Smyth Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Upton, co. Essex, bart.). (Upton, co. Essex, bart., extinct 1852; Sir Robert Smyth, Bart., of Upton, descended from an ancient family seated at Stoke Prior, co. Worcester, was so created 1665; the sixth bart. left an only dau. and heir). Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion issuant sa. Crest—An ostrich’s head couped, in the beak a horseshoe all ppr.
2) (Long Ashton, co. Somerset, bart., extinct 1741; descended from John Smyth, of Aylberton, co. Gloucester, temp. Henry VI.; his descendant, Sir HughSmyth, Bart., of Long Ashton, was so created 1661; the third bart. d. s. p., when his estates passed to his sister, Florence Smyth, m. Jarrit Smyth, M.P. for Bristol, who was created a bart. 1763). Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many leopards’ faces sa. Crest—A stag or, attired ar.
3) (Ashton Court, co. Somerset, bart.). Motto—Qui capit capitur. Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many leopards’ facea sa. Crest—A griffin’s head erased gu. beaked and eared or, gorged with two bars of the last.
4) (Isfield, co. Sussex, bart., extinct 1811; descended from Sir James Smyth, Knt., Lord Mayor of Loadoa, 1st James II., A.D. 1685, second son of Sir Robert Smyth, first bart. of Upton; his son, Sir James Smith, Bart., of Isfield, was so created 1714; the third bart. d.unm.). Same Arms and Crest, a crescent for diff.
5) (Ashby Folville, co. Leicester, and Wotton, co. Warwick. See Smith, Lord Carrington). Ar. a cross gu. betw. four peacocks az. Crest—A peacock’s head erased ppr. ducally gorged or.
6) (Henlow, co. Bedford). Per pale or and az. a chev. erm. betw. three lions pass. guard. counterchanged. Crest—A leopard’s head ar. pellettee, murally gorged, lined, and ringed gu.
7) (Lenton, co. Bedford, 1580). Erm. on a chev. engr. az. betw. three greyhounds’ heads erased sa. collared or, as many estoiles of the last. Crest—A stag’s head erased or, on the neck three mullets.
8) (co. Bedford). Gu. a chev. betw. three griffius segreant or, on a chief of the last as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.
9) (or Smith). (cos. Buckingham and Cornwall). (or Smith). Az. a saltire ar. betw. four martlets or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a griffin’s head bezantée, beaked or.
10) (co. Bucks). Sa. a bead betw. seven billets ar. (another, or) four and three.
11) (Tregoneck, St. Germans, co. Cornwall; John Smith, Visit. Cornwall, 1620, son of Thomas Smith, and graadsun of Robert Smyth, all of same place, in parish of St. Germans). Az. a saltire ar. betw. four martlets or. Crest—On a chapeau a griffin’s head or, plattée, beaked ar.
12) (Dartmouth, co. Devon; Richard Smyth, age 24, 1620, son of John Smith, and grandson of John Smyth, all of same place. Visit. Devon, 1620). Barry wavy of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. three pairs of barnacles or.
13) (Totnes, co. Devon). Same Arms. Crest—A dexter arm in armour ppr. garnished or, in the hand a chaplet vert.
14) (co. Devon; granted 30 March, 1583). Ar. a chev. betw. three eagles displ. sa. Crest—An eagle reguard. ppr. beaked and legged or.
15) (co. Derby; granted by Cooke to William Smyth, Esq., of the Inner Temple, descended out of co. Derby, 1585). Gu. six lozenges in fess ar. betw. three maidens heads affrontee ppr. crined or. Crest—On a mount vert a tower triple-towered or, on the sinister side of the mount a laurel branch pendent over the tower ppr. The crest is also described as, On a mount vert a castle or, betw. two branches ppr.
16) (Theydon Mount, co. Essex; Sir Thomas Smyth, of Theydon Mount, was secretary to Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, ancestor of the Smyth, of Hill Hall, barts.). Sa. on a fess dancettée betw. three lions ramp. each supporting a castle all ar. seven billets of the field, quartering Charnock.
17) (co. Essex). Ar. two chev. sa. on each a fleur-de-lis or, a chief az. charged with a lion pass. of the third.
18) (co. Essex). Sa. a fess dancettée ar. billettée of the field betw. three lions ramp. of the second.
