
Dickinson Coat of Arms Gallery
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Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) or Diconson – (Cleypole, co. Lincoln, Bradley, co. Stafford, and co. York). Az. a fesse betw. two lions pass. erm. Crest—A demi lion ramp. per pale erm. and az.
2) (Lord Mayor of London, 1757). Az. a chev. betw. three crosses formee or, on a chief ar. a quatrefoil purp.
3) (Birch Hall, co. Lancaster). Az. on a fesse engr. or, betw. two lions pass. per pale or and ar. a cross crosslet fitchee gu. betw. two lozenges sa.
4) (granted 14 November, 1625). Vert a crosa betw. four hinds’ heads couped or. Crest—A tiger sejant erm. ducally gorged or, holding up in the gamb a broad arrow of the last plumed ar.
5) (King Weston, co. Somerset). Or, a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp. gu. Crest—Out of clouds ppr. a cubit arm erect of the last; holding a branch of laurel vert.
6) (Abbots’ Hill, co. Herts). Az. a fesse engr. betw. two lions pass. erminois within a bordure or, charged with three hurts. Crest—A demi lion or, holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis az. and supporting with the sinister a bezant.
7) (granted to Major-General Thomas Dickinson, Col. 10th reg. N. I.). Az. on a chev. or, betw. two tigers pass. guard. in chief and as many swords in saltire in base ppr. a boar’s head erased also ppr. betw. two crescents of the field, Crest—Upon a mount vert an elephant ppr. supporting with his trunk a flagstaff also ppr., therefrom flowing a flag az. charged with two spears in saltire or. Motto—Fortuna sequitur.
8) (Farley Hill, Berks). Or, a bend engr. betw. two lions ramp. gu.
9) (Winklestoun, Scotland). Az. a war-wolf pass, and three stars in chief ar.
10) (Syston Court, co. Gloucester). Az. a fesse betw. two lions pass. erm. Crest—A demi lion ramp. az. Motto—Facta non verba.
11) (co. Wilts). Ar. a bend. engr. az. betw. two lions ramp. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter arm ppr. holding a fleur-de-lis of the first.
12) or Dikenson – Az. a cross betw. four hinds’ heads couped ar. Crest—Out of a ducal coroneta phoenix in flames ppr.