Sackville Coat of Arms / Family Crest


British Isles

Blazon description

(Earl and Duke of Dorset, extinct 1843; Sir Thomas Sackville, Knt., was created Baron Buckhurst 1567, and Earl of Dorset 1604; the seventh earl was created Duke of Dorset 1720; George John Frederick, fourth Duke of Dorset, d. unm. 1815, when the dukedom devolved on his cousin, Charles, second Viscount Sackville: the fourth duke had two sisters, his co-heirs; 1) Lady Mary, m. first, Other Archer, sixth Earl of Plymouth, and second, William Pitt, first Earl of Amherst, d. s. p.; 2) Lady Elizabeth, m. George John, fifth Earl De la Warr, who assumed the additional surname of Sackville; the Countess was created, 1864, Baroness Buckhurst, with remainder to her second son, the Hon. Reginald Windsor Sackville-West). Quarterly, or and gu. over all a bend vair. Crest—Out of a coronet composed of eight fleurs-de-lis or, an estoile of eight points ar. Supporters—Two leopards ar. Motto—Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice.

(Sackville-Germain) (Viscount Sackville, extinet 1843; Lord George Sackville, third son of Lionel Cranfield, first Duke of Dorset, was created a peer 1782; his son, the second viscount, s. his cousin as fifth Duke of Dorset, and d. s. p.). Same Arms. Crest—Out of a coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis or, an estoile of twelve points ar. Supporters —Two leopards ar. spotted sa. collared vair. Motto—Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice.

(Earl De la Warr; Hon. Reginald Windsor, second surviving son of George John, fifth Earl De la Warr, s. his mother as Baron Buckhurst, 1S70, and assumed the surname of Sackville only 1871; his lordship s. his brother as seventh Earl De la Warr, 1873). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a fesse dancettée sa., for West; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, or and gu. a bend vair, for Sackville. Crests—1st, West: Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head az. beaked and eared gold; 2nd, Sackville: Out of a coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis an estoile ar. Supporters—Dexter, a wolf coward ar. gorged with a plain collar; sinister, a cockatrice or, shadowed and scaled az. Motto—Jour de ma vie.

(Sackville-West) (Baron Buckhurst, merged in the Earldom of De la Warr; Lady Elizabeth Sackville, sister and eventual heiress of the fourth Duke of Dorset, m. 1813, George John, fifth Earl De la Warr, and was created Baroness Buckhurst, with special remainder to her second surviving son, Hon. Reginald Windsor Sackville, who s. her as Baron Buckhurst, and bccame afterwards seventh Earl De la Warr). Quarterly, or and gu. a bend vair. Crest— Out of a coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis or, an estoile of eight points ar. supporters—Two leopards ar. spotted sa. Motto—Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice.

(Sackville-West) (Baron Sackville; Hon. Mortimer Sackville-West, third surviving son of George John, fifth Earl De la Warr, by his Countess, Lady Elizabeth Sackville, Baroness Buckhurst in her own right, was so created 1876, with remainder, in default of male issue, to his younger brothers). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a fess dancettée sa., for West; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, or and gu. a bend vair, for Sackville. Crests—1st, West: Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head az. beaked and eared gold; 2nd, Sackville: Out of a coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis or, an estoile ar. Supporters—Two griffins az. ducally gorged or, pendent from each an escutcheon, that on the dexter bearing the arms of West, and that on the sinister the arms of Sackville. Motto—Jour de ma vie.

(Stopford-Sackville, Drayton House, co. Northampton; William Bruce Stopford, Esq., fourth son of Hon. and Rev. Richard Bruce Stopford, fourth son of James, second Earl of Courtown, m. 1837, Caroline Harriett, only dau. of Hon. George Sackville Germain, and niece and heiress of Charles, second Viscount Sackville, and last Duke of Dorset, having inherited the estates of Drayton, assumed, by royal licence, 1870, the additional surname of Sackville). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, quarterly, or and gu. a bend vair, for Sackville; 2nd and 3rd, az. three lozenges betw. nine crosses crosslet all or, for Stopford. Crest—1st, Sackville: Out of a coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis or, au estoile of eight points ar.; 2nd, Stopford: A wivern, wings endorsed vert. Motto—Patriæ infelici fidelis.

Baron Buckhurst – Sussex – (Baron B., 27 avril 1864) – Écartelé d’or et de gueules à la bande de vair brochant sur le tout Cimier une couronne de cinq fleurs-de-lis d’or supp une étoile (8) rayonnante d’argent Supports deux léopards rampants d’argent semés de tourteaux de sable Devise AUT NUNQUAM TENTES AUT PERFICE

Comte Delawarr – Angleterre – (Lord Delawarr, 5 fév. 1568; vicomte Cantilupe et comte Delawarr, 18 mars 1761) – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’argent à la fasce vivrée de sable (West) aux 2 et 3 écartelé d’or et de gueules à la bande de vair brochant sur le tout (Sackville) Deux casques couronnés Cimiers 1° une tête de griffon d’azur becquée et oreillée d’or (West) 2° une étoile rayonnante (8) d’argent (Sackville) Supports à dextre un loup d’argent colleté d’or à senestre un basilic d’or ombré d’azur Devise JOUR DE MA VIE

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