Boughton Coat of Arms / Family Crest


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British Isles


Europe - see blazon Boughton Coat of Arms / Family Crest 15

Blazon description

(confirmed by the deputies of Camden, Clarenceux, with three quarterings to Henry Boughton, of Coughton, fifth in descent from Richard Boughton, Sheriff, co. Warwick, d. 3 Richard III., 1485, who was sixth in descent from Robert de Boveton, Dugdale and Her. MSS.). Sa. three crescents or. Crest—A lion’s head couped or.

(confirmed as the Arms of Boughton, of Lawford, in the Cavendish pedigree. Edward Boughton, fourth in descent from Richard Boughton, Sheriff of Warwick and Leicester, had a dau. and co-heir, Elizabeth, second wife of William, first Lord Cavendish, ancestors of the Dukes of Devonshire. Qu. Coll. MSS. and Her. Vis.). Arms and Crest same as preceding.

(confirmed as the Arms of Boughton. Her. Vis.). Arms and Crest same as preceding with another Crest—A stork’s head ar. beaked gu. holding therein a snake ppr.

(Rouse-Boughton, Lawford Hall, co. Warwick, bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. two bars indented ar., for Rouse; 2nd, ar. on a chev. betw. three trefoils slipped sa. as many bucks’ heads cabossed or, on a chief gu. a goat pass, of the field, for Boughton, of Loughton; 3rd, sa. three crescents or, Boughton. Crests—Rouse : The bust of a man ppr., hair, beard, and whiskers sa., the head surrounded and crossed by a riband knotted at the top, and the ends flowing from either temple, ar. Boughton : A stork’s head erased chevronny of four sa. and ar. in the beak or, a snake ppr. Motto—Omne bonum Dei donum.

(Essex, 1595). Ar. a chev. erm. betw. three crosses formee fitchee sa.

(Kent). Gu. a fesse betw. three goats’ heads erased ar. attired or.

(Kent). Ar. a fesse dancettee (another, indented) betw. three crosses crosslet or.

(Kent). Ar. a fesse dancettee betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa.

(Warwick). Gu. on a fesse betw. three goats’ heads erased ar. attired or, as many fleurs-de-lis az.

(Yorkshire). Ar. on a bend sa. three martlets of the field.

(Edward Boughton, Esq., of Causton, co. Warwick, of whose daus. Mary, m. Sir John Crosby, Knt., of Tulley Glass, co. Down, d. 14 Jan., 1639; and Elizabeth m. Sir William Cavendish, created Earl of Devonshire, 2 Aug., 1618). Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. three bucks’ heads cabossed or, on a chief gu. a goat lodged of the field.

Ar. on a chev. betw. three crosses fitchee sa. as many bucks’ heads cabossed or.

Ar. a chev. sa. charged with three bucks’ heads cabossed or, on a chief gu. a goat trippant of the field.

Ar. a chev. couped (another, indented) betw. three crosses bottonee fitchee sa.

Sa. three owls ar. beaked and legged or.

Voir Rouse-Boughton.

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