Duff Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

Duff Coat of Arms Gallery
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Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) (Keithmore and Braco, co. Banff). Vert a fess dancettee erm. betw. a buck’s head cabossed in chief and two escallops in base or. Crest—A buck’a head ppr. Motto—Virtute et spera.
“2) (Earl Fife). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a lion ramp. gu., for Macduff; 2nd and 3rd, vert a fesse dancettee erm. betw a hart’s head cabossed in chief and two escallops in base or, for Duff. Crests—1st: A horse in full gallop ar. vested all over with a mantling gu. charged with six escutcheons or, each charged with a lion ramp. of the second; on the back of the horse a man in complete armour, drawn sword, &c. all ppr. on his sinister arm a shield charged as the escutheons, on the helmet a wreath of the colours, thereon a demi lion ramp. gu.; 2nd : A demi lion ramp. gu. holding in the dexter paw a broadsword ppr. hilted and pommelled
or. Supporters—Two savages wreathed about the head and waist with laurel, holding in their exterior hands branches of trees over their shoulders all ppr. Mottoes—Deo Juvante; over the second crest, Deus juvat; virtute et opera.”
3) (Vice-Admiral Robert Duff, 1781). Vert a fesse dancettee erm. betw. a buck’s head cabossed in chief and two escallops in base or, all within a bordure of the last. Crest—A demi lion ramp. gu. holding a sword ppr. hilt and pommel gold. Supporters—On each side a sailor ppr. habited in a blue jacket, white waistcoat and breeches, handkerchief round the neck, hat and shoes sa. (the latter with gold buckles) kneebands red, stockings of the third, holding in the exterior hand a sword ppr. hilt and pommel or. Motto—Virtute et opera.
4) (Captain Norwich Derr, of family of Hatton, 1829). Vert a fesse dancettee erm. betw. a buck’s head cabossed in chief and two escallops in base or, on a chief wavy of the second the Trafalgar medal or, pendent by a ribbon az. ar. and az. betw. a wreath of cypress and laurel, with the word “Trafalgar” under the medal. Crests—1st: A demi lion ramp. holding in his dexter paw a sword in pale ppr. hilted and pommelled or; 2nd: Out of a naval crown or, inscribed with the word “Mars,” a ship of war’s mast, with the pendant half-mast lowered, all encircled with a wreath of laurel ppr. Mottoes—Virtute et opera; and Cupressus honores peperit.
5) (bart. 1813). Vert a fess dancettee erm., charged with a mullet gu. betw. a buck’s head cabossed in chief and two escallops in base or. Crest—A demi lion gu. holding in his dexter paw a sword ppr. hilted and pommelled or, and charged on the breast with a mullet ar. Supporters—Dexter, a savage wreathed head and middle with laurel, and holding in his hand a branch of a tree all ppr.; sinister, a stag ppr. attired and unguled or, gorged with a ducal coronet of the last, and pendent therefrom an escutcheon charged with the foresaid arms. Mottoes —Above the crest; Deo juvante; below the shield: Virtute et opera.
6) (Drummuir, co. Banff). Vert a buck’s head couped ar. betw. three escallops or.
7) (Drummuir; recorded 1737). Vert on a fess dancettee ar. three mullets gu. in middle chief a buck’s head cabossed surmounted of a pheon point downwards or, in base betw. two escallops a pheon point upwards of the last, on a canton of the second a lion ramp. of the third. Crest—A man’s heart ppr. winged or. Supporters—Dexter, a savage armed with a club ppr.; sinister, a stag ppr. chained and attired or. Mottoes—Above the crest: Kind heart; below the shield: Be true, and ye shall never rue.
8) (Barnagore House, Richmond, 1865). Per fess vert and or, a fess dancettee arm. betw. a hart’s head cabossed in chief of the second, and two laurel leaves in base of the first. Crest—A demi lion ramp. ppr. Motto—Virtute et opera.
9) (granted September, 1591, by Molyneux, Ulster, to Thadie Duffe, Alderman and Mayor of Dublin). (Fun. Ent. of Philip Duffe, of Dublin, buried in St. Andeons Church there, 11 Aug. 1622). Vert a lion ramp. or, a crescent for diff. Crest—A greyhound courant ar. collared or, a crescent for diff.
10) or Doufe – (Alderman of Dublin, Reg. Ulster’s Office). Same Arms. Crest—A dove ar. legged gu. holding in the beak an olive branch vert.
11) or Doufe (Reg. Ulster’s Offlcc). Same Arms, with a border or.
12) (Drogheda; Thomas Duffe, Alderman and Mayor of that place; Fun. Ent. of his dau. Katherine, who d. 23 Nov. 1310). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.