Arthur Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Bart, created 1841). Or, on a chev. az. betw. two clarions in chief gu. and a kangaroo sejant in base ppr. two swords the points upwards also ppr. points and hilts of the first, on a chief of the third a horse courant ar. Crest—In front of two swords in saltier ppr. pommels and hilts or, a pelican in her piety sa. the nest gold. Motto—Stet fortuna domus.
2) (granted to John Arthur, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 3 Oct. 1606). Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three rests or, on each as many hurts. Crest—A falcon volant ppr. jessed and belled or.
3) (Springfield, co. Essex). (Clopton, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. betw. three rests (or clarions) or. Crest—A pelican in her piety sa. standing in her nest or. (Her. Off. Essex, c. 21).
4) (Wales). Sa. three cocks and a chief ar.
5) Gu. a chev. betw. three clarions or. Crest—An eagle sa. in her nest or, feeding her young of the first, on her breast a crescent.
6) Sa. three chess rooks and a chief ar. (another, the chief or).
7) Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three bowls or.
8) Sa. three wheels in chief ar.
9) Sa. three wheels ar. a chief or.
10) (Shanakiel House, Cork). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three rests or. Crest—A falcon wings addorsed az. belled or. Motto—Impelle obstantia.
11) (Ireland). Gu. a chev. betw. three Irish brogues or. Crest: A demi savage reguard. ppr.
12) (Glanomera, co. Clare: Settled there for many generations. In 1559, Edward Arthur was M.P. for Limerick, and Thomas Arthur in 1585.) Gu. a chev. betw. three rests (or clarions) or, quartering the ensigns of the noble house of Ormonde: the present Mr. Arthur’s grandmother having been heiress to the Butlers of Kilmoyler. Crest—A falcon volant ppr. jessed and belled or.
13) (granted to Francis Robert Arthur, Esq. of Blackburn in Somerset, colony of Tasmania, and of Drayton Manor in co. Dalhousie, colony of Victoria, Australia). Or, on a chev. betw. three escocheons gu. each charged with a clarion of the first as many quatrefoils also gold. Crest—Upon the capital of an Ionic column ppr. a pelican in her piety sa. (the nest ppr.) charged on the wing with a quatrefoil or. Motto—Teneo tenuere majores.
14) (Leven Bank, Scotland, 1803). Sa. on a chief erm. three cocks ppr. Crest—A pelican feeding her young ppr. in a nest vert. Motto—Fac et spera.
15) (Jas. Arthur, K.G.H., deputy inspector general of hospitals, 1837). Gu. on a chev. betw. two claricords in chief and a galley sail furled and oars in action in base or, a thistle ppr. Crest—A pelican feeding her young ppr. ar. in a nest vert. Motto—Nil durum volenti.
16) (W. R. Arthur, Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1870). Ar. a chev. betw. two mascles in chief and a cross crosslet fitchee in base gu., in middle chief a redbreast ppr. Crest—A pelican in her piety, fullfaced, wings elovated feeding her young in a nest all ppr. Motto—Fac et spera.

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