Halford Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Wistow, co. Leicester, bart., extinct 1780). Ar.a greyhound pass. sa. on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or.
2) (Paddock House, near Canterbury, a branch of the preceding). Ar. a greyhound statant sa. collared or, on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis of the third. Crest—A demi greyhound sa. collared or. Motto—Virtus in actione consists.
3) (Wistow Hall, co. Leicester, bart.; Sir Henry Vaughan was created a bart. 1809; he was son of James Vaughan, Esq., M.D., by Hester Halford, his wife, cousin of Sir Charles Halford, last bart. of Wistow, and assumed the surname of Halford 1814). Ar. a greyhound pass. sa. on a chief az. three fleurs-de-lis or. By royal warrant of augmentation, in 1837, a rose ar. was substituted for the centre of the fleurs-de-lis; and as further augmentation, on a canton erm. a staff entwined with a serpent ppr. and ensigned by a coronet composed of crosses pattee and fleurs-de-lis or. Crests—1st (of augmentation): A staff entwined by a serpent ppr. and ensigned by a coronet composed of crosses pattee and fleurs-de-lis: 2nd: A greyhound’s head couped at the neck sa. collared or. Motto—Mutas inglorius artes (To exercise, unambitious of glory, the silent arts). This motto is an elegant quotation from Virgil’s description of the physician lapis. Supporters—Two emeus ppr. each gorged with a coronet composed of crosses pattee and fleurs-de-lis or.

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