Stanford Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Leland Stanford
Leland Stanford (1824-1893)

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Stanford – (Packington and Perry Barr, co. Stafford). Ar. three bars az. on a canton or, a fess, in chief three mascles sa. Ped. of Comberford, Visit. 1683. Sir S. Degge describes this coat, Barry ar. and az., and says the canton was given by Henry VIII. In the Visit, the coat is blazoned as above.
2) Stanford – Vert three goats pass. ar. horns tipped sa. Crest—A lion’s head erased gu.
3) Stanford – (Abbots Salford, co. Warwick; Harl. MS., 6060). Az. three bars az.
4) Stanford – (Barkby, co. Leicester; Thomas Stanford, Esq., of Barkby, Visit. Leicester, 1619, son of John Stanford, of the same, Recorder of Leicester, who was son of John Stanford, of same place, and grandson of Thomas Stanford, of the town of Leicester, third son of Thomas Stanford). Ar. three bars az. on a canton or, a fess, and in chief three mascles sa. a mullet charged with a mullet for diff. Crest—A dexter gauntlet in bend or, grasping a broken sword erect ar. pommel and hilt sa.
5) Stanford – Sa. three lions ramp. ar.
6) Stanford – Az. a chev. betw. three birds ar.
7) Stanford – Sa. a chev. betw. three buglehorns stringed ar.
8) Stanford – Or, a fess wavy gu. betw. nine billets sa.
9) Staniforth – (Ancient) Ar. two bars az. on a canton or, a fess, in chief three mascles sa.
10) Staniforth – (Darnall, co. York). Erminois on a fess wavy gu. three lions ramp. ar.
11) Stainforth – Ar. three bars az. in chief as many lozenges ofthe second, on a canton or, a fess. Crest—A cubit arm erect grasping a broken sword all ppr.
12) Stainforth – Ar. three bars az. on a canton or, a fess betw. six lozenges sa. Crest—A dexter arm erect in armour holding in the hand ppr. a broken sword ar. hilt and pommel or.
13) Stainforth – Or, a swan close gu. Crest—An anchor az.
14) Stamford – (temp. Richard III.). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four lions’ faces or.
15) Stamford – (Hadley, co. Middlesex, and co.Stafford; granted 2 May, 1542). Ar. three bars az. on a canton or, a fess sa. in chief three mascles of the last. Crest—A gauntlet or, grasping a broken sword ar. hilt and pommel sa.
16) Stamford – or Stannford – (Rowley, co. Stafford, granted 1544. Visit. 1583). Ar. three bars az. on a canton a gauntlet or, grasping a broken sword of the first. Crest—A stag’s head ar. attired or, billettée gu. on the neck two gemels of the third. The augmentation of the canton is said to have been given to Sir William Stamford, for taking the Duke of Longueville prisoner at the “Battle of the Spurs.”
17) Stamford – (co. Derby; Thomas Stamford, Esq., of Derby, left a dau. and heir, Elizabeth Stamford, m. Caldwell, of Linley Wood, co. Stafford). Ar. two bars az. on a canton gu. a gauntlet grasping a broken sword ppr. hilt and pommel gold.
18) Stamford – (Roger Stamford, Chester Herald, temp. Edward IV). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four leopards’ faces or.
19) Stamford – Or, three bars wavy az.
20) Stamford – Or, a fess wavy gu. betw. three fleurs-de-lis sa.
21) Stamford – Az. a chev. betw. three storks ar. membered gu.
