Halsey Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (co. Devon). Or, a fesse betw. three griffins’ heads erased sa.
2) (Gaddesden Park, co. Hertford). Ar. on a pile sa. three griffins’ heads erased of the first. Crest—A dexter hand ppr. sleeved gu. cuffed ar. holding a griffin’s claw erased or. Motto—Nescit vox missa reverti.
3) (co. Hertford). Ar. three boars’ heads couped in pale sa. Crest—A sword erect ar. hilt or, on the blade a boar’s head couped sa.
4) (co. Surrey). Ar. guttee de poix on a pile az. three griffins’ heads erased of the first ducally gorged or. Crest—On a garb lying fesseways or, a griffin’s head sa. guttee d’eau ducally gorged ar.
5) (Henley Park, co. Surrey). Ar. three boars’ heads erased in pale sa. Crest—On a sword erect ppr. pommel and hilt or, a boar’s head erased transfixed sa.
6) Ar. on a fesse betw. three griffins’ heads erased gu. a mullet of the first.

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