Smith Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Meaning, Origin, Etymology
The surname of Smith is of Anglo-Saxon origin meaning ‘to smite or strike’,  The name refers to a smith, originally deriving from smið or smiþ, the Old English term meaning one who works in metal related to the word smitan, the Old English form of smite, which also meant strike (as in early 17th century Biblical English: the verb “to smite” = to hit). The different derivations of the surname Smith are an occupational name for a man who worked with metal (smith or blacksmith), other variants of this name are such as a man who worked with gold may have been called goldsmith.   Originating in England it is one of the most prominent (if not the most) in the world. From the book “An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. With an Essay, on their Derivation and Import. By: William Arthur, M.A.” the following captions are taken and produce a bit of insight into the surname of Smith. (1) SMITH. The most common of all surnames, and might of itself furnish matter enough for a volume. The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Smitan, to smite or strike. (2) The New York City Directory for 1856 (in which the names of the heads of families only, are given,) contains the names of more than eighteen hundred Smiths, of whom seventy four are plain James Smiths, and one hundred and seventeen, John Smiths !  (3) This numerous family is the subject of many laughable anecdotes and witty sallies. A wag, on a certain occasion, coming late to the theater, and wishing to get a seat, shouted at the top of his voice, ” Mr. Smith’s house is on fire !” The house was thinned five per cent., and the man of humor found a snug seat. (4) But the best piece of humor relating to the name is the following which we take from Lower, which appeared some years since in the newspapers, under the title of “THE SMITHS. ” Some very learned disquisitions are just now going on in the journals touching the origin and extraordinary extension of the family of ‘ the Smiths: ” Industrious explorers after derivatives and nominal roots, they say, would find in the name of John Smith a world of mystery; and a philologist in the Providence Journal*, after having  written some thirty columns for the enlightenment of the public thereanent, has thrown down his pen, and declared the subject exhaustless. ” Erom what has hitherto been discovered, it appears that the great and formidable family of the Smiths are the veritable descendants, in a direct line, from Shem, the son of Noah, the father of the Shemitish tribe, or the tribe of Shem ; and it is thus derived Shem, Shemit, Shmit, Smith. Another learned pundit, in the Philadelphia Gazette, contends for the universality of the name John Smith, not only in Great Britain and America, but among all kindred and nations on the face of the earth. Beginning with the Hebrew, he says, the Hebrews had no Christian names, consequently they had no Johns, and in Hebrew the name stood simply Shem or Shemit; but in the other nations John Smith is found at full, one and indivisible. Thus, Latin, Johannes Smithius ; Italian, Giovanni Smithi; Spanish, Juan Smithas; Dutch, Hans Schmidt ; French, Jean Smeets ; Greek, Τζον Σμιθ  ; Russian, Jonloff Skmittowski ; Polish, Ivan Schmittiwciski ; Chinese, Jahon Shimmit; Icelandic, Jahne Smithson; Welsh, lihon Schmidd ; Tuscarora, Ton Qa Smittia ; Mexican, Jontli FSmitti. “And then, to prove the antiquity of the name, the same savant observes, that ‘ among the cartouches deciphered by Rosselini, on the temple of Osiris in Egypt, was found the name of Pharaoh Smithosis, being the ninth in the eighteenth dynasty of Theban kings. He was the founder of the celebrated temple of Smithopolis Magna.’ We heartily congratulate the respectable multitude of the Smiths on these profound researches researches which bid fair to explode the generally received opinion that the great family of the Smiths were the descendants of mere horse-shoers and hammer-men !”

Spelling Variations
Smith, Smyth, Smythe, Snuth, Simth, Smither, Smithers, Smithman, Smithson, Smithfield, Blacksmith, Whitesmith, Tinsmith, Brownsmith, Redsmith, Coppersmith, Greensmith, Silversmith, Goldsmith, Arrowsmith, Arsmith, Shoesmith, Sixsmith, Wildsmith, Wheelsmith, Smithson, Smisson, Schmid, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schmitz, Schmith, Schmied, Schmick, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schmitz, De Smid, De Smedt, Desmedt, De Smet, Desmet, Smeets, Smets, Smit, Smits, Smid, Smidt, Smed, De Smet, Smed

Early Marriage Records for Smith
George Smith married Alice Brien October 23, 1539 in Oxborough, Norfolk, England
John Smith married Margaret Squire 1539 in Metheringham, Lincoln, England
Thomas Smith married Marian Warren November 13, 1539 in Woodford, Wiltshire, England
Margareta Smith married Wylimo Halayn July 9, 1539 in Chislet, Kent, England
John Smith married Alice Doue July 18, 1541 in Saint Mary, Reading, Berkshire, England
John Smith married Margaret Laurence 1541 in Great Gransden, Huntingdon, England
William Smith married Katheren Garbett June 19, 1542 in East Knoyle, Wiltshire, England
Margaret Smith married Henrie Bolyant November 23, 1542 in Frostenden, Suffolk, England
John Smith married Joan Sheriffe February 27, 1543 in Lammas With Little Hautbois, Norfolk, England
Thomas Smith married Margery June 19, 1543 in Willesborough, Kent, England
Jenet Smith married John Law October 8, 1543 in Cantley, York, England
Robert Smith married Ellen Harlionn January 26, 1544 in St. Alkmund’s Derby, Derbyshire, England
George Smith married Elyzabeth January 7, 1545 in Willesborough, Kent, England
Johane H. Smith married John Tillam October 3, 1545 in Doddenham, Worcester, England
Willus Smith married Agnes Golder November 28, 1546 in Saint George Tombland, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Edmund Smith married Elizabeth Dewhurst November 13, 1547 in Middleton By Oldham, Lancashire, England
Scot Smith married Lyobin Lgonson October 24, 1548 in St. Mary, Long Stratton, Norfolk, England
Alicia Smith married Henricus Preistley August 19, 1548 in Swillington, York, England
Phoebe Smith married Isaac Platt March 12, 1640 in Milford, Connecticut
Benjamin Smith married Mary Clarke June 10, 1641 in Dedham, Massachusetts
John Smith married Susanna Hinkley 1642 in Barnstable, Massachusetts
Stephen Smith married Susanna Hinckley 1643 in Machias, Maine
Sarah Smith married Stephen Arnold November 24, 1646 in Rehoboth, Massachusetts
John Smith married Sarah Hunt 1647 in Lancaster, Massachusetts
Richard Smith married Mary Kirby October 6, 1647 in Sudbury, Massachusetts
Nehemiah Smith married Anne Bourne January 21, 1649 in Mansfield, Massachusetts
Anne Smith married John Allyn November 19, 1651 in Springfield, Massachusetts
Hannah Smith married Joseph Hills November 1653 in Malden, Massachusetts
Anne Smith married John Moore November 16, 1654 in Sudbury, Massachusetts
Christopher Smith married Mary (or Martha) Metcalfe June 2, 1654 in Dedham, Massachusetts
Richard Smith married Joanna Quarils on June 2, 1654 in Boston, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Smith married James Sanford December 1656 in Boston, Massachusetts
Judith Smith married Richard Tozer May 3, 1656 in Boston, Massachusetts
Abigail Smith married John Adams 1657 in Hartford, Connecticut
Elizabeth Smith married John MacDaniell May 17, 1658 in Boston, Massachusetts
Abigail Smith married George Lilly 1659 in Reading, Massachusetts
Daniel Smith married Ester Chickering October 20, 1659 in Dedham, Massachusetts
Samuel Smith married Susanna Read December 13, 1659 in Boston, Massachusetts
Richard Smith married Hannah Chcney November 1660 in Ipswich, Massachusetts

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Smith ranks 123rd  in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 4,628,066 people carry the Smith surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Texas, California, Florida, New York, Georgia, and North Carolina.  It ranks highest in the following countries:  United States (2,975,649), England (632,690), Canada (192,207), Australia (183,242), South Africa (182,680), Scotland (64,034)

Early Bearers of Surname
Early examples of the name Smith were sometimes Latinised in the records to Faber. This name appears in the records from the 1066 Domesday Book onwards. However, the surname Smith has appeared in all records from the very earliest times and pre-dates the Domesday Book.
John Smith (1580 – 1631), explorer and writer, who helped to found the state of Virginia
Eceard Smid 975 A.D., English Surname Register for County Durham.
Julian’ le Smithes 1279 in Hundred Rolls (Oxon)
Mergareta del Smythes 1379 in Poll Tax (Todwick, WR Yorks)
Benedictus atte Smethes 1627 in Poll Tax (Bramley, Yorks)
Elnor Smiths 1627 in IGI (Chester, Cheshire)
Robert Smiths 1651 in IGI (Stepney, Middlesex)
Peetter Smiths 1667 in IGI (Armley, WR Yorks)
John Smiths 1716 in IGI (Aikton, Cumb)

History, Genealogy & Ancestry
There are numerous sources on the Smith surname that contain genealogical information we have chosen just a few to list in this section.

Smith, Henry Stephen, Esq. of Annesbrook, co. Meath, J.P., Lieut-Col., formerly Major Londonderry Militia, and Lieut. 64th regt.; married 1st 1860, Georgina (deceased), daughter of Raymond Pelly, Esq. and has issue; and 2nd Miss Savile. Lineage~This family is presumed to have come originally from co. York.  John Smith, who possessed, temp. Charles I., the estates of Coolestown and Maine, Louth, left a son, Jeremiah Smith, who was twice married, By his 1st marriage he had one son, Edward to whom he gave up the estates of Maine, and who was Capt. in the Battle-Axe Guard; he died before his father, leaving one child a daughter who inherited the estate of Maine and married Hugh Stafford, Esq.  By his 2nd marriage with Alice the daughter of Harry Townley, Esq. of Aclare Castle, co. Louth, he had issue 1) Harry, Recorder of Drogheda who succeeded his father, but dying unmarried left the Louth property to his brother, Rev. townley Smith and his nephew Tenison Smith, son of his brother Tenison, and his Meath property of Beabeg to his brother Jeremiah. 2) Townley (Rev.) of Mansfeildstown, who left one son, Tenison who died unmarried.  3) Jeremiah of Beabeg married Margaret the daughter of Adam Schoales, Esq. of Drogheda and was succeeded by his son Henry. 4) Tenison from whom descended a branch of the family which about 1760, removed to England and was represented by Admiral Edward Tyrrell Smith. 5) Hamilton 6) Mary Ann married 1st Charles Sandford, Esq. of Kilkenny; and 2nd William Foster, Esq. of Dunleer, co. Louth. Arms~ Arg. on a bend between two bulls’ heads erased az. armed or, three lonzenges of hte last. Crest~A demi-bull salient az. armed and unguled or. Motto~Deleetat amor patriae.  Seat~Annesbrook, Dulcek, co. Meath.

Smith, Maria Dale, and Julia Charlotte Elizabeth of Aspley House, Beds. Lineage~ Edward Smith, M.D. of Coventry, married Miss Lamb the daughter and co-heir of William Lamb, Esq. of Farndish, co. Northampton, and sister of Judith, wife of Sir Edward Noel, Bart. of Kirkby Malory who became 1745 Baron Wentworth, and was subsequently raised to a Viscounty, 1762.  By the co-heiress of Lamb, Dr. Smith had an only child, The Rev. Edward Sawyer Smith, Incumbent of Rodmartin, co. Gloucester. He married 1744, Diana, the daughter and co-heiress of Thomas, only brother of Richard Orlebar, Esq. of Hinwick House, Co. Bedford, last male representative of the senior branch of the Orledars of Puddington, and was succeeded at his decease 1756 by his only son,  The Rev. Edward Orlebar Smith, of Aspley House, Recrot of Hulcote, co. Bedford and subsequently of Bletchley, Bucks. He married 1779 to Charlotte the daughter and co-heir (by Mary his wife the daughter of the celebrated antiquary, Brown Willis of Whaddon Hall, Bucks) of the Rev. Edward Hervey of Chiltern House, Bucks, and of Aspley House, co. Bedford, son of Edward Hervey, Esq. of Chiltern Bucks, by Helen his wife, sister and co-heir of Sir Villiers Chernocke, Bart of Hulcotte, and had issue 1) Charley Hervey of Aspley House 2) Edward Orlebar (Rev.), Rector of Hulcote, J.P., married May 1822, his cousin Julia (who died June 19, 1834), the youngest daughter of Rev. Thomas Willis, and sister of John Willis Fleming, Esq. of Stoneham Park, M.P. for Hants.  3) Boteler Chernocke, J.P. for Beds, married 1st 1816, Caroline the daughter of Rev. Charles Gardiner, which lady died 1818; and 2nd 1823, Sarah the daughter of Dr. Whitby, M.D. of Warren House, near Ashby-de-la-Zouch, by who he left at his decease, one son and three daughters, Boteler Chernocke; Charlotte; Sarah; and Julia. 4) Charlotte Hervey died unmarried 1846. 5) Jane Maria died unmarried 1846. 6) Eliza Diana 7) Anna Penelope married 1831, John Marshal, Esq. and died August 1835. Mr. Smith died April 27, 1819 and was succeeded by his son Charles Hervey Smith, Esq. of Aspley House. Arms~Arg., three demi-savages between nine crosses-crosslet sa. Crest~An oak tree ppr, with acorns of gold. Motto~Non deficit alter. Seats~ Aspley House, near Woburn, Salfrod near Woburn

Smith, Eaglesfield Bradshaw, Esq. of Blackwood House, co. Dumfries and Eyam, co. Derby, J.P. for co. Dumfries married Elizabeth Macdonald the daughter of Norman Lockhart, Esq. of Tarbrax of the family of Lee and Carnwath, and has issue, 1) Eaglesfield Bradshaw Archibald Lockhart, died November 1871.  2) Elizabeth Macdonald Bradshaw married Rev. J.P. Macmorland of Minto, co. Roxburgh. 3) Phillis Normania Bradshaw. 4) Julith Aemilia Bradshaw. Mr. Smith is the son of the late Eaglesfield Smith, Esq. of Eyam, co. Derby, and of Blackwood House, co. Dumfries, by his wife Judith Elizabeth the daughter of Sir Paulus Aemilius Irving, Bart. of Wood House and Robgill.  He has two brothers, Paulus Aemilius Irving Smith and Rev. Pierce Galliard Smith. Residences~ Blackwood House, Ecclefechan; and Eyham, Bakewell, co. Derby.

Leadbitter-Smith, John, Esq. of Flass Hall co. Durham, J.P., born July 16, 1788 married November 24, 1810 Anne the daughter of Thomas Storey, Esq. of Fawdon, co. Northumberland (by his wife Anne, daughter of John Smith, Esq. of Warton, in the same co. by his wife Anne daughter of Edward Loraine, Esq. son of Sir Thomas Lornine, 1st bart. of Kirke Harle) and by her has surviving issue 1) Matthew Edward, Captain North Durham Militia born October 12, 1841; married October 29, 1870, Adela Alice, the daughter of Lieut.-col. W.H. Graham, R.E., and has issue i) William Edward Joseph born October 18, 1871  ii) John Francis born January 2, 1873 iii) Mary Ethelreda Louisa born August 14, 1875 iv) Adela Monica Josephine born March 19, 1877. 2) Marianne Clara born August 14, 1859. Mr. Leadbitter-Smith assumed the additional name of Smith by royal license, on succeeding to the Flass estates, under the will of Jane, Lady Peat. Arms—Quarterly : 1st and 4th, per pale gu. and az. on a chevron engrailed or, between three bezants each charged with a cross pattee fitchee sa. as many crosses pattee fitchee of the last, for Smith ; 2nd and 3rd, gu., on a chevron or, between three bezants as many crosses patonce  of the field, for Leadbitter. Crests—1st. A stag lodged arg. semee of estoiles az. attired and gorged with an Eastern crown, the chain reflexed over the back or, for SMITH; 2nd, A griffin’s head sa. erased gu. pierced through the mouth with an arrow fessways or. Motto— Vigilans. Seats—Flacs Hall, Durham.

