Leech Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (cos. Lincoln, Kent, and Surrey). Erm. on a chief dancettée gu. three ducal coronets or.
2) (city of Chester, 1613). Same Arms, a mullet charged with a crescent for diff.
3) (confirmed to Rev. John Leech, M.A., Chaplain of Kingston College, Mitchelstown, co. Cork, grandson of John Leech, of Rathroan, co. Mayo, and of Dublin, Deputy Governor of Sligo, and to the descendants of his said grandfather). Motto—Virtute et valore. Erm. a trefoil vert, on a chief indented gu. three ducal coronets or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, charged with a trefoil vert, an arm erect ppr. grasping a snake environed about the arm also vert.
4) (Nestaling, Scotland). Ar. a fesse fusily sa.
5) (Scotland). Ar. a fesse wavy sa.

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