Giorgi Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Learn MoreMeaning, Origin, Etymology
This notable surname is of Ancient Greek origins, although for very obscure reasons, the patron saint of England. Deriving from the Greek name “Georgios” meaning a farmer, the name was used in Europe throughout the early Christian period, being associated with a martyr of the 3rd century, supposedly killed at Nicomedia in the year 303. The popularity of the name increased greatly at the time of the famous Crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries, when it became the practice for returning crusaders and pilgrims to name their children after biblical figures from the Old Testament. (St) George figured largely in this revival, and when King Edward 111rd of England founded the Order of the Garter in 1348, he did so under the assumed patronage of St. George. Since the 12th century a.d., and the beginning of the introduction of surnames, the surname has developed over two hundred spelling forms ranging from George, Jorg, Georgius, Zorzi and Hurche, to Gerge, Horick, Jorat, Yegorov, Djordjevic, Yegorchenko, and Gyurkovics! Early examples of the surname recording taken from authentic registers and charters include, Everadus Georgii of Hamburg, Germany, in the year 1256, and William George, in the London registers, dated 1412. William Georgeson was a landholder in Scotland, having the tenancy of Coupar Grange, in 1471, whilst Henry George, aged 19 yrs., was one of the first settlers to the New World, being recorded in Virginia in 1635. The first known recording of the family name anywhere is that of Hugo Georgii, of the county of Norfolk, England, in 1222 a.d.
Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Giorgi ranks 14,336th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 39,325 people carry the Giorgi surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: California, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Rhode Island, and Florida. It ranks highest in the following countries: Italy (27,934), France (2,621), Argentina (2,619), United States (1,855), Brazil (1,573), and Australia (375).
History, Genealogy & Ancestry
GEOGRAPHIC DICTIONARY, HISTORICAL, ITALIAN BIOGRAPHY, VOL. 1 (This text is in Italian therefore it has been translated from Italian to English.)
GIORGI (Alessandro), a noble Venetian family, born in 1747 and died at the age of 32 Jesuits. I deserve much honor for having made the design of an Italian encyclopedia, and for having attracted many scholars of his time to join in that praiseworthy undertaking. He wrote some important operettas and articles.
GIORGI (Monsignor Domenico), antique dealer and bibliographer born at the Costa near Bovigo in 1690. He distinguished himself in Rome under the pontificates of Innocent XIII, who used it especially on the things that belonged to the ecclesiastical antiquities. He wrote several main works which we would like to mention: De antiquis Italiae metropolibus, ec. (1722). Treated over the sacred clothes of the Supreme Pontiff (1724). De liturgy romani pontificis in solemni celebratione missarum (1731-43-44, 3 volumes)
GIORGI (Gio. Antonio de ‘), born in Alessandria della Paglia in 1760, was a lawyer and in very clear letters. I study ancient and modern languages and jurisprudence. It maintains many judiciary with decoration during the French domination and in 1814, when the Savoy house returned to the throne withdrawn in homeland, where it waited for the jurisprudence and the studies of the pleasant literature. He died in 1834, leaving various printed works, among which we will recall the following: Historical reasoning above Marengo. Historical memory on the ancient course of the waters in said city and on the canal already derived from the river Bormida (1805). Report on the castles, churches and monasteries of the department of Genoa, done at the request of the Genoese academy. Reasoning around the aid given by the city of Genoa, for the construction of Alessandria in Lombardy. Speech around a means of purging the Italian language from present corruption. The rural days (1826-27).
GIORGIO (San). Seven lands bear this name in the kingdom of Naples: 1. a in Terra di Lavoro, district of Gaeta, with 1100 inhabitants. 2. a In the Basilicata district of Lagonegro, with 1500 inhabitants. 3. a In the Terra d’Otranto, district of Taranto, with 1600 inhabitants. 4. a In Calabria the further district of Palmi, with 3400 inhabitants. 5. a In the province of Naples, the territory of Barra, with 2600 inhabitants. 6. a In the Principato Ulterior, district of Ariano with 4700 inhabitants. 7. a In the Principato Ulteriore, district of Avellino, with 4400 inhabitants. Three other lands with the same name are in Piedmont: the 1. a in Lomellina, the capital of Mandamento, with 2530 inhabitants. La 2. a in the province of Casale, Rosignano, with 840 inhabitants; and the 3. to the added of Canavese, and placed in the province of Ivrea, chief town of mandamento, and homeland of the famous Italian historian Carlo Botta, whose monument was erected by his countrymen. This land is poopulated by about 3650 inhabitants. Have a village of the same name on the island of Gozzo, near Malta.
