Gill Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


British Isles


Europe - see blazon Gill Coat of Arms / Family Crest 17


Europe - see blazon Gill Coat of Arms / Family Crest 18

Blazon description

(co. Devon). Lozengy ar. (another, or) and vert a lion ramp. of the first.

(Ward House, co. Devon). Same Arms, quartering Cornish. Crest—A boar pass. resting its fore-paw on a Crest. Motto—In te, Domine, spes nostra.

(Anstey, and of Wigill, co. Hertford, 1634). Lozengy or and vert a lion ramp. guard. gu. in chief a mullet for diff.

(co. Hertford). Sa. two chev. ar. each charged with three mullets of the first, on a canton or, a lion pass. gu. Crest—A hawk’s head az. betw. two wings or, fretty vert.

(Sudbury, co. Northants, and London, 1633). Same Arms. Crest—A demi eagle ar. wings expanded fretty az.

(London; granted to Alexander Gill, Head Master of St. Paul’s School, London, 1614). Per pale or and ar. a chief dancettee sa. Crest—A salamander gu. issuant in flames of fire ppr.

(London; granted about 1506). Ar. on a bend sa. three mullets pierced of the field, on a canton az. a lion pass. ar. Crest—A falcon’s head couped az. betw. two wings or.

Sa. on a bend or, three mullets of the first, on a canton az. a lion pass. of the second.

(Scraptoft, co. Leicester). Sa. a mauncherm. betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar. two and two, over all on a pale or, three bull’s heads erased gu.

(Wyrardisbury House and Remenham House, co. Buckingham). See Gyll.

(Norton, co. Derby, temp. Elizabeth, and of Car House, near Rotherham; this family, from the similarity of arms, appears to be descended from the Gells, of Hopton). Per bend or and vert (sometimes az.) three mullets in bend counterchanged.

(The Oaks, Norton, and Sheffield; a branch of the preceding family, whose heiress to. Richard Bagshaw, Esq., of Castleton). Same Arms.

(Bickham Park, co. Devon; descended from a family of Gill, resident and possessed of landed property in the parish of Tavistock, since the reign of King Stephen). Erminois an eagle displ. with two heads sa. on a chief indented gu. a boar’a head erased betw. two crescents ar. Crest—A boar pass. sa. the dexter forepaw resting on an increscent or. Motto—In te, Domine, spes nostra.

(granted, 1803, to William Gill, Esq., Lord Mayor of London). Sa. two chev. the upper one erm. the other ar. charged with three mullets of the field and In base a cinquefoil of the third, on a canton erminois a lion pass. guard. az. Crest—A falcon’s head erased az. betw. two wings elevated vert fretty or.

(granted to William Henry Gill, Esq., of Eshing House, co. Surrey). Sa. two chevronels erm. each charged with three mullets of the field, all betw. three lions pass. guard. ar. Crest—A falcon’s head couped ar. charged with three mullets palewise sa. betw. two wings vair.

(granted to Robert Gill, Captain Madras Army). Crest—Out of an Eastern crown a demi lion vert holding a sword ppr.

(Blairythan. co. Aberdeen. This family, which is represented by David Gill, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S., of Blairythan, a Magistrate for co. Aberdeen, and an eminent astronomer, setiled in that county and the neighbouring one of Banf, upwards of three centuries and a half ago, and descends from Alexander Gill, of Auchfyne, Buchan, Aberdeenshire, who d. before 1618;. Lozengy ar. and vert, on a chief gu. three martlets of the first. Crest—A demi eagle rising ppr. Motto over, Sursuni prorsusque. Motto—In te Domine spes nostra.

Allemagne – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’azur au lion couronné supportant de sa patte dextre une étoile le tout d’or aux 2 et 3 d’argent à une fleur-de-lis de gueules Cimier un vol à l’antique l’aile de derrière coupée d’or sur azur l’aile de devant coupée d’argent sur gueules et ch d’une fleur-de-lis de l’un en l’autre Lambrequin à dextre d’or et d’azur à senestre d’argent et de gueules

Castille – Tranché de gueules à une tour sommée d’une tourelle d’argent sur azur au lion d’or à la bande d’or engoulée de deux têtes de dragon de sinople lampassées de gueules brochant sur le tranché

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