McGregor Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Source: Burke’s General Armory
1) (Glengyle, co. Perth). Ar. a fir tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmouuted of a sword bendways supporting on its point, in the dexter canton, an imperial crown ppr.
2) (Lanrick and Balquhidder, co. Perth, bart., 1795). Ar. an oak tree eradicated in bend sinister ppr. surmounted of a sword in bend supporting on its point, in the dexter canton, an antique crown gu. Crest—A lion’s head erased crowned with an antique crown ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a unicorn ar. crowned and horned or; sinister, a deer ppr. tyned az. Mottoes—Srioghal mo dhream; and, Ard cheille.
3) M’Gregor, or Murray (Napier Ruskie, co. Perth). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as the last ; 2nd and 3rd, Macdonald, of Slate. Same Crest. Motto—E’en do, and spare not.
4) M’Gregor-Skinner, now M’Gregor (Belfast, and Carsbank, Isle of Wight). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, as Lanrick; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. betw. three griffins’ heads erased or, for Skinner. Crest—As Lanrick. Mottoes—E’en do, and spare not; and, Nunquam non paratus.
5) (Capt.R. F. H. M’Gregor, 1872). Quarterly, as the last, with a crescent az. in the centre of the quarters. Crest and Mottoes—As the last.
6) (Raigmore, 1782). Ar. a fir tree growing out of a mount in base ppr. surmounted of a sword in bend also ppr. hilted and pommelled or, in chief two crowns gu. a bordure engr. of the last. Crest—A hand holding a dagger in pale ppr. Motto—E’en do, and spare not.
7) (bart., 1828). Ar. from a mount in base an oak tree surmounted by a sword in bend ppr. and in chief two Eastern crowns gu. all within a bordure engr. of the last. Crest—A human hand couped at the wrist, and holding a dagger erect ppr. pommel and hilt gold. Motto—Over the crest: Ein do, and spare not.
8) (Camden Hill, Middlesex, bart., 1831). Ar. a fir tree growing out of a mount in base vert, surmounted of a sword in bend az. hilted and pommelled or, supporting on its point an antique crown gu. on a chief az. a tower or, betw. a representation of the badge of the Royal Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword, and a representation of the badge of the Imperial Ottoman Order of the Crescent both ppr. Crest—A lion’s head erased ppr. crowned with an antique crown or. Motto—Srioghal mo dhream.
9) (Brediland, co. Renfrew, 1870). Ar. a pine tree eradicated in bend sinister, surmounted of a sword in bend, the sword ensigned with an antique crown all ppr. in base a garb vert. Creit—A pine tree eradicated ppr. Motto—Ardchoille.
10) (Capt. Francis Nugent Macgregor, R.A., 1883). Same as Macgregor-Skinner (page 640), with a bordure quarterly az. and erm., for diff.

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