Loader Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Learn Moreloader Origin:
England, Ireland
Origins of loader:
This unusual and interesting name, noted in the surname spellings of Loader, Lodder, Loder, Loades, Loadsman, Loadman, etc., has two possible origins. The first of which is an Anglo-Saxon geographical name showing a person who resided by a road or a watercourse. The origin is from the Olde English pre 7th Century word “lad,” itself acquired from the verb “laedan,” to lead or to go. Where the word “lad” is a component of a placename, it usually relates to a human-made waste channel. The second possible origin is from the old professional surname for a vehicle or Carter, acquired from the Middle English “lode(n)” to carry or transport, acquired from ‘lad’ as above directed by “lade(n),” to load. Early examples of the surname records contain as Simon Le Lodere, in Warwickshire in the year 1332, and John ate Lode in Sussex in 1327. John Lademan shows in the Premium Rolls of York in 1301, while Annys Loadman, the daughter of Robert Loadman, named at the famous parish of St. Botolph without Aldergate, London, in July 1610. The original coat of arms given in London, although of uncertain date, has the blazon of a silver field, a red pale, over all a black lion rampant. The crest is a red chapeau loaded with two lions proper supporting a form.
More common variations are: Loder, Lader, Lauder, Leader, Lodder, Lowder, Louder, Lawder, Laider, ladder.
The surname Loader first appeared in Dorset where they held a family seat as Lords of the Estate. After the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, having controlled over King Harold, given most of Britain to his many successful Barons. It was not uncommon to find a Baron, or a priest, with 60 or more Lordships spread all over the country. These he gave to his sons, nephews and other junior lines of his family and they became known as under-tenants. They picked the Norman system of surnames which identified the under-tenant with his holdings so as to separate him from the senior stem of the family.
The very first recording spelling of the family was shown to be that of Emma la Lodere, dated about 1279, in the “Oxfordshire Hundred Rolls.” It was during the time of King Edward I who was known to be the “The Hammer of the Scots,” dated 1272 – 1307. The origin of surnames during this period became a necessity with the introduction of personal taxation. It came to be known as Poll Tax in England. Surnames all over the country began to develop, with unique and shocking spelling variations of the original one.
Many of the people with surname loader had moved to Ireland during the 17th century.
United States of America:
Individuals with the surname loader landed in the United States in the 17th century. Some of the people with the name loader who arrived in the United States in the 17th century included William Loader, who landed in Maryland in 1642. William Loader, who arrived in Maryland in the same year 1642.
Some of the individuals with the surname loader who landed in Australia in the 19th century included Elizabeth Loader arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship “Sir Edward Parry” in 1849. Joseph Loader arrived in South Australia in 1851 aboard the ship “Sultana.”
Some of the population with the surname loader who arrived in New Zealand in the 19th century included James Loader landed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1840. James Loader arrived in Port Nicholson aboard the ship “Gertrude” in 1841. Judith Loader arrived in Port Nicholson aboard the ship “Gertrude” in 1841. Daniel Loader arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Halcione” in 1870. Ann M. Loader, aged 32, arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Halcione” in 1870.
Here is the population distribution of the last name loader: England 2,60; Australia 1,422; South Africa 1,078; United States 802; New Zealand 606; Philippines 580; Canada 400; Wales 124; Scotland 79 ; Chile 72.
Notable People:
Christian Loader (born 1973), is a Welsh rugby union player.
Clive Loader (born 1953), is an RAF officer and Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner.
Colin Loader (born 1931), is a New Zealand rugby union player.
Bill Loader (born 1944), is an Australian philosopher.
Brian Loader (born 1958), is a British scholar and researcher.
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) Ar. a pale gu. over all a lion pass. sa. Crest—On a chapeau gu. two lions ramp. supporting a garb ppr.
2) Six mullets, three, two, and one. Crest—A dragon pass. ppr.