Smith-Masters, Allan William, Esq. of Camer, Kent, M.A. Brasenose Coll. Oxford 1875, J.P. for Kent born March 13, 1850; married October 19, 1876 Mary the daughter of Philip Smith Coxe, Esq. Lineage~ The family of Masters, from which the Smiths derived the estate of Camer, was settled there for centuries.  In a parish rating of the 16th century, the name appears, and it is also in all the oldest books of the parish. The heiress of Camer, Catherine Masters the only child of George Masters of Camer married William Smith the younger brother of the grandfather of Sir Charles Smith, Bart. of Suttons, Essex and had issue George, William, Charles, Rebecca, Catherine and Elizabeth.  William was succeeded by his eldest son George Smith. Arms~1st and 4th, SMITH, sa., a fess cottised wavy between three martlets or; 2nd and 3rd MASTERS. Crests~ 1st, A talbot statant sa. collared and chain reflexed over the back or, for SMITH; 2nd MASTERS. Seat~Camer in Meopham, Kent.

Taylor-Smith, Edward, Esq. of Colpike Hall, and Broadwood Park, co. Durham, J.P. born March 28, 1803; married 1st September 29, 1829 Anne the only daughter of Isaac Nicholson, Esq. of Penrith, Cumberland and by her (who died 1868) has issue, 1) George Garby, of Broadwood Park, born 1834 married November 25, 1862, Clare the 3rd daughter of James Holdforth, J.P. of Burley, near Leeds and has an only surviving child, Edith.  2) Edward Nicholson born 1836 married a daughter of William Briggs, Esq. of Hylton Castle, co. Durham, High Sheriff thercot in 1870 and has two sons. 3) William (Rev.) a Priest born 1838. 4) Thomas of Urpeth Lodge, co. Durham born 1840 married January 8, 1879, Louisa the youngest daughter of William Kidson, Esq. of 34, Leinster Square, Bayswater. 5) James born 1842 married 1868 Elizabeth the eldest daughter of John Kidson, Esq. of Sunderland, co. Durham J.P. and has issue daughters.  6) Margaret Annie married 1870, Richard Joseph Kay, the youngers son of Michael Kay, Esq. of Birtley, co. Durham. Mr. Taylor-Smith married 2nd 1873 Mary the daughter of John Pexall Kidson, Esq. of Sunderland. He succeeded Jane, Lady Peat November 1842 and assumed by royal license May 12, 1843 the surname of SMITH, after his patronymic TAYLOR, and the arms of SMITH quarterly with those of TAYLOR. Arms~Quarterly; 1st and 4th, per pale gu. and az. on a chevron engrailed or, between three bezants each charged with a cross patte fitchee sa. as many crosses pattee fitchee of the last, for SMITH; 2nd and 3rd arg., a saltire engrailed gu. between two einque foils in pale vert and as many winged between two cinquefoils in pale vert and as many winged hearts in fess of the second for TAYLOR.  Crests~1st, SMITH, a stag lodged arg. semee of estoiles az. attired and gorged with an Eastern crown, the chain reflexed over the back or; 2nd TAYLOR, A horse’s head couped sa. gorged with a plain collar and pendent therefrom a shield arg. charged with a cinquefoil vert. MOTTO~ Vigilans. Seat~ Colpike Hall, Lanchester, Durham.

Smith, Hyde Sergison, Esq. of Consall Hall, co. Stafford, late Capt. 12 Lancers born March 1838; married April 30, 1878 Margaret Jane the only daughter of Isaac Kempson, Esq. of Coton Hall, near Burton-on-Trent.  Lineage~ George Smith, Esq. of Goldicote, and of Spetsbury House, Dorset, an officer in the Royal Horse Guards, the representative of this family married 1796 Frances the daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Grace Smith, Esq. of Normanton Turville, co. Leicester and had issue 1) George Staveley married twice and had issue 2) Gustavus Thomas of Goldicote House, Stratford-on-Avon, born 1800, Captain in the Queen’s Bays succeeded his father 1836 married 1st 1830 Sarah the eldest daughter of the Rev. N. Yates who died without issue February 1852 and 2nd April 25, 1853 Caroline widow of Sir John Mordaunt 9th Bart. of Massingham by whom he left at decease January 6, 1875 two daughters.  3) William Corbet, of Bitteswell Hall, co. Leicester, Capt. 1st Dragoon Guards married June 24, 1840, Hon. Emily St. John the daughter of Henry 4th Viscount Bolinbroke, and died 1847, leaving a daughter Emma Emily Corbet married 1862 John du Plat Taylor Esq. and has issue; and Corbet born February 1, 1845, now of Bitteswell Hall, late Lieut. in the Royal Dragoons. 4) Charles Sergison, of Consall Hall, co. Stafford late an officer in the 1st Dragoon Guards born 1803 married March 6, 1834 , Georgiana the 3rd daughter of Hon. Herbert Gardner, the 4th son of Alan 1st Lord Gardner; she died October 31, 1848, and he died Sept 29, 1878 leaving issue i) Hyde Sergison now of Consall Hall, near Leek, co. Stafford.  ii) Walter FitzWaring born April 1, 1845; married October 10, 1871, Mary Louisa Catherine Buckeridge Durant, and has issue a son Percy, and two daughters. iii) Charles Holled, Capt 60th Rifles. iv) Florence Cornwall. 5) Francis died unmarried. 6) Frances died unmarried. Arms~ Arg., on a bend between two unicorns’ heads erased az. three lozenges or. Crest~ A unicorn’s head erased sa. Motto~Virtus in arduis. Seat~ Goldicote, Stratford-on-Avon.

SMITH, HON. (ARTHUR) BRUCE, M.L.A., is the fourth son of the late Captain William Howard Smith, of Melbourne, Vict., founder of the well-known ship-owning firm of Howard Smith & Sons. He was born in 1851, and in 1866 entered upon a mercantile career, which he followed until the year 1872. He then retired from commercial pursuits, with a view to qualifying himself for the bar, and entered the Melbourne University, for which he had matriculated in the previous year.  He remained at that university one year, after which he proceeded to London and entered as a student at the Inner Temple in Dec. 1873 being called to the bar in Jan. 1877. He returned to Victoria in 1878, where he practised at the bar for two years. In 1880 he was admitted to the New South Wales bar, and commenced practice in Sydney. Having turned his attention to politics, he was in 1884 elected to the Legislative Assembly. On Sir Henry Parkes’ accession to power, in March 1889, he accepted the portfolio of Public Works, which office he retained till August 1891, when on the retirement of Mr. McMillan, he accepted the position of Colonial Treasurer, which he retained till the defeat of the of the Ministry in Oct. of that year.  He is the author of a political treatise on the limit of State functions, entitled “Liberty and Liberalism.”

SMITH, SIR EDWIN THOMAS, K.C.M.G., M.P., is the son of the late Edwin Smith, of Walsall, England, where he was born in 1831, and educated at Queen Mary’s Grammar School.  Having emigrated to South Australia in 1853, he became a brewer in a large way of business, and was Mayor of Kensington and Norwood in 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872 and 1873, and of Adelaide in 1880, 1881, 1882, 1887 and 1888.  He has been member for East Torrens in the Legislative Assembly since 1871, and was Minister of Education in Mr.(now Sir) John Bray’s second Government, from March to June 1884. He was a Commissioner for South Australia to the various international and intercolonial exhibitions in which that colony took part between 1876 and 1888; and in 1887 was the principal promoter of the Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition, of which he was Vice-President. In recognition of his services in connection with the latter he was created K.C.M.G. in 1888.  Sir Edwin married, first, in 1857, Florence, daughter of Robert Stock, of Clifton, who died in 1862; and, secondly, in 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Spicer, of Adelaide.

SMITH, HON. SIR FRANCIS VILLENEUVE, B.A., late Chief Justice of Tasmania, eldest son of the late Francis Smith, formerly of Lindfield, Sussex, and a London merchant, and latterly of Campania, Tasmania, by his wife, a daughter of M. Jean Villeneuve, was born on Oct. 3rd, 1819.  He was educated at London University, where he took a first prize in International Law and a second prize in English Equity, and graduated B.A. in 1840. In Nov. 1838 he entered at the Middle Temple, and was called to the Bar in May 1842, being admitted to that of Tasmania in Oct. 1848, and Attorney-General in 1854, only taking office on condition of being at liberty to oppose the influx of convicts into the colony.  In 1851 he was nominated to the Legislative Council, and became a member of the Executive Council, and became a member of the Executive Council in 1855. Sir Francis, who had opposed the introduction of responsible government on the ground that the colony did not possess a leisured class from whom suitable ministers could be drawn, and that the system would involve constant changes of administration, was nevertheless a member of the first House of Assembly and Attorney-General in the first responsible ministry formed under Colonel Champ in Nov. 1856, and which held office till Feb. 1857.  From April to May 1857 he was Attorney-General in the first Weston Ministry, and then formed a Government of his own, in which he was Premier and Attorney-General, till Nov. 1860, when he went on to the bench as a Puisne Judge, being appointed Chief Justice in 1870. This post he held till 1885, when he was succeeded by Sir W.L. Dobson, Sir Francis, who was knighted in 1862, and who now resides in England, administered the government of the colony on three occasions during interregnums in the governorship. He married, on May 4th, 1851, Sarah, daughter of the late Rev. George Giles, LL.D.

SMITH, HON. GEORGE PATON, M.L.A., sometime Attorney-General of Victoria, was born at Berwick-on-Tweed in 1829.  In 1855 he emigrated to Victoria and started as a draper in Sandhurst. In 1858 he relinquished business, and took employment in Melbourne as a reporter on the Argus.  The next year he became editor of the Leader the weekly journal published in connection with the Melbourne age; and of the latter paper was subsequently sub-editor and, for a short time, editor.  Whilst engaged as a journalist, Mr. Smith was admitted to the Victorian Bar in Sept. 1861, and in 1865 was elected to the Legislative Assembly for South Bourke as a Liberal and Protectionist. From July 1868 to Sept. 1869 Mr. Smith was Attorney-General in the second McCulloch Ministry, but at the General Election in Jan. 1871 he did not seek re-election for South Bourke.  In 1874, however, he was again returned unopposed, and sat till 1877, when the constituency was divided, and Mr. Smith was returned for the Boroondara portion. He died on Dec. 9th, 1877.

Arthur Smith died 1654 married Margaret who also married Stephen Hart and Joseph Nash.  She died March 1, 1693-94. Arthur was an early member of the 1 Church. His name can be found on Founders Monument.  Their children: John born 1643; Mary born Feb 1644-45; Hannah born 1649; Arthur born April 20, 1651 married Sarah Newell; and Elizabeth married Thomas Thompson.  An original proprietor; his home lot in 1639 was on the highway now Elm St.; fence-viewer 1639; constable 1642. He was allowed Feb. 16, 1639-40 to have half of Thomas Alcock’s lot, which had been forfeited.  Appointed with Thomas Woodford to attend upon the townsmen, and to do any official services required by them Feb. 1639-40. Inv. Nov. 29, 1655 380-2-6. Hinman says he was a soldier in the bloody battle with the Pequots at Mystic Fort in 1637 where he was severely wounded, and was rescued from the flames of the fort by his brother soldiers.

Giles Smith died 1669 in Fairfield married Eunice Porter the widow of Jonathan Porter of Huntington, Long Island.  Giles was an early member of 1 Church. He moved to Fairfield. Their children: Joanna born March 25, 1649; Samuel; Eleazer married Rebecca Rowland; John; Elian; Elizabeth; and Anna married Francis Andrews.  An inhabitant who received land “by the courtesie of the town”, his home lot in 1639 was on Main St. on the corner of what is now Charter Oak St. a small lot cut off from the square occupied by George Wyllys.  He sold 20 acres to Thomas Hosmer March 6, 1642; Philip Davis bought his land and tenement. He was one of the earliest settlers at New London, but removed from there to Fairfield where was in 1651; he left a second wife Eunice, no the mother of his children.

Joseph Smith died 1689-90 married April 20, 1656 Lydia Huit the daughter of Rev. Ephraim Huit of Windsor.  Their children: Joseph born March 1657 married Rebecca Dickinson; Samuel born May 1658 died October 1660; Ephraim born Sept. 8, 1659 married Rachel Cole Farmington; Lydia born April 1661 died October 1664; Simon born August 2, 1662 married Hannah (Bliss) Haley; Nathaniel born October 1664 married Esther Dickinson; Lydia born February 14, 1665-6 married 1st Lamrock Flowers 2nd John Janes; Susannah born June 1667 married John Dickinson; Mary of Weth born November 1668; Martha born March 1670 married Barnabas Hinsdale; Benjamin born July 21, 1671 of London; Elizabeth born November 1672 married Joseph Gilbert; Sarah born April 1674 married John Spencer October 4, 1693; Edward born June 19, 1677; and Mercy born November 16, 1679.

Richard Smith married 1st Sarah and 2nd Mary.  Their children: Joseph baptized February 18, 1676-7; George baptized July 21, 1678; John baptized May 2, 1680.

Arthur Smith the son of Arthur and Margaret died 1712 married 1st Sarah Newell baptized Feb. 18, 1654-55 daughter of Thomas Newell of Farm and Rebecca Olmsted. 2nd Phebe.  Children by 1st Marriage: Sarah born April 14, 1684; Samuel born March 28, 1686; Hannah born October 4, 1688; Elizabeth born April 5, 1690 married John Brown of Middtn. Children by Arthur’s 2nd marriage: Phebe born Sept. 4, 1701 married 1st Dr. Jonathan Ensign married 2nd Daniel Hall.  William Baker, Samuel Hall and wife Phebe, Hannah Smith sell land 1746 to Samuel Butler of Wethfd.

Benigno Numine. By benign Providence.
Canada. Prevost, bt.
Cum plena magis. Rather when she is full.
Dabit qui dedit. He will give who gave.
Delectat amor patrice. The love of country delights.
Dominus salus mea. The Lord is my safety.
Dum spiro spero. While I have breath I hope.
En Dieu est mon esqioir. In God is my hope.
Ex usu commodum. Advantage from its use.
Floret qui vigilat. He is prosperous who is vigilant.
Hold fast.
Honeste,fortiter. Honourably and bravely.
In medio tutissimus. In the middle path safest.
In seipso totus teres. Fully furnished in himself.
Kur, deu, res, pub, tra. For God and the commonwealth.
Luceo non uro. I shine, but do not burn.
Macle. Go forward.
Marte et ingenio. By war and wit.
Mature. In good time.
Spero autem in Domino. My hope is in God.
Mors la vita. Death in life.
Non deficit alter. (Virg. JEn. vi. 143.) Another is not wanting.
Non in vita. Not in life.
Non invita. Not by constraint.
Per saxa per ignes. By rocks, by fires.
Pro rege et patria. For my king and country.
Pro rege et patria pugnans. Fighting for my king and country.
Propositi tenax. Firm of purpose.
Quid capit, capitur. What takes is taken.
Rap it ense triumphos. He gains victories by the sword.
Semper fidelis. Always faithful.
Smite on, quoth Smith.
Spero meliora. I hope for better things.
Spes decus et robur. Hope is honour and strength.
Suaviter, fortiter. Gently, boldly.
Tenax et fidelis. Persevering and faithful.
Tenax infide. Steadfast in faith.