GIORGIO MAGGIORE (San), a small island in the Venice Lagoon, to which it belongs, and where the free port is established, formed by an artificial basin, enclosed and defended by a dam, a beautiful work by the engineer Venturelli.
To find out which Coat of Arms above is associated with your direct lineage see the Which One is Mine? page.
Alessandro Giorgi (born 1993), Italian motorcycle racer
Alex Giorgi (born 1957), Italian alpine skier
Camila Giorgi (born 1991), Italian tennis player
Débora Giorgi, Argentine politician
Edolo J. Giorgi (1921-1993), American politician
Eleonora Giorgi (born 1953), Italian actress and film director
Eleonora Giorgi (born 1989), Italian race walker
Ennio de Giorgi (1928–96), Italian mathematician
Francesco Giorgi (1466–1540), Venetian Franciscan friar and author
Frank Giorgi (born 1981), Australian kickboxer of Italian origin
Giácomo Di Giorgi (born 1981), Venezuelan footballer
Giovanni Giorgi (1871–1950), Italian electrical engineer
Hugo Giorgi (born 1920), Argentine footballer
Mike Giorgi (born 1987), Canadian ice hockey player
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) Bologna – Partito d’argento e d’azzurro e ad un bue dell’uno nell’altro e sostenuto da una terrazza di verde; col capo d’oro e caricato di un’ aquila di nero e attraversante sul partito.. Source: Crollalanza.
2) Trento – Inquartato; nel 1° d’oro e all’aquila di nero; nel 2° di rosso e al cuore d’oro; nel 3° d’azzurro e al giglio d’oro; nel 4° d’oro e al leone al naturale.. Source: Crollalanza.
3) Velletri – D’azzurro e al destrocherio di carnagione e vestito di nero e movente dalla punta e ed impugnante un’alabarda dello stesso – Alias: Spaccato; nel 1° d’azzurr0 e all’elmo chiuso di nero addestrato da una palma di verde posta in sbarra; nel 2° di rosso e al destrocherio di carnagione vestito di nero e movente dal flanco destro e ed impugnante una freccia in atto di scagliarla contro la testa di un drago di nero movente dal fianco sinistro ed avente la bocca aperta per ingolaria.. Source: Crollalanza.
4) GIORGI o ZORZI – Venezia – D’argento e alla fascia di rosso.. Source: Crollalanza.
5) GIORGI o ZORZI – Venezia – Alias: Scaccato d’argento e d’azzurro.. Source: Crollalanza.
6) GIORGI o ZORZI – Venezia – Alias; Inquartato; nel 1° e 4° d’azzurro e a tre gigli d’oro posti in banda; nel 2° e 3° d’argento alla fascia di rosso.. Source: Crollalanza.
7) GIORGI o ZORZI – Venezia – Alias: D’oro al leone di nero.. Source: Crollalanza.
8) GIORGI o ZORZI – Venezia – Scaccato d’oro e d’azzurro.. Source: Crollalanza.
9) Raguse – (Rec. de nob., 10 nov. 1817) – Bandé d’argent et de gueules à la fasce d’or brochant sur le bandé et ch d’un corbeau de sable tenant en son bec un annelet d’or entre deux fleurs-de-lis d’azur au chef d’argent ch d’une croix de gueules Casque couronné Cimier une femme issante de carnation posée de front les cheveux épars de sable tenant de sa main dextre un compas ouvert d’or en chevron renversé les branches de fer et de sa senestre une boule d’argent Lambrequin d’argent et de gueules. Source: Rietstap’s.
10) Raguse – (Comtes autrichiens, 5 juin 1854 et 7 mars 1855) – De gueules à trois bandes d’argent à la fasce d’or brochant sur le tout et ch d’un corbeau de sable tenant en son bec un serpent ondoyant en pal de sinople entre deux fleurs-de-lis d’azur au chef d’argent ch d’une croix de gueules Casque couronné Cimier cinq plumes d’autruche alternativement d’argent et de gueules Supports deux lions d’or Devise TERRA MARIQUE. Source: Rietstap’s.
11) Raguse – (Rec. de nob., 10 nov. 1817) – Palé d’argent et de gueules à la fasce de gueules bordée d’or brochant sur le palé et ch d’un corbeau de sable tenant en son bec un annelet d’or entre deux fleurs-de-lis de sable au chef d’argent ch d’une croix de gueules Casque couronné Cimier une aigle de sable becquée et membrée d’or Lambrequin d’argent et de gueules. Source: Rietstap’s.