19) (Rivenhall, co. Essex). Sa. on a bend ar. three lozenges of the field.
20) (Harwich, co. Essex). Gu. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée ar.
21) (co. Essex, and Yatley, co. Hants). Ermines three bezants. Crest—A demi wild man ppr. in the hand a bunch of barley vert, and wreathed round the temples of the same.
22) Same Arms. Crest—In a coronet per pale or and purp. a plume of feathers ar. and vert.
23) (co. Essex). Erm. three pellets (another, torteaax). Crest—Out of a ducal coronet per pale or and gu. a plume of feathers ar. and vert.
24) (Credenhill, co. Hereford, co. Hertford, Askham, co. Nottingham, and Overton, co. Salop; granted 1590). Ar. on a mount in base vert a lion statant reguard. ppr. Crest—A horse’s head roan colour, mane sa. bridle or (another bears the crest sa.).
25) (co. Gloucester). Sa. on a fess betw. three saltires or, as many ogresses, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the second.
26) (Campden, co. Gloucester, and of co. Warwick). Sa. on a fess betw. three saltires or, as many fleurs-de-lis gu.
27) (Annables, co. Hertford; descended from Christopher Smyth, Esq., of Annables, temp. Elizabeth, eldest son of Robert Smyth (by Eleanor, his wife, dau. and co-heir of William Lilborne) sixth in direct descent from John Smyth, Esq., of Hackthorp, co. Lincoln). Per bend dancettee or and az. a cross moline counterchanged. Crest: A falcon volant, winps expanded ppr.
28) (Greenwich and Plompton, to. Kent, 1586). Ermines three bezants, a mullet for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet per pale or and gu. a plume of feathers, three vert, two ar.
29) (Ostenhanger, co. Kent; descended from Thomas Smtth, Farmer of the Customs temp. Queens Mary and Elizabeth, second son of John Smyth, of Corsbam, co. Wilts. See Smythe, Viscount Strangord. Visit. London, 1568). Az. a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass. guard. or. Crest—An ounce’s head erased ar. spotted sa. collared of the same, edged and chained or.
30) (co. Berks, Bosworth, co. Leicester, and London). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three bezants, as many crosses formée fitchée sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an Indian goat’s head ar. eared sa. attired of the first.
31) (Elkington Hall, co. Lincoln). Per bend dancettée or and az. a cross moline counterchanged.
32) (London). Or, on a chief sa. a lion pass. of the field. Crest—A tiger sejant erm. tufted and maned or.
33) (London). Sa. a bend ar. betw. six billets or.
34) (or Smith). (London). Ar. a fret sa. on a chief of the second a lion pass. guard. of the first.
35) (London, and Crabbet, co. Sussex). Ar. three greyhounds courant betw. ten crosses formée fitchée sa. Crest—A dragon’s head erased or, pellettée.
36) (London). Ar. two pales az. each charged with three fleurs-de-lis of the field.
37) (London, and Ryall, co. Surrey). Per pale or and az. a chev. betw. three lions pass. guard. counterchanged.
38) (co. Middlesex, and Kelmarsh, co. Northampton). Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants, as many crosses pattée fitchée sa. Crest—A cubit arm erect, habited per pale or and gu. grasping in the hand ppr. a griffin’s head erased . az.
39) (or Smith). (Annas, co. Lincoln). (Little Houghton, co. Northampton). Per bend indented or and az. two crosses moline counterchanged. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi falcon volant ppr. , wings expanded ar.
40) (co. Lincoln). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. betw. three buglehorns sa.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet sa.
41) (Curie, co. Lancaster, and co. York). Per pale or and gu. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged.
42) (Honyngton, co. Lincoln). Ar. a fess dancettée betw. three roses gu. barbed vert. Crest—A talbot pass. or.
43) (London). Az. an inescutcheon ar. betw. six lions ramp., or. Crest—A pegasus az. wings gu. ducally gorged and lined or.
44) (Ratsdale, co. Lancaster, and London; Richard Smyth, citizen and fishmonger, of London, son of Randolf Smyth, of Ratsdale. Visit. London, 1568). Or, on a chief sa. a lion pass. of the first. Crest—An heraldic tiger erm. maned and tufted or.