SMYTH,….Cheshire….temp. Hen. VII: arg., on a fesse betw. three demi griffins couped sa., as many Bezants. Crest, a demi-griffin erased sa., collared arg., collared with a fesse arg. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MSS. 1422, fo, 29, and 5846, fo 92; Add, MS. 26,702, fo. 42
SMYTHE,….(No 1) crest, an arm in pale garnished chequy arg. and vert., the hand holding iij darts or. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 92; Stowe MS. 692, fo. 86, of Essex.
SMYTH,….(No. 2) crest (with the greyhound, three) dragons’ heads erased arg., spotted sa., langued and cared gu. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS 5846, fo 92; Stowe, MS 692, fo. 86.
SMYTH,…. (of Stratford-on-Avon, co. Warwick), temp. Hen. VII.; arg., 2 or 3 greyhounds conrant (in pale sa.), 9 cross crosslets fitchee (or crosses patees) gu. or sa. Crest, a griffin’s head erased arg. pellette.  Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS 1422, fo 28; Add. MS 26,702, fo. 42 (Two families, on of Stratford and another of Shirford, co. Warw. see Burkes Armory).
SMYTH….an innkeeper in the town of Huntingdon, 1594, by Wm. Dethick, Gart. Arms, the ancient arms of Chamberlayne, entered by R. Brooke, York Her., arg., a chevron betw. three leopards faces gu. Crest, a crescent, thereon a leopards face gu., “of Water Newton in Huntingdonshire.” Harl. MSS. 1453, fo. 32 and 3526 fo. 8.
SMITH,….by Cooke ….arg., on a chevron cottised betw. 3 cross crosslets gu. as many marlets or. Harl. MS. 1359, fo 118; Add. MS. 4966 fo. 101; Stowe MS. 670, fo. 70
SMITH….of co. Glone, confirmed…. Feb. 1614-15, by Camden; or, ou a fesse gu. betw. 3 satires sa. as many fleurs-de-lis arg. Harl. MSS. 1422, fo. 38 and 6095, fo. 28.
SMITH….of Binderton Sussex.  Add. MS. 4966, fo. 18,….by Segar.
SMITH….of London, merchant, azure, two bars between three escallops or, by R. St. George, Clar. Harl. MS. 1105, fo. 7.
SMITH….of Brindley, Cheshire, azure, on a fess or between three wolves’ heads erased argent as many fleurs-de-lys sable, by R. St. George, Clar. Stowe MS 703, fo. 73.
SMITH….of Westminster, by W. Ryley, Lane. Her. Stowe MS 703, fo. 63.
SMYTH,….,Alderman and Salter, of Broad St. (died at his house at Hammersmith Oct. 1667), by Sir Ed. Bysshe.  Stowe MS> 677, fo. 25.
SMITH, ANDREW,     of Yateley, Hants, descended of John Smith of Thackstead, Essex, 12 Jan. 1579-80, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Harl. MS 1441, fo. 90; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 48; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 38.
SMITH, ANNE, wife to Sir John Yorke, Sheriff of London, 1 Dec. 1549, by Hawley. Add. MS> 16,940, fo. 203; Harl. MSS. 578, fol. 9 and 3526, fo. 9 (which has “Smith of London”).
SMITH, ANTHONY, of Milford, Surrey, Esq., on of the band of gent. pentioners to Chas. II., who was also servant to Chas. I., 4 June 1662, by Sir E. Walker, Gart. Her. Coll., fo. 47.
SMITH, THOMAS, brother of Anthony, and to the heirs of Anthony their father; new arms 29 June 1667, by Sir E. Bysshe, Clar. Add. MS. 14,293, fo. 2; Guil. 163; argt., a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased azure.
SMITH, CHRISTOPHER, of London, one of the proctors of the Arches, by Sir G. Dethick, Cooke and Flower.  Harl. MS. 1441, fo. 76; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 25; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 44.
SMITH, EDMOND, of Middx. (s. and h. of Peter, of Tudenham, Suff., s. and h. of Robert, of Bury-St-Edmunds), confirmed 5 May 1561, by Hervey. Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 21; Harl. MS 1470, fo. 27, 140, copy of grant, Birt. Mus.; Guil 292.
SMITH, EDWARD, of London, arg., a fess vert betw. 3 ogresses, by Camden. Morgan’s Sphere, 117.
SMITH, EDWARD, of London, Esq., s. of John, of Bourton-on-the-Wolds, co. Leic., s. of Paul, of the same, 29 Oct. 1667, by Walker, Gart. Harl. MSS. 1172, fo. 37, and 1144, fo. 37.
SMITH, EDWARD, 1671, in Burke, see William, etc. Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 39.
SMITH, GAWEN, one of her Majestics dromers, (crest) on the top of a pillar (ppr.) a spear (sphere) or, 1587, by Cooke, “the engineer without Aldgate, one of the drumsters to Queen Elizabeth.” Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 110, 587, fo. 4 and 3526, fo. 4: Berry, Arms: arg., a saltire wavy az., an inescocheon or, guttee de sang (poix), thereon a lion rampt. sa., armed gu., see Add. MS 4966, fo. 56.
SMITH, GEORGE, of London, s. of John of Sleghill, Westmorld., gent. 23 March 1576-7 in Q’s Coll. Of. MS. 145, fo. 42.  See John.
SMITH, HENRY, of Old Stretford, co. Warwick, 20 May 1668, by Sir E. Walker, Gart. Her. Coll., fo. 73.
SMITH, HUGH (s. of John), of Long Ashton, Somers’, ratified and confirmed 1568 “by all the Kings and Heralds”; grant of crest (a griffin’s head) by Hawley, 36 Hen. VIII. C. 22 (Visit of Somersetsh., 1623), fo. 344, Her. Coll.; Guil. 262; Harl. MS. 1116, fo. 43.
SMITH, HUMPHREY, of Charlton, par. of Vainton, s. of John, of Columpton, etc., crest 4 June 1574, by Cooke. Stowe MS. 676, fo. 44; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 37, fo. 57, copy of grant.
SMITH, HUMFREY, s. and h. of john, of Collumpton, dec, etc., 30 Mar. 1583, by Sir G. Dethick.  (Justice Smith) Harl. MS> 1441, fo. 80; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 31. Alteration.
SMITH, HUMPHREY, of Farmington, co. Glone., and William, of London, grandsons of Humfrey Smith, recotr of Castle Easton, Wilts, benefactor to the College of Arms; Warrant 7 Oct. 1674, certified by Dugdale, Norr.; per pale erm. and erminois, an eagle displayed sa. MS. Ashm. 858, fo. 239-40, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib.
SMITH, ISRAEL, eldest Capt. in Col. Ewer’s reg (see that name), 23 Feb. 1647-8, by Sir Ed. Bysshe, Add. MS. 26,758, fo. 14; (Stowe S. 677, fo. 36) copy of grant).
SMITH, JAMES, of London and Bray, Berks (in Bysshe’s Grants), S. of James, of Cookham, Berks, 23 an. 1653-4, by Bysshe, Gart. Add. MS. 26,758, fo. 16; Stowe MS. 677, fo. 49; MS. Ashm. 858, fo. 228-9; Harl. MS. 6832, fo. 413.
SMITH, JAMES, of New Windsor, Berks, see under William SMITH of Old Windsor.
SMITH, SIR JOHN, KNT., Alderm. and Sheriff of London, s. of James,, of Bray, by Sir E. Bysshe, Clar. (Harl. MS. 1105, fo. 39); Bysshe’s Grants, 30.
SMYTHE,(JOHN), of Bristol, lord of Stryden, co. Glouc., “quarterly, azure & golde, a fesse owndy cottessed, thereon a griffen betwene ij mullets, upon eche quarter a Bulls head and a griffin counterchanged of the felde; his creste a demye griffen azure issant oute of a cressant gold, wreath ar. and sa., mantlet g. lined ar., b. (balls or tassels) or.” Barker’s Grants, Stowe MS. 692, fo. 84; Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 93; John, 9 May, Harl. MS. 1544; Add. MS> 16,940, fo. 205 (has “John Smithe of Bristowe, Somersetshire, a Pattent of armes and crest given unto him the ix of Maye in the Xxxvjth yere of Henry the VIII” (1544)).
SMYTH, JOHN, of Walden, Essex, descended of honest lineage, all his ancestors and predecessors bearing arms, but being uncertain, etc; arms. sa., a fesse dancettee, etc.; crest, a demy-lion reguardant, holdin in the deter paw a spear ppr.; 12 March 1545-6, 36 H. VIII., by Barker. Lansd. MS. 210 fo. 70; Stowe MS. 692, fo. 82; Grants I., 211; by Barker, Gart., 1545, 35 H. VIII., a note in Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 93, in another hand. (His 2nd son Sir Thomas, secretary to Edw. VI and Q. Eliz., Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, quartering Charnock and impaling the arms of Karkike and Wilford (his two wives); Crest, a salamander regnardant in flames proper, ducally gorged or, see Visitation 1552, 1558 and 1612); Harl. MS. 6065, fo. 41, 42; Life of Sir Thomas Smith, by John Strype, app. i.
SMITH, JOHN, of Newcastle-under-Lyme, co. Staff., gent. 17 Sept., 4 Q. Eliz., 1561, a patent of confirmation and gift of the crest by Sir G. Dethick, Gart.; barry of six erm. and gu., over all a lion ramp. gu., crowned or. Quite a different coat allowed at the Visit. in 1583 to Ralph, s. of John. December in Guil. 403, and Harl. MSS. 1441, fo. 102, and 1359, fo. 82; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 41.
SMYTHE, JOHN, of Old Buckenham, Norfolk, gift…1562. (Harvey’s Grants), Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 16; Visit. of Norfolk; Harl. MS. 1552, fo. 35 Arms. per chev. nebulee sa. and or, three panthers’ heads counterchanged. Crest, a horse’s head erased per chev. nebulee or and sa.
SMITH, JOHN (or George), of London, gent., s. of John, of Sleghill, Westmorld., gent., 23 Mar. 1576-7, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Harl. MS> 1441. fo. 86; called George in Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 42 and in Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 42.
SMITH, JOHN, of Halesworth, Suff. (exemplified 2 Dec. 1588),….by Cooke.  Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 93 and 1069; az., billeree or, a bend erm.; crest, on a chapeau (gu, turned up erm.) two wings az., billetee or, on each wing a bend erm. Visit. of Norfolk, 1613; Harl. MS. 1552, fo 60.
SMITH, JOHN, Craffield, Suff., 9 July 1663 (1633 rather), by R. St. George, Clar. Harl. MS. 1085. fo. 27.
SMITH, JOHN (CAPT.), of Willoughby, co. Linc. (descended of Smith of Cuerdly, co. Lanc.), Capt. of 250 soldiers under Henry Volda, E. of Meldritch, etc.; grant of knighthood and arms to him by Sigismnnd Bathori, Count of Transylvania (Leipsie), 9 Dec. 1603 (1623), for services against the Turk. Granted three Turks’ heads for his arms, as he had with his own sword cut off the heads of three. Registered at Heralds’ College and alteration of coat 19 Aug. 1625, by Segar. Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 38. fo. 142, copy of testimonial, etc., and Harl. MS. 1507, fo. 399; Add. MSS. 4304, fo. 93, and 12,225, fo. 103; Capt. John Smith’s true travels, etc., 1630, p. 17; Guil. 251; see Harl. MS. 6140, fo. 54; for trick see Le Neve’s MS. 399; Cotton MS. Julius C. vii., fo. 243.
SMITH, LAURENCE of Brabant, etc., addition Jan. 1663-4, by Walker, Gart. Add. MSS. 14,293, fo. 63, and 14,294, fo. 18; Harl. MSS; 1172, fo. 63, and 6179, fo. 77.
SMITH, MARGARET (daughter of Thomas, of Cockermouth), wife to Edward Wilmot of Southampton, arms 15 Sept. 1552, by Hawley. Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 205; Harl. MSS. 578. fo. 9 and 3526, fo. 9.
SMITH, MARY (daughter of Cooper), ex. 1 William Tofte, 2 Rich. Smith; she was the daughter of Dorothy Smith, late nx. John Cooper of London, esq. ; by Ro. Cooke, Clar. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 4.
SMYTH, MATTHEW, of Denby (High Sheriff), co. Derby, 10 Feb. 1684-5, by Sir W. Dugdale and Norroy; per chev. az. and or. three escallops counterchanged; crest, an escallop per fess or and az. Harl. MS. 6834, fo. 178; Grants III., 253; Lansd. MS. 867, fo. 52.
SMITH, MILES, Bp. of Cloucester, a confirmation June 1617, by Camden. Harl. MS> 6095, fo. 35. ; C. 17 (Visit. Glouc., 1623), Her. Coll., and Visit. Gouc., 1623 Harl. Soc., p. 148.
SMYTH, PHILIP, of London, crest 16 July 1569, by Cooke. Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 49; Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 118.; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 101; Harl. MS. 5887, fo 75.
SMITH, RANDOLPH, late Sheriff of Norwich gent., 2nd son of John, s. of Randle, of Stockport, ches., and coz. to Sir Thos., late of Chester, father of Sir Laurence, Knt., confirmed (a grant) 21 April 1593, by W. Dethick, Gart. Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 36, fo. 16, copy of grant or confirmation; Stowe MS. 676, fo. 87. 99.
SMITH, RICHARD, of London, 31 Jan. 1502-3, 24 H. VII., by John Wrythe or Wriothesley, Gart., and Roger Machado Richmond Clar. Add. MS. 17,506, fo. 37; Le Neve’s MS. 259.
SMITH, RICHARD, of London, in Bow Lane, fishmonger, 12 Nov. 1571, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 87; date from Visit. of London, 1634; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 66.
SMITH (RICHARD), of the Exchequer, was of Herefordsh. (2nd s. of Thomas, of Credenhill, co. Heref.), 1590, by Cooke.  Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 101; 1590 in Harl. MS. 1545, fo. 40, 101; see Harl. MS. 1396, fo. 282, 293, and Visit. of Shropshire, 1623.
SMITH, RICHARD, Doctor of Physic in Ord. to the Queen, born in co. Glouc.: arg., three saltires sa., on a chief gu. a lion passant or; crest, out of falmes ppr. a phoeni head or; confirmed 10 Aug. 1591, by W. Dethick, Gart. Q’s Coll. Of. MS. 36, fo. 15, copy of confirmation; (1592 in Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 16); Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 15; Stowe MS 676, fo. 87, 98.
SMITH, RICHARD, clerk of the cheyne (cheque) of H.M.’s Yeoman of the Guard, 16 sept. 1662, by Sir E. Walker, Gart. Her. Coll., fo 48.
SMITH, ROBERT, of London, quarterly….1581, by Cooke: 1 and 4 (sa.) a chev. betw. three gryphons segreant or, a chief of the last; 2 and 3, sa., a fesse and in chief three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest, a talbot passant per pale or and sable. Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 96, and 1422 fo. 121.
SMYTH, ROGER of Withcocks, co. Leic. (s. of John Smyth alias Heriz), crest 16 May 1565, by Sir G. Dethick: An arm couped, the sleeve per pale or and gu., holding in the hand a griffin’s head erased az., beaked or, langued, eyed and eared gu. See William HARES als SMYTH (p. 114), 8 Feb. 1499, by C. Carhill, Norr. Top. and Geneal. iii., 258, copy of grant, and of Dethick’s grant, p. 259.
SMITH, SAMUEL, one escocheon 27 July 1642, by J. Borough, Gart. Grants II., 679; Harl. MS. 1105, fo. 58.
SMYTH, SIMON, of Boughton Monchelsey, Kent, confirmation 14 Sept. 1605, by Camdeu. Harl. MS. 6095, fo. 19; Stowe MS. 618, fo. 104; Guil 77; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 14.
SMITH, SIMON, of Westminster, co. Middx., see under William Smith of Old Windsor.
SMITH als REED, THOMAS, of Norfolk gent., 15 January 1481-2, 21 E. IV., by Thomas (Holme), Clar. See Proc. Soc. of Antiq., 1897, 2nd S., xvi., p. 345.
SMYTHE OR SMITH, THOMAS, of Campden, co. Glouc., esq. (Stowe MS. 692, fo. 84, arms, sa., on a fesse betw. iij saltires or as many pellets, each charged with a fleur-de-lis of the second; Crest, ij amphibions in a Knott indorsant az., langued gu., wreathed or az., lined arg.); dated at Bulen 4 Sept. 1549, 36 Hen. VIII., by Barker; confirmed by Gib. Dethrick, Kt., Gart. (1542 in Harl. MS. 1359, fo 2); Harl, MS. 1507, fo. 451, and Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 38 fo. 45, copy of grant; Harl. MS> 3526, plate or fo. 4, Nos. 3 and 4; Grants II., 15 (1544, 36 Hen. VIII); Gwilts Notices of Thomas and Henry Smith (1836), p. 14; Le Neve’s MS. 452.
SMYTH, THOMAS of Har place, Herts, 10 Nov. 1556, by Hawley. Add MS. 16,940, fo. 208.
SMYTHE, THOMAS of London, customer, gift 1559. (Harvey’s Grants), Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 28, per pale or and az., a chev. arg. betw. three lions passant guardant counterchanged. Father of Sir John Smythe of Ostenhanger, Kent, Visit. of Lond., 1568. thomas 2nd s. of John, of Corsham, Wilts, became farmer of the customs to Q. Eliz. and Q. E. (Q. Mary and Q. Eliz.).
SMITH, THOMAS of Backton, Suff.,….1572, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1859, fo. 106; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 93; Stowe MS, 670.
SMITH, THOMAS, s. and h. of Sir Laurence Smith of Hough, Chesire, s. of Sir Thomas Smith, confirmed 7 July 1579, by Flower, Norr. MS. Ashm. 834, fo. 7, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib.; Guil 184. A baronctcy conferred in 1660.
SMITH, THOMAS, of London, quarterly….1588, by Cooke. Add. MS. 4966, fo. 31; Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 109, and 1422, fo. 120.
SMITH, THOMAS, of Credenhill, co. Hereford,….1590, by Cooke. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 41.
SMITH, THOMAS, of…., co. Hereford, 24 Sept. 1569, by Cooke. Bannerman’s MS., No. 9, 447.
SMITH, THOMAS, of Crestonhager (Westenhanger), Kent,….1591, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1359, fo 102; Stowe MS. 670, fo. 45.
SMYTH, THOMAS, lately elected Alderm. city of London, and now master of the Skinners’ co., 13 Aug. 1629, by Sir R. St. George, Clar. Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 67; Grants II., 654.
SMYTH, THOMAS of the par. of St. Mary Magdalen Milk St., citizen and stationer of London s. of John of Church Lawford, co. Warwick, confirmed 18 Oct. 1633, by R. St. George Clar. at the Visit. of London. Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 58, 97; c. 24 (Visit of London, 1634), fo. 384, father of Thomas, of Westerham, Kent.
SMITH, SIR THOMAS of Burgh, Norfolk, 27 March 1672, by Sir E. Bysshe, Clar. Harl. MS. 6179, fo. 35.
SMITH, THOMAS, see under Anthony Smith.
SMYTH, WILLIAM, als HARES, 1499, see HARES and William SMITH als HARES of Leicester.
SMYTH, WILLIAM, of the city of Hereford, esq., and on of the Clarks of the Privy Council, confirmed 2 July 1563, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Harl. MS. 1441, fo. 65; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 7; 10 May in Grants II., 562.
SMITHE WILLIAM, of Nunstanton co. Durham, confirmed 11 Jan. 1567-8, by Flower, Gart. MS. Ashm. 834, fo. 70, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib.; Guil 164.
SMITH, WILLIAM of Plumpton, Kent, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 91; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 64; erm., a mullet gu. betw. three bezants, by Norroy, 1586, in Stowe MS. 670, fo. 14.
SMITH OR SMYTH, WILLIAM of Luton, beds, 20 March 1580-81, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart., yeoman of the buttery; erm., on a chev. engrailed az. three estoiles or (or three fleurs-de-lis), in chief a mullet gu.; confirmed 25 Oct. 1583, by Cooke “I believe.” Harl. MSS. 1441, fo. 90, and 1422, fo 22; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 49; MS. Ashm. 844, fo. 47, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib; Guil 88.
SMITH, WILLIAM, of the Inner Temple (s. of William, of Brailsford, co. Derby, granted….1585, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 88; Guil 372; Add. MS. 4955, fo. 52; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 37.
SMITH, WILLIAM, of Axwell, co. Durham,….1615, by R. St. George, Norr. Stowe MS. 706, fo. 11. 17.
SMITH, WILLIAM of Damagh, co. Kilkenny, Sec. to James, Earl of Ormond,….June 1635, by Thomas Preston, Ulster K. of Arms. Kilken. Arch. Soc., i., 261, copy of grant, Brit. Mus.
SMITH, WILIAM (called Edward by Burke, of Old Windsor, Berks, son of Christoper, late of Windsor, s. of Walter, granted (on the authority of their grandfather’s seal (the colours assigned “until upon dilligent serch they shall find what were the Originall Collers”) 21 April 1671; not signed, but by Walker. Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 39, copy of grant, Brit. Mus., “vera copia.”
SMITH, CHRISTOPHER, of Backhurst, Sussex, son of Christoper, late of Windsor, s. of Walter, granted (on the authority of their grandfather’s seal (the colours assigned “until upon dilligent serch they shall find what were the Originall Collers”) 21 April 1671; not signed, but by Walker. Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 39, copy of grant, Brit. Mus., “vera copia.”
SMITH, JAMES of New Windsor, Berks, and son of Christoper, late of Windsor, s. of Walter, granted (on the authority of their grandfather’s seal (the colours assigned “until upon dilligent serch they shall find what were the Originall Collers”) 21 April 1671; not signed, but by Walker. Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 39, copy of grant, Brit. Mus., “vera copia.”
SMITH, SIMON of Westminster, Middx., son of Christoper, late of Windsor, s. of Walter, granted (on the authority of their grandfather’s seal (the colours assigned “until upon dilligent serch they shall find what were the Originall Collers”) 21 April 1671; not signed, but by Walker. Harl. MS. 1172, fo. 39, copy of grant, Brit. Mus., “vera copia.”
SMITH als HARES, WILLIAM of…., co. Leic., aruis 8 Feb. 1499-1500, by Ch Carlyl, Norr. Top. and Gen. iii, 255; see Visit. of London 1568, Leic 1619 and Northamptonshire 1618-19.

