizabeth Spratlin, daughter of William. 2. Peter Coffin, b. Apr. 26, 1718; m. Apr. 10, 1738, Deborah Hussey, b. 1721, daughter of George and Elizabeth. He d. Apr. 4, 1799; she d. Apr. 9, 1785. 3. Mary Coffin, b. Apr. 23, 1724; m. Apr. 7, 1741, John Thurston of Newport, son of Samuel and Abigail. He died Mar. 1, 1771; she d. Apr. 19, 1773. He was born at Newport April 10, 1713 will of Mary Thurston made Feb. 6, 1773, proved June 5, 1773. Their children were: (1) láþra b. Oct 20, 174S; m. Sarah wanton; m. (2) Mrs. Martha Coggeshell; (2) son b. and d. 1749; (3), John, b. June 12, 1750; m. Sabra Smith; (4) Mary, b. July 17, 1752; m. Oct. 1S, 1771, Hezekiah Starbuck of Nantucket; They moved to North Carolina in 1785 and had 10 children: George, Guyer, Clarissa, Hezekiah, Jethro, John, Mary, John, Rebecca, Lathratn; (5), Samuel, b. Oct 8, 1755; d ^ June 9> l757 (6), Abigail, b. Apr. 10, 1760; d. Aug. 17, 1760; (7), Hannah b. April 29, 1762; d. Oct. 11, 1762; (8) Samuel, b. Apr. 9, 1763; m. Mary Landers; (9), Paul, b. July 16, 1769; m. Apr. 2, 1791, Sarah Hall He d. In Maracabo SA Oct. 8, 1802; she d. May 17, 1S56. 4. Paul Coffin, b. Aug. 28, 172S; m. Oct. 15, 1750, Jerusha Snell of Newport. She had no children by second marriage to Clothier Pierce. The children of Clothier, Sherman and Hannah Pierce, were: (i) Clothier, b. 1720; (2), Hannah b. 1722; (3) Elizabeth, b. 1726; (4) Freelone, i>. 1727; (5) David, b. 1730. 3. Nathaniel Allen (Edward ‘) born Feb. 24, 1700; m. Apr. 1, 1724, provides, dan. of Capt. Samuel, son of Samuel and provided (Southwick) Gaskill of Newburyport Mass. She d. Apr. 30, 1730. He m. (2) May 2, 1732, Love, widow of Prince coffins, and dan. of Nathan and Mercy skiff of Chilmark, 1005, born Sept. 3, 1701. He died April 7, 1776; she d. April 24, 17S1. From my notes given by Prof Mitchell 1 infer that Nathaniel Allen’s house was located on the south side of Main Street near Traders Lane and about £ miles westward from the Pacific Bank. In a deed dated Feb. 9, 1735, by which his father and mother gave him right to certain common, Nathaniel, is designated as a mariner, and we infer from other circumstances he was the master of a vessel; and as his first wife was from Newburyport, he probably sailed to that port in the regular coasting trips; and for a similar reason he doubtless found his second wife on Martha’s Vineyard, for the storms often drove the vessels into Vineyard Haven for shelter when the occasion was utilized in forming acquaintances and often resulted in transferring some of the fair maidens of the vineyard to Nantucket homes. Nathaniel Allen and his first wife were friends; the record of their marriage and of their two children is found in the books of the Friends’ meeting at Nantucket. Gaskel miss was a descendent of Cassandra Southwick, of whom Whittier has written in one of the most beautiful poems. Nathaniel’s second marriage was out of “meeting” and he was then dropped from membership, but his two children remained within the fold of the friends. His second wife was descended from Gov. CARVER, the skiff, the Chipman and from John Tilley and John Hawland of the Mayflower. It is supposed that he spent the best part of his life following the sea, as we find he had little to do in connection with affairs at home. Children of first marriage: – i Edmond, b. October, 1726; UNM. ; d. Aug. 26, 1763. 10. 2. Provided, b. July 2, 1728. Children of second marriage: – 3. Abigail b. Apr. 10, 1733; in. May 5, 1785, Jonathan Moore, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1725; d. Sept 3, 1795. She was his wife 3D, and d. Apr. 14, 1817. They had no children. 4. Susanna b. Apr. 2, 1735; unmarried .; d. Apr. 11, 1796. 11. V. Joseph, b. Apr. 1, 1737. 12. 6. Benjamin b. Apr. 1, 1740. 13. 7. Mercy, b. Sept 4, 1742. 14. 8. Oliver, date of birth not recorded but probably earlier than the date given him would indicate. 4. Danie l3 Allen (Edward), b. Apr. 23, 1704; m. Apr. 26, 1737, Elizabeth Bunker, daughter of Peleg and Susanna, b. Apr. 10, 1717. He died Mar. 30, 1788; she died Jan. 7, 1809. Children – 15. i Hephzibah, b. Apr. 10, 1738, 2. Bearing b. Oct. 8, 1740; UNM; lost at sea, 1759. 16. 3. , B. July 21, 1756. 5. Silvanus Allen (Edward) b. May 6, 1706; m. Apr. 8, 1727 (?) Jemima Starbuck, dan. of Jethro and Dorcas b. May 2, 171 2, he d. after 1780 and before 1784; she d. Oct 11, 1798 (see New Bedford Records). He resided many years on Nantucket, where we often find him referred to on the town records as chosen to act as a juror, and in 1746 was elected Constable of the Island. At the Registry of Deeds at Taunton we find recorded in Book 45, p. 208, that Sylvan Allen of Sherborn (Nantucket) removed to Dartmouth where he bought for real estate. £ 257, dated 27th of 1 month, 1 76 1, and soon after he bought another lot of land for $ 500. He probably resided in that portion of Dartmouth which was established as New Bedford in 1787. He bestowed upon this land at different times several children. Children: – 17. I. Mary, m. Reuben’s Worth. 18. 2. Rachel b. Sept 24, 1732; m. Dama Worth. 3. Ann m. Elnathan Eldredge of Dartmouth. We find in the Registry of Deeds at Taunton that he purchased land in Dartmouth in 1765 and 1768. Elnathan Eldridge, doubtless his son, was drowned in the river Jan. Acushnet 21, 1800. 4. Dama m. Kidder, Abigail, daughter of Stephen and Mercy (Godfrey) Kidd; he m. (2) Sarah Russell. The tradition given me by Mr. Union of Nantucket is that he removed to the Cape and had a son and a grandson who bore his name, the last of whom was the master of a vessel and died in Madagascar in 1836 while on a voyage there. 