45) (impaled by Sir John York, Sheriff of London temp. Queen Elizabeth, whose wife was Anne Smyth. Visit. London, 1508). Ar. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three hurts, each charged with a bird ar. beaked and legged gu. as many trefoils slipped or.
46) (Shouldham, co. Norfolk). Ar. a cross gu. betw. four peacocks az. Crest—A peacock’s head erased az.
47) (Walsocken, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet sa.
48) (co. Norfolk). Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three crosses flory sa. as many cinquefoils of the first.
49) (Walsham and Old Buckenham, co. Norfolk). Per chev. nebulée sa. and or, three leopards’ or panthers’ heads erased counterchanged. Crest—A horse’s head erased per chev. nebulée or and sa.
50) (Gunton, co. Norfolk). Az. a bend erm. betw. six billets or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. two wings expanded az. each charged with the arms.
51) (Wighton, co. Norfolk). Paly of six ar. and az. on a chief or, three greyhounds’ heads erased sa. collared gu. Crest—An antelope’s head erased aa. gorged with a collar gu. rimmed, studded, lined, and ringed or.
52) (Morville, Bridgnorth, co. Salop). (co. Hertford, 1749). Sa. on a bend entised az. three martlets gu.
53) (Hilton, Bridgnorth). Same as Smyth, of Morville, Crest—A buffalo’s head ppr.
54) (Southwark). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. Crest—An ana embowed in armour ppr. holding in the gauntlet a broken tilting-spear ar.
55) (co. Somerset). Per chev. embattled erm. and gu. a bend or, betw. three crescents counterchanged.
56) (co. Somerset). Per fess embattled erm. and gu. a bend or, betw. three crescents counterchanged.
57) (Elmford, co. Stafford). Ar. on a fess vert betw. three demi griffins segreant sa. as many bezants. Crest—A griffin’s head erased per fess sa. and gu. collared ar. thereon three pellets.
58) (co. Stafford). Ar. on a fess vert betw. three griffins segreant gu. as many bezants.
59) (Newcastle-under-Lyme, co. Stafford; granted 1561). Barry of six erm. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or. Crest—A tiger pass. ar. vulned on the shoulder ppr.
60) (Southampton, London, and co. Stafford; John Smyth, of London, gent., son of Humphry Smyth, of Southampton, gent., and grandson of John Smyth, co. Stafford, gent. Visit. London, 1568). Ar. a cross compony counter-compony or and az. betw. four lions pass. sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan close erm. beaked gu.
61) (Halesworth, co. Suffolk). Az. billettée or, a bend erm. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. two wings az. billettée or, on each a bend erm.
62) (or Smith). (Tudenham and Edmondsbury, co. Suffolk). (co. Middlesex; confirmed 5 May, 1561). Az. a bend ar. betw. six billets or. Crest—A wolf’s head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
63) (or Smythe). (co. Suffolk). Quarterly, per pale indented gu. and az. in the 2nd and 3rd quarters a greyhound’s head erased or, collared of the first, on a bend of the third three escallops sa.
64) (or Smythe). (co. Surrey). Ar. a chev. double cotised betw. three crosses pattee gu. Crest—A demi stag salient erm. attired sa.
65) (Binderton, co. Sussex). Ar. a unicorn’s head erased gu. on a chief wavy az. three lozenges or. Crest—A demi unicorn gu. armed and crined ar. holding betw. the forelegs a lozenge or.
66) (co. Sussex). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée sa. Crest—Out of a mural coronet an ostrich’s head or.
67) (co. Wilts). Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many leopards’ faces sa. Crest—A stag or, attired ar.
68) (Beverley, co. York; granted 13 March, 1576). Ar. on a bend az. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased sa. three mascles or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet gu. a demi bull salient ar. armed or.
69) (Heath Hall, co. York; descended from Richard Smyth, of Myreshaw, in the parish of Bradford, b. in 15sJ4). Motto—Nec timeo nec sperno. Erm. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. three lozenges or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet gold a demi bull ramp. ar. armed and hoofed of the first, gorged with a collar az. rmmed or, thereon three lozenges as in the arms.
70) (co. York). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu.
71) (co. York). Sa. six fleurs-de-lis ar. three, two, and one.
