Hungerford Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles

Blazon description

(Baron Hungerford, Farley Castle, co. Somerset; Sir Walter de Hungerford, K.G., of Farley Castle, Lord Treasurer, was summoned to Parliament as a baron in 1426; he was grandson of Sir Walter de Hungerford, by Elizabeth, his wife, dau. and heir of Sir Adam Fitz-John, Knt., of Chevill, co. Wilts, who was the grandson of Walter de Hungerford, co. Berks, who m. Maud, dau. and heir of John de Heytesbuby, co. Wilts; vested in the Earl of Loudon. The Hungerfords appear to have borne for arms the coats of the heiresses with whom they intermarried; Robert, third Baron Hungerford, bore, quarterly, 1st, per pale indented gu. and vert a chev. or, Heytesbuby; 2nd, sa. two bars ar. in chief three plates, Fitz-John; 3rd, barry of six erm. and gu., Hussey; 4th, gu. three garbs ar. banded of the field, a chief or, Peverell; 5th, ar. three toads erect sa., Botreaux; 6th, sa. on a chief ar. three lozenges gu., Molines. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a garb betw. two sickles ppr. Motto—Et Dieu mon appuy. Supporters—Dexter, a griffin sa.; sinister, a bird with a long bill, wings expanded and chained sa.

(Baron Hungerford, of Heytesbury; Walter Hungerford, brother of Thomas, fourth Lord Hungerford, was summoned to Parliament 1536, attainted 1541). Same Arms, &c.

(Down Ampney and Winrush, co. Gloucester; descended from Sir Edmund Hungerford, second son of Walter, first Lord Hungerford). Sa. two bars ar. in chief three plates. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a pepper garb of the first betw. two sickles erect ppr. Motto: Et Dieu mon appoi.

(George Walker Hungerford, Esq., of Caine, co. Wilts, whose only dau. m. John, second Lord Crewe). Sa. two bars ar. in chief three plates, quartering Heytesbuby, per pale indented gu. and vert a chev. or. Crest, as the last.

Or, on a chev. sa. betw. two chevronels gu. three martlets of the field, a chief vair. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet a garb or, betw. two sickles ppr. Another Crest—A martlet sa. betw. two palm branches or, in front of a cross formée fitchée of the last.

Az. a cross or, ringed at tbe ends, with a ring linked to each betw. four bezants, on a chief ar. a griffin pates, sa.

Gu. a chev. betw. three crosslets fitchée or.

Per pale indented or and vert a chev. gu.

(Dingley, co. Northampton; exemplified to Henry Hungerford Holdich, Esq., of Dingley Park, High Sheriff in 1828, who succeeded to the estates of the late John Peach Hungerford, Esq., M.P., and assumed the additional surname of Hungerford). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as Hungerford, of Farley Castle; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chev. sa. cotised gu. three martlets of the field, a chief vairé, for Holdich. Crests—1st, Hungerford: As Farley Castle; 2nd: A martlet sa. in front of a cross pattée fitchée betw. two branches of palm or. Motto—Et Dieu mon appui.

(confirmed by Roberts, Ulster, to Colonel Anthony Hungerford, who arrived in Dublin with his regiment, 30 April. 1647, son and heir of Henry Hungerford, Esq., of Marson, co. Wilts, and grandson of Henry Hungerford, Esq., of same place, the second son of Sir John Hungerford, Knt., of Down Ampney, co. Wilts). Sa. two bars ar. in chief three plates, a crescent sa. charged with another or, for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a garb gold betw. two sickles ppr.

(Inchodony, or The Island, co. Cork; descended from Sir Edmund Hungerford, Knt, of Down Ampney, co. Gloucester. The connection of the Irish with the English house is traced by the will of John Hungerford, of Lincoln’s Inn, 1729). Same Arms and Crest. Motto—Et Dieu mon appuy.

(Cahirmore, co. Cork; a younger branch of Hungerford, of The Island). Same Arms, Crest, and Motto.

Baron Hungerford – Somersetshire – (M. ét.) – Coupé d’un trait parti de deux autres qui font six quartiers au 1 parti-denché de gueules et de sinople au chevron d’or brochant sur le parti (Heytesbury) au 2 de sable à deux fasces d’argent acc de trois besants du même rangés en chef (Fitz-John) au 3 fascé d’hermine et de gueules (Hussey) au 4 de gueules à trois gerbes d’argent au chef d’or (Peverell) au 5 d’argent à trois crapauds de sable posées en pals 2 et 1 (Botreaux) au 6 de sable au chef d’argent ch de trois losanges de gueules (Molines) Casque couronné Cimier une gerbe entre deux faucilles affrontées le tout au naturel Supports à dextre un griffon de sable à senestre un héron au naturel colleté et enchaîné de sable Devise ET DIEU MON APPUY

(Baron) – Voir Rawdon-Hastings marquis de Hastings.

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