Elliot Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Elliot Coat of Arms / Family Crest 18


Europe - see blazon Elliot Coat of Arms / Family Crest 19

Blazon description

(London). Barry wavy of eight az. and ar. on a fesse gu. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest—A demi seahorse az. fins or.

(Penshaw, co. Durham, bart.). Or, on a fesse engr. cottised wavy gu. an annulet betw. two fleurs-de-lis of the first; in chief three roses of the second, barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—A demi seahorse az. charged with two fleurs-de-lis palewise, and resting the sinister foot on as many annulets interlaced or. Motto—Labor et veritas.

(Minto, co. Roxburgh, 1693). Gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton az. all within a bordure vair. Crest—A dexter hand issuing from a cloud and throwing a dart ppr. Motto—Non eget arcu.

(Earl of Minto). Quarterly, 1st and 4th grand quarters, quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a buglehorn sa. stringed and garnished gu., on a chief az. three mullets of the first, for Murray, 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, for Kynynmound; 2nd and 3rd grand quarters, gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton az. within a bordure vair, for Elliot; over all a chief of augmentation ar., charged with a Moor’s head couped in profile ppr., being the arms of Corsica. Crest—A dexter arm embowed, issuant from clouds, throwing a dart all ppr. Motto (over crest)—Non eget arcu. Supporters—Dexter, an Indian sheep, sinister, a fawn, both ppr. Motto—Suaviter et fortiter.

(Larriston, co. Roxburgh). Gu. on a bend or, a flute of the first.

(Larriston; as recorded 1793). Gu. on a bend or, a flute of the first, in sinister chief point a mortar ppr. Crest—A dexter arm grasping a spear ppr. Motto—Apto cum lare.

(Arkleton, co. Roxburgh). Gu. on a bend indented or, a flute of the first. Crest—A demi man in armour ppr. Motto—Pro rege et limite.

(Binks and Swynside, co. Roxburgh, 1697). Gu. on a bend or, a baton az. a bordure of the second charged with six garbs of the third. Crest—A gentleman in a watching posture, holding a pike in his hand ppr. Motto—Sic limina tuta.

(Edinburgh, 1779). Gu on a bend invecked or, betw. three crescents ar. a baton az. Crest—A kingfisher ppr. Motto—Quid pure tranquillis.

(Wolflee, co. Roxburgh). Gu. on a bend invecked or, a flute az. in chief a lion pass. guard. ar. imperially crowned ppr. Crest—A ram ppr. Motto—Vellera fertis oves.

(Fogge-Elliot, Elvet Hill, co. Durham; exemplified to John Fogge, Esq., of Bolton-le-Moors, upon his taking, by royal licence, 1827, the additional surname and arms of Elliot, on the death of his maternal granduncle, John Walton Elliot, Esq., of Elvet Hill). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a bend engr. or, a baton az., for Elliot; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a fesse betw. six annulets sa. three mullets pierced of the field, for Fogge. Crests—1st: A dexter arm holding a cutlass ppr., for Elliot; 2nd: A unicorn’s head couped ar., for Fogge.

(co. Salop). Ar. on a fesse az. betw. four barrulets wavy of the second three martlets or.

(co. Suffolk; granted by patent, 1614). Or, a fesse gu. betw. four bars gemelles wavy sa. Crest—An elephant’s head or, eared and armed gu.

Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two bars gemelles wavy az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest—A demi seahorse az. scaled on the neck or.

Ar. (another, or) a fesse gu. betw. two bars gemelles wavy sa.

(Binfield Park, co. Berks, Farnborough, co. Hants, and Stonehouse, co. Gloucester; exemplified to George Henry Glasse, Esq., Lieut.-Col. Berks Militia, upon his assuming, by royal licence, 1811, the nameof Elliot instead of that of Glasse). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Elliott, erm. a fesse az. with two double cottises indented vert; 2nd and 3rd, Glasse, ar. a fleur-de-lis between three mullets within a bordure gu. Crests—Elliot: An elephant’s head ar. erased gu. about the neck two barrulets invected vert; Glasse: A mermaid holding a looking-glass and a comb in her hand ppr.

Erm. a fesse betw. four cotises wavy gu. two flaunches or. Crest—A demi eagle gorged with a wreath, wings elevated. Motto—Nocet differre paratis.

(as granted to Lady Elliot, wife of Sir George Elliot, Bart., of Penshaw House, co. Durham, and dau. of George Green, Esq.). Arms for Green: Vair arg. and vert two stags trippant reguardant in pale or.

Hollande – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’argent à la fasce d’azur ch de trois étoiles d’or aux 2 et 3 d’or au lion de gueules Cimier une galère au naturel

Durhamshire – (Baronet, 15 mai 1874) – D’or à la fasce engrelée de gueules ch d’un annelet d’or entre deux fleurs-de-lis du même la fasce côtoyée de deux cotices ondées de gueules et acc de trois roses du même boutonnées d’or barbées de sinople rangées en chef Cimier un cheval marin issant d’azur ch de deux fleurs-de-lis d’or l’une sur l’autre et la patte senestre appuyée sur deux annelets accostés et entrelacés d’or Devise LABOR ET VERITAS

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