72) (Baron Kiltarton and Viscount Gort). Motto—Vincit Veritas. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a lion ramp. ar. on a chief of the second a mullet az. betw. two torteaux, for Smyth; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a saltire vair, for Prendergast. Crests— 1st, Smyth: A lion’s head couped ar. ; 2nd, Prendergast: An antelope pass. ppr. corned and unguled or. Supporters—Dexter, a lion ramp. ppr. collared gu. chained or; sinister, an antelope ppr. collared gu. chained, corned, and unguled or.
73) (Edward Smyth, b. at Lisburn, co. Antrim, 1665, Bishop of Down and Connor 1699-1720). (William Smith, b. at Lisburn, co. Antrim, 1644, Bishop of Kilmore 1693-90). Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. three lozenges or.
74) (Thomas Smyth, b. at Dundrum, co. Down, 1654, Bishop of Limcrick 1695-1725, and his son, Arthur Smyth, Archbishop of Dublin 1766. The Bishop of Limerick’s grandson, John Prendergast Smyth, was created Baron Kiltarton and Viscount Oort). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. on a chief of the second a mullet az. betw. two torteaux. There is a supposition that Thomas Smyth, Bishop of Limerick, was descended from the Celtic O’Gowans; if this be true the arms assigned to him by the heralds are erroneous. The coat should the that of Smith, alias O’Gowan. See Smith, alias O’Gowan.
75) (Thomas Smyth, b. at Dundrum, co. Down, 1654, Bishop of Limcrick 1695-1725, and his son, Arthur Smyth, Archbishop of Dublin 1766. The Bishop of Limerick’s grandson, John Prendergast Smyth, was created Baron Kiltarton and Viscount Oort). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. on a chief of the second a mullet az. betw. two torteaux. There is a supposition that Thomas Smyth, Bishop of Limerick, was descended from the Celtic O’Gowans; if this be true the arms assigned to him by the heralds are erroneous. The coat should the that of Smith, alias O’Gowan. See Smith, alias O’Gowan.
76) (Headborough, со. Waterford; descended from William Smyth, third son of Sir Percy Smyth, Knt., aon and heir of Sir Richard Smyth, Knt., of Rathcogan, co. Cork, by Mary Boyle, his wife, sister of Richard, first and great Earl of Cork; now represented by Percy Smyth, Esq., of Headborough, son of Hibernicus Scott, Esq., by Anne, his wife, dau. and in her issue heiress of Percy Smyth, Esq., of Healborough). Motto—Cum plena magis. In the ruined Cathedral of Ardmore there ia a sculptured tombstone dated in the 16th century, bearing the arms and crest of the Smyths of Headborough. Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed, crined, and tufted or, three lozenges of the last, a martlet for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi bull salient ar. armed and unguled of the first, and charged with a martlet for diff.
77) (Ballynatray, co. Waterford; exemplified to Hon. Charles William Moore, of Ballynatray, on his assuming, by royal licence, 1858, the surname and arma of Smyth, in right of his wife, Charlotte Mary, only child of Richard Smyth, Esq., of Ballynatray). Motto—Cum plena magis. Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed, crined, and tufted or,three lozenges of the last, a crescent gu. for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi bull salient ar. armed and unguled of the first, and charged with a crescent gu. for diff.
78) (or Smythe). (Gaybrook, co. Westmeath, originally from co. York). Motto—Exaltabit honore. (Barbavilla, co. Westmeath; derived from William youngest son of the Bishop of Kilmore). (New Park, co. Roscommon). Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads couped az. three lozenges or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi bull salient ar. attired of the first. Another Crest—A unicorn’s head erased az.
79) (Drumcree, co. Westmeath; derived from a common ancestor with the Smyths of Gaybrook and Barbavilla). Motto—Cornu exaltabitur honore. (Ballynagall, co. Westmeath, a cadet of Drumcree). Same Arms. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn’s head az.
80) (now of Drumcree; exemplified to Col. Hon. Leicester Curzon, who, with his wife, Alicia Maria, dau. of Robert Smyth, Esq., of Drumcree, со. Westmeath, assumed, by royal licence, 1866, the name of Smyth, in lieu of Curzon). Motto—Exaltabitur honore. (Glananea, co. Westmeath, a cadet of Drumcree). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads couped az. three lozenges or, a canton erm. for diff., for Smyth; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a bend sa. three popinjava or, collared gu. a rose for distinction, for Curzon. Crests—1st : Out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn’s head az. charged with a lozenge of the first, for Smyth; 2nd: A popinjay rising or, collared gu. a rose for distinction, for Curzon.
