Nevill Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Nevile or Neville Raby, co. Durham; one of the most illustrious families in European genealogy. Ranulph DeNevill, of Raby, was summoned to Parliament as a baron, 8 June, 1294, and his great-grandson, Ralph De Nevill, fourth Lord. Nevill, of Baby, was created Earl of Westmorland, 1397). Gu. a saltire ar.
2) (Earl of Westmorland; Ralph de Nevill, fourth Lord Nevill, of Raby, was created Earl of Westmorland 1397; title attainted 13 Elizabeth, a.d. 1545). (Earl of Warwick and Salisbury; Sir Richard Nevill, K.G., eldest son of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland, by his second wife, Joan de Beaufort, dau. of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, m. Lady Alice Montacute, dan. and heiress of Thomas, fourth Earl of Salisbury, and had the Earldom of Salisbury renewed in his person; his son and heir, Richard, second Earl of Salisbury, K.G., who m. Lady Anne Beauchamp, heiress of her niece, Anne, Countess of Warwick, thenceforward was known as Earl of Warwick. This was the famous King Maker: his seal as Earl of Warwick, attached to a deed, 4 Edward IV., during the lifetime of his father, shows a quartered shield: 1st grand quarter, Beauchamp and Clare quarterly; 2nd grand quarter, Montacute and Monthermer quarterly; 3rd grand quarter, Nevill, differenced by a label of three points; 4th grand quarter, Warwick and Le Despencer. Supporters—Dexter, a bear muzzled and chained; sinister, a griffin. Crests—1st: Out of a ducal coronet a swan’s head and neck; 2nd: On a ducal coronet a griffin sejant with this legend, ‘‘Sigillum ricardi nevill comitis warrewici domini de bergevenny.” The daus. and co-heirs of Richard Nevill, Earl of Warwick, the King Maker, were Isabel, wife of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, and Anne m. first, Edward, Prince of Wales, and secondly, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III.). Same Arms as last. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head pied. The seal of Ralph, fourth Lord Nevill, of Raby, and first Earl of Westmorland, exhibits the shield, Gu. a saltire ar. the crest of the pied bull, and for supporters two greyhounds collared.
3) (Earl of Northumberland, Marquess of Montacute, and Duke of Bedford). Gu. a saltire ar. a label gobony ar. and az. a crescent for diff.
4) (Baron Fauconberg and Earl of Kent, earldom extinct, 1463; Sir William Nevill, Knt., second son of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland, by Joan De Beaufort, his second wife, m. Joan De Fauconberg, and was summoned to Parliament, jure uxoris, 1429). Gu. a saltire ar. a mullet sa. for diff.
5) (Baron Latimer; Sir George Nevill, third son of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland, by Joan de Beaufort, his second wife, was summoned to Parliament as Baron Latimer, 1432, title in abeyance). Gu. a saltire ar. an annulet sa. for diff.
6) (Lord Bergavenny, Earl and Marquess of Abergavenny; Edward Nevill, fourth son of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland. by Joan Beaufort, his second wife, m. Lady Elizabeth Beauchamp, of Bergavenny, and was summoned to Parliament as Baron Bergavenny in 1450; the fifteenth Baron was created Earl of Abergavenny 1784, and the fifth Earl, Marquess of Abergavenny, 1876). (Bentworth, Hants; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1640, of the eldest son of Francis Nevill, the second son of the fifth Lord Bergavenny). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a saltire ar. a rose of the field barbed and seeded ppr. for Nevill, of Raby (the red rose used for diff. is commemorative of the marriage of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland, with Joan, dau. of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster); 2nd and 3rd, or, fretty gu. on a canton, per pale erm. and gold, a galley sa., for Neville, of Bulmer. Crest—A bull ar. pied sa. armed gold, and charged on the neck with a rose barbed and seeded ppr. Supporters—Two bulls ar. pied sa., armed, unguled, collared and chained, and at the end of the chain two staples or. Badges—On the dexter, a rose gu. seeded or, barbed vert; on the sinister, a portcullis or. Motto—Ne vile velis.
7) (Mereworth, co. Kent; Sir Thomas Nevill, Knt., of Mereworth, Secretary of State to Henry VIII., and afterwards Speaker of the House of Commons, younger son of George, second Lord Bergavenny, left an only dau. and heiress, Margaret, m. Sir Robert Southwell, Master of the Rolls). His Arms appear on a brass in Mereworth Church, viz., Quarterly, 1st, gu. a saltire ar. thereon a red rose; 2nd, chequy or and az.; 3rd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three chevronels gn., 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, ar. and gu. in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, a fret or, over all a bend sa.; 4th, gu. on a fess betw. six cross crosslets or, a crescent sa.
