Dillon Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Ireland; founded there by Robert le Dillon, called by the Irish “Sashnagh,” or the Englishman, who came over with King John and got grants of lands in the cos. Longford and Westmeath). (Drumrany, co. Westmeath, descended from Sir Henry Dillon, of that place, great grandson and heir male of Robert Le Dillon, “Sashnagh.” He founded the Abbey of St. Francis at Athlone, 1343.) Ar. a lion pass. betw. three crescents gu. Crest—A demi lion ramp. gu. holding in the paws an estoile wavy or.
2) (Kilcornan, afterwards Seigneur de Terrafort, in France; descended from Edmund Dillon, a younger son of the foregoing William Dillon, who got from his father the castle and lands of Kilcornan; of this line were Count Dillon, of France, Robert Dillon, Seigneur de Terrafort, d. at Bordeaux, 1769; and his son, Theobald Dillon, made a Count). Same Arms and Crest. Supporters—Two lions reguard. Motto—Dum spiro spero.
3) (Viscount Dillon, of Costello Gallen; Sir Theobald Dillon, so created 1621, descended from Edmond Dillon, of Dunnimoney, elder son of Edmund Dillon, of Drumrany, by his second wife). Same Arms and Crest. Supporters— Two angels ppr. vested ar. winged and crined or, each holding in the exterior hand a palm branch also ppr. and having a sash over the shoulder gold. Motto—Dum spiro spero.
4) (Viscount Dillon; Henry, thirteenth Viscount Dillon, being grandson of Lady Charlotte Lee, wife of Henry, eleventh Viscount Dillon, and eldest dau. and heiress of George Henry, second Earl of Lichtfield, assumed the additional name of Lee). Same Arms, &c.; quartering: Ar. a fess betw. three crescents sa. for Lee.
5) (Proudstown and Riverston; descended from Sir James Dillon, third son of Gerald Dillon, of Drumrany. Hia grandson, Sir Richard Dillon, brought 600 Irish troops to the battle of Verneuil, 14 Aug. 1424, 3 Henry VI. John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of the Kingdom, uncle of the King, granted him the addition of a fess over the lion on his shield, and a falcon volant for his crest as a reward for his valour at that battle). (Dalgeeth and Huntstown; branches of Dillon, of Proudstown). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three estoiles of six points wavy issuing from as many crescents gu. over all a fess az. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a falcon rising ar. beaked, belled, and legged or.
6) (Earl of Roscommon; created 1622; descended from Sir Robert Dillon, Knt., of Moymet, co. Meath, third son of James Dillon, of Proudstown and Riverston; dormant). (Allanstown and Keppoke, co.Meath; descended from Robert Dillon, second son of Sir Richard Dillon, of Proudstown). (Lismullen, co. Meath, bart.). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three crescents an estoile issuant from each gu. over all a fess az. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a falcon rising ar. belled or. Supporters— Dexter, a griffin vert, wings expanded, beaked and legged or, armed gu.; sinister, a falcon gu. wings expanded and inverted, beaked, legged, and belled or. Motto—Auxilium ab alto.
7) (Skryne, co. Meath, and Proudstown; descended from John Dillon, third son of Sir Richard Dillon, of Proudstown; Baron Dillon, of the Holy Roman Empire; Francis Dillon, son of William Dillon, last owner of Proudstown, was so created by the Emperor Joseph II., 1767). Same Arms. Crest (granted by the Emperor of Germany, 22 Aug. 1767)—Out of a marquis’s coronet or, a falcon, wings expanded ar. beaked and legged gold betw. the wings an imperial eagle sa.
8) (Lord Clonbrock; descended from Gerald Dillon, younger brother of Sir Richard Dillon, of Proudstown). Same Arms. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up. erm. a falcon rising ar. beaked, legged and belled or. Supporters— Dexter, a griffin, wings elevated ppr.; sinister, a falcon, wings inverted ppr. Motto—Auxilium ab alto.
9) (Killininny, co. Westmeath; Fun. Ent. of Cicely, wife of Gerrard Dillon, Esq., of that place, buried 11 Oct. 1684, in St. James’s Church, Dublin). Ar. a lion pass. guard. betw. three crescents gu.
10) (registered in Ulster’s Office to Sir Lucas Dillon, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, temp. Queen Elizabeth). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three crescents issuant from each an estoile all gu. over all a fess az. on a chief of the second a portcullis or, betw. two roses of the first.
11) (Ardnigragb). Ar. a lion ramp. betw. three estoiles gu. in chief two crescents of the last. Crest—A demi lion ramp. holding in the dexter paw a crescent with an estoile issuant therefrom gu.
12) (Chimwell and Hart, co. Devon; Sir William Dillon, Knt., of Hart, Visit. 1620. Descended from Nicholas Dillon, of Chimwell, son of Walter Dillon, of Ireland, by Anne his wife, granddaughter of Sir Christopher Fleming, Lord Slane). Same Arms as Dillon, Earl of Roscommon. Crest—A demi lion holding in dexter paw an estoile issuing out of a crescent gu.

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