1 after much searching, I have been unable to gain further trace of his family. V. Eunice intention of marriage with Joshua Doane, of Dartmouth, published Sept. 2, 1767; she died before Oct. 1, 1793, when her daughter Elizabeth rendered the inventory on her mother’s estate valued at £ 234,15s, 8d. Their children were: (1) Elizabeth, b. Oct. 26, 1767; (2) Eunice b. June 24, 1776; (3) Cleremont, son, b. Apr. 18, 1782; (4), Joshua b. Oct. 5, 1785. 6. Jethro, intention of marriage with Eunice taboo of Dartmouth, published Nov. 11, 1773. He d. About 1793; she d. Oct 10, 1809. In 1784 he sold “26 acres of land, which was his father’s home near the bay where Fort Phoenix stead stands.” In 1785 he sold to his brother-in-law Elnathan Eldridge, a part of the estate which his father gave him in his last will and testament. In 1784 he bought 174 acres of land near the line of Freetown for £ 210. The Probate Records, Book 32, page 207, we find at Taunton entered the inventory of the estate of Jethro Allen of New Bedford, taken May 7, 1793, amounting to £ ± SS l9s, 5. Sworn to by Eunice Allen. It would seem that the estate was not settled till Oct. 22, 1802, when the estate was finally divided, one-third going to the widow, Eunice Allen, and the balance equally to the four children: eldest son Reuben; eldest daughter, Jemima, wife of Ansel blossom; youngest daughter, Clarissa, wife of William Nye; youngest son, William. 1 find Records in New Bedford intention of marriage between Ansel Blossom and Jemima Allen published June 4, 1S02, and intentions of marriage between William Nye and Clarissa Allen, Published July 24, 1802, and that William, son of Allen, Jethro deceased died at New York, September 1798. 7. Lydia; intention of marriage with Samuel J. Wilde of Dartmouth, Pub. July 13, 1763. They received a deed of land in Dartmouth from their father, Allan Syl- tossed into 1 77 1. She died before May 4, 1S36, and survived her husband; her eldest son, Joshua, was appointed administrator of her estate last named date. 8. Elizabeth; Issachcr intention of marriage with Samp son of Dartmouth, Pub. Apr. 29, 1766; (2d), her intention of marriage with elgium Hilch of Dartmouth, was pub. Oct. 17, 1775. They were of the new Belford 19, 1791. 9. Jemima; m. Robert Clasby. 6. Rachel Allen (Edward), b. Apr. 31, 1709; m. Oct 2, 1726, John Starbuck, son of Jethro, and made, b. Oct 22, 1706.She d. May 31, 17S9; He d. Apr. 5, 1779. Children: – i Silvanus Starbuck, b. June 27, 1727; m. Mary Howe, daughter of Thomas and Abigail b. Apr. 2, 1729. He d. May 11, 1S13; she d. Sept 20, 1S26. 2. William Starbuck, B »Feb. 27, 1732; m. Mary Folger, daughter of David and Abigail. He d. June 3, 1S12; she d. Sept S, 1S25. 3. Rachel Starbuck, b. Apr. 20, 1735; m. Apr. 1753, Paul Gardner, son of Solomon and Anna, b. Apr. 29, 1730. She d. Aug. 29, 1775; He d. Apr. 17, 1813. 4. Elizabeth Starbuck, b. Apr. 13, 173S; m. WALTER Pol ager, son of Brazella and Phehe b. Apr. 29, 1735. She d. Sept 24, 1801; He d. Sept 30, 1S26.V. Thomas Starbuck, b. Aug. 22, 1742; m. Dinah Trott daughter of Benjamin and Betsy, b. Sept 15, 1743. He d. Apr. 13, 1S30; she d. Apr. 1S, 1S24. 6. George Starbuck, b. Sept 9, 1744; m. Rachel E., daughter of Peter and Christian, b. Apr. 30, 1747. 7. Hezekiah Starbuck, b. Apr. 10, 1749. 7. Sarah Allen (Edward), b. June 4, 1713; m. Oct 19, 1731, to Joseph Hovey. She d. Apr. -, 1766. Children – The Rachel Hovey, b. Aug. 14, 1732; m. John Allen, b. In England Mar. 3, 1729. She d. Apr. 5, 1776; He d. Oct 23, 1S10. He was the progenitor of another line of Allen in Nantucket is not related except by marriage to the descendants of Edward. (See Ancestral Allen of America.) 2. Joseph Hovey; m. Sarah Swain, daughter of Jethro and Gazelle. 3. Desire Hovey. 8. Elizabeth 3 Allen, (Edward ‘) born May 6, 1716; m. William Brewer. Child: – William Brewer, b. Apr. 31, 1744. 9. Ebenezer Allen, (Edward ‘) born Dec. 26, 171S; m. Aug. 15, 1740, Christian, Heath dan. Edmund and Catherine (Sylvan) Heath, b. Aug. 5, 1724; He d. Aug. 12, 1753; she d. Aug. 29, 1773. In a deed dated May 7, 173S, Edward and Ann Allen gave their son Ebenezer one-half their dwelling houses, barns, and other buildings, with the half of the house loton which they lived, also so much right in the common, as would keep 59.V sheep, with the House Lot meadow, also a fourth part of the stock and other property. See Nantucket Book of Deeds, vol. 4, p. 17e. The tradition is preserved in the family that Edmund Heath, the father of Ebenezer’s wife, belonged to a titled and wealthy family in England, and being the youngest, was sent to this country in charge of Capt. Richard Coffin; In the same vessel was Catherine Sylvan, a pretty French girl whom the captain had found in France, and hired as a servant. The acquaintance thus formed on shipboard ripened into love between the young people and in due time after landing at Nantucket they were married. many years afterward a letter was received by the family, asking Heath heirs to the estate in England, but the matter was never followed up, so the family never profited by the information, and doubtless lost a large property. CHILDREN: – 20. Edward, b. Apr. 30, 1741. 