Bromley Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Bromley Coat of Arms / Family Crest 15


Europe - see blazon Bromley Coat of Arms / Family Crest 16

Blazon description

(Holt Castle, and Upton-on-Severn, co. Worcester. Visit. 1634 and 1682; founded by Geoffrey de Bromleigh, who m. Philippa Bagod, niece and co-heiress of Philip de Burwardesley, and who, it is asserted (Harl. MSS.), assumed for his coat of arms that of Burwasdesley, viz.: per fess indented gu. and or. Sir Henry Bromley, son of Lord Chancellor Bromley, was seated at Holt Castle, temp. Queen Elizabeth). Quarterly, per fess indented gu. and or. Crest—A pheasant sitting ppr.

(Abberley, co. Worcester; a branch of Bromley, of Holt). Same Arms and Crest.

(Baron Montfort, extinct 1851). Quarterly, per pale dovetail gu. and or. Crest—A demi lion ramp. sa. issuing out of a mural crown or, holding a standard vert, charged with a griffin pass, of the second, staff ppr. beaded ar. Supporters—On the dexter a unicorn, cream coloured, ducally gorged and chained or; on the sinister a horse ar. pellettee, gorged with a collar dovetailed az. thereon three lozenges or. Motto—Non inferiora secutus.

(East Stoke, Notts, bart.). Per fess indented gu. and or. Crest—A pheasant sitting ppr. Motto—Pensez fort.

(Cheshire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and Yorkshire). Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or, an escutcheon ar. charged with a griffin segreant vert. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi lion ar. supporting a banner gu. charged with a lion pass. gold, staff of the last.

(Barkesford). Quarterly, per fess indented gu. and or, in the first a cross crosslet fitchee ar.

See Davenport.

(Hampton, co. Chester). Quarterly, per fesse indented gu. and or. Crest—A pheasant cock ppr.

(Shropshire). Same Arms. Crest—A lion’s gamb erect ar.

(Herald to King Richard II.). Erm. three escutcheons sa. two and one.

Sa. three wool combs ar.

Gu. a griffin or.

Ar. a chev. within a bordure az. bezantee.

Ar. on a chev. gu. five bezants within a bordure engr. of the second (another, sa.).

Erm. three ancient inescutcheons ermines.

Lord Montfort – Worcestershire – (Lord Montfort, baron de Horseheath, 9 mai 1741. M. ét. en 1851) – Écartelé de gueules et d’or la ligne du parti mortaisée Casque timbré d’une couronne murale d’or Cimier un lion issant de sable tenant une banderole de sinople ch d’un griffon passant d’or la pique au naturel armée d’argent Supports à dextre une licorne au naturel colletée d’une couronne d’or enchaînée du même à senestre un cheval d’argent semé de tourteaux de sable colleté d’un collier mortaisé d’azur ch de trois losanges d’or Devise NON INFERIORA SECUTUS

Nottinghamshire – (Baronet, 31 oct. 1757) – Écartelé de gueules et d’or la ligne du coupé denchée Cimier un faisan au naturel Devise PENSEZ FORT

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