Braham Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Braham Coat of Arms / Family Crest 8

Blazon description

(London and Finchley). Ar. a saltire betw. four holly leaves vert within a bordure of the last on a chief az. a lyre betw. two talbots’ heads erased or. Crest—A bar dancettee ar. thereon a phoenix erm. wings az. fire ppr. in the mouth a lyre or.

(New Windsor, Berks, Visit, co. Notts, 1569 and 1614). Sa. a cross patonce or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of feathers sa.

(Bucks). Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three talbots’ heads erased or, as many mallets sa. Crest—A cubit arm erect vested bendy wavy of four az. and gu. holding in the hand ppr. a fish ar.

Per fesse az. and or, a cross moline counterchanged. Same Crest as Bucks.

(Braham, co. Cumberland). Gu. a chev. betw. three fishes erect ar.

(Lancashire). Az. a cross moline or.

(granted 10 June, 1646). Sa. a cross or.

Per pale ar. and sa. a cross patonce counterchanged.

Berkshire – (Baronet, 16 avril 1662. M. ét.) – De sable à la croix fleuronnée d’or Casque couronné Cimier cinq plumes d’autruche de sable

Coat of Arms Digitization

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