Barlow Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Barlow, co. Lancaster; derived from Sir Roger Barlow, of Barlow, temp. Edward I. The representative, Thomas Barlow, of Barlow, was aged 46 in 1664, and had then issue male). Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. membered or, standing on the limb of a tree raguled and trunked fesseways of the second. Crest—An eagle displ. with two heads as in the Arms. Another Crest—Two eagles’ heads conjoined erased ar.
2) (Slebetch, co. Pembroke, bart. extinct). Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee sa. two lions pass. counterpass, of the first. Crest— A demi lion ar. holding a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
3) (Calcutta, East Indies, bart). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee az. two lions pass counterpass. supporting an eastern crown or. Crest—Out of an Eastern crown or, a demi lion ar. supporting in the paws a cross crosslet as in the Arms.
4) (Fir Grove, co. Surrey, bart.). Ar. on a chev. engr. gu. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee az. two lions pass. counterpass. supporting an eastern crown or, in the centre chief point a branch of olive and another of palm in saltire ppr. Crest—Issuing out of an eastern crown or, a demi lion ar. the paws supporting a cross crosslet fitchee az. betw. (on the dexter side) a branch of olive and (on the sinister) another of palm ppr. Supporters—On either side an angel ppr. vested ar. zoned and on the head an eastern crown or, the dexter holding in the exterior hand a balance gold and in the other a book ppr. the sinister bearing in the exterior hand an olive branch and in the other an cscrol ppr. Motto—Sis pius in primis; over the crest: Dilige pacem.
5) (formerly of Dublin). Sa. two chevronels or, over all an eagle displ. with two heads ar. grasping in his talons a billet raguly of the second. Crest—lssuant from a billet raguly vert a demi eagle without wings per pale ar. and or, and charged on the breast with two chevronels sa.
6) (allowed by Camden, Clarenceux, to William Barlow, D.D., Bishop of Rochester, 1608-13). Same Arms, a fleur-de-lis for diff.
7) (Upton House, near Manchester). Bendy of eight ar. and vert, an eagle displ. with two heads sa. the claws resting on a millrind in base fesseways or, in each beak an ear of barley slipped ppr. Crest—A gauntletted hand bendwise ppr. grasping two eagles’ heads conjoined and erased at the neck sa. Motto—En foi prest.
8) (Bramfield, co. Chester). Barry wavy of six ar. and sa. on a chief gu. flory or, a canton erm.
9) (Sheffield). Sa. two bars erm. on a chief indented per pale or and ar. an eagle displ. of the first. Crest—A Mercury’s cap or, wings ar. thereon an eagle’s head erased ppr. gorged with a collar erm.
10) Gu. a demi eagle erased with two heads sans wings ar.
11) Ar. on a chev. engr. betw. three crosses patonce fitchee sa. two lions combatant of the first.
12) (Edward Barlow, of Bath, M.D.). Sa. an eagle displ. with two heads ar. standing on the limb of a tree raguly and trunked fesseways or, charged on the breast with a cross fitchee pattee gu. Crest—Two eagles’ heads erased ar.
13) Gu. on a chev. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchee or, two demi lions pass. respecting each other sa. Crest—A demi lion ramp. guard. ar. gorged with a collar gu. thereon three bezants holding betw. the paws a cross moline gu. charged with a bezant.
14) (Rundall Barlow, Archbishop of Tuam, 1634). Fun. Ent. Ire.). Sa. on an eagle displ. ar. membered gu. standing on the limb of a tree raguly and trunked of the second a cross formee fitchee of the field.
15) (James Barlow, Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1715). Same Arms as preceding. Crest—An eagle’s head with two beards erased ar. membered or.
16) or Barlace, Barlacey – Gu. three files ar.
17) or Barlaunche, Barlew – (Lancashire). Sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed or, perched on a ragged staff, of the second.
18) or Barloughe (Lancashire). Sa an eagle displ. with two necks ar. armed or.
19) (Essex). Erm. three bars wavy sa.
20) Erm. three bars dancettee gu.

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