2. Tristram, b. Apr. 5, 1744; lost at sea on a passage from London 1767, UNM. At the time, he was in London the method of procuring recruits for military service by means of the press gang was in vogue, and he was warned to be on his guard. As he was walking along the wharf one day, an officer approached him and asked him to ship what he belonged. He replied he did not belong to any ship, when the office invited him to bear him company. He saw in a moment that he was in a trap, but his quick wit saved him. Observing a brig in the nearby stream and that the sailors were aloft at work, he called out, “Brig ahoy! Topmast that when you get to the end and fudded send a boat for myself.” “Why,” says the British officer, “1 thought you said you were not the master of the ship.” Well, “says our Yankees,” Do not you see it is a brig, not a ship. “The officer accepted the explanation as a pleasant joke and left Young Tristram master of the situation. 21. 3. Judith b. May 31, 1747, 22. 4. Ebenezer b. Apr. 16, 1749 23 V. Ann, b. May 31, 1742. 6. Abigail b. June 30, 1751; m. Gideon Delano; He d. May 17, 181 10 3. Provided * Allen, (Nathaniel, Edward ‘), b. July 12, 1728; m. Apr. 17, 1747 Daniel Gardner, son of Samuel and L’atience (Swain) Gardner, b. Aug. 24, 1727. She d. Apr. 3, 1798; He d. July 9 1780. They belonged to the order of Friends. They still have descendants on the island of Nantucket. Children: – i Phebe Gardner, b. Apr. 17, 1749; m. Silas Parker; she d. Apr. 5, 1832. 2. Seth Gardner, b. May 24, 1751; lost at sea, March 4, 1S17. 3. Rachel Gardner, b. Oct. 1, 1752; m. George Russell, son of John, b. Sept 15, 1744; He d. March 17, 1819. 4. Edmund Gardner, b. Aug. 2, 1754; m. Phebe Hassey, dan. of Nathaniel and Judith, b. 1758. He d. March 11, 1777; she d. Sept – 1777. V. Parnell Gardner, b. June 24, 1756; m. Reuben’s Coffin, son of Tristram and Elizabeth, b. 1754; she d. July 2, 1820. 6. Daniel Gardner, b. Sept 11, 1758; d. in infancy. 7. Elizabeth Gardner, b. June 3, 1766; d. in infancy. 8. Silas Gardner, b. July 17, 1761; m. Susan E., dan. Benjamin and Judith, b. Sept 13, 1762. She d. Oct – 1819; he m. (2d) Sally Barnes wid. of William; hed. May 2, 1839. 9. Abiel Gardner, b. Sept 7, 1764; m. Reinhold Coffin, son of Micajah and Abigail, b. June 3, 1764. She d. March 4, 1856: he d. July 8, 1828, Joseph N. Gardner, b. Aug. 22, 1766; d. 1774. 11. Joseph Allen, (Nathaniel, Edward ‘), born April 1, 1737; m. Apr. 4, 1753, Hephzibah Coffin, dan. of Robert and Susanna b. Oct. 18, 1736. He d. In Shutesbury, Mass., Feb. 20, TS04; she is said to have died at Portsmouth or Newport, RI, about 1769, when her youngest child was but two years old. As will be seen from the above record, they married at a very early age, Joseph, lacking four months of being 17 years of age while his bride had passed that point. His trade was that of a Cooper, which gave him ample employment. He lived on Nantucket Island until about 1766 or 7, when he removed to Newport, RI, where his youngest child was born. The following condensed transcript speaks for itself: “Joseph Allen of Portsmouth, Co. of Newport, RI, Cooper and Hephzibah his wife, for. £ 90, have sold to Thomas Allen, mariner, of Rochester, Mass., All their estates in Nantucket, Mass. Dated Dec. 3, 1768 at Portsmouth, RI Signed Joseph Allen, Allen Hephzibah. ” Witnessed by Joseph Peabody, Rowland Allen. See Nantucket Deeds, vol. 7, p. 264. The year following the same property is sold again. “Oliver Allen, manner, and Joanna, his wife of Rochester, Mass., Sold£ 80 bought the land of Joseph Allen in 1768 to Josiah BARKER, viz ten shares common on the island and eight shares common in that part of the town called Quaiser, dated Oct. 3. 1769. Signed W. Allen, John Allen. “Witnessed by Benjamin Allen, Abigail Barlow. See Nantucket Deeds vol. 7, p. 318. Joseph Allen was greatly attached to his wife and did not marry a second time. His sons Joseph and Robert were taken into the family of their uncle, Capt. James Allen of Rochester, Mass., by whom they were brought up. Joseph, Senior, it is thought remained in Newport, as there was a Joseph there in the time of the revolutionary War, and the family tradition is that he served in the war. There were two Joseph Allen is in the service and probably he was one of them. He was an expert horseman and greatly enjoyed the turf. – At one time he was the owner of a mare which had beat all records then known. On a certain day when he was to engage in a race, his opponents sought to win by a trick; a ditch was dug across the way partly filled with boughs and loosely covered with earth, so of course when he reached this point the sea partially stumbled; he was so vexed by the trick that he. A living creature struck a severe blow, which was so unusual that she sprung to her feet nerved as to the most and won the race. In his declining years he came to. live with his son Robert in Shutesbury, Mass., where he died and where his grave is still to be seen in the rear of the schoolhouse at the old center, marked by a slab of slate, well preserved. After three daughters married and resided in Nantucket. CHILDREN: i child born about 1754; died in infancy. 24. 2. Hephzibah, b. About 1756; m. Apr. 21, 1771, Peleg Gardner. 25. 3. Margaret b. Aug. 31, 1758; m. Nathan 13rooks. 26. 4. Betsey, b. Oct. 3, 1762; m. Apr. 3, 1780, Benjamin Brown. 27. V. Joseph, b. 1764; m. About 1800 Lucretia Smead. 28. 6. Robert, b. Oct. 10, 1767; m. 17S6, Rhode Cady. * 12. Benjamin Allen, (Nathaniel, Edward ‘), born Jan. 1, 1740; Pub. Apr. 4, 1765, and m. Abigail Trott dan. Benjamin and Elizabeth, b. Oct 15, 1756. He was a marine and lost his life at sea between New Bedford and Nantucket Feb. 24, 1798; she d. Oct. 18, 1 81 1. Children – 29. I. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 19, 1766. 30. 2. Turner, b. Aug.5, 1768. 31. 3. Hephzibah, b. July 21, 1771. 32. 4. Joseph, b. July 13, 1773. 33. V. Lydia b. Oct 19, 1777. 34. 6. Judith b. June 14, 1 7S7. 