Ricketts Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Ricketts Coat of Arms / Family Crest 5

Blazon description

(Jamaica and Combe, co. Hereford; granted 3 Nov. 1773; William Ricards, as the name was originally spelt, served at the conquest of Jamaica, holding a captain’s commission in 1665, which commission being made out to Ricketts, he and his descendants have ever since so designated themselves; one of his sons, William, founded the family of Ricketts in North America; and another, George, settled at Canaan, in Jamaica, and was Major-General of the Militia of the colony; his grandson, George Crawford Ricketts, Barrister-at-law, became Attorney-General and Member of Council at Jamaica, and returning to England in 1802, purchased soon after the estate of Combe, co. Hereford; he m. the youngest dau. of Nicholas Boubke, Esq., and was father of Thomas Bourke Ricketts, Esq., of Combe, whose son is George Crawford Ricketts, Esq., of Combe From William Henry Ricketts, a younger son of Major-General George Ricketts, of Canaan, descends Viscount St. Vincent). Erminois on a chev. betw. three roses gu. two swords in chev. ppr. pommels and hilts or, their points crossing each other in saltire, the dexter surmounting the sinister. Crest—An arm embowed habited erminois, charged on the arm with two roses gu. cuffed az. the hand ppr. grasping a scymitar ar. hilt and pommel or. Crest—Quid verum atque decens.

(Twyford House, co. Hants). Same Arms and Crest.

(Dorton House, co. Buckingham; Charles Aubrey Ricketts, Esq., of Dorton). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three quatrefoils gu. an escallop of the fleld betw. two scymitars chevronwise ppr. Crest—Issuant from a wreath of quatrefoils gu. an arm embowed vested ar. charged with two escallops also gu. the hand holding a scymitar ppr.

(The Elms, co. Gloucester, bart.). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. barbed and seeded ppr. two swords in chev. also ppr. pommels and hilts or, their points crossing each other in saltire (the dexter surmounted of the sinister) and passing through a wreath of laurel gold, on a chief of the second a naval crown beneath two anchors erect or. Crest—Out of a naval crown or, a dexter arm embowed habited az. charged on the sleeve with two roses ar. the hand grasping a scymitar, the arm in front of an anchor in bend sinister sa. Motto—Prend moi tel que je suis.

(Jacob Wilcox Ricketts, Esq., Redland Hill, co. Gloucester). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three roses, two and one gu. barbed and seeded ppr. two flaunches of the second. Crest—Out of a chaplet of roses alternately ar. and gu. a dexter arm embowed in armour or, the hand within a gauntlet grasping a sword ppr. pommel and hilt gold.

Angleterre – (Baronet, 19 déc. 1827) – D’argent au chevron d’azur acc de trois roses de gueules le chevron ch de deux épées d’argent garnies d’or les pointes se croisant dans une couronne de laurier d’or au chef d’azur ch d’une couronne navale d’or entre deux ancres du même Casque timbré d’une couronne navale d’or Cimier un bras paré d’azur le revers ch de deux roses d’argent la main de carnation brandissant un badelaire d’argent le bras brochant sur une ancre de sable posée en pal Devise PREND MOI TEL QUE JE SUIS

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