Jessop Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Gillingham, Chilcomb, Chickwell, and East Chequerell, co. Dorset). Ar. (another, or) two bars gu. in chief three leopards’ faces of the last. Crest—A cockatrice vert with wings displ. ppr. combed and wattled gu. Another Crest—A man on horseback at a charge, holding a broken tilting spear ppr.
2) (Bromehall,co. York; granted 13 July, 1575). Barry of six ar. and az. on the first nine mullets gu. three, three, and three. Crest—A turtle dove standing on an olive branch ppr.
3) (Doory Hall, co. Longford). Or, two bars gu. in chief three leopards’ faces of the second; some families of Jessop, in Ireland, have used, ar. a fesse betw. three leopards’ faces gu. Crest—A dove with an olive branch in the beak all ppr. Motto—Pax et amor.
4) (Butterley Hall, co. Derby; descended from the same parent stock as Jessop, of Doory Hall). Same Arms. Crest—A cockatrice’s head erased purp. combed gu. winged ppr.
5) (exemplified to Robert Bomford, Esq., of Mount Jessop, Cco. Longford, on his assuming, by royal licence, the surname and arms of Jessop in lieu of those of Bomford, in compliance with the will of his maternal uncle, Rev. Thomas Jessop, LL.D., of Mount Jessop). Ar. two bars gu. on a chief of the last three leopards’ faces of the first. Crest—A cockatrice’s head ppr. combed and wattled, wings displ. gu. each charged with a trefoil slipped ar.

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