Innes Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (that Ilk, co. Elgin, bart., 1625, now represented by the Duke of Roxburgh). Ar. three stars of six points az. Crest—Within an adder disposed circle ways a castle triple-towered ppr. Supporters—Two greyhounds ar. each with a collar charged with three stars of the first. Motto—Prudentia et vi.
2) (Balveny, bart., 1628). Ar. three stars in chief az. Crest—A dexter arm armed, couped at the elbow, holding a broadsword in pale ppr. Supporters—Two greyhounds ar. Motto—Pro patria.
3) (Edingight, co. Banff). Ar. three stare az. within a bordure chequy of the second and first. Crest—A branch of palm slipped ppr. Motto—Ornatur radix fronde.
4) (Raemoir, co. Aberdeen). As Edingight, with a crescent az. in the fess point for diff. Crest and Motto, as Edingight.
5) (Learney, co. Aberdeen, 1875). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as Edingight, with a crescent az. in the fess point for diff.; 2nd and 3rd. or, a fess erm. betw. three griffins’ heads erased vert, langued gu., for Brebner. Crest and Motto for Innes, as the last. Crest—Brebner: A cubit arm in armour the hand bare, holding a dart point downwards all ppr.
6) (Lochlash, co. Ross, and Coxton, co. Moray, bart., extinct 1831). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three stars of six points az., for Innes; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chief sa. three escallops of the field, for Graham. Crest—A boar’s head erased ppr. langued gu. Mottoes—Be traist; and. Exempta suorum. Supportes—Two greyhounds ppr. the dexter gorged with a collar ar. charged with three stars of six points az. the sinister gorged with a collar sa. charged with three escallops or, both with chains reflexed over the back of the last.
7) (Blairtoun, Lyon Depute). Ar. a fesse betw. three stars az. Crest—A primrose ppr. thereon a bee sucking the same or. Motto—E labore dulcedo.
8) (Blairtoun, Scotland; as altered 9 Nov. 1688). Erm. three stars az. Crest—A thistle ppr. thereon a bee sucking the flower thereof. Motto, as the last.
9) (Edinburgh, 1672). Ar. a cross pattée betw. three stars az. Crest—Two hands joined fesseways, grasping a sword all ppr. Motto—Ditat servata fides.
10) (Robert Innes, Parson of Gamrie, 1680). Ar. a fess engr. betw. three stars az. Crest—A bee ppr. Motto—E labore dulcedo.
11) (George Innes, Parson of Belhelvie, 1680). Ar. a fess wavy betw. three stars az. Same Crest and Motto.
12) (Thomas Innes, cadet of Benwall, 1680). Ar. a fess counter-embattled betw. three stars az. Same Crest and Motto.
13) (Towie, co. Aberdeen, 1685). Ar. a water bouget sa. betw. three stare az. Crest—A bee volant ppr. Motto—Provide qui laborioso.
14) (Reidhall, co. Banff, 1693)., Ar. a torteaux betw. three stars az. Crest—A bee flying upwards ppr. Motto—Non sevit sed laborat.
15) (Lichnet, co. Banff, 1693). Ar. a fusil fessways betw. three stars az. Crest—A bee volant ppr. Motto—Provide qui laboriose.
16) (Dunkinty, co. Elgin). Ar. a chev. betw. three stare az. Crest—A star az. Mottoes—Virtus ad astra; and, Sub tigno salus.
17) (Jamaica, 1753). Ar. a crescent betw. three stare az. Crest—A crescent az. Mottoes: Consilio et labore; and, Virtus tollit ad astra.
18) (James Innes, of Chelsea, 1722; his dau. Jane, m. Thomas Pitt, Esq., of Blandford, grandfather of Thomas, Lord Camelford, and William, Earl of Chatham). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three stars az. within a bordure of the second; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three swords in point conjoined in the middle chief ar. hilted and pommelled or. Crest—A dexter hand and arm from the shoulder vambraced ppr. holding a banner disveloped gu. Motto—Pro patria.
19) (Edinburgh, 1733). Ar. a chev. waved betw. three stars of six points az. Crest—A star of twelve points ar. Motto—Me duce.
20) (Gifford Vale, co. Haddington, 1803). Ar. three star of six points az. within a bordure engr. gu. Crest—A Scotch thistle with a bee sucking thereof ppr. Motto—E labore dulcedo.
21) (Mitchell-Innes, of Parson’s Green, co. Edinburgh, 1848). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. three stare of six points az. within a bordure gu. charged with eight bezants, for Innes; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a fess betw. three mascles or, as many mullets gu., for Mitchell. Crests—1st, Innes: An increscent ppr.; 2nd, Mitchell: A hand holding a garland of laurel all ppr. Mottoes—1st, Innes: Je recois pour donner; 2nd, Mitchell: Deo favente.
22) (Thursiter, co. Caithness). Ar. three stars of five points within a bordure indented az. Crest—A star of six points or, environed with clouds all ppr. Motto—Dum Spiro, aelestia spero.

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