Kathryn Elizabeth “Kate” Smith (1907-1986), American singer and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, best known for her rendition of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America”
Pyper America Smith (b. 1997), known as Pyper America, an American fashion model and musician, a bassist in an alternative rock band called The Atomics
William T. Smith (1928-2018), American gold medalist wrestler at the 1952 Olympic Games
Orin C. Smith (1942-2018), American coffee executive, president and CEO of Starbucks (2000–2005)
Richard Smith (b. 1960), American businessman, former CEO of Equifax (2005-2017); he stepped down from his position following a data breach affecting 143 million people
Bob Smith (1958-2018), American comedian and author from Buffalo, New York
Mary Elizabeth Smith (1923-2017), American gossip columnist, known as “The Grand Dame of Dish”
George Bundy Smith (1937-2017), American lawyer and jurist for the New York Supreme Court (1980–1992) and Court of Appeals (1992–2006)
Fenwick Smith (1949-2017), American principal flutist of the Boston Pops Orchestra
Roger LaVerne Smith (1932-2017), American television and film actor and screenwriter, known for his work on 77 Sunset Strip and Mister Roberts, husband and manager of Ann-Margret, his wife of 50 years

American Revolution Veterans
There were just over 20,000 men that served during the American Revolution, below you will find a listing of just a few of these men.
Abraham Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Austen Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Ballard Smith, Virginia, Rank of Lieutenant
Bollard Smith, Virginia, Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
Ceasar Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
David Smith, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
Duncan Smith, New York, Rank of Fife
Edward Smith, Virginia, Rank of Private
Elizah Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Private
George Smith, New York, Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
Gersham Smith, New York, Rank of Private
Ino Smith, Vermont, Rank of Sergeant
Isaac Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Ithamar Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Jaba Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
James Smith, Pennsylvania, Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
James Smith, Virginia, Rank of Ensign
Jedadiah Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Jesse Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Job Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Major
John Smith, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Joseph Smith, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
Joshua Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Juba Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Littleberry Smith, Virginia, Rank of Private
Matthew Smith, Pennsylvania, Rank of Major
Nathnll Smith, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
Peter Smith, New Jersey, Rank of Corporal
Randall Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Richard Smith, New York, Rank of Private
Samuel Smith, New York, Rank of Lieutenant
Thomas Smith, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
William Smith, Virginia, Rank of Private