13. Love * Allen, (Nathaniel, Edward ‘), b. Sept 4, 1742; m. Apr. 4, 1760, Stephen Macy, son of David and Dinah b. June 6, 1741. She d. Apr. 29, 1825; He d. Apr. 8, 1822. Children – Stephen I. Macy, b. Oct 7, 1761; m. Phebe Swain, daughter of David and Martha, b. Aug. 27, 1765. He d. 1825; she d. Oct. 16, 1S04. 2. Solomon, Macy, b. Apr. 29, 1762; m. Lydia Coleman, daughter of Nathaniel and Hephzibah, b. Oct 9, 1767. He d. Aug. 8, 1855; she d. July 21, 1S1 1. 3. Miriam Macy, b. Apr. 1, 1764; UNM. ; d. July 2, 1797. 4. EDMUND Macy, b. May 5, 1766; m. Susan Cole, manna, dan. of Seth and Dorcas b. Oct 6, 1769. He died at sea in 1809; she d. Oct 12, 1833. V. job Macy, b. Aug. 18, 17705 m. Deborah Gardner dan. Prince and Deborah, b. 1773. He d. Apr. 9, 1852; she d. Apr. 25, 1861. 6. Seth Macy, b. Apr. 2, 1773; UNM. 7. Hephzibah Macy, b. July 30, 1775; m. Abraham Coleman, son of Nathaniel and Hephzibah, b. Aug. 22, 1769, she d. Oct 24, 1S00; He d. Sept 7, 1840. 8. Dinah, Macy, b. June 14, 1779; UNM. ; d. 1S02. 9. David Macy, b. Aug. 8, 1782; m. Susan Stubbs dan. James and Rebecca, d. Apr. 1, 1807; he m. (2) Sarah, sister of first wife, b. Apr. 22, 178S. She d. June 15, 1818; He d. Aug. 1853. 14. Copt. 0liver * Allen, (Nathaniel ‘Edward’) – 1I have been unable to find any record of his birth, but it is doubtless earlier than the place assigned him in this genealogy, as we find him to be a ship master and buying real estate as early as 1760 in Rochester, Mass., at Mattapoisett the port, from which the vessel sailed. He married Jeanne (surname unknown). He removed from Rochester to Hardwick, Mass., About 1777, where he bought a farm, and where during the war he served on a committee of correspondence. In 1784 he sold his estate in Hardwick and removed to Shutesbury, Mass., Where he bought a farm just east of the Center, where he kept the first tavern in the town. The farm is now owned by Deacon Briggs. In 1786 he was elected one of the selectmen of the town. On the breaking up of the Shay’s Rebellion, one of Shay’s men called at Capt. Allen’s house for protection from officers who were on the track. Mrs. Allen told him to doff and don the soldier coat some of her husband’s apparel and go to work on the wood pile in the yard; he did so, and shortly after the officers called, but seeing no one but the busy work at the wood pile, concluded their man was not there, so the poor fellow escaped through a woman’s wit. Capt. Allen died in the early part of 1792, as we found on the Probate records Northampton, bearing date of Oct. 6, 1792, that Joanna Allen was granted power of administration on estate of her late husband. The widow, Jeanne Allen, married for her second husband, DEC 6, 1801, Perez Clark of New Salem, Mass.; as the records of new sales have been lost by fire, have been unable to learn the date of her death. However, we find the Probate Records at Greenfield that Perez Clark made his will Dec. 7, 181 1, and on June 2, 1812, his widow, Joanne Clarke, gave bond as one of the administrators. The will devises the use of one-third of real and personal estate to his wife, Joanne Clarke; balance of estate to be divided between oldest son, Samuel, children Stephen, Nathan Perez and youngest son Elisha; eldest daughter Dolly; Deborah, heir of Polly Taylor, Eunice, Curtis, and youngest daughter, Susan Stacy. Joanne Clarke was living at New Salem as late as April 15, 1824, for on that date she sells land there to Perez Clark, which was willed to her by her late husband. Children Copt. Oliver and Jeanne Allen, b. In Rochester, Mass., 35. I. Abigail b. Apr. 6, 1766. 2. Polly (probably) in. Oct 27, 1785, Gottlieb Crocker Jr., both of Shutesbury, Mass. There is presumptive evidence that she was a daughter of Oliver Allen, although the fact is not fully established. 15. Hephzibah * Allen, (Daniel, Edward ‘) b. Apr. 10, 1738; m. Abisha Bunker, son of Samuel and Priscilla b. 1734. She d. April 1, 1805; He d. June 17, 176 1. She m. (2d) Hezekiah Russell, son of Jonathan and Patience; He d. Apr. 21, 1817. Children by first marriage: i THADEUS Bunker, b. 175S; m. Hephzibah Rowland of Hudson, NY 2. Hephzibah Bunker, d. in infancy. Children by second marriage: 3. Caleb Russell b. March 18, 1763; m. Ester Calnant, dan. Jacob. 4. Elizabeth Russell b. Aug. 7, 1766; m. Barnard Rice. V. Mary Russell, b. Oct. 27, 1772; m. Joseph Weeks, b. Apr. 7, 1773. She d. Oct. 18, 1839; He d. May 11, 1836. 6. Phebe Russell b. Apr. 31, 1775; m. William Clark. She d. March 22, 1866. 7. Hephzibah Russell b. May 27, 1779; m. Ebenezer Burgess b. May 27, 1776. She d. Aug. 6, 1865. 8. Drop Russell b. Oct 5, 1780; m. Mary Hayden, dan. of thrust and provocation, and b. Apr. 21, 1784. She d. April, 1855. 9. Lydra Russell b. April 23, 1782; m. Holmes Coffin. She d. April 27, 1865; He d.June 15, 1831. Jonathan N. Russell b. Sept 4, 1785; d. UNM. 16. Daniel Allen, (Daniel, Edward ‘), born July 21, 1756; m. Sept 26, 1788, Phebe Hillman, widow of John and dau. of Seth and Phebe Folger, b. July 8, 1753. He d. Apr. 3, 1S43; she d. May 10, 1829. Daniel Allen was emphatically a Nantucket man, for he never left the island but once and that was for a short visit to the adjoining island of Tuckernuck. It is said of him that he attended the annual sheep shearing on Sheep pen Hill every year of his long life of 86 years; Of course he was carried in arms the first two years. As long as the annual sheep shearing sheep raising was continued on the Island was a great event; when the young and old of both sexes would gather and enjoy a grand picnic. Daniel was a farmer and a large sheep owner; this farm was located some three-fourths of a mile west of the town, where he entertained much company. In his day he was one of the leading men in town affairs and respected by all. Children born at Nantucket: 36. i bearing b. April 9, 1779. 