Plantagenet Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles

Blazon description

(founded by Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, who, it is said by some writers, derived the name, afterwards so illustrious in his royal descendants, from the full blossomed branch of the yellow broom (planta-genistae), which he wore by way of plume in his helm. Rapin ascribes, however, the assumption of Plantagenet to Fulk, tho great Count of Anjou, who, “being stung with remorse for some wicked action, in order to atone for it went a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and before the Holy Sepulchre was scourged with broom twigs, which grew in great plenty there.” Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, to. 1127, Matilda, or Maud, widow of the Emperor Henry V., of Germany, and dau. and heiress of Henry I., King of England, and had by her a son and successor, Henry, who ascended the English throne as second of his name, and founded the Plantagenet dynasty). Gu. three lions pass. guard. or, were borne by King Henry II., after his marriago with Eleanor of Aquitaine. The royal shield had previously exhibited simply two lions. The royal arms thua continued unaltered till the time of Edward III., who assumed, in right of his mother, Isabella, dau of Philip the Fair, the fleurs-de-lis of France. Edward III. was the first English monarch who bore a crest, and the one he took was, A lion pass. guard. crowned or, on a chapeau. His shield was, 1st and 4th, az. semée of fleurs-de-lis or; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three lions pass. guard. or. Henry V. adopted, however, the alteration introduced by the French King, and limited the number of fleurs-de-lis to three. The eventual heiress of the house of Plantagenet was the Princess Elizabeth of York, dau. of Edward IV., and Queen Consort of Henry VII.; the representative and heir general of her eldest dau. Margaret, wife of James IV. of Scotland, is Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, wife of Louis, Prince of Bavaria: the senior co-heir-general and co-representative of her second dau. Mary Tudor, wife of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, is Richard Plantagenet Campbell, Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, while the Earl of Jersey is the senior co-heir of Lady Eleanor Brandon, second dau. of the Princess Mary Tudor.

(Duke of Clarence, borne by Lionel Plantagenet, called of Antwerp, Earl of Ulster and Duke of Clarence, K.G.. third son of Edward III. direct ancestor of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; Lionel was elected in the room of John, Lord Beauchamp, one of the Founder Knights, 1363). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. semée of fleure-de-lis or, for France; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three lions pass. guard, or, for England; a label of three points ar. each point charged with a canton gu. N.B. The distinction represents the ancient bearing of Clare, the heiress of which the Duke married, viz., Ar. a canton gu.

(Duke of Lancaster; the arms of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, fourth son of Edward III.;. France and England, as the preceding, a label of three points erm.

(Duke of York; borne by Edmond, of Langley, fifth son of Edward III.). Same as preceding, a label of three points ar. charged with as many torteaux.

(Duke of Clarence, as borne by George Plantagenet, son of Richard, Duke of York, and brother of Edward IV. He m. Isabel, dau. and co-heir of Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury and Warwick, and was put to death 1477. His only son, Edward, Earl of Warwick, last male Plantagenet, was executed 1499 s.p.; his sister and heiress, Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury, to. Sir Richard Pole, K.G., and her senior heirs-general are the Earl of Loudoun, nephew of Henry Weysford Charles Plantagenet, fourth and last Marquess of Hastings, and his aunts, the daus. and co-heirs of George Augustus Francis, second Marquess of Hastings). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, France: Az. three fleurs-de-lis or; 2nd and 3rd, England: A label of three points ar. each charged with a canton gu.

(Duke of Gloucester; borne by Thomas, of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, sixth son of Edward III.). Same as preceding, without the label, but with a bordure ar.

(Earl of Norfolk; borne by Thomas, of Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, second son of Edward I.). England: Gu. three lions pass. guard. or, a label of three points ar.

(Earl of Kent; borne by Edmund, of Woodstock, Earl of Kent, sixth son of Edward I.). England, a bordure ar.

(Earl of Lancaster; borne by Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, second son of Henry III.). England, with a label of three points az. each charged with as many fleurs-de-lis or.

(Viscount L’Isle, extinct 1541; Arthur Plantagenet, K.G., illegitimate son of Edward IV., was so created by Henry VIII., 1533; he left three daus. his co-heirs, 1) Bridget, m. Sir William Carden, Knt. 2) Frances, to. first, John Basset, Esq., of Umberleigh, co. Devon, and second, Thomas Monck, Esq., of Potheridge, same co., ancestor of the Duke of Albemarle. 3) Elizabeth, m. Sir Francis Jobson, Lieutenant of the Tower). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, France and England, quarterly, the arms of Edward IV.; 2nd, or, across gu., for Ulster; 3rd, barry of six or and az. on a chief of the first two palets betw. as many base esquirres of the second, over all a sinister baton gu.

Duc de Gloucester – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’azur semé de fleurs-de-lis d’or aux 2 et 3 de gueules à trois léopards d’or l’un sur l’autre L’écu entouré d’une bordure d’argent (Thomas Plantagenet dit de Woodstock 6e fils d’Edouard III créé duc de Gloucester en 1386)

Vicomte l’Isle – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 contre-écartelé d’azur à trois fleurs-de-lis d’or et de gueules à trois léopards d’or l’un sur l’autre au 2 d’or à la croix de gueules (Ulster) au 3 fascé d’azur et d’or et au chef de ce quartier tiercé en pal a tranché d’azur sur or b d’or au pal d’azur c taillé d’azur sur or (Mortimer) (Arthur Plantagenet fils naturel d’Edouard IV créé vicomte l’isle en 1533 ét en 1541)

Comte de Kent – De gueules à trois léopards d’or l’un sur l’autre à la bordure d’argent (Edmund Plantagenet dit de Woodstock 6e fils d’Edouard I)

Comte de Lancaster – De gueules à trois léopards d’or l’un sur l’autre au lambel d’azur en chef chaque pendant ch de trois fleurs-de-lis d’or (Edmund Plantagenet 2e fils de Henri III)

Comte de Kent – De gueules à trois léopards d’or l’un sur l’autre à la bordure d’argent (Edmund Plantagenet dit de Woodstock 6e fils d’Edouard I)

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