Civil War Veterans
There were over 80,000 men with the surname of Smith that served in the Civil War.  Below you will find a list of just a few of these men.
Andrew Smith, 48th Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
Andrew Smith, Martin’s Regiment, Texas Cavalry, Confederate, Texas
August Smith, 155th Regiment, New York Infantry, Union, New York
Barney Smith, 3rd Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, Union, Wisconsin
Cameron Smith, 52nd Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Confederate, North Carolina
Cephus Smith, 12th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Cyrus Smith, 4th Regiment, Vermont Infantry, Union, Vermont
Edward Smith, 70th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Electious Smith, 21st Regiment, Virginia Cavalry, Confederate, Virginia
Eugene Smith, 2nd Battalion, Maryland Infantry, Confederate, Maryland
Floyd Smith, 54th Regiment, Virginia Infantry, Confederate, Virginia
Francis Smith, 15th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Confederate, Georgia
George Smith, 23rd Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
Gilbert Smith, 10th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Green Smith, 33rd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, Confederate, Mississippi
Hiram Smith, 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
Israel Smith, 53rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
Jack Smith, 3rd Regiment, United States Colored Cavalry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Jacob Smith, 3rd Regiment, Louisiana Infantry, Confederate, Louisiana
James Smith, 142nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry, Union, Indiana
James Smith, 5th Regiment, Florida Infantry, Confederate, Florida
John Smith, Signal Corps, US Volunteers, Union, Union Volunteers
Jordan Smith, 14th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Luther Smith, 12th Battalion, Georgia Light Artillery, Confederate, Georgia
Marion Smith, 33rd Regiment, New York Infantry, Union, New York
Mathew Smith, 13th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Moses Smith, 8th Regiment, Kansas Infantry, Union, Kansas
Peter Smith, 44th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Timothy Smith, 22nd Regiment, New Jersey Infantry, Union, New Jersey
William Smith, 77th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Willis Smith, 14th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colroed Troops
Winslow Smith, 122nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Baron and Viscount Carrington; ancient. The family was of Wootton Waven, co. Warwick, and Ashby Folville, co. Leicester, and derived descent from John Carrington, who assumed the surname of Smith, temp. Richard II.; Sir Charles Smith, Knt., of Wootton Waven and Ashby Folville, was created Boron Carrington, in the Peerage of England, 1643, and Viscount Carrington, in the Peerage of Ireland, in the same year, both titles now extinct). – Ar. a cross gu. betw. four peacocks close az. Crest—A peacock’s head erased ducally gorged or. Supporters—Dexter, a man-at-arms in complete armour, on the helmet a plume of feathers ar. and gu. holding in his right hand a banner of St. George, the staff or; sinister, a lion ramp. gu. guttée d’or, armed and langued az.
2) (Baron Carrington, created 1796). Motto—Tenax et fidelis. – Or, a chev. cotised betw. two demi griffins couped respecting each other in chief, and a like griffin in base sa. a mullet for diff. Crest—An elephant’s head erased or, eared gu. charged on the neck with three fleurs-de lis az. two and one. Supporters—Two griffins sa. winged, beaked, and membered or, on the body three trefoils slipped in pale of the last.
3) (Tring Park, co. Herts, bart.). Motto—Marti et ingenio. – Erm. a saltire az. charged with an escallop or, in base a dolphin naiant embowed of the second. Crest—Betw. a pen in bend or, feathered ar. surmounted by a sword ppr. pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon az. charged with an escallop of the first, pendent by a ribbon gu.
4) (Eardiston, co. Worcester, bart.). – Sa. a cross flory or, on a chief engr. erm. a demi lion issuant betw. two cross crosslets gu. Crest—A greyhound couchant sa. collar and line reflexed over the back or, the body charged with a cross crosslet of the last, the dexter paw resting upon across flory, as in the arms.
5) (Sydling St. Nicholas, co. Dorset, bart. See Marriott). Motto—Semper fidelis. – Sa. a fess erminois cotised or, betw. three martlets of the last, each charged with an erm. spot. Crest—A greyhound sejant gu. collared and line reflexed over the back or, charged on the shoulder with a mascle ar.
6) (Cusac-Smith, Newtown, King’s co., bart.). Motto—En Dieu est mon espoir. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed or, three lozenges of the last, for Smith; 2nd and 3rd, per pale or and az. a fess counterchanged, for Cusac. Crest—In a ducal coronet or, a unicorn’s head az. armed gold. Supporters—(granted to the late Sir William Smith, on taking the additional name of Cusac, in 1799)—Dexter, a merman sa. crined and garnished or, bearing in his exterior hand a trident of the second; sinister, a mermaid sa. crined and garnished or, and bearing in her exterior hand a mirror ppr. framed and handled of the second.
7) (Edmondthorpe, co. Leicester, bart., extinct 1721; Sir Edward Smith, Bart., of Edmondthorpe, descended from Erasmus Smith, Esq., of Sowerby, whose ancestor, William Heriz of Withcock, same co., assumed the name of Smith, temp. Henry VII., was so created 1661). – Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezanta aa many crosses pattée fitchée sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an Indian goat’s head ar. eared sa. horned gold.
8) (Hatherton, co. Chester, bart., extinct 1706; Thomas Smith, of Hatherton, descended from Sir Thomas Smith, Knt., of Hough, same co., was created a bart. 1660; the second bart. d. s. p. m.). – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. sa.
9) (Pickering, Upper Canada, and Preston, co. Northumberland, bart., extinct 1837; Sir David William Smith, only son of Col. John Smith, who d. 1795, in command of Fort Niagara, Canada, waa created a bart. 1821, left four daus. his co-heirs). Motto—Pro rege et patria. – Per pale gu. and az. on a chev. or, betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many leopards’ faces sa. on a chief of the third a beaver pass. ppr. Crest—A sinister hand erect apaumée, couped at the wrist gu. the wrist encircled with a wreath of oak or, the palm charged with a trefoil slipped ar., motto over, Canada.
10) (Hadley, co. Middlesex, bart.). Motto—Spes decus et robur. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, vert three acorns slipped or; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three bugles stringed sa. as many mullets of the field. Crest—A falcon, wings endorsed ppr. belled or, in the beak an acorn slipped and leaved also ppr.
11) (Sir Lionel Smith, Bart., K.C.B., &c.). – Ar. on a bend cotised betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. three lozenges or, a canton gu. thereon a sword erect ppr. pommel and hilt gold, the blade encircled by an Eastern crown of the last. Crest—Issuing out of an Eastern crown or, a dexter arm embowed in armour, entwined with a branch of laurel ppr. charged with two lozenges, as in the arms, the hand grasping a sword broken also ppr. pommel and hilt gold. Crest (of augmentation)—A representation of the ornamental centre-piece of the service of plate presented to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Lionel Smith by his friends at Bombay, all ppr. Supporters—Two infantry soldiers accoutred and holding in their exterior hands a musket grounded all ppr.
12) (Sir Charles Smith, of Suttons, co. Essex, bart., 1824). – Sa. a fess cotised wavy betw. three martlets or. Crest—A talbot statant sa. collared and chain reflexed over the back or.
13) (Crantock, co. Cornwall, bart., extinct 1661; John Smith, of that place, a merchant in London, who bore the arms of Smith, of Tresonnick, was created a bart. 1642, d. s. p. m.). – Az. a saltire betw. four martlets ar.
14) (Upton in Westham, co. Essex, bart., created 1665, extinct 1852). – Arms same as Smith, of Hough, co. Chester. Crest—An ostrich’s head couped, in the beak a horseshoe all ppr.
15) (Isleworth, co. Middlesex, bart., extinct 1760; descended from James Smith, of Hammersmith, Alderman of London temp. James I.; his grandson, Sir John Smith, Bart., of Isleworth, was so created 1694; the second bart. d. unm.). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. a mullet gu. betw. two torteaux; 2nd and 3rd, gu. two chevronels ar. a border of the last.
16) (Newland, co. York, bart., created 1784, has assumed the surname of Dodsworth). – Per saltire ar. and sa. in chief and in base a trefoil slipped gu. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a boar’s head az. tusked, &c., of the second, langued gu.
17) (Aliwal, bart., created 1846; granted to Sir Henry George Wakelyn Smith, G.C.B., son of John Smith, of Whittlesea). – Ar. on a chev. betw. two martlets in chief gu. and on a mount in base vert an elephant ppr. a fleur-de-lis betw. two lions ramp. of the first, from the centre chief pendent by a ribbon gu. fimbriated az. a representation of the Waterloo medal. Crest—Upon an Eastern crown or, a lion ramp. ar. supporting a lance ppr. therefrom flowing to the sinister a pennon gu. charged with two palm branches in saltire or.
18) (co. Bedford). – Gu. a chev. betw. three griffins segreant or, on a chief of the last as many fleurs-de-lis of the first.
19) (Aspley House, co. Bedford; representative, in the female line, of the ancient family of Chernovk, Bart., of Hulcote). Motto—Non deficit alter. – Ar. three demi savages betw. nine crosses crosslet sa., quartering Hervey, Willis, Eliot, Orlebar, Chernock, &c., &c. Cresl—An oak tree ppr. with acorns gold.
20) (Abingdon, co. Berks, and London, 1634. Visit. London, 1634 and 1638). – Per chev. ar. and sa. three anvils counterchanged. Crest—On a mural coronet or, an ostrich’s head erased ppr. beaked of the first, in the beak a horseshoe ar.
21) (co. Berks; granted 21 April, 1671, to Edward Smith, of Old Windsor, co. Berks, Christopher Smith, of Buckhurst, co. Sussex, James Smith, of New Windsor, and Simon Smith, of Westminster, sons of Christopher Smith, late of Windsor). – Or, three martlets purp. Crest—A martlet purp.
22) (John Benjamin Smith, Esq., of King’s Ride, Ascot, co. Berks, M.P. for Stockport). – Sa. on a fess ar. betw. three saltires of the last as many fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest—An ostrich’s head couped, in the beak a horseshoe ppr.
23) (John Smith, Esq., of Bombay). Motto—In Deo fides. – Erm. on a fess sa. a bull’s head cabossed betw. two wings ar. Crest—A demi greyhound reguard. ar. supporting a flagstaff ppr. therefrom flowing to the sinister a flag sa. charged witn a bull’s head cabossed betw. two wings, as in the arms.
24) (or Smyth). (cos. Bucks and Cornwall). – Az. a saltire ar. betw. four martlets or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a griffin’s head bezantee, beaked or.
25) (granted to Benjamin Smith, Esq., of Tan-y-Graig, co. Carnarvan). Motto—Lux omnibus refulgeat. – Az. on a fess dancettee or, betw. three decrescents of the last, as many mullets of six points of the first. Crest—On a rock a tower both ppr. thereon a crescent surmounted by a mullet of six points or.
26) (Hugh Smith, Esq., of Calais). – Sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three grinins’ heads erased or, a boar’s head couped close betw. two pheons gu. Crest—A stork’s head couped or, beaked gu. charged with two bends vert, wings endorsed sa.
27) (Duff-Assheton-Smith, of Vaenol, co. Carnarvon; exemplified to George William Duff, Esq., ou his assuming, by royal licence, the additional surnames of Assheton-Smith, in compliance with the testamentary injunction of Mrs. Assheton; widow of his grand-uncle, Thomas Assheton-Smith, Esq., of Tedworth and Vaenol). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. two bars betw. three pheons or, for Smith; 2nd, ar. a mullet pierced sa., for Assheton; 3rd, vert a fess erm. betw. a stag’s head caboshed in chief and two escallops in base or. Crest—1st, Smith: Issuant from a mural crown or, two arms embowed vested az. cuffed ar. holding a pheon or; 2nd, Assheton: A mower in the act of mowing vested per pale ar. and sa. sleeves and hose counterchanged, cap quarterly ar. and sa. scythe handle or, the blade ppr.
28) (Hough, co. Chester; confirmed by Flower, Norroy, 1579; created bart. 1660, extinct 1706). – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or. a demi lion ramp. issuing sa. Crest—An ostrich gu. in the beak a horseshoe ar.
29) (Oldhaugh, co. Chester; descended from Smith, of Cuerdeley; William Smith, Rouge Dragon, who d. 1618, was a younger son of Randal Smith, of Oldhaugh). – Per pale or and gu. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged, quartering az. a fret or, for Oldhaugh. Crest—A fleur-de-lis per pale or and gu.
30) (Thomas Smith, Bishop of Carlisle, 1684-1702). – Or, a chev. betw. three crosses pattée fitchée sa., from a portrait. Another Coat (MS. Trin. Coll. Oxon)—Sa. three bars or, in chief as many crosses pattée fitchée of the last.
31) (cos. Chester and Salop). – Ar. a fess vert betw. three roundles ermines.
32) (Bradbury and Nutburch, co. Chester). – Az. two bars wavy erm. in chief three bezants. Crest—An ostrich’s head ar. winged az. gorged with a collar wavy of the last, thereon three bezants, in the beak a horseshoe of the second.
33) (co. Chester). – Ar. a fess vert betw. three human hearts gu.
34) (Brindley, co. Chester). – Az. on a fess or, betw. three wolves’ heads erased ar. as many fleur-de-lis sa. Crest—A demi wolf or fox erm. in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or.
35) (co. Chester). – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, three demi lions ramp. couped gu.
36) (co. Cornwall). – Ar. two bars gemelles sa. on a chief of the first a demi griffin segreant issuant of the second.
37) (Cockermouth, co. Cumberland). – Sa. on a fess engr. or, betw. three squirrels sejant ar. each holding a marigold slipped ppr. as many roundles barry of six ar. and az.
38) (Dunston, co. Derby, originally from co. York). – Ar. on a bend engr. az. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased gu. three fleurs-de-lis or.
39) (Duffield, co. Derby). – Sa. a fess dancettée betw. three lions ramp. each supporting a garb all or.
40) (Denby, co. Derby, granted 10 Feb. 1684). – Per chev. az. and or, three escallops counterchanged. Crest—An escallop per fess or and az.
41) (co. Derby: four descents are given in Vincent’s “Derbyshire,” 1634). – Az. a chev. betw. three leopards’ heads erased or, charged with pellets.
42) (Atherstone, co. Derby; the heiress m. Kirkland, of Ashby). – Or, on a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces gu. as many suns ppr.
43) (Sir George Smith, of Exeter). – Sa. a fess cotised betw. three martlets or. Crest—A greyhound sejant gu. collared and lined ar.
44) (Modford, co. Devon). – Sa. a fess barruled betw. three martlets or.
45) (Totnes, co. Devon). – Az. a chev. betw. three acorns slipped and leaved or.
46) (co. Devon). – Ar. a bend wavy plain cotised betw. three eagles displ. sa. Crest—A demi eagle displ. erm.
47) (granted to Robert Claude Smith, Esq., of Redcliffe Tower, Paignton, co. Devon). Motto—Mediis tranquillus in undis. – Az. a burning cup or, betw. two chess-rooks of the last in chief and a hunting-horn ar. garnished and stringed gu. in base. Crest—A dolphin haurient or.
48) (Dorchester). Motto—Benigno Numine. – Per fess ar. and gu. a bend betw. two fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar.
49) (Durham; granted to John Smith, D.D., of Durham, and borne by his descendant, the lato Major-Gen. Sir Charles Felix Smith, K.C.B.). – Az. on a mount in base vert a castle ar. on a chief or, three storks’ heads erased gu. Crest—A stork ar. rising from a mount vert, beaked and legged gu. in the beak a serpent ppr.
50) (Overdinsdale Hall, co. Durham; exemplified to John William Smith, Esq., of Stockton-on-Trent, who was authorised, by royal licence, to change his patronymic, Grey, for the name of Smith). (West Harrington, co. Durham). – Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed, maned, and crined or, three crosses crosslet of the last. Crest—On a mount vert a stork, wings elevated ar. charged on the breast and on either wing with a cross crosslet gu. in the beak a snake ppr.
51) (granted by St. George to William Smith, Esq., of Durham. Visit. 1615). – Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed and maned or, three lozenges erminois. Crest—A dexter arm embowed erminois, cuff ar. grasping a broken sword ppr. hilt or.
52) (Ryehope, co. Durham). Motto—Tenax et fidelis. – Ar. on a bend gu. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. armed, maned, and crined or, three cross crosslets of the last. Crest—On a mount vert a stork, wings elevated ar. charged on the breast and on either wing with a cross crosslet gu. in the beak a snake ppr.
53) (Colpike Hall, co. Durham; exemplified to Edward Taylor-Smith, Esq., who assumed the latter name in addition to his patronymic, Taylor, and the arms of Smith and Taylor quarterly, in 1843). – Per pale gu. and az. on a chev. engr. or, betw. three bezants, each charged with a cross pattée fitchée sa. as many like crosses sa. Crest—A stag lodged ar. semée of estoiles az. attired and gorged with an Eastern crown and chain reflexed over the back or.
