Rose Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (London; Nicholas Rose, temp. Henry VII. and Henry VIII., his dau. Martha, m. John Haydon, Alderman and Sheriff of London. Visit. London, 1568). Az. a falcon volant or, a double tressure flory counterflory of the last, on a canton ar. a rose gu.
2) (Easter Gate, co. Sussex; granted 16 Feb. 1681). Erm. an eagle displ. sa. beaked and membered gu. debruised with a bendlet componée or and az.
3) Gu. on a chev. or, betw. three horseshoes ar. as many roses of the first.
4) Sa. a chev. betw. three roses ar.
5) Gu. a chev. ar. betw. three rose leaves ar.
6) Ar. an eagle sa. depressed with a bend gobonated or and gu.
7) (Montreal, Canada, and Queen’s Gate, London, bart.). Mottoes— Above the crest, Audeo; and below the shield, Constant and true. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. armed and langued az. betw. three water bougets sa. on a chief of the second three maple leaves of the first. Crest—A harp or, stringed az.
8) (Rayners, co. Bucks, bart.). Motto—Probitate ac virtute. Az. a chev. invected erminois betw. three water bougets in chief and one in base ar. Crest—A stag ar. collared, and resting the dexter foreleg on a water bouget az.
9) (Kilravock, co. Nairn). Motto—Constant and true. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. betw. three water bougets sa. Crest—A harp az.
10) (Cransley Hall, co. Northampton). Sa. a fess or, betw. three roses barbed and seeded ppr. Crest—Out of a mural crown a demi lion ramp.
11) (Ballevit, co. Ross). Motto—Armat spina rosas. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. betw. three water bougets sa. a bordure az. charged with three garbs and as many boars’ heads couped alternately of the field. Crest—A rose gu. stalked and leaved ppr.
12) (lnsch, 1680). Motto—Magnes et adamas. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. betw. three water bougets sa. a bordure of the second, charged with six mullets of the first. Crest—A rose gu. stalked and barbed vert.
13) (Huntingdon, Canada, 1872). Mottoes—Over the crest, Audeo; below the arms, Constant and true. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. betw. three water bougets sa. on a chief of the second three maple leaves of the first. Crest—A harp or, stringed az.
14) (Huntingdon, Canada, 1872). Mottoes—Over the crest, Audeo; below the arms, Constant and true. Or, a boar’s head couped gu. betw. three water bougets sa. on a chief of the second three maple leaves of the first. Crest—A harp or, stringed az.
15) (London; Alderman Sir William Anderson Rose, Lord Mayor of London, 1862-3, Col. Royal London Militia). Motto—Constant and true. Ar. a lion pass. guard. az. betw. three water bougets sa. a crescent for diff. Crest—A harp or, stringed ar.
16) (Waddesden, co. Bucks). Az. a chev. erm. betw. three water bougets ar. Crest—A buck trippant ar.
17) (Harland, co. Derby). Sa. on a chev. ar. three roses gu. seeded and barbed ppr. in the dexter chief point a close helmet of the second.
18) (London). Az. a falcon volant within a double tressure flory counterflory or, on a canton ar. a rose gu.
19) (Foxhall, co. Tipperary; confirmed by Betham, Ulster, to Wellington Anderson Rose, Esq., of Foxhall, son of Richard Anderson Rose, Esq., of Foxhall, grandson of Thomas Maunsell Rose, Esq., of Aghabeg and Rathkeal, great-grandson of Richard Rose, Esq., of Limerick, by Mary, his wife, dau. of John Anderson, Esq., of. Foxhall, great-great-grandson of George Rose, Esq., of Limerick, by Susanna, his second wife, dau. and co-heir of Richard Stephens, Esq., of Newcastle, co. Limerick, and Barnstaple, co. Devon, and to the descendants of their ancestor, Thomas Rose, of Morgans, co. Limerick). Motto—Non sine sente rosa. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale ar. and or, a chev. gu. betw. three water bougets sa., for Rose; 2nd, per chev. ar. and gu. in chief two eaglets displ. az., for Stephens; 3rd, ar. a saltire betw. two mullets in chief and in base gu. and two boars’ heads erased in fess sa., for Anderson. Crests—1st: A demi lion ramp ar. holding in the dexter paw a rose gu. slipped vert.; 2nd: An eagle, wings elevated sa. preying on a lion’s gamb erased ppr.; 3rd: An oak tree ppr.
20) Sa. on a pale or, three roses gu. Crest—A rose gu. betw. a pair of wings ppr.
21) (Reg. Ulster’s Office). Sa. on a chev. ar. three roses gu. barbed vert, seeded or. Crest—A peacock in his pride ppr. beaked or.
22) (Markinch, Provost of Inverness, 1679). Motto—Quo spinosior fragrantior. The same, within a bordure indented gu. Crest—A dexter hand holding a slip of a rose bush ppr.
23) (James Rose, Knight of the Swedish Military Order of the Sword, 1814). Motto—Pro patria. Az. three water bougets or, on a chief wavy ar. the badge of the Royal Swedish Military Order of the Sword pendent from a mural crown gu. betw. a sword erect ppr. and an anchor pale sa. Crest—Out of a mural crown or, an eagle’s head ppr. charged on the neck with a rose gu.
24) (Wolston Heath, co. Northampton). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three roses gu. a water bouget betw. two mullets of six points pierced of the field, quartering Holden, viz., Vert a fess erm. betw. two pheons point upwards in chief, and a buglehorn in base ar. Crest—A cubit arm erect vested sa. cuffed ar. holding in the hand a rose slipped and leaved ppr.
25) (The Ferns, co. Sussex). Motto—Non sine sente Rosa. Or, a chev. betw. three water bougets az., quartering Holden. Crest—A lion holding a rose in his paw.
26) (Abingdon, co. Berks, formerly of Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk; the late Richard Rose, Esq., of Abingdon, who was killed at the seige of Attoor, in India, in 1768, left an only child, James Dowsett Rose, Esq.). Sa. on a pale ar. three roses gu. seeded and slipped ppr. Crest—A rose gu. seeded and slipped ppr. betw. two wings erm.

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