mural crown

Crowns are frequently observed in Heraldry Understanding Signs & Symbols – Heraldry, S. Oliver & G. Croton, Quantum, London, 2013, P184, but we should not make the mistake of assuming that these are always on Royal arms The Symbolisms of Heraldry, W. Cecil Wade, George Redway, London, 1898 P138. Many of the orders of nobility across Europe were entitled to wear crowns and coronets, Dukes, Earls, Viscounts and Barons in England each had their own distinctive headwear A Complete Guide to Heraldry, A.C. Fox-Davies, Bonanza (re-print of 1909 Edition), New York, 1978, P350. The mural crown exhibits decoration rather like brickwork, and has battlements on top. It is said to have been award by the Roman legions to the first who breached the walls of a besieged town or fortress. The Symbolisms of Heraldry, W. Cecil Wade, George Redway, London, 1898 P142
