Bourne Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (London). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. three mascles or. Crest—An arm erect issuing out of clouds ppr. vested or, cuff ar. in the hand ppr. a pheun sa. held by the point.
2) (London, 1570). Az. two lions pass. in pale ar.
3) (Chesterton, co. Oxford). Ar. on a mount vert, standing on four bars wavy in base of the first, and az. a tower triple towered gu. on a chief of the fourth a sun betw. two estoiles or. Crest—A pegasus courant with wings endorsed gu. semee d’estoiles or, holding in the mouth a rose of the first stalked and leaved vert, seeded gold.
4) (Hilderstone Hall, co. Stafford). Ar. on a mount vert, and in base barry wavy of four of the field and az. a castle triple towered gu. two flaunches of the last, on a chief nebuly of the third the sun in splendour betw. two estoiles of the first. Crest—On a mount vert a pegasus saliant per fesse or and gu. charged on the body with two fountains ppr. in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert. Motto—Haec omnia transeunt.
5) (Wells, co. Somerset). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa. a chief ermines. Crest—A demi tiger ar. maned, tufted, and armed sa. gorged with a collar ermines.
6) (Testwood House, Hants, quartered by the Right Hon. William Sturges-Bourne, son of the late Rev. John Sturges, LL.D., Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester, by Judith his wife, youngest dau. of Richard Bourne, Esq., of Acton Hall, co. Worcester, and grandson of the Rev. John Sturges, by Margaret his wife, sister of Robert Lowth, Bishop of London). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions ramp. sa.
7) (Wyersdale and Stalmine, co. Lancaster). Ar. a chev. sa. guttee d’eau betw. in chief two lions ramp. and in base an heraldic tiger also ramp. gu. Crest—An heraldic tiger sejant or, guttee de sang resting the dexter paw on a cross pattee gu. Motto—Esse quam videri.
8) (Hackinsall, co. Lancaster). Ar. a chev. sa. guttee d’eau betw. in chief two lions ramp. and in base an heraldic tiger also ramp. gu. Crest—An heraldic tiger sejant or, guttee de sang resting the dexter paw on a cross pattee gu. Motto—Semper vigilans.
9) Gu. a crescent erm.
10) Ar. on a chev. gu. three lions ramp. or.
11) Erm. a bend az.
12) Quarterly, sa. and ar. four leopards’ heads counterchanged on a chief or, three fleurs-de-lis az.
13) (Winscombeand Wyvelscombe, co. Somerset; John Bourne, temp. James I., son of Gilbert Bourne, grandson of Richard Bourne, and great-grandson of Philip Bourne, whose brother, Sir John Bourne, was Secretary of State to Mary I. Visit. Somerset, 1623. Arms granted 1591). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions ramp. ea. a chief ermines.
14) (Heathfield House and Hackinsale, co. Lancaster, bart., created 1880; ext. 1884). Ar. a chev. sa. guttee d’eau, betw. in chief two lions ramp. and in base an heraldic tiger also ramp. gu. Crest—An heraldic tiger sejant or, guttee de sang, resting the dexter paw on a cross patted gu. Motto—Semper vigilans.

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