Buchanan Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Buchanan, Scotland, a family of great antiquity in the shire of Stirling, Macoum de Boquhanan, chief of the clan, being recorded in Ragman’s Roll, as one of those who swore fealty to Edward in 1296. John, the 22nd Laird, sold the estate of Buchanan to the Marquess of Montrose m 1680, and d. in two years after, without male issue). Or, a lion ramp. sa. within a double tressure flory counterflory gu. Crest—A hand holding up a ducal cap purp. lined erm. tufted on the top with a rose gu. within two branches of laurel, disposed orleways ppr. Supporters—Two falcons ppr. armed ar. jessed and belled gu. Motto—Clarior hinc honos.
2) (Leny, co. Stirling). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Buchanan of that Ilk, 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three bears’ heads of the second muzzled gu. a cinquefoil of the first, for Leny.
3) (Mochastel, co. Stirling, 1672). Quarterly, as above, within a bordure counter compony ar. and gu. Crest: A lion’s paw erased ppr. Motto—Juvabitur audax.
4) (Drumpellier, co. Lanark). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as Buchanan, of that Ilk, 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a chev. betw. three bears’ heads erased ar. muzzled gu. a cinquefoil of the first, charged with a crescent of the second. Crest—As Buchanan of that Ilk. Motto—Audaces juvo.
5) (Patrick, son to Doncan Buchanan, of Miltown, 1672). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a bordure gu. charged with eight crescents ar. Crest—A rose slipped gu. Motto—Ducitur hinc honos.
6) (John Buchanan, Chirurgeon, bailie of Stirling, 1672). Per bend or and sa. a lion ramp. within a double tressure flory counterflory all counterchanged. Crest—A hand pointing a lance in bend ppr. Motto—Secundo curo.
7) (Ballat). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a bordure engr. gu. Crest—A dexter hand holding a dagger in pale ppr. Motto—Sanguine inscribam.
8) (Arden). Or, a lion ramp. sa. in his dexter foresaw a dagger ppr. within a double tressure flory, counterflory of the second, all within a bordure gu. Crest—A dexter hand grasping a scimetar ppr. Motto—Audaciter.
9) (Ardoch, co. Dumbarton). The same with the bonlure invecked. Crest—Two hands grasping a two handed sword ppr. Motto—Clariora sequor.
10) (Ardenconnel. co. Dumbarton). Or, a lion ramp. aa. betw. two otters’ heads erased in chief ppr. and a cinquefoil in base of the second, all within a double tressure flory counterflory of the last. Crest—An armed dexter hand ppv. holding a ducal cap purpure turned up erm. Motto—Nunquam victus.
11) (Shandon, co. Dumbarton, 1863). Or, a lion ramp. sa. surmounted by a fess gu. charged with three mullets of the field, all within a double tressure flory conntcrfiory of the second. Crest—As Buchanan of that Ilk. Motto—Andaces juvo.
12) (John Buchanan, Glasgow, 1868). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a bordure engr. per pale az. and or. Crest—An eagle rising ppr. Motto—Audax omnia perpeti.
13) (Wm. Cross-Buchanan, of Auchintorlie, co. Dumbarton, 1867). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a lion ramp, sa. holding in the dexter forepaw a cinquefoil erm. within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second, 2nd and 3rd, ar. a raven’s wings endorsed ppr. betw. four crosses crosslet fitchee gu., one, two, and one, for Cross. Crest—A cubit arm erect ppr. holding a sword also ppr. hilted and pomeled or.
14) (Drumakill, co. Stirling). Or, a lion ramp. sa. holding in the dexter paw a man’a heart ppr. all within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second. Crest—A dexter hand holding a sword. Motto—God with my right.
15) (Drumhead, Scotland, a cadet of Drumakill). Or, a lion ramp. aa. holding in the dexter paw an arrow, and in the sinister a bow, all ppr. within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second. Crest—A sinister hand holding a bent bow or. Motto—Par sit fortuna labori.
16) (Sound, Scotland). The same as of Buchanan, with a crescent for diff. Crest—A lion’s paw erect and erased ppr. Motto—Noblis est ira leonis.
17) (Dunburgh, co. Stirling, bart., created 14 Dec. 1878). Or, a lion ramp. sa. betw. two otters’ heads erased in chief ppr., and a cinquefoil in base of the second, all within the Royal tressure of the last. Crest—An armed dexter hand holding a cap of dignity purpure, facing erm. Supporters—Dexter a falcon, wings elevated and addorsed, ppr. belled, beaked, and charged on the breast with two branches of laurel conjoined or; sinister a gryphon sa. charged in like manner with two branches of laurel. Motto—Nunquam victus.
18) (Gray-Buchanan, of Scotstoun and Eastfield co. Lanark). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a lion ramp. sa. holding in his dexter paw a dagger ppr. a tressure flory counterflory of the second, for Buchanan; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a lion ramp. betw. three cinquefoils ar. within a bordure engr. of the second, the lion charged with a crescent of the first for diff., for Gray. Crests—Dexter, two hands grasping a two-handed sword ppr., for Buchanan; sinister, an anchor in the sea ppr. for Gray. Mottoes—Clariora sequor; and Fast.
19) (Whitby, 1872). As Buchanan of that Ilk, within a bordure Invecked per pale gu. and ar. charged with eight crescents counterchanged. Crest—As Buchanan of that Ilk. Motto—Audaces Juvo.
