Brander Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Brander Coat of Arms / Family Crest 3

Blazon description

(Somerford Grange, co. Hants). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. flames of fire ppr.; 2nd and 3rd, az. a saltire humettee or. First Crest, or badge, encircled by sixteen full blown roses alternately red, blue, pink, and yellow—A human heart ppr. from either side a wing expanded ar. surmounted of a long cross and olive branch in saltire, also ppr. above the heart a crown of five points or, beneath the roses this Motto—Wer. gutes. u. boses nit. kan. ertragan Wirt. kein. grose. chre. erjagen.—He who cannot suffer good and evil shall not gain high honours. Second Crest—A demi phoenix issuing from flames ppr.

(Surrey). Gu. a burning bush ppr. betw. three lions ramp. ar. and two roses in fesse of the last. Crest, or badge, as above. Second Crest.—A dove reguard. holding in the beak an olive branch ppr.

(Pitgaveny House, co. Elgin, 1777, confirmed 1854 to the heiress. See Dunbar-Brander). Gu. a flaming bush on the top of a mount ppr. betw. three lions ramp. ar. in the flanks two roses of the last. Crest—A dove holding a branch of laurel in its beak, both ppr. Motto—Silentio et spe.

Hampshire – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’azur à des flammes au naturel aux 2 et 3 d’azur au sautoir alésé d’or Cimiers 1° un coeur humain de gueules ailé d’argent sommé d’une croix latine et d’un rameau d’olivier passés en sautoir surmonté d’une couronne à l’antique de cinq rayons d’or le tout entouré de seize roses naturelles alternativement rouges bleues violettes et jaunes avec cette légende au-dessus des roses WER GUTES UND BÖSES NICHT KANN ERTRAGEN WIRD KEINE GROSSE EHRE ERJAGEN 2° un phénix issant des flammes au naturel

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