54) (Leadbitter-Smith; exemplified to John Leadbitter¬Smith, Esq., of Bird Hill, Whickham, co. Durham). Motto—Fidelis. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale gu. and az. on a chev, engr. or, betw. three bezants, each charged with a cross pattée fitchée sa. as many crosses pattée fitchée of the last, for Smith; 2nd and 3rd, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses patonce of the field, for Leadbitter. Crests—1st, Smith: A stag lodged ar. semée of estoiles az. attired and gorged with an Eastern crown, the chain reflexed over the back or; 2nd, Leadbitter: A griffin’s head sa. erased gu. pierced through the mouth with an arrow fessways or.
55) (Braxted, co. Essex). – Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three crosses formée sa. as many bezants. Crest—An arm couped at the elbow and erect vested gu. cuff ar. holding in the hand ppr. a cross formée sa.
56) (Weald Hall, co. Essex). – Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sa.
57) (Little Baddow, co. Essex; originally Carrington). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Smith, alias Carrington, ar. across gu. betw. four peacocks az.; 2nd, Lainham, quarterly, ar. and sa. in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis gu. in the last an erm. spot; 3rd, Hinde, ar. a chev. az. charged with three escallops of the field, on a chief of the second a lion pass. of the first. Crest—A peacock’s head erased az. ducally gorged or.
58) (Thraxted, co. Essex). – Erm. three bezants. Crest—A demi wild man ppr. in his right hand four ears of barley vert, in his left a flintstone ppr. his hair sa. wreathed round the temples ppr.
59) (co. Essex). – Sa. a chev. betw. six crosses crosslet fitchée or.
60) (West Ham, co. Essex, and Stoke Prior, co. Worcester). – Same Arms as Smith, of Hough, co. Chester, but the issuant lion ermines. Crest—An ostrich’s head quarterly sa. and ar. betw. two wings expanded gu. in the beak a horseshoe or.
61) (co. Essex). – Erm. three pellets.
62) (co. Essex). – Az. semée of crosses crosslet or, three bezants.
63) (Painswick, co. Gloucester, a branch of Smith, of Nibley). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. on a chev. engr. betw. six crosses pattee or, three fleurs-de-lis az.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a saltire gu. a spur-rowel or, for Crawforth.
64) (Gloucester, and Lambeth, co. Surrey; confirmed, in 1617, to Miles Smith, Bishop of Gloucester 1612-14). – Or, a chev. cotised sa. betw. three roses gu. seeded of the first, atalked and leaved vert.
65) (Campden, co. Gloucester; granted by Barker, Garter, 1544, to Sir Thomas Smith, of Campden, co. Gloucester). – Sa. on a fess betw. three saltires or, as many pellets.
66) (Thomas Smith, Lord of the Manor of Hamhill, co. Gloucester, and of co. Oxford). – Per pale erm. and erminois an eagle displ. sa. armed gu.
67) (Gloucester, 1614). – Or, on a fess gu. betw. three saltires sa. as many fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest—A saltire gu. surmounted of a fleur-de-lis ar.
68) (Bristol; granted 4 July, 1766). – Per chev. embattled az. and ar. in chief three crosses pattée fitchée or, in base a lion pass. sa. ducally crowned gold. Crest—A heron’s head per fess or and gu. in the beak a dart of the first, flighted ppr. headed of the second.
69) (co. Gloucester). – Or, on a fess gu. betw. three crosses sa. as many fleurs-de-lis ar. Crest—A cross gu. surmounted of a fleur-de-lis ar.
70) (Suttons, co. Essex). – Sa. a fess cotised wavy betw. three martlets or. Crest—A talbot statant sa. collared and chain reflexed over the back or.
71) (co. Gloucester). – Sa. a fess betw. three saltires or.
72) (Edward Smith, of co. Hants). – Sa. on a fess engr. or, betw. three demi lions pass. ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu.
73) (Brambridge, co. Hants). – Sa. three roses ar. barbed vert, seeded gu. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr. attired or, gorged with a wreath of laurel also ppr.
74) (Kinderby, co. Hereford). – Or, a fess az. betw. three crows or ravens sa.
75) (cos. Hereford and Hertford; granted 1563). – Ar. three bars sa. on a chief of the second as many plates. Crest—An eagle’s head betw. two wings ar. beaked sa. charged on the neck with three pellets.
76) (Winell, co. Hereford). – Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three ravens ppr.
77) (Credenhill, co. Hereford, cos. Herts and Notts, and Overton, co. Salop). – Ar. on a mount in base vert a lion statant reguard. ppr. Crest—A horse’s head roan colour, mane sa. bridle or (another, sa.).
78) (Buckenhill, Woolhope, co. Hereford). – Per chev. nebulée sa. and ar. three panthers’ heads erased counterchanged.
79) Per chev. az. and gu. three leopards’ heads erased ar. spotted sa.
80) (Hereford; granted by Dethick, Garter, to William Smith, of the city of Hereford, 1563. Smith’s Ordinary). – Ar. three bars sa. on a pale of the last three plates.
81) (Smith-Bosanquet). (Broxbourne, co. Herts; exemplified to Horace James Smith, Esq., nephew of Robert, first Lord Carrington, on his assuming, by royal licence, 1866, the additional surname of Bosanquet). Motto—Tenax et fidelis. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a mount vert a tree ppr. on a chief gu. a crescent betw. two mullets ar., for Bosanquet; 2nd and 3rd, same as Smith, co. Nottingham. Crests—1st, Bosanquet: A demi lion ramp. couped gu.; 2nd, Smith: An elephant’s head erased or, eared gu. charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis, two and one az.
82) (Water Newton, co. Huntingdon). – Ar. a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces gu. Crest—A crescent, thereon a leopard’s face gu.
83) (co. Huntingdon). – Sa. three roses ar. barbed vert seeded gu.
84) (The Right Hon. William Henry Smith, of Oxey, co. Herts, Greenlands, Hambleden, co. Bucks, and of London, M.P. for Westminster, First Lord of the Admiralty). – Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or, as many leopards’ faces jessant-de-lis of the field. Crest—A cubit arm erect habited az. cuffed ar. and charged with three mascles in chev. ar. in the hand ppr. three acorn branches vert, fructed or.
85) (co. Kent). – Erm. two chev. sa. on each three fleurs-de-lis or.
86) (Codenham, co. Kent). – Gu. three crossbows unbent ar. triggers or.
87) (Camer in Meopham, co. Kent). – Sa. a fess cotised wary betw. three martlets or, quartering Masters. Crests—1st: A talbot statant sa. collared and chain reflexed oyer the back or, for Smith; 2nd: Masters.
88) (Cuerdley, co. Lancaster). – Per pale or and gu. three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, counterchanged. Crest—A fleur-de-lis per pale or and gu.
89) (co. Lancaster). – Vert a chev. betw. three mallets or.
90) (granted in 1623 to Captain John Smith, descended from the Smith’s of Cuerdley, co. Lancaster, for services rendered in the wars against the Turks in Transylvania). – Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three Turks’ heads couped ppr. turbaned or. Crest—An ostrich or, holding in the mouth a horseshoe ar.
91) (Farnworth, co. Lancaster). – Or, a chev. cotised sa. betw. three roses gu. seeded of the first, stalked and leaved vert.
92) (Pygon’s Hill, Lydiate, co. Lancaster; originally of Cumberland). Motlo—In medio tutissimus. – Pean on a fess engr. or, betw. three squirrels sejant ar. each holding a marigold slipped ppr. a. stag’s head erased az. betw. two fountains also ppr. Crest—On a mount vert a squirrel, as in the arms, charged on the body with a fountain ppr.
93) (Kerely, or Curdesley, and Polehowse, co. Lancaster; Hugh Smith, of Kerely, A.D. 1566, eldest son of Richard Smith, of Kerely, who was son of Robert Smith, of same place, and grandson of Robert Smith, of Polehowse). – Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu.
94) (Oxford; Thomas Smith, Visit. Oxon, 15G6, fourth son of Richard Smith, of Kerely, or Curdesley, co. Lancaster). – Same Arms, a mullet for diff.
95) (William Smith, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1491-96, and of Lincoln, 1496-1514, Founder of Brazenose College, Oxford, second son of Robert Smith, of Polehowse, co. Lancaster. Arms in Lincoln College and Brazenose College, Oxford. Visit. Oxon, 1574). – Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three roses gu. barbed and seeded vert. Another Coat (from MS. Coll. of Arms)—Sa. on a chev. betw. three roses ar. as many roses gu. seeded gold.
96) (Wray, co. Lancaster, and Russell Square, London). – Per chev. or and gu. in chief two fleurs-de-lis and in base an estoile counterchanged, quartering, Vert a fess or, in chief two eagles’ heads erased and in base a lion pass. ar., for Skirrow. Crest—Out of a mural coronet ar. an ostrich’s head of the last.
97) (Ashby-Folville, co. Leicester). – Ar. a cross betw. four peacocks az.
98) (alias Heriz) (Witbcote, co. Leicester; Roger Smith, Esq., of Withcote, d. 1603, leaving three daus. his co-heirs; his brother, and male representative, Francis Smith, Visit. Leicester, 1619, had three sons: 1) Roger, 2) Francis, and 3)Edward, all married at the time of the Visitation; also eight brothers, Anthony, Erasmus, Ambrose, Clement, William, Robert, Henry, and George, all sons of John Smith, alias Heriz of Withcote, d. 1546). (this [the 1st and 4th quarters] coat was granted by Carlyle, Norroy, 1499, to William Hares, alias Smith, and the further grant of a crest, “An arm couped, the sleeve per pale or and gu. in the hand a griffin’s head erased az. beaked or, langued, eyed, and eared gu.,” was made to William Hares’, alias Smith’s, grandson, Roger Smith, gent., of Withcote, by Dethick in 1565; the usual crest of the family was, however, the Indian goat’s head out of a ducal coronet), – Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sa. , quartering, Ar. three piles meeting in base gu. betw. twelve martlets sa. three and three in chief, and three and three in base. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an Indian goat’s head ar. eared sa. bearded and attired gold.
99) (Rev. R. Smith, Rector of Boresworth, co. Leicester). – Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three plates as many trefoils slipped ppr.
100) (alias Nevill) (Holt, co. Leicester; Henry Smith, alias Nevill, Sheriff co. Essex, 1602, d. 1612, and Sir Thomas Smith, alias Nevill, Knt., of Holt, Visit. Leicester, 1619, sons of Thomas .Smith, by Mary Nevill, his wife, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Nevill, Knt., of Holt, temp. Queen Elizabeth, and grandsons of Sir John Smith, Baron of the Exchequer). – Sa. a cross gu. betw. four peacocks ar.
101) (cos. Leicester and Northampton). – Or, on a chev. betw three crosses pattee fitchee gu. as many bezants.
102) (co. Lancaster). – Sa. six fleurs-de-lis, three, two, and one ar.
103) (co. Lincoln). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, nr. a chev. betw. three buglehorns sa.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet sa.
104) (Theddlethorpe, co. Lincoln). (Nibley and North Nibley, co. Gloucester). – Sa. on a chev. engr. betw. six crosses pattee fitchee, five in chief and one in base or, three fleurs-de-lis az. Crest—A heron’s head erased sa. beaked gu. in the beak a fish ar.
105) (Abraham Smith, of London). – Vert on a chev. betw. three mallets or, an eagle displ. sa.
106) (or Smyth). (London). – Az. two bars betw. three pheons or. Crest—Two arms embowed vested az. cuff ar. holding in the hands ppr. a pheon or.
107) (London; granted 1588). – Ar. a fret sa. on a chief gu. a lion pass. guard. or. Crest—A tiger sejant ar. tufted and maned or, reposing the dexter paw on a broken pillar of the last.
108) (or Smyth or Smythes).(London). – Ar. a chev. az. betw. three oak leaves vert, each charged with an acorn or. Crest—An arm in pale habited az. cuff ar. in the hand ppr. three acorn branches vert, fructed or.
109) (London). – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. issuant gu. Crest—An ostrich ar. holding in the beak a horseshoe or.
110) (Inner Temple, London; confirmed, or granted, 1585). – Gu. six lozenges in fess ar. betw. three maidens’ heads couped at the shoulders of the last, crined or. Crest—On a mount vert a castle or, betw. two branches ppr.
111) (London; granted by Camden). – Ar. a fess vert betw. three pellets.
112) (London). – Gu. two lances in saltire or, with penoncels thereon ar. betw. three castles of the first.
113) (London). – Az. three bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. issuant sa. in the dexter chief a crescent gu. Crest—An ostrich’s head quarterly ar. and sa. betw. two ostrich feathers of the first, in the beak a horseshoe or.
114) (London). Motto—Carid nam facham. – Az. a cat salient ar. on a chief or, the standard of St. Andrew and a claymore, point downwards, in saltire ppr. Crest—An arm from the shoulder in armour brandishing a sword ppr.
115) (Hammersmith, co. Middlesex). – Az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. a mullet gu. betw. two torteaux. Crest—A sword erect, point upwards, entwined with an ivy branch ppr.
116) (Parson’s Green, co. Middlesex). – Az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. three torteaux.
117) (London, 1588). – Sa. a chev. betw. three griffins segreant or, and a chief of the last. Crest—A talbot pass. per pale or and sa.
118) (Thomas Smith, of London, “at the Rose, by Holborn Bridge”). – Ar. a fret sa. on a chief gu. a lion pass. of the first, quartering, 1st, erm. on a pale sa. three martlets ar.; 2nd, gu. a chev. cotised betw. three trefoils slipped or.
119) (Richard Smith, London, in Bow Lane). – Or, on a chief sa. a lion pass. of the field. Crest—A tiger sejant erm. tufted or.
120) (London). – Gu. on a chev. engr. or, three crosses pattée fitchée sa. Crest—Oat of a ducal coronet gu. a goat’s head erm. attired or.
121) (Robert Smith, of London, buried at Christ Church, Dublin). – Quarterly, 1st, sa. a chev. betw. three griffins segreant or, on a chief of the last three fleurs-de-lis gu; 2nd, sa. a fess and in chief three fleurs-de-lis or; 3rd. ar. on a fess gu. betw. three pomeis a cinquefoil of the field betw. two martlets or, the whole within a plain bordure of the second; 4th, or, a cross flory gu. charged with a lion pass. guard. or, on a chief az. three garbs of the first. Crest—A talbot per pale or and sa. in the mouth a rose ppr. leaved vert.
122) (Richard Smith, Alderman of London, Sheriff in. 1509). – Sa. on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses pattée fitchée ar. as many fleurs-de-lis gu. Crest—A heron’s head erased sa. guttee d’or, in the beak gu. a fish ar.
123) (London). – Ar. on a chev. engr. sa. betw. three hurts, each charged with a bird of the field, as many trefoils slipped of the first.
124) (Edward Smith, of London; granted by Camden). – Ar. a fess vert betw. three pellets.
125) (Joshua Jonathan Smith, Lord Mayor of London, 1810). – Ar. on a bend az. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased gu. three lozenges or.
126) (London; granted by Camden). – Ar. two pales az. each charged with three fleurs-de-lis of the fleld.
127) (George Smith, of London). – Ar. a fret az. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or.
128) (London). – Az. a bend betw. six billets or.
129) (Gawen Smith, of London, “the engineer without Aldgate, one of the drumsters to Queen Elizabeth ”). Crest granted 1587. – Ar. a saltire wavy az. an inescutcheon or, guttée de poix, thereon a lion ramp. sa. armed gu. Crest—On the top of a pillar ppr. a sphere or.
130) (London). – Az. three bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. issuant sa. in the dexter chief a crescent gu. Crest—An ostrich’s head quarterly ar. and sa. betw. two ostrich feathers of the first, in the beak a horseshoe or.
131) (Jenkin Smith, of London). – Az. a bend betw. six billets ar. Crest—A cubit arm bendy ar. and az. in the hand ppr. a roll of paper or.
132) (Aldermanbury, London). – Paly of six or and gu. on a canton ar. a cross flory sa. Crest—Out of a mural coronet or, a horse’s head sa. bridled gu. waned ar.
133) (Milk Street, London). – Sa. three bucks’ heads couped or, on a chief of the last as many arrow points downwards gu. feathered and headed ar. Crest—Out of a crown vallery a demi buck or, pierced through with an arrow in bend sinister gu. feathered and headed ar.
134) (Richard Smith, Doctor of Physic). – Ar. three saltires sa. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. Crest—Out of fire ppr. a phoenix head or.
135) (Thomas Smith, of London). – Per pale or and az. a chev. betw. three lions pass. counterchanged.
136) (or Smythe). (Sir John Smith, of Ostenhanger, co. Kent). – Quarterly, 1st, az. a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass. guard. or; 2nd, gu. a fess ragulée betw. three boars’ heads couped ar.; 3rd, az. three lions’ heads ramp, and a border ar.; 4th. or, a chev. engr. betw. three cinquefoils gu.; 5th, sa. a cross voided or; 6th, ar. a chev. sa. thereon a mullet of the field. Crest—An ounce’s head erased ar. spotted and collared sa. edged or, chained gold.
137) (St. Giles’s, Cripplegate. Visit. Middlesex, 1653). – Same Arms as Smith, of Hough, co. Chester, with a Crest for diff. Crest—An ostrich ar. in the beak a horseshoe or.
138) (Hammersmith, co. Middlesex, and London; James Smith, Visit Middlesex, 1663, and his brother, John Smith, both of London, sons of James Smith, Esq., of Hammersmith, formerly of Bray, co. Berks). – Az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. a mullet gu. betw. two torteaux. Crest—A sword erect environed with an ivy branch all ppr.
