Marcelli Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Fuligno – D’oro, a due sbarre di verde, caricate la prima di un crescente montante d’argento, e la seconda di due gigli d’oro. English: Or, two bends sinister vert, first one charged with crescent, second one charged with two fleur de lys or.
2) Cagli (Umbria). – Spaccato d’azzurro e d’argento con la divisa di rosso; nel 1° due leoni uscenti d’argento, affrontati e combattenti; nel 2° tre rose di rosso gambute di verde, nudrite sopra una zolla dello stesso, movente dalla punta. English: Per fesse az.and ar., division (bar, thin fesse) gu., two lions issuant combatant chief, on a mound vert three roses gu, stemmed and leaved vert.
3) Rome – Weapon: Party: in the 1° of blue or to the silver tower founded on green ground accompanied in cap by a golden sun; in the 2° dioro to the ring of complexion, dressed in red holding a red branch holding a green branch, flowered with three pieces of red.

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