Ridell Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (co. Bedford). Paly of six ar. and gu. a bend sa.
2) (alias Bonner) (cos. Gloucester and Oxford; granted 1574). Paly of six or and gu. on a chief az. three lions ramp. of the first. Crest—A talbot’s head couped ar. collared az. garnished and ringed or.
3) (cos. Lancaster and Westmoreland). Gu. a lion ramp. or, a border indented ar.
4) (co. Middlesex). Gu. a lion ramp. within a bordure engr. ar. (another, erm.).
5) (co. Norfolk). Sa. three martlets within a bordure engr. ar. Crest—A martlet ar.
6) (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Ar. a fess betw. three garbs az.
7) Or, a bend sa. betw. three pens gu.
8) Ar. a fess az. betw. three garbs gu.
9) or Riddall, or Ridhull – (co. Hertford). Or, on a bend az. (another, sa.) three catharine wheels ar.
10) or Ridall, or Rydell – Sa. on a fess betw. three owls ar. five crosses formée of the first.
11) (that Ilk, co. Roxburgh, bart., 1628). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three ears of rye slipped and bladed ppr. Crest—A demi greyhound ppr. Supporters—Two greyhounds collared gu. Motto—I hope to share.
12) (Granton, 1731; borne by the eminent legal antiquary, John Riddell). Ar. a chev. gu. betw. two ears of rye in chief, and a pinnace with oars in action in base ppr. Crest—A greyhound erect ppr. Motto—Row and retake.
13) (Glenriddell, Scotland). Ar. a chev. engr. gu. betw. three stalks of rye slipped ppr. Crest—A demi greyhound ar. Supporters—Two hounds ar. collared gu. their leashes tied up of the last, on the dexter collar the word Hab, on the sinister, Shar. Mottoes—Over the crest, Hab shar; below the shield : Virtus maturuit.
14) (Cavers, co. Roxburgh, 1828). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the field, a bordure chequy of the second and first, for Carre; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three eara of rye slipped and bladed ppr., for Riddell. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr. attired with ten tynes or. Motto—Tout droit.
15) (Ardnamurchan and Sunart, co. Argyll, bart., 1778). Or, three piles in point gu. surmounted of a bend az. Crest—A hand issuing from the coronet of a French count holding a baton all ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a female, in her exterior hand three ears of rye; sinister, a knight in complete armour. Motto—Utile et dulce.
16) (co. Northumberland; Sir Jordan de Ridel held lands in co. Northumberland, temp. Edward I.; Thomas Riddell, Esq., of Fenham, sold that estate 1695, and purchased Swinburne, where he settled; his great-grandson, Thomas Riddell, Esq., of Swinburne Castle, m. Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Edward Horsley Widdrington, Esq., of Felton, co. Northumberland). (Cheesburn Grange, co. Northumberland; descended from Ralph, second son of Thomas Riddell, Esq., of Swinburne Castle, by Mary, his wife, sister and co-heir of Ralph Widdrington, Esq., of Cheesbum Grange). Ar. a fess betw. three rye sheaves az. Crest—A demi lion couped or, holding a rye-sheaf az. Motto—Dens solus auget aristas.