139) (granted to Thomas Smith, Esq., of Whitechapel). – Az. guttée d’eau, in chief three ears of barley banded or, betw. two chessrooks of the last, in base a cup. gold, therefrom issuant flames ppr. Crest—Waves of the sea ppr. thereon a dolphin hauriant az. guttée d’eau, in the mouth a fish or.
140) (Yarmouth, co. Norfolk; granted 1722). – Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three handsful of barley ears (each containing five) or, three bees ppr. Crest—An eagle reguard. with wings elevated ppr. beaked, membered, and crowned with a naval crown or, reposing the dexter foot upon a quadrant of the last, the string and plummet az.
141) (co. Norfolk). – Erm. on a bend vert three saltires ar. Crest—An ostrich, wings expanded ar. in the beak a key or.
142) (Ellingham Hall, co. Norfolk). – Per bend indented az. and or, two crosses moline pierced counterchanged. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a dove rising ar.
143) (Garboldisham, co. Norfolk). – Az. on a fess betw. three crosses pattée fitchée or, as many eagles displ. of the field. Crest—A naked arm embowed ppr. bound round the wrist with a blue ribhon, in the hand the cronel of a broken spear or.
144) (co. Norfolk). – Per chev. wavy sa. and or, three panthers’ heads erased counterchanged.
145) (Walpole, co. Norfolk). – Or, a bend az. betw. three trefoils vert.
146) (co. Northampton). – Ar. a chev. az. betw. three crosses botonnée sa.
147) (John Smith, co. Northampton). – Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet (or flory) sa. as many cinquefoils of the field.
148) (alias Kent) (More End, co. Northampton). – Gu. a chev. betw. three cinquefoils pierced erm. Crest—A talbot’s head couped gu. charged on the neck with a cinquefoil erm.
149) (Oundle, co. Northampton). – Per chev. gu. and ar. in chief two garbs or, in base a horse’s head erased of the first. Crest—Within an annulet gu. a garb or.
150) (Togston, co. Northumberland; long resident in that county, where the family purchased the property of Amble, ttmp. Charles I.). – Az. a castle ar. on a chief or, three storks’ heads erased gu. Crest—A stork ar. in his beak a serpent ppr.
151) (co. Nottingham). (East Stoke, co. Nottingham, created bart. 1757, assumed the name of Bromley in 1778). (Selsdon Park, co. Surrey, and Forres, Scotland). (Ferriby, co. York). – Or, a chev. cotised sa. betw. three demi griffins segreant couped of the second. Crest—An elephant’s head couped or.
152) (Houghton castle, co. Northumberland). – Ar. on a bend vert three unicorns’ heads erased of the field, armed or. Crest—An elephant ppr.
153) (co. Nottingham; granted to Thomas Smith, Esq., of Broxtow, co. Nottingham, of the town of Nottingham, and of Gaddesby, co. Leicester, High Sheriff of Notts 1717, and to the other issue male of his father, Thomas Sunn, late of the town of Nottingham, and of Gaddesby, co, Leicester, deceased. Prom Thomas Smith, of Nottingham, the father of the grantee, have descended the Smiths, of Ashlyns, co. Herts, and Tresco Abbey, Scilly Isles; the Smiths, now Bromley, Barts.; the Smiths, Lord Carrington, the Smiths, of Woodhall Park, and of Sacombe Park, co. Herts; of Bramcote Hall, co. Notts; of Selsdon House, co. Surrey; of Hammerwood Lodge, East Grinstead; of Ashford, Crawley, co. Sussex ; of Shirley, co. Surrey, &c., &c.) (Ashlyns, co. Herts, and Tresco Abbey, Scilly Isles; descended from Thomas Smith, co. Nottingham). (Woodhall Park, co. Herts). (Sacombe Park, co. Herts). – Or, a chev. cotised betw. two demi gryphons couped respecting each other in chief and a like gryphon in base sa. Crest —An elephant’s head erased or, eared gu. and charged on the neck with three fleurs-de-lis, two and one az. Motto—Tenax et fidelis.
154) (Nottingham; quartered by Wright, of Mapperley). As on as on several old tombstones and family plate. – Ar. three boars’ heads couped gu. :
155) (co. Oxford). – Az. on a bend ar. three unicorns’ heads erased of the first.
156) (Very Rev. Samuel Smith, D.D., Dean of Christchurch, Oxford). – Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, the head of an Indian goat ar. horned and bearded of the first, eared sa.
157) (Elford, co. Stafford; Sir William Smith, of Elford). – Ar. on a fess betw. three demi griffins segreant az. as many bezants. Crest—A griffin’s head erased per fess sa. and gu. gorged with a collar ar. thereon three pellets.
158) (Newcastle, alias Torbok, co. Stafford. Visit. 1583). – Or, an eagle’s leg erased a la cuisse gu. armed az. on a chief indented (or dancettee) of the last a mullet ar. betw. two plates. Crest—A parrot vert, beaked and legged gu.
159) (registered to Richard Smith, Esq., of The Saltwells, Brierley Hill, co. Stafford, son of Benjamin Smith and Elizabeth, his wife, dau. of Thomas Casson, Esq., of Blaenyddol, co. Merioneth). Motto—Lux omnibus refulgeat. – Az. on a fess dancettce betw. three decrescents or, as many mullets of six points of the field. Crest—Upon a rock a tower both ppr. thereon a crescent surmounted by a mullet of six points or.
160) (Newcastle-under-Lyme, co. Stafford. Visit, co. Stafford, 1614, 1664). – Same Arms as Smith, of Hough, co. Chester, a mullet for diff.
161) (Bristol, co. Somerset; granted 4 July, 1766). – Per chev. embattled az. and ar. in chief three crosses pattée fitchée or, in base a lion pass. sa. ducally crowned of the third. Crest—A heron’s head per fess or and gu. in the beak a dart of the first, flighted ppr. barbed of the second.
162) (co. Stafford). – Ar. on a fess vert betw. three griffins segreant gu. as many bezants.
163) (Boughton, co. Somerset). – Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many lions’ heads erased sa. Crest—A griffin’s head erased gu. charged with two bars, beaked and eared all or.
164) (St. Audries, co. Somerset). – Gu. on a chev. betw. three cinquefoils ar. as many leopards’ faces sa.
165) (co. Suffolk). – Ar. four bars wavy az. on a chief gu. three pairs of barnacles or. Crest—A dexter arm in armour ppr. garnished or, holding in the hand of the first a chaplet vert.
166) (co. Suffolk). – Ar. a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet gu. Crest—Out of a mural coronet an ostrich’s head or.
167) (alias Hovell) (Ashfield, co. Suffolk; Elizabeth, dan. and heiress of Robert Hovell, alias Smith, of Ashfield, m. 1730, the Rev. Thomas Thurlow father by her of the first Lord Thurlow). – Sa. a cross or. Crest—A greyhound couchant or, collared and lined sa.
168) (Cavendish, co. Suffolk). – Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet (another, flory) sa.
169) (Tuddenham and Edmondshury, co. Suffolk, and co. Middlesex; confirmed 5 May, 1651, to Edmund Smith, of co. Middlesex). – Az. a bend ar. betw. six billets or. Crest—A wolf’s head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
170) (Halesworth, co. Suffolk). – Az. billettée or, a bend erm. Crest—On a chapeau ppr. two wings az. billettée or, each charged with a bend erm.
171) (Walsham, co. Suffolk, and Old Buckenham, co. Norfolk). – Per chev. wavy sa. and ar. three ounces’ heads erased counterchanged. Crest—A horse’s head per chev. or and sa.
172) (Elmsett, co. Suffolk). – Ar. a chev. gu. on a chief of the last three martlets of the first, a crescent for diff. Crest—A mullet or, charged with a crescent betw. two wings expanded gu.
173) (co. Surrey). – Ar. a chev. cotised betw. three crosses pattée gu. Crest—A demi stag erm. attired sa. vulued in the shoulder gu.
174) (Milford, co. Surrey; confirmed 29 June, 1667). – Ar. a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az.
175) (Chertsey, co. Surrey). – Sa. a cross or. Crest—A greyhound couchant or, collared and lined sa.
176) (Mitcham, co. Surrey). – Ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw. three greyhounds’ heads erased sa. collared or, ringed gu. as many estoiles of the fourth. Crest—A stag’s head erased gu. attired ar.
177) (Mitcham, co. Surrey; impalement Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1625, Edward, first Lord Ardce, whose wife was Mary, dau. of Thomas Smith, Esq., of Mitcham). – Ar. on a chev. engr. az. betw. three greyhounds’ heads erased sa. collared or, ringed gu. as many mullets of the fourth.
178) (Eastbourne, co. Sussex; granted, 1758, to Thomas Smith, Esq., of Eastbourne). – Gu. a wolf pass. reguard. or, in chief an escallop betw. two horseshoes of the last. Crest—A dexter arm in armour embowed ppr. charged with an escallop or, holding in the hand a sword ar. hilt and pommel gold, the blade environed with a chaplet of laurel vert.
179) (co. Sussex). – Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée sa.
180) (Binderton. co. Sussex). (The same arms, but with the chief plain, and the same crest, were borne by Christopher Smith, of Starborough Castle, co. Sussex, M.P., Lord Mayor of London in 1617.) – Ar. a unicorn’s head erased gu. on a chief wavy az. three lozenges or. Crest—A demi unicorn gu. armed and crined ar. holding betw. the forelegs a lozenge or.
181) (Shirford, co. Warwick; Sir Walter Smith, of Shirford). – Ar. semée of crosses crosslet fitchée three greyhounds courant in pale sa. Crest—A griffin’s head erased sa. bezantée.
182) (Stratford-on-Avon, co. Warwick; d. 13 Sept. 1626). – Ar. semée of crosses pattée fitchée sa. three greyhounds courant of the last.
183) (co. Worcester). – Az. two bars wavy erm.
184) (alias Parker) (Suchell, co. Wilts). – Ar. on a chev. betw. three ravens’ heads erased sa. a trefoil slipped or.
185) (Old Park, Devizes, co. Wilts). Motto—Nil desperandum. – Sa. a bend erminois with cotises engr. or, betw. six martlets ar., quartering, Erm. a lion ramp. gu. a chief per fess dancettée ar. and of the second, for Hyatt. Crest—A caducous erect ppr. thereon a martlet sa.
186) (Stoke Piior, co. Worcester; descended from Smith, co. Chester). – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion issuant sa. Crest—An ostrich ar. holding in the beak a horseshoe or.
187) (Halesowen Grange, co. Worcester, formerly co. Salop; borne by Ferdinando Dudley Lea-Smith, Esq., of that place, High Sheriff of co. Worcester in 1860, great-grandson of William Smith, Esq., of Stoke-Prior and Ridgeacre, co. Worcester, by the Hon. Anne Lea, his wife, eldest sister and co-heiress of Ferdinando Dudley Lea, Lord Dudley, of which ancient barony Mr. Lea Smith is thus senior co-heir). Motto—In seipso totus terres. – Az. two bars wavy erm. on a chief or, a demi lion issuant sa., quartering Lea (which tee), Ward, Sutton, alias Dudley, and Soerie. Crests—1st, Smith: An ostrich’s head quarterly sa. and ar. betw. two wings expanded gu. in the beak a horseshoe or; 2nd, Lea: A unicorn ar. guttée de poix, gorged with a double tressure flory and counterflory gu.
188) (St. Giles, Cripplegate; John Smith, fined for Alderman of London, younger son of John Smith, Esq., of Stoke Prior. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). – Same Arms and Crest, a crescent for diff.
189) (granted to Richard Smith, Esq.,of the Priory, Dudley, co. Worcester, and of Berry Hill, co. Stafford). Motto—Per taxa per ignes. – Gu. a bend engr. ar. betw. two salamanders in flames ppr. Crest—Upon a mount vert in front of a rock a chamois both ppr.
190) (co. Worcester). – Sa. a bend betw. three mullets of six points ar. pierced of the field.
191) (Hunnington and Wolverley, co. Worcester). – Ar. a lion pass. reguard. sa.
192) (Woodgate, co. Worcester). – Ar. a fess gu. in chief three crosses pattée fitchée sa.
193) (co. Worcester). – Same Arms as Smith, of Hough, co. Chester, with the issuant lion gu. Crest—A demi ostrich ar. wings expanded gu. in the beak a horseshoe or.
194) (alias Smithley) (Brantingham and Beverley, co. York). Note on crest: granted (but the bend charged with three mascles or) to Smith, of Beverley, 18 March, 1576. – Ar. on a bend az. betw. two unicorns’ heads erased sa. three lozenges of the first. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet gu. a demi bull ar. armed or.
195) (Thomas Sharpe Smith, Esq.). – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per fess ar. and or, a fess az. charged with alion pass. guard. of the second, in chief a fleur-de-lis betw. two crosses pattée fitchée of the third; 2nd and 3rd, ar. three eagles’ heads erased sa. on a border az. eight bezants. Crest—A horse’s head erased az. collared or, the collar charged with a fleur-de-lis betw. two crosses pattée fltchée sa.
196) (co. York). – Erm. a chev. gu. on a chief of the last three martlets ar.
197) (Dringhouse, near York). – Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads couped gu. three lozenges of the field.
198) (John Smith). – Ar. a cross counter-compony of the first and sa. betw. four lions pass. of the last.
199) (John Smith, Herald of Arms). – Chequy or and gu. on a canton of the last a fleur-de-lis of the first.
200) (Christopher Smith, Clerk of the Pipe). – Per bend indented az. and ar. two crosses moline (sometimes described as crosses pattée) quarter-pierced counterchanged. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi falcon, wings expanded ppr.
201) (Sir Thomas Smith, Clerk of the Council). – Az. a lion ramp. or, on a chief ar. three torteaux. Crest—A sword erect ar. pommel and hilt or, entwined with leaves vert.
202) (Richard Smith, Doctor of Physic). – Ar. three saltires sa. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. Crest—Out of fire ppr. a phoenix head or.
203) (Sir John Smith, Baron of the Exchequer). – Ar. two chev. sa. each charged with three fleurs-de-lis or, on a chief az. a lion pass. of the third.
204) (Jamaica). Motto—Marte et ingenio. – Ar. a saltire az. betw. a star in chief gu. and a garb in each flank vert, banded or, and a dolphin haurient in base of the second. Crest—A dagger and pen in saltire ppr.
205) (Charles Smith, “of the Robes”). – Ar. on a fess engr. betw. three martlets gu. as many crosses pattée of the field, quartering, Ar. a bend gu. betw. three goats ramp. sa.
206) (William Henry Smith, Captain R.N.). – Vert a chev. gu. cotised erminois betw. three Turks’ heads ppr. turbaned or, a chief ar. for augmentation, thereon a mount vert, inscribed with the Greek letters ???? gold, and issuant therefrom a representation of the silphium plant ppr. Crests—1st: On an anchor sa. an ostrich erminois, in the mouth a horseshoe or; 2nd (of augmentation): A mount vert., inscribed with the aforesaid Greek letters, and issuant therefrom the silphium as in the arms.
207) (granted in 1803 to Sir William Sidney Smith, K.C.B., so distinguished at Acre, who was great-grandson of Captain Cornelius Smith, buried at New Shoreham, co. Sussex, 1727, aged 66). – Az. on a chev. engr. betw. three lions pass. guard. or, a wreath of laurel ppr. betw. two crosses calvary sa. on a chief of augmentation the interior of an ancient fortification in perspective, in the angle a breach, and on the sides of tho said breach tho standard of the Ottoman Empire and the Union flag of Great Britain. Crest—A leopard’s head ppr. gorged with a plain collar, therefrom a line reflexed, issuant out of an Eastern crown or; also a Crest of augmentation, viz., the Imperial Ottoman chelingk or plume of triumph from a turban. Supporters—Dexter, a lamb murally crowned, in the mouth an olive branch, supporting the banner of Jerusalem; sinister, a tiger guard, navally crowned, in the mouth a palm brauch, supporting the Union flag of Great Britain, with the inscription, “Jerusalem, 1799” upon the cross of St. George.
208) (Smith-Milnes, Dunston Hall, Chesterfield, co. Derby; exemplified to William Broughton Smith, Esq., of that place, on his assuming, by royal licence, 1873, the additional surname of Milnes). Motto—Fortiter et recte. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a bear ramp. sa. muzzled and gorged with a collar or, therefrom a line reflexed over the back gu., for Milnes; 2nd and 3rd, ar. on a bend engr. az. three fleurs-de-lis or, betw. two unicorns’ heads erased gu., for Smith. Crests— 1st, Milnes: A mount vert, thereon in front of a bear’s head couped sa. muzzled or, a millrind of the last; 2nd, Smith: A unicorn’s head erased per pale ar. and az. gorged with a ducal coronet counterchanged and horned or.
209) (Dirleton, co. Haddington, 1693). Motto—Ex usu commodum. – Ar. on a saltire az. betw. three crescents gu. one in chief and two in the flanks, and a garb of the second in base, a chessrook or. Crest—A dexter hand holding a writing quill ppr.
210) (Edinburgh, 1672). Motto—Luceo non uro. – Az. a book open betw. three flames of fire ppr. within a bordure engr. ar. charged with four mullets and as many crosses crosslet of the first. Crest—A flame betw. two twigs of palm ppr.
211) (Gibliston, co. Fife). Motto—Cum plena magis. – Ar. a saltire az. betw. two garbs in the flanks gu. banded or. Crest—A crescent ar.
212) (Overseer to His Majesty’s Works, Scotland, 1685). Motto—Non invita. – Az. three flames ppr. on a chief ar. a thistle vert. Crest—A Minerva’s head ppr.
213) (Camno, co. Forfar). Motto—Hold fast. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a ship in distress in a sea in base ppr.; 2nd, or, a crescent gu; 3rd, az. a cat sejant, the dexter paw extended ar. Crest—An anchor ppr.
214) (Smithfield, 1763). Motto—Ready. – The same, within a bordure gu. Crest—A hand grasping a dagger ppr.
215) (Alexander Smith, R.N., 1763). – Az. a saltire ar. betw. two garbs in chief and base or, and as many bezants in flank. Crest—An anchor erect or, entwined with a dolphin about the stock, and spouting water from the mouth and nostrils ppr. Motto—Victor sine sanguine.
216) (Gottenburg, from co. Aberdeen, 1790). Motto—Sine sanguine victor. – Az. three flames of fire or, a bordure ar. charged with six chessrooks sa. Crest—An anchor erected or, the stock sa.