2. , B. Apr. 1, 1781, UNM; d. 1823. 37. 3. Phebe, b. Apr. 25, 1783. 38. 4. Eliza, b. April 18, 17S6. 39. V. George, b. March 27, 1788. 6. Mary, b. Apr. 31, 1790, UNM. ; d. May 10, 1825. 40. 7. Susan b. Apr. 7, 1792. 41. 8. Lydia b. April 20, 1795. * 17. Mary Allen (Sylvania, Edward ‘) m. Sept 30, 1749: Reuben Worth, son of Joseph and Lydia, b. July 13, 1725. She d. June 4, 1785; He d. April 22, 1800. Children I. Reuben Worth, b. July 3, 1750; m. Lydia Gardner dan. Simeon. He d. June 3, 17S1; she d. Apr. 24, 1784. 2. Charles Worth, b. Apr. 29, 1752; d. Apr. 29, 1753. 3. George Worth, b. March 12, 1755; d. Sept 27, 1766. 4. Worth job, b. Sept 10, 1759, Elizabeth V. Worth m. Libni Gardner, son of Paul and Rachel. She d. April 10, 1839; He d. Apr. 2, 1S26. 6. Mary Worth, b. May 31, 1764; d. Apr. 14, 17S5. 7. Lydia Worth, b. Sept 13, 1766, UNM. ; d. May 2;1S63. 8. Ardno Worth, b. Sept 11, 1768; d. Aug. 5, 1772. * 18. Rachel Allen (Sylvania, Edward ‘), born Sept. 24, 1732; m. Sept 16, 1774, Sylvanus Worth, son of Joseph and Lydia b. June 27, 1727. She d. Apr. 31, 181 2; He d. Sept 9, 181 1. CHILDREN: i Miriam Worth, b. April 19, 1752, UNM .; d. Aug. -, 1769. 2. Puille Worth, b. Apr. 5, 1754; m. John Cowan of Providence. 3. Gideon Worth, b. Apr. 9, 1757; m. Phebe taboo of Fairhaven. He d. Oct 15, 1831. 4. Solon Worth, b. Apr. 25, 1760. V. Minor Worth, b. Apr. 4, 1761; m. Samuel Stubbs, son of Benjamin and Eunice b. Apr. 1S, 1761. She d. July 15, 1834; He d. Oct. 28, 1817.6. Rachel Worth, b. Oct 29, 1764; m. Isaiah Folger, son of Shubael and Lydia. 7. Christine Worth, b. Apr. 19, 1766; m. Samuel Stubbs, son of Benjamin and Eunice.

Allen, Titanic
Elizabeth Walron Allen Titanic

Early American Immigration and New World Settlers
Allen Settlers in United States in the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th Century
John Allen, who arrived in Virginia in 1622
Mr. Allen, who arrived in Virginia in 1623
William Allen, who landed in Massachusetts in 1623
William Allen, who arrived in Virginia in 1623
William Allen, who arrived in Massachusetts in 1624
William Allen, who landed in Salem, Massachusetts in 1701
Eliza Allen, who arrived in Virginia in 1702
James Allen, who arrived in Virginia in 1702
Samuel Allen, who landed in Pennsylvania in 1702
William Allen, who landed in South Carolina in 1702
Thomas Allen, aged 25, who arrived in New York, NY in 1803
Isabella Allen, aged 32, who landed in New York, NY in 1803
James Allen, who arrived in South Carolina in 1805
John Allen, who arrived in America in 1805
Thomas Allen, who arrived in America in 1805
Thomas Richard Allen, who landed in Alabama in 1918

Allen Settlers in Canada in the 18th & 19th Century
Alexander Allen, who arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1749
William Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1749
John Allen, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1750
Thomas Allen, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1750
Thomas Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1750
James Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1815
Timothy Allen, who arrived in Canada in 1828
John Allen, who arrived in Canada in 1830
M. Allen, aged 22, a gentleman, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the ship “Ward” from Limerick, Ireland
Thomas Allen, aged 28, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the brig “Trafalgar” from Galway, Ireland

Allen Settlers in Canada in the 18th & 19th Century
Alexander Allen, who arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1749
William Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1749
John Allen, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1750
Thomas Allen, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1750
Thomas Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1750
James Allen, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1815
Timothy Allen, who arrived in Canada in 1828
John Allen, who arrived in Canada in 1830
M. Allen, aged 22, a gentleman, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833 aboard the ship “Ward” from Limerick, Ireland
Thomas Allen, aged 28, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1834 aboard the brig “Trafalgar” from Galway, Ireland
Allen Settlers in Australia in the 19th Century
John Allen, English convict from Surrey, who was transported aboard the “Ann” on August 1809, settling in New South Wales, Australia
James Allen, English convict from Worcester, who was transported aboard the “Arab” on July 3, 1822, settling in Van Diemen’s Land, Australia
John Allen, English convict from Surrey, who was transported aboard the “Albion” on May 17, 1823, settling in Van Diemen’s Land, Australia
Joseph Allen, English convict from Warwick, who was transported aboard the “Andromeda” on October 16, 1826, settling in Van Diemen’s Land, Australia
William Allen, English convict from Surrey, who was transported aboard the “Andromeda” on October 16, 1826, settling in Van Diemen’s Land, Australia
Allen Settlers in New Zealand in the 19th Century
John Allen, who landed in Waipa, Auckland, New Zealand in 1804
Mr. Allen, Australian settler travelling from Sydney aboard the ship “Bee” arriving in New Zealand in 1839
Thomas Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson
W Allen, who landed in New Plymouth, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Amelia Thompson
William Allen, who landed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1840 aboard the ship Cuba

Amicitia sine frande. Friendship without deceit.