8) (Baron Furnival; Thomas Nevill, brother of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland, m. Joane, dau. and heiress of William de Furnival, fourth Lord Fumival, and waa summoned to Parliament 1383; co-heirs of the barony, now in abeyance, are the Lords Stourton and Petre). Gu. a saltire ar. differenced by a martlet sa.
9) (Ragnall, afterwards Grove, co. Nottingham, bart., extinct 1686; descended from the marriage of George Nevill, Esq., of Ragnall, who m. Barbara, sister and co-heir of Sir John Hercy, Knt., of Grove. Visit. Notts, 1614. The last male heir in the direct line, Edward Nevill, Esq., of Grove, was created a bart. in 1674, but d. s. p. 1686). (Badsworth, co. York; derived from Dyonisius, fifth son of George Nevill, Esq., of Grove, by Barbara Hercy, his wife). Gu. a saltire ar. Crests—1st: Out of a ducal coronet a bull’s head pied; 2nd: On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a ship with sails furled ea. Motto—Ne vile.
10) or Nevile (Thorney, co. Nottingham; descended from George Nevill, Esq., of Thorney, second son of George Nevill, Esq., of Grove, by Barbara Herct, his wife). (Wellingore, co. Lincoln; a branch of Nevill, of Thorney; Christopher Henry Nevill, of Wellingore, took the surname of Noel, his only dau. and heir, Sophia Mary, m. Col. F. W. Allix, of Willoughby Hall, co. Lincoln). (Walcot and Wellingore; descended from the Rev. Henry Nevill, Rector of Cottesmore, second son of Christopher Nevill, Esq., of Wellingore).(Stubton, co. Notts). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. a saltire ar., for the Lords of Raby; 2nd 4and 3rd, or, fretty gu. on a canton per pale erm. and or, a ship with sails furled sa., Crests and Motto, same as Nevill, of Grove.
11) (Chevet, co. York; granted 1513). Ar. a saltire gu. a mullet and label of three points vert. Crest—A greyhound’s head erased or, charged on the neck with a label of three points vert, betw. as many pellets, one and two.
12) (Holt, co. Leicester; Sir Thomas Nevill, Knt., of Holt, living 1564, ninth in descent from Solomon Nevill, Lord of Holt, second son of Geoffrey Nevill, of Raby, co. Durham, and brother of Robert Nevill, Lord of Raby, ancestor of the extinct Earls of Westmorland and the Marquis of Abergavenny. Visit. Leicester, 1619). Gu. a. saltire erm., quartering, Or, fretty gu. on a canton per pale ar. and erm. a lymphad sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head erm. armed of the first.
13) (Billingbeare, co. Berks, and Kent. Same Arms. Crest—A bull pass. pied, collared, lined, and armed or.
14) (co. Essex). Sa. a lion ramp. ar. guttée de sang. Crest—A demi lion ramp. ar. guttée de sang, holding a sword of the first erect, hilt and pommel or.
15) (cos. Essex and Nottingham). Az. a lion ramp. or.
16) (cos. Huntingdon and Lincoln). Or, a fesse dancettée gu. a bend sa.
17) (Llangenneck Park, co. Carmarthen). Gu. on a saltire indented or, a crescent betw. four roses of the field barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—A pied bull armed and gorged with a collar and line reflexed over the back or, and supporting with the dexter foot an escutcheon of the last, charged with an anchor erect sa.
18) (Reresby, co. Leicester). Erm. a chief indented az.
19) (co. Leicester). Gu. four fusils in fesse or, a border of the last.
20) (co. Leicester). Gu. crusily fitchée, three leopards’ faces jessant-de-lis ar. (another, or).
21) (co. Leicester). Gu. a fesse indented ar.
22) (co. Leicester). Gu. a fess dancettée ar in chief three mullets or.
23) (Rolleston, co. Notts). Gu. a saltire erm.
24) (Scotton, co. Lincoln). Gu. three fusils in fesse ar. a border engr. or; another, or, a bend indented gu. a chief vert. Crest—A tiger sejant erm.
25) (Faldingworth, co. Lincoln). Or, a chief indented vert, a bend gu.
26) (co. Nottingham). Az. three bustards rising or.
27) (Shenstone Park, co. Stafford). Gu. on a saltire ar. a crescent sa. Crest—A griffin pass. or, charged on the breast with a crescent sa.
28) (co. Sussex). Gu. two trumpets in saltire betw. nine crosses crosslet fitchée or.
