Heron Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Sa. two chev. or, betw. three herons ar.
2) (Grampoole and Abingdon, co. Berks, and Elying, co. Oxford, James Heron, of Grampoole, b. 1626, and John Heron, of Abingdon, sons of James Heron, of Elying. Visit. Berks, 1664). Sa. two chevronels or, betw. three herons ar. Crest—A heron’s head erased ar. charged on the neck with two chevronels sa.
3) or Herne – (Panfield Hall, co. Essex, London, and Shacklewell, co. Middlesex, 1600). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three herons close ar. Crest—A heron’s head erased ar. ducally gorged and beaked or.
4) (Baron Heron; summoned to Parliament 1371, extinct with first Baron). (Baron Heron; summoned to Parliament 1393. extinct 1404). Gu. a chev. betw. three herons ar.
5) (Ford Castle, co. Northumberland, temp. Edward I.). Same Arms. Crest—A heron, as in the arms.
6) (Bokenfield, co. Northumberland). Gu. three herons ar. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a heron’s head ppr. (General Peter Heron, of Moor, co. Chester). Same Arms and Crest, as Heron, of Bokenfield. Motto—Ardua petit ardea.
7) (Newark-upon-Trent, co. Notts, since of Stubbers, co. Lincoln, bart., extinct 1854). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, same Arms as Heron, of Bokenfield; 2nd and 3rd, same Arms as Heron, of Ford Castle. Crests—1st: Same as Heron, of Ford Castle; 2nd: Same as Heron, of Bokenfield. Motto—Ardua petit ardea.
8) (Chipchase, co. Northumberland, bart., extinct 1801). Gu. three herons ar. Crest—A heron close ppr. holding in the bill a standard staff, the banner flotant, thereon the word “Hastings.” Motto—Nil desperandum.
9) (Applyndon, co. Durham). Ar. three herons az.
10) (East Thicklcy, co. Durham, 1575). Gu. on a chev. betw. three herons ar. a cinquefoil sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a heron’s head and neck ppr.
11) (cos. Essex and Northumberland, and Ipswich, co. Suffolk). Az. three herons close ar. Crest—A heron ar.
12) (cos. Essex and Stafford). Ar. three herons az.
13) (co. Northumberland, and Scotland). Sa. a heron ar.
14) (Croydon, co. Surrey). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three herons close ar. Crest—A heron close ar. Another Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a heron’s head ppr.
15) (that Ilk, co. Kirkcudbright; heiress m. Sir John Maxwell, of Springkell; arms and supporters now borne by their second son, who succeeded his mother). Ar. two lions ramp. affrontee supporting betw. their forepaws a rose gu. stalked and leaved vert. Crest—A demi lion ar. holding in his dexter paw a cross crosslet tltehce gu. Supporters—Two herons ppr. Mottoes—Above the shield: Par valeur; above the shield: Ad ardua tendit.
16) (co. Stafford). Gu. three herons ar.
17) (co. Surrey). Per pale gu. and az. on a chev. betw. three herons ar. as many cinquefoils sa. Crest—A heron’s head erased ar. ducally gorged or.
18) Sa. two chev. or, betw. three herons ar.
19) Normandie – (Sr. de la Nouvelle. Béthencourt, Pommerets Maint. de nob. le 8 juillet 1666) – Un héron tenant en son bec un serpent ondoyant soutenu d’une terrasse et acc d’un soleil d’or mouvant du canton senestre du chef.. English: A heron holding in its beak a snake undulating standing on a mount and accompanied by a sun or coming from the quarter sinister of the chief.
20) Paris (?) – Jeton de 1693 de A. Héron – De gueules au chevron d’argent acc de trois hérons du même Casque couronné Cimier une tête et col de héron d’argent Devise ARDUA PETIT ARDEA.. English: Gules a chevron argent accompanied by three herons of the same Crowned with a helmet Crest: a head and shoulder of a heron argent Motto: ARDUA PETIT ARDEA.
21) Lincolnshire – (Baronet, 25 juillet 1778. M. ét. le 26 mai 1854) – De gueules au chevron d’argent acc de trois hérons du même.. English: Gules a chevron argent accompanied by three herons of the same.
22) Lord – Angleterre – (M. ét.) – D’azur au chevron d’or acc de trois grenades du mesme ouvertes de gueules.. English: Azure a chevron or accompanied by three fire-balls of the same openings [flames] gules.
23) Paris – D’azur à un héron d’argent.. English: Azure a heron argent.
24) Paris – D’azur à trois hérons d’argent Cimier un héron au naturel tenant en son bec un drapeau inscrit du mot HASTINGS Devise NIL DESPERANDUM.. English: Azure three herons argent Crest: a heron proper holding in its beak a flag inscribed with the word HASTINGS Motto: NIL DESPERANDUM.
25) Héron de Villefosse – Ile-de-France – D’argent au sautoir de sable ch d’une bague d’or chatonnée d’un saphir et acc en pointe d’un croissant du second à la bordure de gueules ch de huit besants d’or Cimier une main dextre de carnation en pal empoignant le col arraché d’une aigle éployée de sable avec ses deux têtes Supports deux aigles regardantes de sable Devise REVIRESCAT.. English: Argent a saltire sable charged with a [jewellery] ring or topped with a saphire and accompanied by in base a crescent of the second a bordure gules charged with eight bezants or Crest: a dexter hand carnation palewise the shoulder [wrist?] eradicated holding in its fist an eagle displayed sable with its two heads Supporters two eagles reguardant sable Motto: REVIRESCAT.
26) Heron-Maxwell de Springkell – Ecosse – (Baronet, 1683) – Coupé au 1 parti a de gueules à un coeur d’argent b d’argent à trois pals de gueules au 2 d’argent à trois maillets penchés de sable.. English: Per fess 1st per pale a) gules with a heart argent b) argent three palets gules 2nd argent three mallets [big head small handle] bendwise sable.
27) Gu. a fesse betw. three herons ar.
28) (the Sept of O’Haugherne co. Kerry). Vert three herons ar. Crest—A pelican in her piety ppr. Motto—Per ardua surgo.
