Mulloy Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

(Standard Bearer to the Sovereign in Ireland, a Sept descended from Fiachada, third son of Niall, of the Nine Hostages, Monarch of Ireland, A.D. 371, deriving their name from Maolmuaidh, Chief of the territory of Feara Ceall, in the King’s co., who was slain 1019, and enjoying the hereditary office of Standard Bearer to the Sovereign. The Four Masters record that Giolla Coluim O’Maolmhuaidh, Lord of Fercall, was slain 1177; Conal O’Molloy, Chief of his Sept, surrendered his estates to the Crown, and had a re-grant of them, 32 Queen Elizabeth, A.D. 1590). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. three trefoils slipped gu. Crest—In front of an oak tree growing out of a mount all ppr. a greyhound springing sa. collared or. Motto—Gearaigh agus dogh buadh (Cut and burn away). A record by Preston, Ulster, 1634, preserved in Ulster’s Office, has the following entry: “This Coat-Armour belongeth to the Mulloys Standarts Bearers to the Crowne of England, in this Kingdome of Ireland,” viz.: Ar. a brown horse in full speed ppr. bridled, saddled, and caparisoned gu. fringed or, thereon a knight in complete armour also ppr. on the left arm a shield, thereon the arms of O’Mulloy, and holding in the right hand a spear, thereon a scarlet pennon, forked, the part adjoining the staff ar. charged with the cross of St. George.
(Ughterthiery, Lachan, and Hughstown. co, Roscommon; Captain Anthony O’Mulloy, commonly called “The Green Mulloy,” eighth in descent from Cullen O’Mulloy, younger son of Hugh Oge O’Mulloy, The O’Mulloy, Lord of Fercall, settled in co. Roscommon, temp. Queen Elizabeth, and d. 1603; his direct descendant is Rev. Coote Charles Mulloy, of Hughstown). (Aghadonagh, King’s co., formerly of Kilmanaghan, in same co.; descended from John O’Mulloy, of Aghadonagh, d. 1634 (Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office) fourth in descent from Cosnyagh O’Mulloy, the second son of Donough O’Mulloy, ancestor of O’Mulloy, of Ughterthiera). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. three trefoils slipped gu. Crest—In front of an oak tree ppr. a greyhound courant sa. collared or. Motto—Malo mori quam foedari.
(Drynaunly, King’s co.; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, of Rev. Neal Mulloy, d. 1639, son of Cosnyagh O’Mulloy, of Drynaunly). Same Arms, the lion charged on the shoulder with a crescent of the field for diff.
(Ballyduffe, King’s co.; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, Hugh O’Mulloy, d. 1635, eldest son of John O’Mulloy, both of that place). Same Arms, in chief a crescent of the second for diff.
(Oak Port, co. Roscommon; descended from William Mulloy, of Oak Port, youngest son of Coote Mulloy, Esq., of Hughstown). Ar. a lion ramp. sa. betw. three trefoils gu. Crest—In front of a tree a greyhound courant all ppr. ducally gorged or. Motto—Malo mori quam foedari.

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