12) Gênes – Palé d’argent et de gueules au chef d’argent ch d’une croix de gueules. Source: Rietstap’s.
13) Bologne – Parti d’argent et d’azur au boeuf de l’un en l’autre soutenu d’une terrasse de sinople au chef d’or brochant sur le parti et ch d’une aigle de sable. Source: Rietstap’s.
14) Raguse – (Comte de l’Empire français, 23 déc. 1810) – De gueules à trois bandes d’argent à la fasce d’or ch d’une cigogne de sable tenant en son bec un serpent ondoyant du même entre deux fers de hallebarde aussi de sable au chef de gueules ch d’une croix d’argent. Source: Rietstap’s.
15) Raguse – Palé d’argent et de gueules Casque couronné Cimier une femme issante chevelée de sable les cheveux épars tenant de sa main dextre un compas ouvert d’or en chevron renversé et de sa senestre une boule d’azur. Source: Rietstap’s.
16) de Giorgi – Milan, Pavie – Échiqueté d’or et d’azur de seize points au chef d’or ch d’une aigle de sable becquée membrée et couronnée d’or. Source: Rietstap’s.
17) de Giorgi-Bertolla – Milan – Coupé au 1 parti a d’or au lion d’azur b d’or à un château sommé de deux tours d’azur au 2 d’or à trois bandes d’azur Cimier un léopard lionné issant d’or Devise NEQUE VI NEQUE METU. Source: Rietstap’s.
18) Giorgi-Bona – Raguse – Parti au 1 barré d’argent et de gueules à la fasce d’or brochant sur le tout et ch d’un corbeau de sable tenant en son bec un annelet d’or entre deux fleurs-de-lis d’azur au chef d’argent ch d’une croix de gueules (Giorgi) au 2 de gueules à une échelle d’or posée en barre aboutissant dans les cantons au franc-quartier senestre d’or ch d’une aigle de sable becquée et membrée de gueules (Bona). Source: Rietstap’s.
19) Pesaro UrbinoVicenzaUdine – Pesaro UrbinoVicenzaUdine – MarcheVenetoFriuli – serpente ondeggiante in fascia al naturale su fascia di argento su azzurro – 3 stelle (6raggi) di oro poste 2,1 su azzurro – albero di salice al naturale su terrazzo di verde ripiegato a sinistra uno dei suoi rami afferrato da – un drago rivolto al naturale con le 2 anteriori su azzurro – tra l’albero e il drago il monogramma “AG” in lettere maiuscole di rosso su azzurro. Source: Spreti.
20) Volterra – Pisa – Toscana – bue sdraiato al naturale attraversante una spiga dello stesso reclinata a sinistra su terrazzo di verde su azzurro. Source: Spreti.
21) Giorgi Alberti – Porto S.GiorgioRoma – Ascoli PicenoRoma – MarcheLazio – San Giorgio a cavallo che uccide il drago tutto al naturale su terrazzo di verde su oro – 3 gigli di oro posti in fascia su argento – 5 stelle (6raggi) di rosso su croce di argento su azzurro. Source: Spreti.
22) Giorgi Alberti – Porto San GiorgioRoma – Ascoli PicenoRoma – MarcheLazio – San Giorgio a cavallo uccidente il drago al naturale su terrazzo di verde su oro – albero di quercia sradicato al naturale sormontato da – luna montante di argento tutto su azzurro – 3 gigli di oro posti in fascia su argento – 5 stelle (6raggi) di rosso poste in croce su croce di argento su azzurro. Source: Spreti.
23) Giorgi Costa – RomaPizzoliVigevano – RomaL’AquilaPavia – LazioAbruzzoLombardia – lancia posta in banda reggente un nastro di argento caricato del motto in lettere maiuscole di nero “VIRTUS VINCIT” su azzurro – trinciato di rosso e di oro – aquila di nero rivolta coronata di oro su azzurro in capo. Source: Spreti.
24) Giorgi De Pons – Firenze – Firenze – Toscana – sbarra di rosso su – albero di pino sradicato al naturale fruttato di oro su argento. Source: Spreti.
25) Giorgi di Vistarino – Vistarino – Pavia – Lombardia – scaccato di oro e di azzurro – aquila coronata di nero su oro in capo – 3 leoni passanti posti un sull’altro di oro coronati dello stesso su rosso. Source: Spreti.
26) Giorgi Pierfranceschi – MondavioPesaro Urbino – Pesaro Urbino – Marche – San Giorgio a cavallo uccidente il drago tutto al naturale su azzurro. Source: Spreti.