Diligenter et fideliter. Diligently and faithfully.
Dirigat Deus. May God direct us.
Fide et labore. By faith and labour.
In Deo solo speravi. In God alone have I trusted.
Triumpho morte tam vitd. I triumph equally in death as in life.
Vita vel morte triumpha. Triumph in life or death.

Eric Allen, CFL Football
Eric “the Flea” Allen Toronto Argonaults 1972. Photo Ted Grant

ALLEN (see Webu), of Upton, Berks. Match with Weuh, 17 . . ., Vol. XI, fol. 190.
ALLEN„ Match with Ferris. See Ferris.
ALLEN BEFORE WILKIE, John, of Hetton, par. of Chatton and Woolev, co. Northumberland’. Quarterly Arms, 181 . .,* Vol. XXVII, fol. 220.
ALLEN, . . . ., of Shefield and Chapel Allerton, co. Yorks. Match MIDDLETON and Carver, 182 . ., Vol. XXXIII, fol. 220.
ALLEN„ . . . ., of Sheffield and Chapel Allerton, co. York. Match (? Walsh and Freeman), 182 . ., Vol. XXXIV, fol. 5.
ALLEN LATE POMFRET,, Ralph (reputed son of Allen), of Sawbridgeworth, co. Hertf., and Newhouse, Little Hallingburv, co. Essex, 182 . .,* Vol. XXXIV., fol. 206.
ALLEN AFTER HOGGE, Fountaine, Capt. 2nd Life Guards, of Lyndhurst, Hampsh., and King’s Lynn, Norf., 1857,* Vol. LII, fol. 243.
ALLEN TO GREENLY, Charles William, s. of Henry, of Titley Court, co. Heref. [10 Mar. 1865], Vol. LV, fol. 302.
ALLEN TO TOURNAY,, [1870], Henry Touruay (died 24 Aug. 1871), 18 . . ., Vol. LVII, fol. 232.
ALLEN TO TOURNAY„ [1871], William Brockhill, of Saltwood, co. Keut, 18 . ., Vol. LVII, fol. 232.
ALLEN, George, Surbiton House, Englefield Green, co. Surrey, 1896,” Vol. LXIX, fol. 138.
ALLEN, . . . ., Essex, by Cooke, Clar. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 84. Giles of Haseleigh, 31 Eliz. 1589 ; Vis. London 1634 ; Harl. MS. 1441, fo. 143’’.
ALLEN (Aleyn), Christ”, Yorks, 1550, by ? Hervey. Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 11.
ALLEN,, ClirisU, Borden, Kent. Crest, 17 Feb. 1615-16, by Segar. Add. IMS. 8932, fo. 4 ; Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 3 ; Guil. 196 ; Le Neve’s MS. 254.
ALLEN„ Edward {see Thomas), Sheriff, London. Cresr,, 17 Aug. 1620, by Camden. Harl. MS. 6095, fo. 37 ; Grants II., 578 ; Guil. 389.
ALLEN„ Francis, of Chelsey, Esq., one of the clerks of the Q’s Majesty’s privy Council, 2 July 1563, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Q’s Coll. Ox. MS. 145, fo. 7 ; Harl. MS. 1441, fo. 64’’ ; (Grants II., 652) ; Harl. MS. 1 1 16, fo. 80’’.
ALLEN„ George (s. of George), Stanton Woodhouse, par. of Youlgreave, co. Derby ; conf 6 June 1586, by Flower. ]IS. Ashin. 844, fo. 64, copy of grant Bodleian Lib. ; 16″‘ June in Guil. 116 ; Reliquary, xxi., 240.
ALLEN„ Sir John, Thaxted, Essex, Temp. II. 8. Add. MS. 26,702, fo. 14; 45,887, fo. 5.
ALLEN„ Thos. (Alleyne), Northants, 9 Dec. 1458, 37 Hen. VI., by Guyan, K. of Arms ; Grants IL, 578 and 684. Stowe IMS. 676, fo. 2 ; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 37, fo. 3, and 146, fo. 16’’. Copy of grant also in Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 1’’.
ALLEN,, Thos. (Aleyn), of the Court, Porter, by Barker. Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 2*’.
ALLEN„ Thomas and Edward, of city of London, (sons of Thomas). Crest, 17 Aug. 1620, by Camden ; Grants II. , 578. {See Edward above.)
ALLEN,, Win. (Alyn), of Railey, Essex, gent., by Barker. Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 2’’; Stowe MS. 692, fo. 9.
ALLEN„ William, Alderman. of London, 1561, by Harvey. Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 25’’.
ALLEN„ William, Brindley, Cheshire, 22 Aug. 1613, by R. St. George. Hai4. MS. 1422, fo. 81 ; 1441, fo. 153.