81) (Thomas Smyth, Alderman of Dublin; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1597, of his dau. Margaret, wife of William Tournor, Sheriff of Dublin). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a lion ramp. ar. a bendlet compony or and gu.; 2nd, sa. six fleurs-de-lis ar. three, two, and one,for Penne; 3rd, az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion гаmp., issuant sa. all within a border engr. vert.
82) (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1598, Nathaniel Smyth, buried in Christ’s Church, 21 March). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. a canton per pale indented of the second and first, for Smyth; 2nd and 3rd, az. fretty or, for Oldhaugh.
83) (confirmed by Roberts, Ulster, 1649, to Col. William Smyth, who served under James, Duke of York, afterwards James II.. son and heir of Lieut. William Smyth, who served Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury Camp). Motto—Vera fidelitas fortitudo. Gu. on a chev. ar. three leopards’ heads sa. a canton erm. Crest—A sword erect ppr. pierced through a dexter hand couped gu.
84) (Reg. Ulster’s Office). Ar. three greyhounds courant aa. collared and ringed or, within an orle of crosses pattée fitchée of the second.
85) (Customer of the Port of Dublin; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Ar. a rose betw. two chev. sa. each charged with three fleurs-de-lis or.
86) (Ireland; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Ar. a cher. sa. betw. three fleurs-de-lis gu. on a canton per pale indented sa. and of the first a lion ramp. or. Crest—A lion ramp. per fess ar. and sa.
87) (co. Galway; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Ar. on a mount ppr. a stag lodged and reguard. gu. attired or. Crest—A stag, as in the arms.
88) (granted 1587). Ar. on a saltire wavy az. an escutcheon of the field, charged with a lion ramp. sa. guttée da sang. Crest—On the top of a pillar ppr. a sphere or.
89) Gu. a lion ramp. or, on a chief of the last a mullet of the field betw. two hurts. Crest—A lion’s head erased or.
90) Ar. on a bend vert six daggers saltireways of the first, pommelled or. Crest—On a ducal coronet vert two swords in saltire ar. hilts or.
91) Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses crosslet fitchée of the first. Crest—An arm erect vested per pale or and az. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. a griffin’s head erased of the second.
92) (or Smith). (quartered by Richards). Or, on a fess engr. gu. betw. six martlets sa. three crosses crosslet of the field.
93) Az. two bars wavy ar. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. sa. bezantée.
94) Gu. on a chev. engr. or, three crosses crosslet fitchée aa.
95) Gu. on a chev. betw. three birds ar. as many leopards’ heads of the field.
96) (or Smith). Ar. on a chev. cotised gu. betw. three crosses formée of the last as many martlets or.
97) Sa. on a chev. engr. or, betw. six crosses crosslet fitchée of the second three fleurs-de-lis az.
98) (Balharry, co. Forfar, 1765). Motto—Carid nam fechm. Quarterly, 1st, gu. a broken spear and standard in saltire ar. the last charged with a cross of the field, fringed or; 2nd, az. a cat salient ar.; 3rd, ar. on a saltire sa. nine mascles of the first, a bordure az.; 4th, or, three bars wavy gu. on each an escallop of the field. Crest—A dexter arm embowed vambraced brandishing a sword ppr.
99) (Henlow, co. Bedford). Motto: Ferrum equitis salus. Az. three horse-shoes fessewise or betw. as many horses’ heads erased arg. Crest—A horse’s head arg. erased az. within a horse-shoe or.
100) (or Smith). (London). Az. two bars betw. three pheons or. Crest—Two arms embowed vested az. cuff ar. holding in the hands ppr. a pheon or.
101) (or Smyth or Smythes).(London). Ar. a chev. az. betw. three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or. Crest—An arm in pale habited az. cuff ar. in the hand ppr. three acorn branches vert, fructed or.
102) (or Smith). (Nunstainton, co. Durham, and Langley, co. Salop). (Eshe Hall, co. Durham; also of Acton Burnell, co. Salop, and Wooton Hall, co. Warwick, bart.). (Nunstainton, co. Durham, and Langley, co. Salop). Sa. three roses ar. barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—A stag’s head erased gorged with a wreath of laurel all ppr. Motto—Regi semper fidelis.
