Manning Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Manning Origin:


Origins of Name:

The surname of Manning is an English surname but comes from the Pre 7th Century Norse Vikings. This surname is said to originate from “maningi” which can be translate to mean “valiant” or “strong.”


More common variations are:

Manninga, Manniing, Manniong, Mainninig, Manninng, Mannuing, Hmanning, Manneing, Manningw, Mannin



The first recorded spelling of the surname of Manning can be found in the country of England, in the year of 1190. This person, who was said to have been named Ainulf Manning, was mentioned and recorded in the document known as the Pipe Rolls of Kent. This document, the Pipe Rolls of Kent, was ordered, decreed, and written under the rule of one King Richard I of England, who was known as, and commonly referred to throughout history as the “Lionheart.” King Richard I of England ruled from the year of 1189 to the year of 1199, with this document being one of the earlier ones of his reign. Other mentions of this surname include the christening of Johan Manning, who was the daughter of Launcelot Manning, at St. Mary Magdalene on January 14, 1564, while Katherine, daughter of William Mannings was christened in the year 1570, in the month of September, on the day of he 6th, at St. Mary Aldermary. One Thomas Manning was believed to be the first Chinese scholar in Europe, and was the first English man to ever enter Lhasa, which is the holy city in Tibet. Those who bore this surname of Manning can be found throughout history, all over the country of England. There are regions where this population of those who bear this surname is higher than others. These areas of the country of England where the population of people who bears the surname of Manning are Essex, Suffolk, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, Northamptonshire, Somerset and Devon counties, as well as the city of London.


In the country of Scotland there are also many people who bear the surname of Manning. There are areas of this country where those who bear this surname are in higher populations than in other areas. The regions where those who bear the surname of Manning are in high concentrations include Lanarkshire, Angus, Perthshire, and Ayrshire counties.

United States of America:

The European Migration was a movement of people from the European countries who left their homeland in search of a better life. Many of these people went to the United States of America, which at that time was referred to as The New World or The Colonies, because this new land promised the freedoms that they were so hoping for. The first person to bear the surname of Manning and was recorded as arriving in the United States of America was one Edmund Manning, who was forty years of age when he arrived in New England in the year 1635. In the year of 1640, one William Manning landed in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, while one Thomas Manning Jr. and his wife Grace Manning arrived in the state of Maryland in the year of 1658. Those who carry the surname of Manning can be found in various concentrations all over the United States of America. The areas with higher concentrations of this surname include Massachusetts, New York Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, Texas and California.

Manning Today:

United States 84,345

England 16,498

Australia 7,721

Canada 5,491

South Africa 3,525

Ireland 2,015

New Zealand 1,744

Jamaica 1,606

Mexico 1,518

Scotland 893

Notable People:

Peyton Williams Manning (born in 1976) who is an American professional NFL quarterback, a two-time NFL Offensive Player of the Year, and a Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year in the year 2013

Elisha Nelson “Eli” Manning (born in 1981) who was an American NFL football quarterback for the New York Giants

Lynn Manning (1955-2015) who was a playwright, poet, and actor from America

J. Manning (died in 1979) who was a passenger from Los Angeles, California, USA, who flew aboard the American Airlines Flight 191 and died in the crash on May 25, 1979

Richard Francis Xavier “Brennan” Manning (1934-2013) who was an author from America, a friar, a priest, and a speaker

Raymond Brendan Manning (1934-200) who was a carcinologist in America

Brigadier-General Timothy J. Manning (born in 1905) who was a Commanding Officer in the 51st Troop Carrier Wing from 1944 to 1945 who was from America

Frankie Manning (1914-2009) who was a dancer, instructor, and choreographer from America

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Cholmondley, co. Chester). Gu. a cross patonce betw. four trefoils slipped or.
2) (Stanbury in Shorwinstow, co. Cornwall). Per pale gu. (sometimes az.) and or, a lion ramp. counterchanged.
3) (Codham, co. Kent; granted 1577). Gu. a cross patonce betw. four cinquefoils or. Crest—Out of a ducal crown or, an eagle’s head sa. beaked gold, betw. two ostrich feathers ar.
4) (Eversfield, co. Devon). Motto—Esse quam videri. Same Arms. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head sa. betw. two feathers ppr.
5) (Downe, co. Kent; confirmed by Dethick, 20 April, 1577). Gu. a cross flory betw. four trefoils slipped or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle’a head sa. beaked or, betw. two ostrich feathers ar.
6) (Diss, co. Norfolk). Quarterly, gu. and az. a cross flory betw. four cinquefoils pierced or. Creat—Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle’s head sa. beaked gold, betw. two ostrich feathers ar.
7) (co. Sussex). Gu. a cross patonce betw. four trefoils or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle’s head ar. betw. two wings sa.
8) Ar. a chev. betw. three quatrefoils gu.
9) (London; Isaac Manning, temp. James I.; his dau. and heir, Elizabeth, m. Humphrey Clerk, Esq., of Edmonton, co. Middlesex. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Gu. three crosses botonnee or.
10) (Reg. Ulster’s Office). Gu. three crescents ar. a border erm. (another, the border of the second).
11) (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1617, Grace Manning). Gu. three crescents or, a border ar.

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