ALLEN„ Capt. William, then Commanding a Company of foot and drum major at Oxford, 11 March 1644, by Walker, Gart. Her. Coll., 25.

Susan Allen, Harpist, Musician
Susan Allen (1951-2015), American harpist

Frederick W. Allen (1926-2016) who was a lawyer and jurist from America, served as the Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court
Eugene Allen (1918-2015) who was an Academy Award Winning art director from America, who served as the President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences from the year 1983 to the year 1985
Eric Allen (1949-2015) who was a CFL football player from America, who played for the Toronto Argonauts from the year 1972 to the year 1975
Miss Elizabeth Walron Allen, aged 29, who was a First Class Passenger from St. Louis, Missouri, who was aboard the RMS Titanic at the time of the sinking, but escaped with her life on lifeboat 2
Miss Dorothy Ditman Allen (died in 1915) who was a First Class Passenger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania aboard the RMS Titanic as a maid to the Crompton family, who perished in the sinking of the vessel in the year 1915
Marty Allen (1922-2018), born Morton David Alpern, an American comedian, actor, on half of the duo comedy team Allen & Rossi, active from 1957 until 1968; they appeared on over 700 television shows
Peter Allen (1920-2016), born Harold Levy, Canadian-born, American broadcaster and radio announcer, host of Metropolitan Opera radio broadcasts (1975–2004)
Robert Eugene Allen (1935-2016), American businessman, CEO of AT&T (1988–1997)
Frederick W. Allen (1926-2016), American lawyer and jurist, Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court
Eric Allen (1949-2015), American CFL football player for the Toronto Argonauts (1972-1975)
Charles Richard “Chuck” Allen (1939-2016), American football linebacker who played from 1961 to 1972, Vice President of Football Operations for the Seattle Seahawks
Eugene Allen (1918-2015), American Academy Award winning art director, President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (1983-1985)
Susan Allen (1951-2015), American harpist, Associate Dean of the Herb Alpert School of Music at California Institute of the Arts
Lee Dale Allen (1934-2012), American professional wrestler and wrestling coach
Brigadier-General Wayne Russell Allen (1899-1975), American Commanding Officer 160th Infantry Regiment (1937-1941)

American Revolution Veterans
There were over 4,900 men that served in the American Revolution. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Abiel Allen, Vermont, Rank of Private
Barnes Allen, Virginia, Rank of Private
Cook Allen, North Carolina, Rank of Private
Davis Allen, Virginia, Rank of Corporal
Ebenezer Allen, Vermont, Rank of Corporal
George Allen, New Jersey, Rank of Sergeant
Jonathan Allen, Massachusetts, Rank of 6th Major
Lemuel Allen, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Nathan Allen, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Parley Allen, Connecticut, Rank of Gunner
Reuben Allen, Virginia, Rank of Private
Samuel Allen, New Hampshire, Rank of Sergeant
William Allen, Virginia, Rank of Fifer
Zadoc Allen, Massachusetts, Rank of Private

Civil War Veterans
There were over 15,800 men that served in the Civil War. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Anderson Allen, 4th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Bernard Allen, 159th Regiment, New York Infantry, Union, New York
Charles Allen, Cobb’s Legion, Georgia, Confederate, Georgia
David Allen, 55th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Edwin Allen, 3rd Regiment, Michigan Infantry, Union, Michigan
Franklin Allen, 22nd Regiment, Alabama Infantry, Confederate, Alabama
George Allen, 8th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Harrison Allen, 20th Regiment, Missouri Infantry, Union, Missouri
Ira Allen, 13th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalary, Confederate, Kentucky
Jefferson Allen, 67th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Kimsey Allen, 1st Regiment, New Jersey Cavalry, Union, New Jersey
Lawrence Allen, 5th Battalion, North Carolina Cavalry, Confederate, North Carolina
Minor Allen, 120th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Nathan Allen, 151st Regiment, Indiana Infantry, Union, Indiana
Oliver Allen, 20th Regiment, Louisiana Territory, Confederate, Louisiana
Patrick Allen, 5th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Robert Allen, 78th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
Smith Allen, 3rd Regiment, Texas Cavalry, Confederate, Texas
Thomas Allen, 118th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Uriah Allen, 7th Regiment, Minnesota Infantry, Union, Minnesota
Venable Allen, 24th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Confederate, North Carolina
William Allen, 29th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Young Allen, 3rd Regiment, North Carolina Mounted Infantry, Union, North Carolina
Zachariah Allen, 6th Regiment, South Carolina Cavalry, Confederate, South Carolina

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Cheshire, Suffolk, and Wilts). Per bend sinister rompu. ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged. Crest—A martlet ar. winged and holding in the beak an acorn or, leaved vert.
2) (Essex). Sa. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants charged with as many talbots pass, of the first three crescents az.
3) (Essex). Or, on a fesse vert three lions ramp. of the field.
4) (Grove, near Maidstone, co. Kent, 1610). Or, a chev. betw. three bloodhounds pass. sa. collared of the first armed gu. Crest—On a coronet or, lined erm. a bloodhound pass, sa. collared gold armed gu.
5) (Kent). Per fesse sa. and or, a pale engr. counterchanged and three talbots pass, or, collared gu. Crest—A talbot pass, or, collared gu.
6) (Kent). Or, a chev. betw. three bloodhounds upon the scent sa. Crest—On a mount vert poled round or, a hound sa. collared of the last.
7) (Hoyland, W. R. co. York). Motto—Diligenter et fideliter. Or, three greyhounds pass. sa. two and one. Crest—A demi greyhound ramp. sa. holding in his dexter paw a crescent ar.
8) (Broughton, co. Lane. 1664). Erm. on a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces gu. a bezant. Crest—Out of a coronet a wolf’s head erm. maned or.
9) (Brindley, co. Chester, granted by Sir Richard St. George, 1613). Per bend sinister or and sa. six martlets counterchanged. Crest—A martlet or, wings elevated sa. collared gu.