103) (Brambridge, co. Hants). Sa. three roses ar. seeded or, and barbed vert. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr. attired or, gorged about the neek with a chaplet of laurel vert.
104) (or Smith). (Boughton Monchelsea, co. Kent; granted, 14 Sept. 1605, to Simon Smythe, Esq., of that place, and now borne by Clement Taylor Smythe, Esq., of Maidstone). (Lested Lodge, in Chart, next Sutton-Valence, and Maidstone, all in co. Kent). Or, three bars sa. in chief as many crosses formée fitchée of thr second. Crest—On a mount vert a talbot sejant erm. eared and collared sa. ringed or, on the dexter side of the mount a branch of laurel of the fiist.
105) (London; Ambrose Smythe, Citizen and Mercer of London, son of John Smith, alias Harris, of Withcock, co. Leicester. Visit. London, 1568). (co. Middlesex). (cos. Chester and Berks, and London). (Kelmarsh, co. Northampton). Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sa. a martlet for diff. Crest—A dexter arm couped at the elbow per pale or and gu. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a griffin’s head erased az. beaked and charged with a martlet gold.
106) (Sir Thomas Smythe, Clerk of the Council, London. Visit. London, 1568). Az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. three torteaux.
107) (Hilton, near Bridgnorth, co. Salop). Sa. a bend betw. six martlets ar. Crest—A buffalo’s head ppr.
108) (Corsham, co. Wilts; descended from John Smythe, Esq., of that place, living temp. Henry VII., from whose second son descend the Viscounts Strangford, and from the third the Smythes of Bayden, co. Wilts, whose pedigree is recorded in the Visit, of 1620). Az. a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass. guard. or. Crest—A peacock’s head ppr. ducally gorged or.
109) (Scotland, 1672). Motto—Marte et ingenio. Ar. a saltire betw. three crescents in chief and fess, and a dolphin hauriant in base az. Crest—A sword and pen disposed in saltire ppr.
110) (Braco, now Methven, co. Perth). Motto—Mediis tranquillus in undis. Az. a burning cup betw. two chessrooks in fess or. Crest—A dolphin hauriant ppr.
111) (Atherny, co. Perth, cadet of Braco; now represented by Sir J. R. Carmichael, Bart., of Nutwood, as heir of line). Motto—Arte et labore. As Methven, within a bordure or. Crest—A dexter hand holding a lancet ready for action ppr.
112) (Clerk of Chancery, descended of Braco, 1763). Motto—Mediis tranquillus in undis. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per fess az. and or, in chief a burning cup betw. two chessrooks of the last, in base a saltire of the first cantoned with four crescents gu.; 2nd and 3rd, per fess wavy or and gu., for Drummond, of Concraig. Crest—Two arms bolding a bow in full draught to let fly an arrow ppr.
113) (or Smyth). (co. Suffolk). Quarterly, per pale indented gu. and az. in the 2nd and 3rd quarters a greyhound’s head erased or, collared of the first, on a bend of the third three escallops sa.
114) (or Smyth). (co. Surrey). Ar. a chev. double cotised betw. three crosses pattee gu. Crest—A demi stag salient erm. attired sa.
115) (or Smyth). (Gaybrook, co. Westmeath, originally from co. York). Motto—Exaltabit honore. (Barbavilla, co. Westmeath; derived from William youngest son of the Bishop of Kilmore). (New Park, co. Roscommon). Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads couped az. three lozenges or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi bull salient ar. attired of the first. Another Crest—A unicorn’s head erased az.
116) (or Smith). (Sir John Smith, of Ostenhanger, co. Kent). Quarterly, 1st, az. a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass. guard. or; 2nd, gu. a fess ragulée betw. three boars’ heads couped ar.; 3rd, az. three lions’ heads ramp, and a border ar.; 4th. or, a chev. engr. betw. three cinquefoils gu.; 5th, sa. a cross voided or; 6th, ar. a chev. sa. thereon a mullet of the field. Crest—An ounce’s head erased ar. spotted and collared sa. edged or, chained gold.
117) (or Smyth or Smith) Ar. a chev. az. betw. three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or. Crest—An arm in pale habited az. cuff ar. in the hand ppr. three acorn branches vert, fructed or.

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