Percival Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Ireland; Christopher Percival, whose dau. Elizabeth, to. Rev. Luke Calloner, D.D , who was very active in the building and founding of Trinity College, Dublin, and was buried there 1613; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office). (Dublin; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1652, Elizabeth, dau. of Dominic Percival, of that city, and wife of Thomas Richardson, Auditor of Public Accounts in Ireland). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three mullets ar.
2) (Newport-Pagnel, co. Buckingham; granted 1745). Vert a saltire invecked erminois betw. two pheons in pale or, and as many swans in fesse ar. a chief of the second.
3) (granted to William Percival, Esq., of Moorlands House, Kirkby Stephen, co. Westmorland, and of Bolton, same co.). Gu. a cross parted and fretty betw. in the 1st and 4th quarters, a bull’s head couped, and in the 2nd and 3rd, a cross pattée ar. Crest—A bull’s head couped ar. charged with a cross pattée gu. the neck encircled by an annulet gold. Motto—Sub cruce vinces.
4) (Lord Mayor of London, 1498). Per chev. az. and gu. three greyhounds’ heads ar. collared or.
5) Or, a bend sa. on a chief gu. three griffins’ heads erased of the field. Crest—A thistle slipped and leaved.
6) Per chev. ar. and az. three greyhounds’ heads erased counterchanged.
7) (formerly Lockwood; Lambourne Hall, co. Essex). Sa. a horse pass. ar. spancelled in both legs, on the near side gu. Crest—A nag’s head couped ar., also the crest of Lockwood.
8) (co. Hants). Sa. a horse pass. ar. spancelled in both legs, on the near side gu. Crest—A demi lion ramp. or (another, a nag’s head ar.).
9) Per chev. gu. and az. three greyhounds’ heads erased ar. collared of the first. Crest—A demi lion gu.; another,
10) Or, a fesse sa. on a chief of the eecond three griffins’ heads erased of the first.
11) Or, two lions pass. in pale az.
12) Purp. semée of crosses or.
13) Purp. eight crosses crosslet or, on a canton ar. (another, erm.) an estoile sa.
14) Az. two lions pass. ar. (another, or).

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