Wallis Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Healing, near Grimsby, co. Lincoln; descended from Henry Wallis, Lord Mayor of London, who was a great benefactor to the city in the 13th century; his descendant, William Wallis, Esq., of Trowbridge, and Grovclly, co. Wilts, had two sons, Henry and Thomas. The younger, who was Ambassador to the Porte, d.s.p., the cider, Henry Wallis, left an only dau. and heiress, who m Mr. Farr, of co. Lincoln; and their dau. marrying Lieut.-General Loft, M.P. for Grimsby, was mother of Alfred Arthur Loft, Esq., who assumed, by royal licence, the surname and arms of Wallis). Erminois on a bend gu. a pheon in canton or. Crest—A wolf’s head couped gu. charged on the neck with a pheon transfixed through the mouth by a broken spear fess ways or, the head of the spear imbrued ppr.
2) (Llanarth, co. Monmouth; borne by Sir Robert Wallis, Knt., Lord of Llanarth, temp. Edward III., descended from Sir William De Wallan, Walleaux Valence, or Wallis, Knt., Lord of Llanarth, lngley, and Perthyr). Chequy or and sa. on a fess gu. three leopards’ faces jessant-de-lis or.
3) (alias Darte) (Mevegesie, co. Cornwall; granted by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1590, to Lewis Wallis, alias Darte, son of John Wallis, alias Darte, of Barnstaple, co. Devon. Visit. Cornwall, 1620). Gu. a fess erm. a canton of the last. Crest—A bonfire ppr.
4) (Hetton, co. York). Az. a bend raguly ar.
5) (Cowden, co. Hants). Gu. a fess erm.
6) (cos. Surrey and Sussex). Gu. a chev. erm.
7) (Winterborne, co. Lancaster). Per pale wavy or and gu.
8) or Welch, or Welsh – (Wanlip, co. Leicester, temp. Edward I.). Gu. two bars and a bend ar.
9) (co. Somerset). Erm. a bend sa. (another, gu.).
10) (cos. Surrey and Sussex). Gu. a chev. erm.
11) or Walleys – (co. Sussex). Gu. a fess ar. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—A Cornish chough ppr.
12) Gu. a lion ramp. ar. a border gobonée of the second and az. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an ostrich’s head ar.
13) Quarterly, or and gu.
14) Az. two chev. erm.
15) Sa. three bulls’ heads cabossed ar.
16) Gu. billettée or, an orle erm.
17) or Walles – Az. a bend crenellee ar.
18) or or Walleys – Ar. three lions pass. cowarded in pale gu.
19) (Portrane, co. Dublin; confirmed by St. George, Ulster, 1677, to George Wallis, Esq., of Portrane, J.P. co. Dublin). Az. two bars gemel or, on a canton ar. a demi lion ramp. gu. Crest—A talbot’s head erased ar. gorged with a collar az. studded and ringed or.
20) (Killeny, Queen’s co.; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1677, Ralph Wallis, Clerk of the Rolls in Ireland). Per bend az. and ar. in chief a lion pass. of the last, armed and langued gu. in base a tower triple-towered sa. Crest—An arm couped below the elbow and erect vested sa. cuffed ar. holding in the hand ppr. a cinquefoil erm.
