Greysbrooke Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles

Blazon description

(Shenstone, co. Stafford, and Middleton, co. Warwick; as tricked in the Harl. MS. 1563, and as represented on the seal of Robert Greysbrooke, gent., of Middleton, 1668. This family was originally of Gresbrokc (hodie Greasbrough), co. York. The first of the family who settled in co. Stafford was Bartholomew de Gresbroke, who purchased an estate in Shenstone from Roger de Grendon in the reign of Henry III. The elder line continued at Shenstone until 1728, when, on the death s. p. of Robert Greisbrooke, of that place, the estates were sold by Greisbrooke Cramp, his nephew and heir. A junior branch established itself at Middleton early in the 16th century. John Greysbrooke, of Middleton, son of Robert and grandson of Alured, all of Middleton, the then representative of this branch, d. intestate in 1636, and administration of his effects was granted to Michael, his son, lineal ancestor of the present Michael Phillips Grazebrook, Esq., of Hagley, co. Worcester. The other children of John were Robert, of Middleton, 1668, who d. without male issue, John, who d. s. p. in 1640, and George, who appears also to have d. issueless). Ar. three coneys gu.

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