Rivers Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Az. on a fess engr.ar. betw. three swans ppr. as many roses gu.
2) Or, a lion ramp. az.
3) Ar. on a bend gu. three lions ramp. or.
4) Ar. six lions ramp. sa. three, two, and one.
5) Fusily az. and or (another, or and gu.).
6) Lozengy or and gu.
7) Gu. six mascles or, three, two, and one.
8) Ar. a fret of eight sa. an inescutcheon gu.
9) (co. Berks). Az. two bars or (another, bars dancettée).
10) or River, or De la River – (co. Berks). Gu. two bars wavy or.
11) (co. Dorset). Ar. on a bend cotised aa. three lozenges erm.
12) Az. a fess engr. ar. thereon a fess gu. charged with three roses betw. as many swans of the second naiant in water ppr.
13) Ar. a fess and canton gu.
14) (Pitt-Rivers Saron Riven). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a fess chequy ar. and az. betw. three bezants, for Pitt; 2nd and 3rd, per pale gu. and az. on a chev. ar. betw. three martlets or, an eagle displ. sa., for Beckford. Crest—1st: A stork ppr., for Pitt; 2nd : A heron’s head erased or, holding in the bill a fish ar. Supporters—Dexter, a falcon, wings inverted and belled or; sinister, a unicorn or. Motto—Æquam servare mentem.
15) (Chafford, co. Kent, bart.). Az. two bars dancettée or, in chief three bezants, quartering, as an augmentation, az. on a fess engr. betw. three swans ar. a bar gu. charged with as many roses of the second. Crest—On a mount vert a bull pass. ar. collared, ringed, lined, and armed or. Motto—Secus rivos aquarum.
16) (quartered by Mohun, of Tavistock, co. Devon, a branch of Mohun, of Dunster. Visit. Devon, 1620). Gu. a griffin segreant or. Crest—A griffin’s tail erased sa. Another Crest—A land tortoise ppr.
17) (Sir John Rivers, Knt., Lord Mayor of London 1573. Visit. London, 1568). Az. on a fess engr. ar. surmounted of another gu. charged with three roses of the second, as many swans sans legs ppr. Crest—Out of a bunch of reeds vert a demi swan, wings expanded ar. ducally gorged or.

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