217) (Craigend, co. Stirling, 1802). Motto—Macte. – Gu. a chev. erm. betw. two crescents in chief and a garb in base or. Crest—An eagle’s head erased ppr. gorged with a ducal coronet or.
218) (Craighead, 1802). – As Craigend, within a bordure or. Same Crest and Motto.
219) (Jordanhill, co. Renfrew). – As Craigend, within a bordure engr. or. Same Crest and Motto.
220) (Carbeth Guthrie, co. Stirling). – As Craigend, within a bordure invecked or. Same Crest and Motto.
221) (Skelmorliebank, co. Ayr). – As Craigend, within a bordure engr. ar. Same Crest and Motto.
222) (Major John Smith, Bengal Army, 1867; descended from Lindsays, alias Smiths, who were anciently heritable master smiths and armourers to the lordship of Brechin). Motto—Tu ne cede malis. – Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, an eagle displ. gu. charged on the breast with a horseshoe of the field; 2nd and 3rd, or, three cross crosslets fitchee in chief and in base the attires of a hart affixed to the scalp gu. a chief chequy of the second andar., for Molison. Crest—An ostrich ppr. in the beak a horseshoe or.
223) (alias O’Gowan) (Ballygowan, co. Down, and Lisnegar, and Cooha, co. Cavan. In the genealogy of James Smith, alias O‘Gowan, Esq., of Cadiz, in Spain, it is certified by Hawkins, Ulster, 1779, that the said James Smith was descended from Hugh O’Gowan, of Ballygowan, and it appears that the name of O’Gowan (Gabhan, “a Blacksmith”) was anglicised after the Battle of the Boyne, in which Capt. James O’Gowan was killed on the side of James II., and his, Philip Smith, alias O’Gowan, outlawed). Motto—Tenebras expellit et hostes. There is a family tradition that the Chief of the O’Gowans commanded at a battle which was fought at night by the light of torches. – Ar. two naked arms in fess, one issuant from dexter fess point, the other from the sinister, grasping a torch erect and inflamed, issuant from the dexter base a similar arm grasping a sword in pale all ppr. Crest—A naked arm couped lying fessways grasping in the hand a sword erect all ppr.
224) (Damagh, co. Kilkenny; granted by Preston, Ulster, 1635, to William Smith, Esq., of Damagh, Secretary to James, Earl of Ormonde, and allowed to WilliamSmith’s grandson, Valentine Smith, also of Damagh, 6 August, 1691. The original Patent recites that the Earl of Ormonde was “”well pleased that William Smith, of Damagh, co. Kilkenny, should bear some parcell of his arms for a perpetual memory of ye worthy, faithful, and diligent service done by him to the said earle,” and the subsequent confirmation by Carney, Ulster, 6 Aug. 1691, is founded on the foregoing patent, and on the following attestation of the Duke of Ormonde: “”I, James, Duke, Marquies, and Earle of Ormond, &c., at ye request of my servant Valentine Smith, doe hereby certifie yt William Smith, late of Damagh, in ye county of Killkeny, somtime my secretary,was brought out of England to my service, and yt his eldest son, Lawrance Smith, was slaine in his Maties. King Charles his service, in ye seige of Droghedah, being there Capt. of a foote company in Coll. Varneyes Rigament. I further certifie yt ye sd. William Smith, the sd. Lawrance Smith, and his son Valentine Smith aforesd., dureing their service to me above threescore yeares past have constantly demeaned themselves with grate integrity, trust, and ffidelity to my service and interest, of which I have had sufficient experience, and therefore I doe recommend ye sd
Valentine to my successor as a ffaithfull person to be imployed as occation shall require that ye said Valentine and his
ffamily having deserved my flavor in this behalfe. Witness my hand and scale at Dublin, ye 12th of March, 1684″”). – Gu. betw. two falcons’ wings conjoined and displ. ar. a pile erm. charged with a chief indented az. Crest—A dove close bearing an olive branch both ppr. gorged with a bar gemel or, beaked and legged gu.”
225) (Maine, co. Louth; registered in Ulster’s Office, 1704; the heiress m. Нugh Stafford, Esq.). (Annsbrook, co. Meath, a branch of Smith, of Maine; confirmed by Betham, Ulster, to Henry Smith, Esq., J.P. and D.L., of Annsbrook). Motto—Delectat amor patriæ. (Beabeg, co. Meath). (Greenhills, co. Louth). (Admiral Edward Tyrrell Smith, descended from Tenison Smith, fourth son of Jeremiah Smith, Esq., of Maine). – Ar. on a bend betw. two bulls’ heads erased az. armed or, three lozenges of the last. Crest—A demi bull salient az. armed and unguled or.
226) (confirmed by Roberts, Ulster, 1646, to William Smith, then Mayor of Dublin for the fifth successive year, and Colonel of a regiment of foot within the city; descended from an ancient family of that name formerly settled in co. York, who afterwards removed into co. Suffolk). – Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. three lozenges or, on a canton sa. a castle of the first. Crest—A bull’s head couped sa. attired or.
227) (impalement Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1616, Mary Smith, m. first, Henry Usher, Lord Primate of Ireland, d. 1613; and secondly, William, second son of Richard Fitzwilliam, Esq., of Merrion, d. 1616). – Or, two bars wavy sa. on a chief ar. a demi lion ramp. of the second, armed and langued gu.
228) (impalement Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1659). – Az. two bars nebulée crm. on a chief or, a demi lion issuant sa.
229) (Dublin; granted by St. George, Ulster, 1677, to Alderman John Smith, then Lord Mayor of Dublin). – Ar. on a fess gu. betw. three peacocks in their pride ppr. a tower of the first enclosed by two bezants. Crest—A demi peacock in his pride ppr. charged on the breast with a trefoil or.
230) (confirmed by Carney, Principal Herald of Ireland during Oliver Cromwell’s usurpation, afterwards Ulster King of Arms, to Lewis Smith, Surveyor In Ireland, descended from co. York). (registered to Sir Francis William Smith, M.D., Surgeon in Ordinary to the Earl of Mulgrare, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, knighted 1837). – Ar. on a bend az. betw. two unicorns’ heads couped gu. three lozenges or. Crest—A unicorn’s head couped sa.
231) (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1670, Mrs. Chedle, alias Smith). – Per chev. gu. and az. three leopards’ heads erased and affrontée ar.
232) (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, Sir Samuel Smith, Knt., buried at St. Bride’s Dublin, 30 Aug. 1635). (Violetstown, co. Westmeath). – Per chev. az. and gu. three leopards’ heads erased ar. spotted sa. Crest—A leopard’s head, as in the arms.
233) (Maurice Smith, Clerk of His Majesty’s Ordnance in Ireland; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1640). – Gu. three mullets pierced or, on a chief of the last as many pellets.
234) (Clerk of the Ordnance, Ireland; Reg. Ulster’s Office). (Baskin, co. Dublin; Henry Smith, Esq., of that place, d. 1653). – Gu. three mullets pierced or, on a chief sa. as many bezants. Crest—Two battle axes in saltire gu. headed or.
235) (granted by Betham, Ulster, to Rev. George Sidney Smith, A.M., Fellow Trin. Coll. Dublin). Motto—Pret. – Quarterly, gu. and az. over all a cross or, charged with a pheon az. betw. four roses gu. seeded of the third, barbed vert. Crest—A horse’s head couped sa. bridled and double reined ar. bitted or.
236) (borne by Captain Robert Smith, of the family of Smith of Dirleton, co. Haddington, formerly of the 44th Regiment, now Athlone Pursuivant-of-Arms, and quarterly with Soden by his only son, Robert Soden Smith Esq., M.A., F.S.A., of the South Kensington Museum). Motto—Ex usu commodum. – Ar. on a saltire az. betw. three crescents, one in chief and two in the flanks gu. and a chessrook in base sa. a garb of the first. Crest—A naked arm couped below the elbow erect holding a writing quill all ppr.
237) (Reg. Ulster’s Office). – Sa. a pile erm. betw. two wings coiyoined in base or, a chief indented of the last.
238)  Sa. on a chev. engr. betw. six crosses crosslet fitchée or, three fleurs-de-lis az.
239)  Ar. three pellets.
240)  Gu. on a chev. engr. or, three crosses crosslet fitchée sa.
241)  Sa. six billets erm. three, two, and one.
242)  Ar. on a bend vert six daggers saltirewise of the first. Crest—On a ducal coronet vert two swords in saltire ar. hilts or.
243) (quartered by Sargent). – Or, a chev. cotised betw. three demi griffins segreant reguard. sa.
244) (John Smith, Bishop of Llandaff, 1476 to 1478). – Az. a saltire erm. betw. four fleurs-de-lis ar.
245) – Ar. two pales az. each charged with three fleurs- de-lis of the first, on a chief of the second alion pass. of the field. Crest—Two arms couped above the elbows ppr. holding a sword in both hands crossways ar. pommelled or.
246)  Gu. a cinquefoil or, on a border az. eight horseshoes of the second.
247)  Vert a chev. betw. three mallets or.
248)  Gu. a bull’s head cabossed within two bars gemel wavy ar. betw. two mullets in chief and in base a griffin pass. or.
249)  Or, on a fess engr. gu. betw. three martlets sa. as many crosses pattée of the first.
250)  Per fess embattled erm. and gu. three crescents counterchanged, debruised by a dexter bendlet or. Crest- On a mural crown gu. an owl ar.
251)  Az. two bars wavy ar. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. issuant sa. bezantée.
252)  Ar. two chev. sa. on each three fleurs-de-lis or, on a chief az. a lion pass. of the third, on the shoulder a lozenge gu. Crest—A hand ppr. habited chequy ar. and az. holding three arrows, two in saltire and one in pale or, feathered and headed ar.
253) Ar. three greyhounds courant in pale sa. collared or, betw. ten crosses pattée fltchée of the second. Crest—A dragon’s head erased or, pellettée.
254)  Or, three bars sa. in chief as many crosses pattée fitchée of the second. Crest—On a mount vert a talbot sejant erm. collared gu.
255)  Ar. a chev. betw. three roses sa.
256)  Ar. on a chev. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet sa. as many cinquefoils of the first.
257)  Sa. six fleurs-de-lis or, three and three.
258)  Ar. a lion pass. reguard. ppr.
259)  Ar. a lion pass. sa. sans claws.
260)  Ar. on a mount vert a wolf pass. gu.
261)  Ar. a fess vert betw. three hearts gu.
262)  Gu. three crossbows uobcnt ar. the triggers or.
263)  Vert on a chev. betw. three mallets or, an eagle displ. sa.
264)  Barry wavy of six ar. and az. on a chief gu. three barnacles or.
265)  Sa. on a fess dancettee ar. five billets of the first.
266)  Erm. two chev. sa. on cach three fleurs-do lis or.
267)  Ar. a cher. sa. betw. three catharine wheel gu.
268)  Az. (another, sa.) a bend ar. betw. seven billets or, four and three.
269) (alias Banger). – Gu. a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces or, a chief erm.
270)  Gu. on a chev. betw. three birds ar. as many leopards’ faces of the field.
271)  Az. two chev. ar. each charged with five fleurs- de-lis gu. on a chief of the second a lion pass. of the field.
272)  Gu. two tilting-spears in saltire ar. betw. four castles or.
273)  Az. a chev. or, betw. ten cinquefoils, six above and four below, of the last.
274)  Ar. two bars gu. in chief three cinquefoils az.
275)  Per pale ar. and az. a fess counterchanged.
276)  Ar. on a bend vert six daggers saltirewise of the first. Crest—On a ducal coronet vert two swords in saltire ar. hilts or.
277)  Sa. a bend ar. betw. seven billets or.
278) (quartered by Viell, of co. Devon). – Sa. on a bend or, three billets of the field.
279)  Or, two bendlets engr. erm.
280)  Ar. a chev. sa. on a chief of the second three leopards’ faces or.
281)  Az. a chev. betw. three lions pass. guard. or. Crest—A leopard’s head erased ar. spotted sa. collared, lined, and ringed or.
282)  Per bend indented az. and or, two crosses moline pierced counterchanged. Crest—Outof a ducal coronet or, a dove rising ar.
283)  Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three greyhounds’ heads erased sa. as many estoiles or. Crest—A stag’s head erased gu.
284)  Ar. a saltire az. betw. three crescents gu. and a millrind in base of the second. Crest—A dexter arm holding a pen ppr.
285)  Ar. three saltires sa. on a chief gu. a lion pass. or. Crest—A phoenix’s head or, issuing from flames ppr.
286)  Az. three bezants. Crest— A plume of five feathers.
287)  Per chev. or and gu. in chief two fleurs-de-lis and in base an estoile all counterchanged. Crest—Out of a mural coronet ppr. an ostrich’s head ar.
288)  Per pale or and gu. three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Crest—A fleur-de-lis per pale or and gu.
289)  Sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three griffins’ heads erased or, a boar’s head couped enclosed by two pheons gu. Crest—An eagle’s head or, depressed with two bends vert, winged, one ar. the other sa. beaked gu.
290) Ar. on a chev. cotised betw. three crosses pattée gu. as many martlets or.
291)  Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three crosses botonnée sa.
292)  Ar. a lion reguard. pass.
293)  Ar. on a mount vert a wolf pass. gu.
294)  Ar. a chev. betw. three griffins’ heads couped sa.
295) (alias Boynton) – Or, on a fess betw. three crescents gu. a lion pass. ar. all within a border engr. az. bezantée. Crest—A goat statant sa. guttée d’eau, horned, maned, and murally (or ducally) gorged ar.
296)  Ar. an eagle displ. sa. armed gu.
297)  Gu. a lion ramp. or, on a chief of the last a mullet of the field betw. two hurts. Crest—A lion’s head erased or.
298)  Ar. two bars gu. each charged with three fleurs-de-lis or, on a chief az. a lion pass. of the first.
299)  Az. a cup or, with flames issuant ppr. betw. two chessrooks of the second, on a chief ar. bordured of the same three boars’ heads erased barwise of the first.
300)  Sa. on a fess dancettée ar. seven billets of the field. Crest—A salamander couchant reguard. ducally gorged in flames ppr.
301)  Az. semée of crosses crosslet fitchée three fleurs-de-lis ar. a border engr. or.
302)  Ar. a bend az. betw. three mullets gu.
303) Or, on a fess engr. gu. betw. three martlets sa. as many crosses pattee of the first.
304)  Ar. a chev. betw. three roses sa.
305)  Ar. three fleurs-de-lis in fess gu. betw. nine crosses crosslet, five in chief and four in base sa. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar. charged with a cross crosslet sa.
306) (London). – Or, on a chev. gu. betw. three tigers’ faces gu. as many suns ppr.
307) (Benjamin Brwon Smith, Esq., of Wolverhampton, co. Stafford). – Barry of six ar gutte de poix and gu. a lion ramp. ducally crowned sa. holding betw. the paws a pheon or, betw. four pheons, two in chief and two in base of the last. Crest—An heraldic tiger ar. vulned in the neck ppr. charged on the budy with two pheons and resting the dexter foreleg on a pheon gu.
308) (Rev. Jeremiah Finch Smith, Rector of Aldridge, co. Stafford, M.A., F.S.A.). Motto: Doctrina ferro perenniur. – Barry of six erm. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. on the head a crown vallary holding betw. the paws an annulet or, betw. three passion crosses of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. sa. crowned as in the arms holding betw. the fore-paws a passion cross and the dexter hind-paw resting on an annulet or.
309) (Rev. Joseph Denham Smith, of St. Marylebone, Middlesex, and Vesey Place, Dublin). – Or, a lozenge az. charged with a mullet of six points of the first betw. three dragons’ heads erased of the second, all within a bordure of the last charged with eleven bezants. Crest—A dragon’s head erased az. charged with a mullet of six points and collared flory counter flory or, pierced through the mouth by an arrow fessewise, the point to the dexter ppr.
310) (Ryhope, co. Durham. The heiress m. Grey, now represented by George John Scurfield, formerly Grey, Esq., of Hurworth, co. Durham). – Ar. on a bend betw. two unicorns’ heads erased az. three bezants.
311) (or Smyth). (cos. Buckingham and Cornwall). – Az. a saltire ar. betw. four martlets or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a griffin’s head bezantée, beaked or.
312) (or Smyth). (London). – Ar. a fret sa. on a chief of the second a lion pass. guard. of the first.
313) (or Smyth). (Annas, co. Lincoln). (Little Houghton, co. Northampton). – Per bend indented or and az. two crosses moline counterchanged. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi falcon volant ppr. , wings expanded ar.
314) (or Smyth). (Tudenham and Edmondsbury, co. Suffolk). (co. Middlesex; confirmed 5 May, 1561). – Az. a bend ar. betw. six billets or. Crest—A wolf’s head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
315) (or Smyth). (quartered by Richards). – Or, on a fess engr. gu. betw. six martlets sa. three crosses crosslet of the field.
316) (or Smyth). – Ar. on a chev. cotised gu. betw. three crosses formée of the last as many martlets or.
317) (or Smythe). (Nunstainton, co. Durham, and Langley, co. Salop). (Eshe Hall, co. Durham; also of Acton Burnell, co. Salop, and Wooton Hall, co. Warwick, bart.). (Nunstainton, co. Durham, and Langley, co. Salop). – Sa. three roses ar. barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—A stag’s head erased gorged with a wreath of laurel all ppr. Motto—Regi semper fidelis.
318) (or Smythe). (Boughton Monchelsea, co. Kent; granted, 14 Sept. 1605, to Simon Smythe, Esq., of that place, and now borne by Clement Taylor Smythe, Esq., of Maidstone). (Lested Lodge, in Chart, next Sutton-Valence, and Maidstone, all in co. Kent). – Or, three bars sa. in chief as many crosses formée fitchée of thr second. Crest—On a mount vert a talbot sejant erm. eared and collared sa. ringed or, on the dexter side of the mount a branch of laurel of the fiist.