10) (City of Chester, 1697). Per bend sinister ar. and sa. six martlets, counterchanged. Crest—A martlet rising or winged sa.
11) (Rathtimney, co.Wexford, Visit, co.Wexford. 1618). Ar. two bars sa. in chief a mullet betw. two crescents of the last.
12) (Dale Castle, co. Pembroke, whose heiress Elinor, daughter of John Allen, of Dale Castle, Esq. m. in 1776 John Lloyd, of Foes-y-bloidiad and Mabws). Motto—Amicitia sine fraude. Per bend rompu ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged. Crest—A bird ar. holding in the beak an acorn or leaved vert.
13) (Lancashire). Barry nebulee of six ar. and gu. a label of three points az.
14) (Whetston, Leicestershire, Visit. Leicester, 19). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. betw. three talbots pass, collared or, all counterchanged.
15) (London). Same arms (the talbots sejant). Crest—A demi griffin holding in the paws a branch vert fructed or.
16) (Sheriff of London, 1620, Camden’s Grants). Per fesse gu. and sa. a chev. rompu betw. three griffin’s heads erased erm. Crest—A griffin’s head erased per fesse erm. and gu.
17) (London). Per fesse gu. and sa. a chev. rompu, counterchanged.
18) (London). Per pale ar. and sa. a chev. engr. betw. three talbots counterchanged.
19) (London). Barry of six ar. and az. over all an anchor in pale with two cables fixed to the ring noded and pendent or.
20) Ar. a bend indented betw. a crescent and mullet gu.
21) (Suffolk and Sussex). Ar. two bars sa. in chief three mullets of the second.
22) (Edward, Founder of Dulwich College, co. Surrey, b. in 1566, d. in 1626). See Alleyn.
23) (Cresselly, co. Pembroke, a younger branch of the Allens of Dale Castle, now represented by John Hensleigh Allen, of Cresselly, Esq.). Arms and Crest—Same as Allen of Dale Castle.
24) Or, three pellets, two and one, each charged with a talbot pans, of the first; on a chief gu. a lion pass. guard. betw. two anchors ar. Crest—A demi greyhound ramp, paly of six ar. and sa. collared gu. holding betw. the paws a crescent or.
25) (William Ferneley Allen, Esq., J.P., Alderman of the city of London). Motto—Sine labe decus. Per chev. gu. and erm. in chief two lions’ heads erased or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse’s head ar.
26) (Rossal, co. Lancaster, to which family belonged Cardinal Allen, who d. 1594). Ar. three conies pass. sa.
27) (Huddersfield, Yorkshire). Sa. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three talbots pass, or, collared gu.
28) (Perthshire, of Errol, in Carse of Gowrie). Per bend indented ar. and gu. in sinister chief three crescents, and in dexter base a mullet, all counterchanged. Crest—An eagle, rising, ppr.
29) (William Allen, Esq. of Streatly, co. Berks, J.P., who d. 1745). Ar. two bars az. over all an anchor or.
30) (Sir William Allen, Lord Mayor of London, 1572). Per fesse sa. and or, a pale engr. counterchanged three talbots pass, of the second collared gu. Crest—A talbot pass, sa. collared gu. ears and chain or.
31) (from brass tablet, St. Michael’s church, Pembroke, to the memory of Joshua Allen, grandfather of Ven. John Allen, M.A., archdeacon of Salop and vicar of Rees, co. Salop). Per bend rompu ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged.
32) (allowed by Narbonne, Ulster, to Giles Allen, Mayor of Dublin, 1577, V. in London, d. 1600). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three torteaux, on each a talbot pass, of the field collared az. on a chief of the last a lion pass. guard. of the first, armed and langued of the second.
33) (Lyne Shany, co. Cavan, 1633, Killowning, co. Tipperary, 1691, afterwards of Dublin). Motto—Virtus auro praeferenda. Gu. three plates, two and one, each charged with a talbot pass, sa., on a chief or, an anchor of the second betw. two lions pass. counterpass. of the first. Crest—A demi tiger ramp. gu.
34) (Dorothy Allen, dau. of Patrick Allen, Esq., and wife of Adam Loftus, Viscount Lisburne). Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three pellets each charged with a talbot pass, of the field on a chief az. a lion pass. betw. two crescents of the first.
35) (granted by St. George, Garter, to William Allen, capt. of a company of foot). Gu. a castle triple-towered or, in base two swords saltierwise ppr. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or two swords or, falchions saltierwise all ppr.
36) Or, on a chev. sa. three martlets ar. betw. as many ogresses, each charged with a talbot or, on a chief az. a demi lion ramp. betw. two dragons’ heads erased of the first.
37) Ar. on a chev. gu. three lozenges of the field, each charged with a cross crosslet sa.
38) Gu. on a cross pattee ar. five escallops az.
39) Sa. a cross patoncee or, fretty gu.
40) Ar. three bars gu. over all as many towers triple­towered two and one or.
41) Sa. a cross formee or.
42) Per chev. ar. and sa. six martlets counterchanged.
43) Az. a fesse nebulee erm.
44) Ar. a chev. betw. three roses gu.
45) (Chelsea, 1563). Ar. a pale gu. surmounted with a chev. counterchanged charged with a cinquefoil of the second. Crest—A talbot’s head erased per pale indented ar. and gu. collared and chained sa.
46) Sa. three lozenges or.
47) Ar. three lozenges sa.
48) Or, a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces gu.
49) (Errol, co. Perth). Motto—Fortiter. Per bend indented ar. and gu. in chief three crescents two and one in base a mullet all counterchanged. Crest—An eagle rising ppr.
50) (Stanton Woodhouse, Derbyshire, 1586). Or, a fesse gu. betw. three oak leaves ppr.
51) (Derbyshire, London, and Staffordshire). Per chev. gu. and erm. in chief two lions’ heads erased or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse’s head ar.
52) (Devonshire). Barry of six ar. and gu. six mullets, three two and one or. Crest—A mullet gu. pierced or.

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