Bacca Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

Bacca Coat of Arms 1.png

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Bacca is an Anglo-Norman surname from Norman-Latin (maybe late Latin) and Old French. The surname Bacca was in use in England after the Norman conquest). This surname is one of the first surnames that appeared in early middle English, this is the main reason why it is considered an authentic surname from Middle English. The surname Bacca can be pronounced (bae’k) [sound] that is a form from Norman language (Old French). The Bacca surname is related to the Norman surnames: Bacc, Bacce, Baccant, Baccard, Baccand, Bacchae, Baccett, Baccell, Baccae, Bacall, Baccall, Bacon, Baccon, Baccaert, Baccart, Beccon, Beacon and Baccas.

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User-submitted Reference
Bacca surname based on bibliographic texts:

Origin: English, French, and Italy (from norman origin).

Bacca is an anglo-norman surname from Romanesque Latin (maybe late Latin) and old french. The surname Bacca was in use in England after the Norman conquest). This surname is one of the first surnames that appeared in early middle English, this is the main reason why it is considered an authentic surname from Middle English. The surname Bacca can be pronounced (baec) which is a form from the norman language (old french). The Bacca surname is related to the normans surnames: Bacc, Bacce, Baccant, Baccard, Baccand, Bacchae, Baccett, Baccell, Baccae, Bacall, Baccall, Bacon, Baccon, Baccaert, Baccart, Beccon, Beacon and Baccas.

Bibliography: Books.

Beaumont/Meulan: Crouch, David. The Beaumont Twins: The Roots and Branches of Power in the Twelfth Century, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Fourth Series, 1. Cambridge: Cup, 1986.

Houth, Émile. ‘Géographie des fiefs des comtes de Meulan.’ Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu’à 1610) du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (1966).

King, Edmund. ‘Waleran, Count of Meulan, Earl of Worcester.’ Tradition and Change: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Chibnall on Her Seventieth Birthday. Editors Diane Greenway, Christopher Holdsworth, and Jane Sayers. Cambridge: Cup, 1985.

White, Geoffrey H. ‘The Career of Waleran, Count of Meulan and Earl of Worcester (1104-66).’ Trhs 4th Series, no. 17 (1934).

Bellême: Boussard, Jacques. ‘La seigneurie de Bellême aux Xe et XIe siècles.’ In Mélanges d’histoire du Moyen Age Louis Halphen, edited by Charles-Edmond Perrin. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951.

Louise, Gérard. La Seigneurie de Bellême, Xe-XIIe siècles: Dévolution des pouvoirs territoriaux et construction d’une seigneurie de frontière aux confins de la Normandie et du Maine à la charnière de l’an Mil, Le Pays Bas-Normand. Rouen: Le Pays Bas-Normand, 1990.

Musset Lucien. ‘Administration et justice dans une grande baronnie normande au XIe siècle: Les terres des Bellême sous Roger Ii et Robert.’ Apdn. Cahier des An, 17. Caen: An, 1985.

Thompson, Kathleen. ‘Family and Influence to the South of Normandy in the Eleventh Century: the Lordship of Bellême.’ Jmh 11 (1985).

Thompson, Kathleen. ‘Robert of Bellême Reconsidered.’ Ans (1990).

Thompson, Kathleen. ‘William Talvas, Count of Ponthieu, and the Politics of the Anglo-Norman Realm.’ England and Normandy in the Middle Ages. Editors David Bates and Anne Curry. London: Hambledon Press, 1994.

White, Geoffrey H. ‘The First House of Bellême.’ Trhs 4th Series, no. 22 (1940).

White, Geoffrey H. ‘The Lords of Bellême and Alençon.’ Notes and Queries (1927) .

Bessin (viscounts): Bouvris, Jean-Michel. ‘Les fiefs d’une famille vicomtale à l’époque ducale: Les vicomtes du Bessin (XIe-XIIe siècles).’ Memoire de Maîtrise, Université de Caen, 1973.

Bohun: Le Melletier, Jean. Les seigneurs de Bohon, illustre famille anglo-normande originaire du Cotentin. Coutances: Arnaud-Bellée, 1978.

Broc: Bouvris, Jean-Michel. ‘Une famille de vassaux des vicomtes de Bayeux au XIe siècle: Les Broc.’ Revue du Département de la Manche 19, no. 73 (1977).

Dastin: Bouvris, Jean-Michel. ‘Pour un étude prosopographique des familles nobles d’importance moyenne en Normandie au XIe siècle: L’exemple du lignage des Dastin.’ Revue de l’Avranchin 41 (1984).

-Charles & Andreas

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Azure; a fesse or surmounted by a bull passant proper; between in base several branches vert, charged with berries or. Crest: The bull of the arms

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