Audley Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles

Blazon description

(Sir James Audley K.G., one of the Founder Knights of the Garter). Gu. a fret or.

(Lord Audley of Heleigh, summoned 15 May, 1321; the heiress, Joane, dau. of James, Lord Audley, temp. Edward III. m. Sir John Touchet, and the grandson of this marriage, Sir Joun Touchet, was summoned as Baron Audley). Gu. a fret or.

(Lord Audley of Walden, co. Essex, 1538, extinct 1544). Quarterly, per pale indented or and az. on a bend of the second betw. two eagles displ. gold a fret betw. two martlets of the last. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wyvern with wings endorsed, quarterly or and az. Another Crest—The wyvern with wings endorsed ppr.

(Beerchurch, co. Essex). Or, on a fesse az. betw. three conies heads couped sa. three martlets ar.

(Hugh Audley, co. Gloucester, temp. Edward II.). Gu. a fret of six pieces and a border or.

Gu. a fret or. Crest—A Saracen’s head couped ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and purp.

Gu. a fret or, within a bordure ar.

Gu. a fret or, within a bordure counter-compony ar. and vert.

Gu. a fret of eight or, a label az.

Ar. six bears’ paws erased in saltire, four in chief and two in base sa.

Gu. on a chev. or, three martlets sa.

(granted 1608). Or, a fesse cottised betw. three conics sa. Crest—A martlet sa.

(ancient from MS. Arms Visit. Stafford, 1583.). Az. three butterflies volant ar.

(Sutton, co. Kent. Hugh Audley, of the Inner Temple,d.s.p 1662, son of John Audley, of the former place. Visit. Middlesex, 1663, granted by Camden, Clarenceux). Or, a fess cotised betw. three conies sa. Crest—A martlet sa.

Baron Audley de Heleigh – Angleterre – (M. ét.) – De gueules à une frette d’or Cimier une tête de Sarrasin au naturel tortillée d’argent et de pourpre (V Thicknesse-Touchet baron Audley et Touchet baron Audley)

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