29) (Thornton Brigg, co. York). Gu. on a saltire ar. a mullet pierced sa.
30) (Ven. Henry Ralph Nevill, M.A., Archdeacon of Norfolk). Gu. on a saltire engr. or, a crescent betw. four roses of the field. Crest—A bull collared and line reflexed ever the back, resting dexter foot on an escutcheon charged with an anchor. Motto—Ne vile velis.
31) Gu. fretty or, a quarter per pale erm. and of the second.
32) Gu. a fret of six ar. over all a bend vairé or and of the first.
33) Or, fretty gu. a canton erm.
34) Or, fretty gu. a canton per pale erm. and of the first charged with a slip sa.
35) Or, fretty gu. a canton erm. charged with a buglehorn sa.
36) Gu. a fesse dancettée ar. in chief two (another, three) mullets or.
37) Ar. a fesse dancettée sa.
38) Or, five lozenges in fesse gu.
39) Four lozenges sa. à border of the last bezantée.
40) Az. two bars gemelles or, a chief of the last.
41) Gu. five mascles in fesse ar. a border engr. or.
42) Gu. crusily ar. three fleurs-de-lis of the last.
43) Az. three roses ar. (another, cinquefoils).
44) Gu. three leopards’ faces ar.
45) Or, on a fesse dancettée gu. a chev. sa.
46) Erm. a chief indented sa.
47) Paly of six or and az. on a chief gu. three escallops ar.
48) (Feudal Baron of Rossgarland, co. Wexford; Thomas Nyvell was of Old Ross, same co. 1303; Simon Nevill, Baron of Rossgarland, was fined 38 Edward III., 1363, for not attending with men, arms, and horses, at the Duffrey in that co. in obedience to his summons; arms Reg. Ulster’s Office. David Nevill, Baron of Rossgarland, was attainted temp. Edward VI.). (Nevill’s Court, Tullacanna, Ambrosetown, New Ross, &c., co. Wexford, branches of Rossgarland). (Phornauts, or Furness, co. Kildare; descended from Richard Neville, Esq., of Great Phremagin, in same co. m. Margaret, dau. of Sir William Usher, Knt. of Bridgefoot Street, Dublin, and d. 13 Sept. 1682; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office; Richard’s eldest son, also named Richard, left an only dau. and heir, Mary, wife of Colonel Richard Edward Jones, who took the name of Neville, and was grandfather of the late Richard Neville, Esq., of Furness, M.P., whose eldest dau. and co-heir, Henrietta, m. first, Edward Dering, Esq., and secondly. Sir William Geary, Bart.). (Annamult and Marymount, co. Kilkenny; a branch of Nevill, of Furness). Barry of four ar. and az. on a chiel gu. a saltire of the first.
49) (granted by Roberts, Ulster, 1644, to John Nevill, Surgeon Major of the regiment under command of Philip, Earl of Leicester). Or, on a bend gu. a harp gold, on a chief of the second a saltire of the first. Crest—A greyhound’s head erased sa. collared gu. studded with harps or.
50) (impalement Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1038, Sir John Bingley a Privy Councillor in Ireland). Gu. on a saltire ar. a rose of the first.
51) (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, Richard Nevill, of Dublin, buried in St. Werburgh s Church, 7 May, 1017). Barry of four ar. and sa. on a chief gu. a saltire of the first.
52) (Baron Braybrooke; Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a griffin segreant ar. beaked and forelegged or, for Griffin; 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a saltire ar. a rose of the field seeded and barbed ppr., for Neville. Crests—1st, Griffin: A talbot’s head erased sa.; 2nd, Neville: A bull statant ar. spotted of a liver colour, collared and chained or. Supporters—Two lions ramp. reguard. ar. maned and tufted sa. gorged with a chaplct of olive vert. Motto—Ne vile velis.
53) Gu. semée of crosses crosslet ar. three leopards’ faces jessant-de-lis Of the last. Crest—Out of a cloud a hand holding up a wheat-sheaf by the band all ppr.
54) (Heacham Hall, co. Norfolk. See Rolfe). Gu. five fusils conjoined in fesse or, each charged with an erm. spot, a border nebulée ar. Crest—A mount vert, thereon issuantoutof a crescent gu. a rose ar. slipped vert.
55) (Haselour, co. Stafford). Gu. on a saltire ar. a rose of the first. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head pied ppr. Motto—Ne vile velis.
56) (Bawnmore House, co. Kilkenny). Gu. a saltire ar. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head pied, attired of the first. Motto—Ne vite velis.

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